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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1909)
L t miM .Old (. M . Sr -. y n.' V s' . IFlebraskari VoL IX. No. 43. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1909. Price 5 Cents. Uhc Wnilv a BIG DECREASE SHOWN IN STUDENT FAILURES DELINQUENCY RECORD8 GIVE A FALLING OFF OF 40 PER CENT. NEW (HECK SYSTEM WORKS WELL Professor Chatburn's Report on Schol arship of 8tudents Records Betterment of Conditions Over Last Year A remarkable decrease of delin quency is "shown In the report of Pro fessor Chatburn, chairman of the fac ulty committee, to Chancellor Avery. The report, as rendered yoBtorday, shows' a total falling' off of over 40 per cent In the delinquency figures of tho present mid-semester as compared with thoso of the second semester of last year. The decrease In delinquency Is un doubtedly due In large measure to the new system of checking failures In troduced this fall. By tho now ar rangement, Professor C. C. Engberg, secretary of the delinquency commit tee,1 becomes tho managing member of tho committee and has direct charge of all delinquents. A. closo check has bpen kept of all failures and absences and students have not been allowed to fall behind without due warning of their condition. Figures Tell Tale. Tho result of the closer supervision Is shown by the figures of Professor Chatburn. In all divisions tho de crease Is uniform. Considering hours delinquent, as well as individual stu dents falling, the record of the cur rent semester beats that of last year. The report of Professor Chatburn follows: "The question as to tho succoss of tho new system of dealing with delin quency can best be answered by a comparison of statistics computod from the mid-semester of last year and thoso for the present semester. Total number of delinquent students .Mlm-semestor reports of second first larger this year than last might indi cate that some students who fall be low a passing grado through moro carelessness had been spurred to suf ficient effort to prevent delinquency. In other words, a larger percentage of tho delinquent studonts fall Into tho utterly hopeless class. Tho third item and the last throe Items are the ones that measure the betterment of this year's work over tho Inst. Since working out tho above a few belated reportB have been received from tho academy But as tho number of students taking part work In tho academy Is Bmall comparod with the total number the orror will not bo great. I have my doubts of the delinquency evor being less than five per cont of tho total registration. That would mean only ono delinquency In twenty and there' are few classes of twenty without at leosj. ono delinquent. Tho average Instructor would not think he was doing his duty if he allowed all to pass. It certainly Bcems advisable for In structor and student to get into a closer relatlorf with each other. Fre quent consultation Bhould bo encour aged. In fact, instructors should In sist upon a personal visit from all BtudontB who are falling below a pass ing grado. I submit that It Is not fair to tho student to bo reported as failed In a subject without having been warned or notified by .his teacher that his work was not satisfactory. On tho other hand it may bo argued that a student of sufficient intolligenco to attend college ought to have gump tion enough to know when his work 1b not up to the standard. Yours very truly, G. R. CHATBURN, dim. Delin. Student Com. NEBRASKA BASKETBALL SCHEDULES FILLING UP MANAGER EAGER ANN0UNCE8 DATE8 OF C0NTE8T8. AMES IS ON THE 1910 GRIDIRON LIST Arrangements Already Made Practi cally Insure Game With Iowa Aggies for Next Fall. tho limit will bo cut down to eighteen In accordance with this rule. Tho athlotic managors from tho dif ferent schools wore alBO in nttondanco at this mooting of tho conforonco and thoy mado arrangements as far as it was posBiblo for tholr football sched ules for noxt fall. DEBATERS WORK HARD FOR CONTEST DEC. 10 UNIVER8ITY TEAM8 HAVE GOOD CHANCE8 OF WINNING. FORE8TER8 TO DANCE. semes- ter 1908-09 delin. semes ter 1909-10 COLE TO COACH TENNE88EF? Nebraska will play Ames noxt fall. This fact was made a certainty last week at Des Moines, whon Managors Eager of Nebraska and Beyer of Ames mot at tho Missouri Valloy con ference and arranged for a game. Tho dato for this game has not been sot definitely, but the tentative date of Novombor 12 has boon arranged, along with this dato thero aro other games which will bo possibly arranged for in tho near future Missouri is very anxious for a clash with tho Cornhuskors next fall and if dates can be arranged a gamo with tho Tigers will be part of tho Scarlot and Cream schcdulo Tho dato with Amos is sub ject to chango, but it is a cortainty that tho two teamB will meot n6xt fall. Basketball Meeting. At tho mooting of tho Missouri Val loy conference at Dos Molnos last Fri day all arrangements woro mado for the conference baskotball games for tho coming season. Roprosontatlves from Washington, Ames, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, and Drako wore present at thlB mooting. Tho dis cussion of plans for regulating ath letics for tho coming aoason wero mainly agajnst tho encouragement of professionalism. Somo very