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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1909)
'V-,srv'J,'Xi ',rvvx-TF'ffr'"-J-,-r. "- y f r t.fni- -t - t - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN The Daily Nebraskan Tiira rnopEHTY of THE UNIVEIlStTY OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. BY THE STUDENT PUD. BOARD". EDITORIAL STAFF. Edltorf Victor B. Smith Managing Editor K. P. Frederick Associate Editor Carl J. Lord Atsoolate Editor T. M. Edgecombe BU8INE8B STAFF. Manager..., W. A. Jones Assistant Manager 0. C. Klddoo Circulator V. C. Hasoall Assistant Circulator P. T. Sturgls Editorial and Business Office) BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Cents Each. - Telephone! Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888? Auto 2683. INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conta por lnaortlon for overy flftcon words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and Unlvomlty bul letins will bladly bo published froo. Entorcd at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as socond-clasn mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basement Administration build ing between 10 a. m., and 12 m., or between 2 p. m., and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of ten cents for each fifteen words or fraction there of, the first Insertion; three Inser tions twenty-five cents; flvo Inser tions forty cents. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1909. And now Conch Colo officially brands tho Tonnossoo yarn ns a fnko. In a tolograin to Manngor Eager ho do clnros that ho has mado no movo to wards tho acceptance of tho Job as conch of tho eouthern tonm. What moans, wo wonder, will tho nth. od. ndopt In his offort to Innd "Johnny" In tho CornhuBkor conchship? Engineering studonts nro cortnlnly In hard luck this yenr. Tho dolny In opening tho now laboratories mennB unusunl hnrd work 'for tho lnttor part of tho yonr, nnd oven then It is doubt ful whether tho ontlro course enn bo properly completed. 8 - I Lecture Recital Tiof. obert Stevens 00000000000000000000000000e09 over 40 per cont loss than was tho cnao at a similar tlmo Inst semester. Such a showing as this Is greatly to tho ad vantngo of tho school nnd sponks well for tho activities of Professor Engborg and othor mombors of tho delinquency committee. Tho tables shown by tho commlttoo glvo Nobrnska a delinquency percent age of only 22.4, which compares well with tho figures submitted by othor unlvorBltlos. Tho C.6 por. cont of do llnquont hourB compared with tho to tal hours registered shows ovon moro favorably for Nobfnaka. Tho lattor flguro 1b only n llttlo moro than half that of last Homester. While somo of this decrease is duo to incronsed vol untary student effort n lnrgo nmount of credit must bo given to tho commlt too which is this year kooplng a rigid check on failures nnd back-Blldlng. MAKING UP THE. 8CHEDULE8. Tho announcement that Ames Is to play Nobrnska next fall Is plonBlng. to nil Cornhuskor Btudonts. . Tho grid Iron gnmos with tho Iowa Aggies In pnat yonrs hnvo always "ranked among tho hardost contests which tho Corn huskors havo played. Tbo two tonms havo for sovornl years been ovonly matched and tho battlo was always a closo ono. In 1907 and In 1908 Ne braska mado tho winning points only In tho vory Inst few minutes of play. Not only havo tho games boon closo, Considering tho frequency of such pessimism and skepticism, tho note sounded by Rov. Hays may woll attract collogo students. Rov. Hays Is not poBBlmlstlc. Ho readB tho signs of tho times In a way which for him at least indicates a renewal of othlcal stand ards of a high order. Ho believes that tho reaction against business laxity Is about to como nnd ho thinks thnt tho collogo men nnd womon aro going to bo tho loadors In tho now moral awak The Forum A8 TO A THIEF. I fool very kindly towards tho person who stolo my note-book cover from tho sholvoB In tho baBomont of tho library building. I know ho must havo boon financially ombarrnsaed or ho would not havo taken a cover costing only twenty-flvo conts. I'm suro he's a gontloman, for ho was kind enough to loavo my notes which had taken mo monthB to gathor. My namo waa writ ton on both out sldo covors on a "Co-op" slip, and if tho porson will re turn my cover, I will glvo him enough to buy a now ono. Will also bo glad to lend him money occasionally to help him get through tho school year. BERT WILSON. Flat Set Stiffs Not Students but Hats! New Snappy Young Men's Blocks at my famous $2.50 price. Why pay more . 