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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1909)
-- mi inini ii f -"-- rSf jHnwinu THE DAILY NEBRASKAN m The Daily Nebraska! , TUB PROPBRtV OP . TilB ttNIVEmSlTY OP , NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOAitD. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Victor B. Smith Managing Editor K. P. Frederick Associate Editor . .Carl J. Lord Associate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BUSINESS STAFF. Assistant Manager .0. C. JKIddoo Circulator v. O. Hasoall Assistant Circulator P. T. Sturgla , Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Coplea, 6 Cente Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonei Auto 1888j Auto 2683. . 4- INDIVIDUAL N0TICE8 will bo charged for nt tho rato of 10 oonto por Insertion for ovory flftoon wordn or fraction thoro of. Faculty notlccB and University bul letins will bladly bo published froo. ' Entered at tho postofneo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of CongrcBa of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build Ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-five cents; five inser tions forty cents. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1909. CAPTAIN TEMPLE. With tho election on tho first ballot or "Jack" Temple to captnln tho 1910 Cornhuskers tho Team of loyal No braskans as to a possible Bcrap over tho gridiron leadership, with attend ant bad results upon tho moralB of tho team, wont glimmering. Both tho manner In which tho soloctlon waB mado and tho character of tho man picked Indicate that the 1910 team will pull together harmoniously under a leader who Is capable of working courageously for tho Scarlot 'and Cream. "Ler.oy Temple has been a notable GIRLS-See Miili"W figure on the Nebraska Bqund ever sinco ho appeared for practice during his freshman experience. His ability was recognized and ho has steadily de developed until this year he played a game which won the commendation of sovere critics. His work has not been as sensational from the view of tho grandstand as that of somo other 'Players, but It has boon tho sort of effort which stands tho inspection of the mon who know. Temple is capable of good ball and ho plays with the roal spirit which Nebraska needs In her football representatives. Tho fact that the election of Torn-, pie was mado with tho harmony which characterized the choice Monday night may bo considered tho answer of tho "N" men to tho doubts which tho stu dent body have had during the past three weeks. Time and again the fear of another disastrous division haB been expressed. Tho 1909 "N" winners re alized this and they answered It In a manner which leaves no doubt of their loyalty to tho best Interests of tho team. It argues well for a unltod eleven next fall. THE DIRECTORY QUESTION. The university directory has Just been issuet, published by tho Y. M. C. A. It includes Beveral featured' not heretofore a part of tho Nebraska di rectory which are noticeable Improve ments. In vital respects tho book Is, however, lacking, In common with sim ilar publications of past years. It by no means comes up to the standard which shquld be, and could be, easily maintained.. Tho most essential point in which the directory is a failure is in tho lateness of Its a.pnearanqe. Why an interval of thrpo mo.nths Is necessary between tho ppppin qf school and tho pubHcatlcn o a directory qf student jb noi easily cpnjnrflnepau. The, tjme whenadrector is, psf. .needed Js yearly in tho year, , andjB, th,o tigg i CONVOCATION The Messiah j Qood Soloists 0 O00000000000000000000000 o as haB been IsBiied should bo gotten out not later than November 1, and It would seom ontlroly posslblo to pub lish It by October IB. If this cannot bo done with studont "workers, lot tho promoters of tho book hire somo ex porlonccd aid and chargo moro for tholr book to cover tho Increased ex pense. The Increased salo that would roBult from having a directory whon a directory Is needed and not two monthB behind time would surely mako up tho cost item. Tho present directory can probably rank ns ono of tho niopt Inexcusable examples of mechanical errors that is llkoly to bo found posing undor the guise of an authentic publication. If tho book had been hastily compiled thoro might bo boiuo excuse for error but with three mouths In which to do tho work, the purchasers might rea sonably expect something worth while. Yet largo numbers of tho 1909 direo tories havo pagos Inserted twice or left out entirely, to say 'nothing of minor typographical orrors. There are 132 pages in the book, which means that it has taken approximately ono day por page since school opened to compile the publlcatipn. Such a length of time should havo been used to advantage. Certainly tho directory Bhould bo put out In better ahapo and in hnlf tho time, or oIbo somo other organiza tion will be justified In stepping in and Budd 1415 O STREET running In opposition to tho present publishers. AT THE THEATER8. Orpheum Vaudeville. Tho bill this week at tho Orpheum Is usually good. Songs by tho Misses Ethol and Emma Hopkins, with elab orate stage setting, hoads the bill Bob Carl in and Qeorgo Clark, the Ger man comedians, hit the high spotB in their clog