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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1909)
U .f-y. - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sbe Pallg flebraeftan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVBI18ITY OF NEBRASKA1. Lincoln!' Nebraska . CON VOCATION-Thursday, March 1 1 We Are ' t Hm i V BY THE STUDENT Pflft!!. iOAJRD. m'HMMH MfKt, 121 N. 14th tL ' EDITORIAL STAFF. Milter.".. Herbert W. Potter rtrariaglntf Mltor. Victor B. Smith XwMlata Editor, Philip Fredericks ' - business staff1. Manager W. A. Jones Circulator T. A. Jamee Asalttarit Circulator.... ...Ueilh Hyrf KdltoKlai' and1 aiuilness Offfcei BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Poatofflcs. Station A. Lincoln. Neb. . 'N 0 fit f jbscripti6n PRICE, 12.00 pkr ybar Payable In Advance ' Single' Coplee. S Centa Each. i",,"',", "- " "IM" ' Telephones Auto 1888. i;ppiVIDUAfc NOTICES will bo charged for at the rato of 10 cents per insertion far' eVery fifteen words or f motion thereof. f?aoulty notices and University bulletlna will gladly Dd published free. Mrs. Silesce Dales-Knapp Violin Recital Memorial Hall ( ill Elevfen A. M, Bi)ElMEHH Entered at the postofnao at Lincoln, Nebraska, aa second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 8, ivti. ' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1909. THo editor wlBhos to oxplain that tho rio'ciiliarly confUBCd condition of tho editorial columns yoBtorday morn lng Was not duo to any dorangomont a( his mind, but was ono of tho re-. suits of tooxcusnblo carolossnosB in tho printing shop. It 1b most sincoroly hbpVd that suoh blundors aB this can In tho futuro bo obviatod. Tho world has professional men without number, hidn with toclinical kuowlodgo aro at ovory hand, but a man who crin think clearly and ac curately, a man who can meet his problems and solvo them is as rare as a' truly great man. Tho ability to do this, if it can bo said' to como from education at all, must como not from technical study, but from broad knowledge of history, art, -roligion and philosophy. Theso aro tho things that glvo a man such a bearing that nothing can over whelm him. This fact is coming to bo roallfcod moro and mora in tho tech nical schools of tho country and many professional courses havo been closed to all Who havo not first taken their A. B. degree Such a movement not only means bettor mon but it moans that tho professions will bo put upon a higher piano. University Bulletin Tho timo haB como for tho uni versity to "havo an original song that stands for somothlng definite and means somothlng to tho studenta of tho university. It ought not to bo noedssary to offor a reward to in torost tho best studont talent in this matter, but it scorns that no other mothod will accomplish anything. Thoro is most cortalnly sufficient tal ent in' tho university to produce a song that is" as distinctive as thoso of any elslorn collogo, and tho matter has now bpon sufficiently advortlsed so that ovory studont knows what is noeddd! It Is now up to tho students Vact'. ' . LET UB DO LIKEWI8E. Tho freshman at last havo tho right spirit ovoi1 at Iowa. Taking it upon thomsolvoB to ralso tho standard of Iowa athletics tho froshraen havo adopted a training plcdgo and agreed to abstain from tho use of lntoxlcun-,B, tobacco, and Injurious drinks and Bweots. Hero is what tho Dally lowan has to say of tho matter edi torially: "A training pledgo for freshmen track candidates is to bo found on tho armory bulletin. Throwing cus tom to tho winds, tho freshmen are determined to ralso tho standard of tho Iowa athlete upon tho highest plane. H.orotoforo, the general run of Iowa athletes havo not trained, consequently Iowa has been unable to hold her own In tho recent state meets. And furthermore, her track records aro-proof of tho fact, when compared with thoBO of eastern schools or of neighboring colleges, that her athletes do not develop their powers to tho highest degree MARCH Wednesday, Id. -"Graduate Pia'no Re cital," by MIbb Genevieve Podrea. Tomple Thdatro, 8 p. m. Thursday, 11 Violin recital by Mrs. Sllonco Dales-Knapp. Convocation, Memorial Hall, 11 a. m. Friday, 12 Junior-Senior inter-class dobato. Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Saturday, 13 Hawkoyo Club moots with Prof, and Mrs. Chatburn, 2805 P St. Evoning. Saturday, 13 Sophomore-Freshman inter-class dobato. ' Memorial Hall 8 p. m. Tuesday, 1C "College Settlement, ' by Dr. Eaves. Convocation, 11 a. m. Tuesday, 10 Sophomoro election of offlcors. Memorial Hall, 11:30 a.m. Tuosday, 16. "Factors Affecting Stroam Flow," by Dr. G. E. Con- dra. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 16 "Commercial Forest Nuraorios," L. O. WilllamB. N. 7 at 7:30 p. m. Friday, 19 "How May tho Spread of Infectious Diseases Bo Prevent ed?" Dr. H. H. Waito. Temple, 5:00 p. m. Friday, 19 Morcor Y. M. C. A. Tern plo Theater, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 23. "Tho Land That Is Dlfforont," Rov. Oilman. Convo cation, 11 a. m. Tuesday, 30. Forestry Lecture: "For mation of ForoBt SoIIb" by Prof Barker. "Moisture Study In For est Soils," Prof Hoyser. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. APRIL Friday, 2 "The Problem for Euro peans in Colonizing tho Tropics." Dr. F. Crelghton Wellman, of Washington, D. C. Temple 5 p. m. Friday, 23 "Social Problems in Their Relation to Public Health." Prof. George E. Howard. Tomplo 5 p. m. Tuesday, 27. Forestry Lecture: "Sci entific Problems in Forest Planta tions," by Prof. Phillips. N 7 at 7:30 p. m. f . Oi'J. T -- . "1 . r M' .Wf n bbIbKbmeb!bB I !!' fl' l(4l,,0. Two Stores 1415,0. My big buy of $3.50 and $4.50 Hats aro going fast, and I don't blame the public they know what Budd says he does. Still have good sizes left, but you had better get In early. $2.50, that's all. Both 8tores. OPINION OF AUTHORITY. Dr. Bessey has recently written a, statement in which ho declares that training is tho impprtant thing whlio the .facts, of information aro of sec ondary importance. In a ripoeoh io .contly dollvorod, President Hadley of Yale declared: "Tho ideal collogo education seems to mo to bo ono whoro a student loams things that ho la' not going to uso in after life, by .methods that ho is going to use. Tho former element gives tho breath, tho latter element gives tho training." President Wilson of Princeton recent ly doclared? "I b'ellovo in general train ing with' no particular occupation in 'view, to bo ttio yory heart and os seticti of university training, and tho indispensable foundation of every spe cial development of knowledge oc 'aptitude that' is to lift a man to his profession1' or a scholar to his func tion of investigation." HWe' dre statements from three m'e'ri whdse lives havo been devoted , -to' education' on a' problem that is al- -way's of Vital' interest. It has been 'bhteridedf ro'm timo immemorial that Hhe time of a student is wasted if ho is (Tiot grubbing every moment during his '&!' career with tho direct end in -tieitlbt acquiring technical skill for iJonWpr6feBslon, or mental equipment for some speclaT buslne8. ' of efficiency. "Tho freshmen realize this weak ness of! loose training that retards ,tho development of tho Iowa ath lete, ana which, is encouraged to u great extent by tho student body. They not only deplore It but thoy aro ttaking decided stops in tho direction ot cnangmg , this popular attitude, .First, they aro voluntarily depriving themselves of luxuries and onjoy- munus wmen conuict witn their phy sical training. Second, they ask the co-oporauon, or ovory organization and individual in, tho university to support ,and encourage this attitude, and if, ,necossary to demand strict training of .every member of IoWa'a athletic .teams, and especially ot tho cantalns. "The following is the pledge which ,mony freshmen track and baseball candidates are singing: "Wo, tho undersigned freshmen track candidates, do hereby pledge ourselves to maintain the highest standard of physical training from now until tho end of tho track sea son: That, is, wo will abstain from the iuso of intoxicants, tobacco and injur- J ." - , WT. 1UU8 UriUKB ' HUU HWDUIB. 1I1UBU SO- .cauea sacnucos aro tne expression or our loyalty to? 'Old Iowa" Happenings of the Past Running A Want Ad Column for the benefit of our Sub scribcrs. If you have lost or found articles, or want to sell or buy any th r mg, you can secure quick results by using a Nebraskan Want Ad. It Pays to Advertise COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 Don't miss; Mrs. Conant's recital at1 the Temple Thursday evening, 8even Years Ado. John S. Mooro flnnlnrnrl n't nnnvnnn. tlon that tho Christian organization was tne largest and strongest fratern ity in tho world. 8lx Years Ago. "mmm Daily Nebraskan conducted a cam paign to discover whether 'or not' university students worked too hard. It camo to tho conclusion that the Nebraska students work harder than' those of eastern institutions. 