1415 O St. BUDD Ib thoro a mnn who has played on any team In tho Missouri Valloy who has not boon glvon a plnco on somo ono of tho numerous "nil-Valley" toams? If such a ono oxiat, ho is cer tainly in a class by himself. From tho published lists It would seem that overy plnyor In tho west Is a "cham pion" man. Assistant Coach Mobbo of Kansas namoB xan All-MlBsourl Valloy toam which Includes five Jayhawkors. Fivo out of eleven! And yot Missouri trouncod KanBas 12 to C. SENIOR CAP8. Tho senior girls .nro now appoarlng in their usual graduation capB, thoroby marking thomBolvo8 distinct from tho glrla of tho three lower classes. Their donning of tho mortarboards has led a prominent senior man to suggest tho propriety of like action on tho part of tho men of tho class. Ho does not nocoBBarlly advocate tho ubo of tho mortarboard arrangomont, but ho thinks it would bo an excellent plan for tho seniors to wear class capB of somo sort. Tho idea is not at all bad, and may woll bo considered by tho sen lore. Hero at Nobraaka tho woaring of claas cap8 has always been a moro or I08B perfunctory custom, aomotlmea fol lowed quite generally, but moro fre quently passed by without much no tice. In somo othor schools tho woar ing of aomo designation marking each of tho claesea has become a traditional cuatom. While Nebraska is founding traditions it might be well to remem ber this ono. but tho rivalry has boon of a clean and healthy aort, woll calculated to work to tho bonoflt of both schools. With Ames back on tho Cornhuskor achcdulo, it la less probablo that Mis souri enn bo glvon a placo on tho list. No offort should bq spared, howovor, to schedule tho Tlgors, If It can bo dono without overburdening tho Corn huskors with heavy games. Nobrna ka's IntoroBt In tho work of tho M1b sourlans Is mnrkqd and a gamo with tho Columbia Institution would un doubtedly draw a good crow. It would soom advantageous to drop Denver nnd porhnps ono 6r two othor schools not of striot colleglato standing In order that both Amoa and Missouri could bo given games with Nebraska. LE88 DELINQUENCY. .Tho report of Professor Ohatburn to Chancellor Avory showing tho marked decrease in student delinquency at tho mid-semester is most gratifying. Ac m cording to tho flguros compiled by the delinquency commlttoo, tho delin quency. -for tho current semester Ms AN ETHICAL STANDARD. In his convocation address TueBday, Rev. S. Mills HayB issued an appeal to tho young man of tho twentieth cen tury for adhoronco to tho ethical stand ard rather than to tho domand for gold at any cost Ho declared that in his belief tho present century was to mark tho roturn to higher form of business competition with moro regard for oth ors and with loss porniclous grood. Rov. Hays' suggestion is woll for university studonts to dwell upon. Ho sounds a note of optimism which Is well worth noting amid tho many pes slmlstlc utterances which aro going tho rounds of both pulpit and press. Too many men, thomsolvea of high character, deem it noceaaary to de- ploro tho present business methods and tho morals of tho men engaged In commercial enterprises without offer ing any light to lead tho way out of tho alleged dark paths of moral turp itude. They point out tho ovlla exist ent and then leave tho youth to medi ta(;o upon tho wickedness of his ago without offering any solution 'of tho difficulty, and many of thorn without apparently expecting anything but a steady progress to tho eternal bow wows. ' ' The Tailor JOE, Refitting and All Kinks of Altering SPECIALIST ON Particular attention to ladies work and uniforms. CLEANING and PRESSING UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN December. 2, Thursday, 11 a. m., U102 IntorclaBs athlotlc board moots. 2, 3, Thuraday, 11 a. Lccturo-recital. Stovona. m. Convocation. Professor Robert Friday, 11:50 a. m.Y. W. C. A. Mrs. Youoll loads noon mooting. 4, Saturday, Fraternity Hall Forest Club hop. 8, Wednesday, Lincoln hotel Corn huakor banquot 8, Wodneaday, G:G0 p. m.Y. M. C. A. R, K. Androwa. "Our Nolghbor'a Progreas." 10, Friday, 8 p. m., Memorial Hall Nebraaka-MlnneBota dobato. The Incomo Tax Question. 11, Saturday, Lincoln Hotel Sopho more hop. 11, Saturday Y. M.-Y. W. Joint social. 17, Friday, 6 p. m. Christmas vacation begins. January. 4,. Tuesday. 8 a. m, Christmaa vaca tion ends, 7, Friday, Lincoln Hotel Senior prom, 15, Saturday, Lincoln 'hotel Fresh man hop. GREGORYJJilL Knows How to Dress You Up I AND HAS THE FINEST I LINE OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN THE CITY. : :" : : " : IF YOU ARE WILLING -Ted will Dye for You or Clean, Press, or Repair your Garments 235 No. Uth Street TED MARRINER Just opposito tho Windsor Hotol Expert Hatter. Cleaner, and Pressor Auto 4876 Bell F1609 Dyor of Ladios and Gonta Garments Fraternities Sororities We can save you 12 per cent on your fuel bills Semi-Anthracite $8.00 IS THE REASON uuioBidg. Gregory The Coal Man ost LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln's "Select Dancing School" nTHmDSFLooRT C. E. BULLARD, U. of N. '02, Manager SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS "We teach the fancy dances on University Night Saturday night. University orchestra. AH students Invited. UNIVERSITY NIGHTS, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Class Nights Wodnosdaya and Saturdays 8:00 to 10:00. AUTO 4477 Private Lessons by Appointment Socials Fridays 8:00 to 12:00 DELL A1311 University Bulletin LOST! If you have lost or found art icles, rooms for rent or books to sell, advertise in the Nebraskan's WANT-AD column Our rates are low and we get results IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE v '8 1 A i