dancing, and Cook and Sto von8, Impersonating a negro and a Chinaman In a dispute over a laundry bill, dovoloped appoplexlcal tendencies in the audience. "Tho Lobbyist," a short play traveling with hurrlcans ve locity, although noisy, is making a hit with thoso who know. "Chasslno, tho podal and digital shadow graphjBt," In spite of tho alarming character of his title, man aged to please tho audience with a series of shadow pictures, performing with both hands and foot. Tho Reed Brothors put on somo delightful acro batics, and the roller skating dance of Earl Roynolds and Nellie Donegnn is of tho tall variety. All In nil, thoro la an absence of woak numbers on this week's bill. Lyric 8tock Company. In benuty and daintiness "Betty's Divorce" Is tho cream of plays. Tho piece has a compact cast of b!x poo pie and notable attention Is paid to all tho details making up a satisfying pro duction. Tho cast for this week in cludes Miss Carter. Mr. NQbio, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Bellalre, Miss Redding and Miss Lorraine. Tho play opens in a lawyer's office In New York, then the Bcon changes to Botty'a villa in sunny south Franco, which is tho set ting for tho Becond nnd third acts. Tho artlsycvaluo of such a stago setting Is carried out In a pleasing manner, and tho impression of finish which one ? riol H fiWe Performance is CWry ii$Msfe!fl&-. ,. Costuming. OffiOffiO000000000 THURSDAY '. Uni Chorus stage arrangement, and tho work of tho actors go to mako up a sparkling production. NO EXCU8E8 FOR FRIDAY. Deans Will Not Grant Permissions for Last Day of 8esslon. Tho board of deans yostorday voted to grant no oxcuaes for absences on Friday preceding tho ChrlBtmas vaca tion nor on tho TuoBday immediately following. This action 1b tnken to pre vont largo numbers from leaving Lin coln a day earlier or returning late. ME88IAH 8ELECTION8 THUR8DAY Annual Program of University Chorus Before Christmas. Following tho custom of paBt years, tho university chorus will rendor sev eral selections from "Tho MoBsiah" at convocation Thursday. Accompany ing the chorus will bo a string or chestra and the organ. Mrs. E. B. Conant and Mr. E. B. Carder will take tho boIo parts, and Miss Stolia Rico at the organ. Tho musical may last a few minutes past 11:30, but all 11:30 classes arc excused until tho closo of tho convocation. Following is tho program: Tenor roclt. "Comfort ye my people." Tenor aria "Ev'ry valley shall bo ex alted." Chorus "And tho Glory of tho lxml." In buying a Xmas remembrance go to the store where the fellow himself likes to go Necdwear Reefers, Suspenders and all such gifts fine at tnat! Strings nnd' organ. "Pastornl Sym phony." Soprano roclts. "There wero sheph erds." "And lo! tho angel of tho Lord." "And tho Angel said unto thorn." "And suddenly thoro was with tho Ajigol." Chorus "Glory to God." Soprano air "Conio unto Him." Chorus "Hallolujah ! " IOF Thc Tailor JJLjj SPECIALIST ON Refitting and All Kinks of Altering Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING Done by Hand and not by Machinery UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin December. 16, Thursday, 8 p. m., Temple Dra matic Club play. 17, Friday, 6 p. m. Christmas vacation begins. January. 4, Tuesday, 8 a. m. Christmas vaca tion ends. 5, Wednesday, 8 p. m., Temple theater Oborlin College Glee Club, 7, Friday, Lincoln Hotel Senior prom. 8, Saturday, Armory "Streets of All Nations." 13, Mopday, 7:30 p. m Memorial hall Rehearsal' of chorus, for "Tho Messaih." 15, Saturday, Lincoln hotel Fresh- man hop. February. 4, , Friday Junior pTom.', , ' i-v.- .' ' ll.' ni.V ' '. . ' ME make appoint to please everybody in serving Re freshments for Parties. The Second Year Junior Glass at the State Farm Friday eveninsr Were more than pleased. Give Us Trial. IF YOU ARE WILLING Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. Uth Street TED MARRINER Juat oppoelto tho Windsor .: Ho Expert Hatter, Gleaner, and Pressor Auto 4876 Bell F1609 Dyor of Ladlos'and Gonta' Garments Annual Hop SENIOR Walt's Orchestra CHRISTMAS GIFTS The newest styles of Women's Shop ping Bags, Music Bags, Jewel boxes, Toilet Cases, Cigat . Cases, I ocket Books, Card Cases, Fitted Bags, Suit Cases and Leather Novelties. -:- -:- Wirick's Trunk and Traveling Bag Store 1028 0 Street LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" n$u sFf T C. E. DULLARD, U. of N. '02, Monngor SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS We teach tbc fancy dance on University Night-Saturday night. University orchestra. All students Invited. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, Class Nights Wodnosdnys nnd aaturuays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons Lincoln Hotel Freshman Hop $1.25 PBIlJliPilllMi Fresh Arrival--Huyler's Gunther's and Lowney's and Bon Bons G&htih b J1! Ji tti.mmJtitm.lJ -"Ti iii i mwrn m Tiifcii m m h SUBSCRIBE NOW for T&e Daily Ncbtasfcan fe 4. 1307 O STREET January 79 1910 PROM Tickets $2.50 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Socials Fridays o:uu to 12:00 by Appointment BELL A1311 WALT January 15 GQECTIONS MifllnnilTlTn Chocolates il I f fl rtlH r.Wu B&m curisia ) F.'i tl tf1 I I'l I J It 11 M V - l-lK-vBD jjjtj oAi lo -txt) wl' i,,l -'iv i .1 t v I K, t '