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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1909)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -. J !f A Few Suggestions for Xmas Gifts Why Not BUY YOUR PRESENTS Before Going Home? A hand colored poster will make a beautiful present Any student will be delighted with A BIG Red Memory Book. We have a new stock of Hat Pins, Souvenir Spoons and Jewelry that will delight you. Look over our stock of 25c Calendars and see if you dont find "Just the Very Thing" SPECIAL SALE ON PENNANTS FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK ONLY. AN IDEAL GIFT A Swan Safety or a Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen. Whatever you buy be sure it has the quality you get at i. The Co-Op "All that' New--All that' Bert" 318 North 11th Street J OLIVER THEATltf Frl., Sat., and Sat. Matinee, bee. 17-18. THE MUSICAL DRAMATIC NOVELTY THE GIRL FROM V. S. A. A 8trong Story, Rich In Interest. BEAUTY CHORUS Night 75c io 25c; Mat.' 25c and 10c i LYRIC THEATRE EVERY EVENING AT 8:30 Matinees Wed. and 8at., at 2:30. Beginning Monday Eve., Dec. 13. The Charming Three-Act Comedy by Louis Carter BETTY8 DIVORCE WJII Be Presented by THE LYRIC C8TOCK COMPANY Evonlngs at 8:30 15c, 25c, and 35c. Matinees 15c and 25c Next Week "Tho Heir of the Hoorah" ORPHEUM WEEK STARTINQJpECEMBER 13 PATRICE REED BROTHERS CHA8SINO CARLIN & CLARK REYNOLDS & DONEQAN HOPKINS 8I8TERS COOk & STEVEN8 Matinee at 2:30, 15c and 25c. Evening at 8:30, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c. Phones: Bell 936, Auto 1528. Campus Gleanings Frey & Prey. iMlss Ruth Randolph of Omuha has pledged Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Dr. J. It. Davis, rJentlst. 1234 O St. .1. O. Wentworth, ex-'10 Law, whh a campus, visitor yesterday. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O street. Tho Y. W.-Y. M. student directories nre on sale on the campus today. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. The last Y. M. C. A. mid-week meet ing before vacation will be held tonight. Gentlemen's Pumps. Ladles' Even ing Slippers. Beckman Bros., 1107 O. W. F. Rainey, the Hastings college student who qualified in the Rhodes scholarship examinations last October, has presented his credentials on ath k'llcB and general standing to tho com mittee on selection. His record la pronounced to be excellent and the chances of his getting tho appointmert aro considered good. Carl J. Wangerln, '09, is a student at the college of law, Columbia' Uni versity, and rooms at 115th St. and Amsterdam Ave., New York City. Charles E. Bullard, '02, is manager of the Lincoln Select Dancing Acad emy, Lincoln. o Mrs. Laura Whaley-Bridgland, '04, Is teaching mathematics In the high school at Park City, Utah. SAY BOYS t If you want to get her something nice, artistic, exclusive and at the same time inexpensive buy her a piece of Cloisenrie; 75c to $5.00. Everything in Christmas Gifts. ESTABLISHED 1871 HALLETT 1143 O STREET Pitts Dancing School Beginners'' Class Wed. and Sat, Advanced Class Monday Social Friday 10th and O Phono 5405 i i i tmmm SUB ns ifzH ..p , v .. Any Suit or Overcoat to your measure during this month' $20.00 L. J. HERZOG 1230 O St. Lincoln sR90 f i C' FiraterXlity iaiici , ; Sqrprity Tirajfe, Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. 12th and O. Chi Omega will give a Christmas tree at tho Orthopedle hospital Thurs day evening. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe, 11-119 So. 12th street MIbb Vlbbard's Bible class will have a supper and Christmas entertainment tomorrow evening. Frey & Frey, choice flowers. 1338 O St, north side " The Y. M.. C. A. and Y. W.- C. A. delegates to tho Rochester convention met at the city Y. W. C. A. last night Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. 11th. The Small and Largo cabinet girls of tho Y. W. C. A. had a Christmas tre,e and picnic supper at tho Y. W. C. A. rooms last night 4 The Monarch Pool Hall and Bowling Alley,' 1134 N st More tables, alleys, and patrons than any other. 52 & 53 Glasses at right prices. Satisfaction guaranteed.', Howe, Optician, 319 No. 12. B2&53 t Try a, lunch at- thosY.-M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P..Sts. , - :.? 100 Engraved Calling Cards make an oxcellont Christmas gift. George Alice K. Rudersdorf, '08, is teach ing English and history in the Kear ney high school. Leigh S. Krake, '07, is head of the physlcB department of the high school at Sioux FallB, S. D. Martha Douglas, '09, Is teaching German and English in the high school at Arapahoe. Gus W. Peters, '09, is now in the implement and grain business at Springfield. Nob. . Dalmaclo Urtula, '09, is an assistant inspector of engines for the Philip pine government engineers. . Rex H. Leberman, '09, is engaged with the Arnold Co., Big Lost River Project, Howe, Idaho. Miriam C. Miller, '09, is teaching in tho State Agricultural College, Ft. Collins, Color ' Frank L. Martin, '02, is -professor of journalism, University ' of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. ' . Mrs. George Ashford, ,01 formerly Miss Catherine S. McLaughlin, is now living at Homer.- Arta E. Kocken,'08, is teaching her second year In tho high ' school at Sheridan'; Wyo. Chaunc'eTG.Hrubo'Bky; '08,is oTdiVI slqn engineer for J.yGAWUHe &'Co., 'at ShWrionl.irdahotlV M tft i Streets of All Nations Under Auspices of Urn. Y. W. C. A. UnL cArmory Jan. 8, igio LOST! If you have lost or found art icles, rooms for rent or books to sell, advertise in the Nebraskan's WANT-AD column Our rates are low and we get results. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE I 1 NEW MODEL N9I7 I I ttgeod nia yetnuufe. By thaomuJoaof theUledovrafeaturawelMra . the cot of pfodudioii nd at iho um tifno have kept tho gun up to the nchrd tf twtigtti1 mfelr and Junbility. Notice Iho clean dmplicjy ol: Here Is the cheapest good Deen able to ereaUy reduce the o famotM hith ,arr,t ttnnirrl The woebnanilup and .finith are perfect. The vekKt k only 7 pound), .Tba full cbole . at veil aa black powder and to cicmbeted that 2.l inch oc 9l (hit sun, 'Iho wockmanilup and bntta are pei 2Wmch i&kU tnty'ba iwsd. TfarimptovetaenU in the operating parti make it itaeavertraWi1' K j i f i Vo( St" 'I exBtence, We are glid to make it pooiblo (or eay (ovef of gunt. . and bird ahoctina to get tmliish pide repeating ihot gun at q,low a price, t M?' Havejrouraeolerordii.(or.joii. ,w,u0Uqt . Send fir ihc 77Zarn Cclclozutdnd ExbetUnce Book lo-Jau. Fneor 3 ilamt. 17efflaimJrearhs Camtaow strca, rHybij5 r I'll V () tf ..v,--r-vTrhoow79h VV.W3I 44 i-iMk, J t-t 4' J' .,