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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1908)
.. . x - v0 . , abe Dailv .'. V(jl.,vm. No. 35. ARRANGE FOR GAMES 3TUDENTB OF UPPER CLA88ES PREPARING FOR OLYMPIC8. ALL ROUGH PLAY RULED OUT Adoption of Rules Eliminating Slug ging and Kicking From Line Rush Considered Necessary for 8ucces8 of Event. All preliminary arrangements for tho 'Olympics," the annual clash be vtw.een then freshmon and the sopho mores, have been completed nnd the cbmmittees In charge will soon call for tho boxing., ,and wrestling try guts. Chairman' Sfaljery and Chairman At kln of th'o sophomore and ' freshman committees have been buBy tho last week, canvassing the members of the cIobb, In tho hope that every member of the classes will take part In some event or other. Only a few have been cut training for tho wrestling and box ing matched, but several others have promised 'to tako up tho work next week' and both chairmen look for strong representations of their class. Considerable Interest centers In the Marathon race to tho home of Mr. Bryan', and each class will probably outer throo representatives In tho race. No Rough Play. With committees from tho upper claBsmen in charge of the details, It has been announced that eligibility rules governing tho games will be adopted. Tho committees desire it to be expressly understood that rough play shall bo ruled out. If both sides abstain from rough play the final suc cess of tho games are assured. Any ottompt' to slug or kick In the lino rush would undoubtedly result in ser ious injuries to some of the partici pants, and would undoubtedly result In a free for all fight. Such woul.l not only spell the doom of the games hut would also result in tho expulsion of the leaders. Hence It Ib cautioned by the committees in charge that the participants play fair. The boxing will bo divided into three classes heavy, middle and light wolghts. Regular boxing gloves will tbe used and the Marquis and Queens ' bury rnlOB will govern tho contests. Each match will probably consist of six rounds of two minutCB each. The wrestling will be two In three, each round lasting for five minutes. The Line Rush. Tho closing feature of tho games Is the lino rush. Tho plan of tho rush is as follows: Both classes line up their men on two goals, about 110 yards apart. Tho point of tho gam' is for each side to get as many across tho opponents' goal as possible. Thus each side will be divided into two sections, designated as the offensive and defensive. As tho name signifies tho offense will try and gain the op ponents' goal, while tho opposing de fense will nttompt to provent them. Thus tho two sections will meet in tho center of the field and engage In a general wrestling match. Tho time is limited to ten minutes and at tho end then the class having the most men across their opponents' goal will be awarded tho rush. Each ovent will count so many points, and tho class winning tho most points carries off the laurels. Tho events comprise wrestling and boxing matches, Marathon race, tug of war, in (3 lino rush. From present indica tlons tho games will bo held on No vember 14 at Antelopo park. Committee Meet. Committees from both of tho classes hold a meeting laBt night in Dr. Condra's office and tho question THERE WILL 9$ .u. ; v. vat -? "i tj" riT.T. .? T1iTrMr"'"'",,,yvvvvv -. - ?f i . . . I 'i v.: iiyr Ai wiiwi 'ni'bjrtjVJLSi. . . . uvaittw"'.: ?. h J .. .. rvv,,vv,,www' i ' V - ' -," -- .---.-.T.-,.- -w - r , --w-r. .-wm - - " rt HT1" J " II W V V a J .. WMMMm AT 4:00 P. Gather at Rock UNIVERSITY OF of tho eligibility of the freshman laws enmo up. The matter was not defin itely decided. The law studonta are feenorally claBslflod with tho sopho mores and this year voted at tho tophomoro election. Tho freBhmen. however, claim that they should not be allowed to compote with the upper classmen. A second meeting of the committees will take place In a few days. FIR8T ANNUAL BULLETIN OUT. Debate Material for State Compiled by Professor Fogg. The first annual bulletin of tho Nebraska high school debating league was Issued yesterday by Professor Fogg. The league was organized last Jcnuary by the professor, at tho sug gestion of tho school men of Ne braska. Tho state was then divided Into central, oast central, northern, northwestern, Bouth central, south eaBtorn, western and west central dls trlcts. Each of these districts, in a Bories of debates, selects a chnmplon, who contests for tho Btato champion ship. The purpose of tho league Ib to promote oral discussion in Nebras ka secondary schools. Tho pamphlet Is a very neat twenty page book, of