Important rules woro adopted and among these was tho rulo that -graduate students woro not to participate in any of tho conforonco games. This rulo is ono Club Will Give a Hop In Fraternity Hall 8aturday. Tho Forest Club will glvo tholr sec ond annual hop at Fratornlty hall Sat urday night. B. O. PolloyB Ib master of coromonloB and J. S. Boyco chair man. Walt's full orchestra will fur nish tho music. Tho salo of tho tick ets will bo llmltod to sovonty. Tills Is tho second danco given by tho club. Tho danco given by tho club last year camo rather lato In tho season, March G, but In spite of this was a distinct success. Tho club has provod during tho past few years to bo a remarkably active Institution at NobraBka, and tho giving of a hop Is becoming ono of their annual social affairs. NAY PUT NEBRASKA IN THE LEAD MAY PUT NEBRA8KA IN LEAD By Winning Both Debates Nebraska Will Climb from Present Place at Foot of List Well Up Among Leaders. RUMOR WAS UNFOUNDED. Report that Nebraska Coach Intends to Leave. Is Not Confirmed. A published dispatch under a Ten nesseo datolino Btatlng that Coach i,nt will not ho retroactive but will Colo of Nebraska had accepted tho ' not g0 jnt0 effect for two years. "t tender of a similar position with Ten-1 Another rulo which was adopted nosseo University is cauBlng Bomo wa8 thot a student after acquiring commont on tho campus. Tho dispatch residonco in ono school and then reg has not been confirmed, and" tho un-' storing In another cannot participate certain source of tho declaration la. Jn athletics at tho original school un- leaving. studontB In tloubt as to Its tli uo naH acquired a year's residence. Transformers Not Installed and Lab oratories Not to Open. Tho report which was circulated about tho campus yeatorday that the laboratories in tho now engineering building wero to open up for work, proved to bo unfounded. Tho report stated that tho laboratories were In roadinesB and would begin operations yosterday afternoon. Whon Interviewed yesterday Dean RlchardB stated that tho laboratories will not be in running shape until tho transformers are Installed. There has boon a great deal Of delay on the part of thoso transformers In arriving, and if thoy aro not Installed soon Dean RlchardB says tho laboratories will not bo opened this Bomester. FORMALLY IN8TALL DELTA CHI. Total number of " quent studonts report ed 874 457 Total numbor of-students registered In tho de partments considered., 218? 2040 Percentage delinquent. . 40.01 22.4 Total number of hours reKistored for by de linquent students.. , . . .13163 0899 Averngo registration per student 15.5 ' 15.1 Total numbor of hours of delinquency 3G34 2Q47 Average delinquency per delinquent student, hours 4.2 4.5 Percentage of hours de linquent to hours reg istered for by delin quent students 27.7 29.7 Average hours delin quency per total num ber of students con sidered 1.207 1.003 Percentage of hours de linquent to grand to tal of hours registered. 11.1 6.6 Showing a net decrease In delinquency of, per cont 40.5 Notes Tho total numbor of registra tions considered Is slightly less than last year because tho law college Is not this year Included, tho reports not being in at the time of this compila tion. The average registration per student being less this year than last might indicate a closer aupervlBldn over the registration duo to tho now syBtom of advisers. The average hours of delinquency per delinquent student being a little authenticity. "I know nothing about it," Bald Manager Eager yesterday. "I had a letter from Coach Colo yesterday ond ho said not a word about any deciplou on his part not to return to Nebraska. It seems highly Improbable that ho would not mention tho subject If ho woro about to accept tho Tennessee offer " NEW UNIVERSITY SONG OUT. "The CornhuBker," by Professor Ste 4 vens, Published. "Tho Cornhusker," tho now football song for tho University of Nebraska, written by Professor Stevens of the university school of music, has been published and the sheet music was on salo at tho Haskell gamo. Tho music was purchased rapidly by Nebraska students and the song as published re tains tho general popularity which it was accorded whon first written. THUR8DAY CONVOCATION. Unique Program to Be Offered at 11 O'clock 8esalon. At Thursday's convocation Holn rlch's "The Raven," adapted from tho ppem of Edgar Allen Poo's poem of that name, will bo the program. Mr. Charles H. F. MIUb will read the pboin with Mrs. L. J. Horzog as pianist The program will be. Sacred" Prelude Doepler Mrs. Horzog. Tho Raven ., Helnrlch Reader, Mr. Mills, Pianist, MrB. Horzog, there again. . . Basketball Schedules. At this meeting of tho delegates of tho Bchools in tho conforonco tho schedulo for the basketball games for the coming season was adopted. In this schedulo the following gamea wero decided on for Nebraska to play: Ames at Lincoln, January 21 and 22. Drako at Lincoln, January 28 and- 29. Missouri at Lincoln, February 14. Kansas at Lincoln, February 25 and 26. Kansas at Lawrence, February 7 and 8. Drako at Des Moines, February 9 and 10. Ames at Ames, Fobruary 11 and 12. No Championship Games. Tho conforonco decided that in the future no championship games would be played, as this tended to create a feeling of