1 Five Years Ago. Baseball dates wore given out for the season', including games' with Iowa, Minnesota, Chicago, South Da kota, and Qrlnnell. Mr. Blxby of tho Stato Journal' SDOkO at Convocation and tanV n InrVn ;part of his timo offering apologies for never Doing nolo to appear at his best. Four Years Ago. Nebraska-Minnesota girls' basket- hn.ll Crnmn wnn rnllrfl nff hnnnnan Mn. braska was refused ,tho privilege o aA1n'nfln nn AT1lnl' i.U '2 Dramatic club enVn twrf filnvn ."Minn Civilization" and "Mr. Bob," before a' largo audience. t ' One Year Ago. """ William Jennings Bryan Was, the' principal; speakei; at thp rinuai Peacq cbnvocatlon. Tho central tliougni of the talk wag tho fact that peacd id not a vain ideal. JHfelk1 HRi mril'W 'W1 ml 1 m double our price. Orders filled the day received. , Wii SECOND 11 ANI UIOVOJL.K8. We do not rexttlirly tiindls MtV anally hare a number on hand taken In tradfeby our Chicaro reull onmrnif mi nncea rantnnir mm m: tn ih r WANTED-A RIDER AGENT k sample Latest Model "Itangor" bicycle furnished by us. Ouracenl IN EACH TO WH and district to ride and exhibit a frvit nvjiri ultj. ifa - ... . -J j. - ---. rw k.(ift . w '(ivib IW udKiiis uwiicy ian. ir rut ror juii particular ana iftcial offer at once, NO HONEY BEQCIKKD until you receive and approve of your bicycle. .We ship t0ii",yJ5?j2rD?U,i?S,lnJt.eJi;?iIVi'i'.,'Ja 'f W" advance, frttay night, and allow TEN 1AV8 FIIKETKIAL during which time you may rldethe bicycle and vui uj any ci you wiHi. n you are men not pericctly sattshed or do not wun to keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you will not I out on cent. FACTORY PRICES VY nWthe highest jtrade bicycles it is posslblo to make . . fn, " , V ?e i""!1 Pron' bove actual factory cost. You save io at any frut until you receive our catolopues and lea vrtcei and rtmarkabu litctat eftm tn rlftni in.ntu YflH WILL IE ASTOI1ISIiri,vvhe.n Vu receivc our .beautiful caulosruo and I UP HILL PC MIUNI9HRV ,tudy pur superb models at the tvoncUrulty BICYCLE w RSiRm TQIMJMDWJE, ONLY Jit $1 80 4" second1 hand blcvcles. hut stores. Thesa we clear out ir SSIO. nuTintiWA Mmln II. t matl.! tm. COlSTEMRIVEi' Bla wheel. ImportodI roller. cUafua and pedals, parts, repairs and .. ... ......wr vtuiuuiuii w muu. i naf mm tuna rruMH PTKU . RTIOU HhllUhlHIIU-l PUBiTIHUF.HUfini; e ..iumi wi.wivnx nwwi PIT-NITll IHe TIDE SAMPLE PAiR rarular retail trice ot these tires is S3 JO terimir. but to introduce we villi uuyouascmpupairiorftMvxufnuUHoraerffJi). NO M01ET10MLE FROM NNCTJIES NAILR. T&eks orGlsaa will not: let tht air oat; Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. 7EVt7JtOT70JrMade!aaU sixes. IUsIlvely nd easy riding, verydurnblcnndlincdlnsidc with y,oi rupbenwiiiciinevcbecotne :h closes up small punctures witt ape.iWe have hundreds of letters tatlnnr thattheir tires liaveodlvbei ! in a whole season. Thevweieh no more than an ordinary tire, thcjpuncjture rcslsingquautiesbeluggiven KUlMJaJiM au porous and which closes up small punctures without allow lng; the air to escape. We have hundreds of letters from sat& fieacustomersstaungthattheirtlreshaveonlybecn pumped nponccori,wiceinawiioiesca8on. i nej oy several layers or nun. specially preparea fabric on the tread. Theregular price of these tires li fSsfl per palr.bu t for adverustngpurposes we are making a special factory price toj m " """ the rider of only $4.86 per pair. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C. O. Dl on. BtinrrMrsl . X7-4s rf tint nau a int tint II rt - aJamIhaJ . J .. . m "" ; Kotloe the thlok robber tread fA" and puncture. strips IV and '!)." also rim strln H1" ttp prevent rlmoattlug. This uro win oaciasc any otber Bflake-aOB-r. KLA8XI0 aud EASY HIOXNQ. wzjitZtt7?jptz&' "Ic.ra ""cyy eidFUIXOAfliirairoM nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned nt QUtt expense 'if for any reason they not satisfactory on examination. Wc ore perfectly reliable and. riiotiey sent to us isis wfe as 1 represented. you one are n a ui...i ujuu viMr iw mhuicik; iirw, you wm nna mat tiiey will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last lontfer atld look finer than anv t re vou have ever unnr . -T JiU AjI wi s your order. your 1 know that, you wHKbesq' well pleased tha wlien you want a bicycle you will give u We want vou to serid us atrial order at once, hrnre )ii ,.mn,i,.Kf. i,i n' W Yiiii NFED TtRFX ,103?'klV,yBn?;k,n? P 'Rrlcemitll yoUsend for a pair of -- . - 1 svuKt&ijuiuriiuciiirri'mni( itra nn nnnrnuAi niri rini m- tevilvrrilLlor'?uJ' Vi?.T'rF and Sundry Catalogue whlc ads of tires at about half lite usual prices.! h , N the de clal lntroduct6r ' price quoted above; X e special introductory 1 scribes and Quotes all makes and kinds 'Mi Mliir WAIT J ?! Psa today.-DO NOT TIUnIc of UUYINO a bicvele . jZi T v, m r OI Hrcs ,rom anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything Write it NOXy. nacnui L MEM CYW tOMMUT, CICG0,1U. i t jIBUMHw SI