which Professor M. M. Fogg of the rhetoric department, Ik the compiler. It contains tho list of schools which are members of tho league, together with tho names of their superintendents and principals. It contains an account of every dis trict league debater, giving tho details of each 'debate In the series and also a complete account of the debato for the state championship which was held In Memorial hall last May. A page cut gives the district clmmploiiB of 1908. Four pagoB are devoted to an nouncements, where the question for tlie league debates for tho coniln? year is announced. The question which was selected by a vote of the member of the league Is as follows: "Rqsolved, That disputes between cap ital and labor In the railroad business fhould be submitted by boards of arbitration with compulsory powers." A complete Bibliography of the 'books and periodical literature on this sub ject comprises the greater part of ihls chapter. The legislative reference depart ment of the state historical society will answer questions on this subject, and whenever possible, will loan ma terial on It. The second number of the "Bulletin" of tho league, contain ing accounts of the contests this year and announcements for 1909-1910, will be published In May after the debato for the state championship which takes place on high school fete day. "At Home" to Teachers. The Palladian literary society will be "at home" to the members of tho State Teachers' association, Friday afternoon from 1:00 to r:00 o'clock, in their hall on the third iloor of tho Temple. Refreshments will bo served and a cordial invitation is extended to all "Old Pals" and to the teachers gonerally to drop In during the after noon and Inspect tho now quarters. In the evening at 8:30 o'clock tho Palladlans will meet in regular ses sion. A general literary program of mdro than ordinary interest will bo presented. These program meetings are open to tho general public. Tho program follows: Vocal Solo Mr. Hutton' Paper "the Philippines". Eva Arnold Reading Mamie Ferris Piano Solo Bertha Williams Paper "Grafts" Mr. Balllngor Vocal Solo Miss Kunkol The special train to Omaha, for tho-NebraBka-Ames game will leave tho Burlington depot at 8:45 o'clock Sat urday. Tickets for ' the game afo still on sale at Harry Porter's, store on Eleventh streot. BEi NO ISUE OE THE on Campus and NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, THE LASTJCRIMMAGE CORNHU8KER TEAM 18 READY FOR THE AQQ1E8-. EVERY PLAYER IS CONFIDENT "King" Cole's Pupils Will Leave for Omaha Badly Crippled Up, But Fired With a Determination to Whip the Husky Indians. Tho final Bcrimmagc before the Amos game tomorrow was hold yes terday afternoon at tho State Farm. The practlco waB spirited and tho wonkened 'v.arslty put up a goodgame ngalnBt tho freshmen. The freshmen played about tho fastest ball that they have played this year, and they kept tho 'varsity going every minute, frequently making sub stantial gains through their lino and often broaklng through and spoiling the regular's formations. At the beginning of the BCYlmmago tho 'varsity was woakened consider ably by the absence of players. Frum was not out for practice, Ewlng play ing at left tackle and Bowers at guard. Bentloy was not but nt all and It is questionable If ho will bo able to tako any part In Saturday's gamo. With both Cooko and Bontloy out of tho gamo tho quarterback posi tion will fall to tho caro of Minor and Hnscall. Minor has played consider ably at quarter though not very re cently and It Is hoped that he will hold tho position down satisfactorily IT called upon to do so. "Stub" Has call haH boon doing flrst-clnsB work at this position all fall on tho scrubs but he Incks the experience neces sary to run the 'varBltv team In so Important a contest as the one with Ames. Harte Is Hurt. Although tho 'varsity llno-up was not intact, yet they put up a good front against the freshmen for a few minutes, after which "King" Colo pulled out several of the regulars and replaced them by substitutes who may bo called upon to go Into the game Saturday. i Tho freshmen carried the ball to begin with and on tie first down Waters wont through loft guard for five yards. Frank added two mnro through right tackle and Waters mndo the first down on a lino buck. Tho rreannien rumbled on but Waters recovered yards throuch center. .ho next down. and made five Lofgron failed to gain on a wide run around left end anu unaunor was downod for a loss by Johnson. On an attempted fako forward pass Powers was thrpwn for a loss by Harte. whor sprained his. ankle on tho play and was forced to leave tho gamo. ' -o freBhmen wore followed