professionalism and for this reason a conforonco baseball league was tabooed. Another matter which tho conference opposed very strenu ously was tho "scouting" which the various representatives of the schools did during tho football season and It was very desirous that this bo done away with. Tho matter of de ciding the place where tho Missouri Valloy meet would be held was not decided Nebraska will suffer financially rrom ono or the rules which was passed last year which, goes Into ef fect this year. This rule) allows tho conference schools to have but eighteen baskotball games on their schedule, during the basketball season. Last year tho Nebraska team played a'bout twenty-five games and this year 'moro, C. R Stdsenka, O. F: Walters. Law Fraternity Organizes Nebraska Chapter During Thanksgiv ing Recess Formal Installation of Delta Chi, the legal fraternity wIjoeo coming to Ne braska was announced in the Dally Ncbraskan ton days ago, was -mado laBt Wednesday by national officers of tho society Frank M. Atkinson of Detroit; W. W. McBrldo of Washing ton, D. C; W. E. Anderson of Chi cago, and Dr. Edwin -Maxey of tho col- lego of law wero tho Installing of ficers, assisted by Hon, A. W. Jeffries of Omaha. Thirty men woro given tho initiation work during tho day. This was followed by a banquet at the Lincoln In tho ovonlng, Dr. Maxoy act ing as toastmaster. The statement previously circulated that Delta Chi was an honorary fra ternity Is pronounced Incorrect by the Initiates. Delta Chi is a regular Greek letter socloty on tho same plane and with tho same objects as that of other Groeks, with tho single differ ence that only law students or stu dents intending to study law aro eli gible to membership. Delta Chi will not enroll members of any other fra ternity nor will It allow Its members to join other Greek letter organiza tions. Tho new fraternity has a house at 237 North 16th street. At present there are fourteen charter members in tho fraternity, they being: O. B. Clark, J E. Badnar, Frank C. Burke, V, K, Greer, H. S. Tower, S. V. Shon- ka, R. E. Waldo, R. R. Hill, W. H. Hodgekin, E. L. Powell, S. C. Stoner, A. E. Warren, H. J Curtis, FC A. Dut ton. In addition the following pledges have been made: A. J. Ludden, ,R. A. Blckford, J. T. Morgan, O. M, Bates, h. k, Ankeny, a. m, Hare, u. vuu Docombor 10 Is tho dato which marks tho goal at which BQvpn Ne braska mon aro now turning all their offorts. Tho soven workors aro Mossrs. Pottor, Dobbs, Votava, Rico, Chorrlng: ton, and FoBter, composing tho two teams which will debato with Iowa and Minnesota on the Income tax, and J. E. Lawrence, who is manager of tho homo dobate. Tho bIx speakers wero assigned to tholr respective sides boforo tho Thanksgiving vacation, Pottor, Votava and Rice bolng picked to stay in Lin coln and dobato with Minnesota's spoakors, whllo Chorrlngton, Foster, and Dobbs go to Iowa City. The Home Debate. Tho homo dobato will bo hold in Memorial hall a weok from Friday, and it (b expected that a largo dologa1 tlon of both university students and others will bo present. Nebraska now Btands at tho bottom of tho Central Debating League. Hor representa tives have won two dobatcs and lost four in tho sorios of tho past three years. Wisconsin heads tho list, but tho difference between flrBt and last Is so slight that a double victory by Nebraska, this year will put it well up among tho leaders. .This is what tho Nebraska men are striving for, - and they believe that tholr chances are good. It is said that Nebraska's present teams aro tho ablest and bct bal anced of any that have represented tho university for several years. Mombors of tho squad and of tho fac ulty who aro familiar with their work oxpect thorn to make an excellent Bhowing against both Iowa and Min nesota. Iowa Hard at Work. Nebraska Is not tho only school which has men hard at work on the debates of December 10. Iowa has a trio which Is equally desirous of win ning the honors. Georgo Allen, Frank Jones, and G. E. Cunningham are tho Hawkoyo speakers, but not one of thorn has participated In Intorcollogl- bate prior to this year. In this re spect Nebraska has tho edvantage, for at least one of her men has. partici pated in a Central League debate and another has had much minor school work. Of tho Iowa men, Mr. Allen was a member of. tho Irving team fn the in-' torsocloty debate two years apo. Mr. JoneB was leader of the 'winning junior class team of last year, while Mr. Cunningham has. participated In both debato and oratory, winning tho freshman contest two years ago, and being a, member of tho Irving cham pionship team of last year. Mr; Lig gett, the alternate, also has a strong record, being leader of the winning freshman team two years, and leader of the .winning society team last year. All the men have been working hard' since the tryouts held last June. Princeton's graduate council, com bined -with the student council, Is tak ing up a study of tho different under graduate activities. They- wish, to find out if any of the pastimes of Ihe v student interfere with good ,Work In the various courses, ' Baked beans, baked on tho premises and served hot with delicious brown, bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. i ' ? v ..vLii-jaai:..',. -vifc . - -.