to re tain tho ball and on th0 first play at tempted another forward pass, which was Intercepted by HarVey. On first down for the 'varsity feoltzer made four yards around right! end. Minor fumbled on tho next nlnV. but made twenty ynrds on tho third down by a fake punt. Minor! made threo yards on a quarterback run and on tho next play Captain Harvey repeat ed tho stunt which he milled off at Iowa, making a touchdown from a forward pass. Tho freshmon were given tho ball and on a crlBS-cross Frapck made threo yards. Tho froBhmeji fumbled on the second down, hut Powers re covered tho ball. Thoy fumbled agnln on tho following play nnd Johnson se cured tho ,ovnl and ran fpr a touch down. Line-up Changed. At this point Sturtzneggor; Temple, Slaughter, HaBcall, Shonka, Rathbone and Carroll replaced Beltzor, Kroger, Birkner, Minor, Stumor, Johnson and Harvey, respectively, Sturmor having taken Uarto's place at right guard. Thtf 'varsity was glvon tho ball and on firsts down allowed a forward pass March to Antelope Park Headed .by the Band NOVEMBER 6, 1908. to boblockod by Waters. Slaughter mndo two yards through right tacklo, but Stutz was downod for a loss by Chaunor. Tho freshmon took tho ball but failed to gain on n lino buck. Tho frefshmon fumbled and Rnthbono fell ori the ball for tno varsity On a fbrward pbbb Rathbono gained fifteen ynruB and Hnscall added olght on a riuurtorbnck run nround rlchi nmi a 'forward pass bv tho 'vnmltv hit tho ground, but thoy woro allowed to re tain tho ban, Slaughter mndo throo yards through tho lino nnd a forward pass to Hascall notted twolve yards. Hascall waB tackled for a loss by Gibson and Sturtznegger mot the samo fato on an attempted forward pass. Chalouqka failed to gain through loft tacklo and a forward ubh was captured by Frnnck of tho freshmon. Scrubs Play Well. Gibson failed to gain through loft guard, but followod with two yards through center. Gibson made a neat forward pass to Franck for a twonty yard gain. Tho freshmon tried a criss cross forward paBs, but it was unsuc cessful. On a fako kick Gibson was thrown for a loss by Rnthbono and thlB ended tho Hcrlmmngo. Tho froshmen put up an exception ally good exhibition and- Wntors, Lof gron, Gibson, Chaunor and Franck woro especially conspicuous in tho good work. Tho prospects of dofoating Ames nro not ovorly bright, notwithstanding the fact that ovory man on tho team Ib filled with a grim determination to win If Buch a thing Is poslblo. With Cooko, Bentloy nnd probably Harto out of tho game, and sovornl of tho othors In poor condition, tho outlook is dubious. However, the team will bo accom panied by hundrods of loyal support ers who will do their shnro townrd winning tho battle nnd on Saturday tho Nobraska fighting spirit will re celve a Boveror tost than over. Lot evoryono get out to tho big opon rally tonight and get In trim for tomorrow's grent struggle. COLLEGE A880CIATION MEET8. Dr. Besscy Represents the University In Deliberation. At noon yesterday tho annual moot ing of tho Nobraska Association of Colleges nnd Academies waB hold at the Lincoln hotel with Dean Hessey n the representative of the Univorslty of Nobraska. Representatives of pearly all the colleges of the state were present and questions of genoral interost were discussed. A committee of five was appointed to consider tho granting of nn A. B. degree for n prescribed three-years' course, nnl also to consider how it may be arranged so that the smallor colleges for the state can do the work which Is now done in so large a degree by the first few years of uni versity work. The first few years of work Ib now being done In univorslty classes whloh' are largely over-crowded, whereas It might, with profit, be done in smallor collegeb whero the Mudent can come in contact with ma ture men instead of Instructors. J The committee plans to make a pre liminary report by tho end of this hemestor. The colleges are to report the matter back to the committee by tho end of next semester and tho committee will then prepare a final report to be presented to tho next annual meeting. Officers' Hop Conyttlttee. Tho committee for the officers' hop which will bo given at tho Lincoln hotel on Deqember 4 has been an nounced. F. A. Crltes is chairman of the dance and Yale Holland is master of cercmonlos. Tho othor members of tho committeo nro F. A. Jones, J. A. Coupe, A. H. Peters, H. J. Carey, and Harry Ingles. Pies like mother tried to make. Baked JreBh' every day by an export woman pie baker at Tho.Boston Lunch. NEBRASKA ir ' i .. , , , . - r J -k Price 5 Cent VISIT STAJE SCHOOLS TEACHER8 OF NEBRA8KA IN 8PECT WORK OF UNIVER8ITV. HUGE ENROLLMENT RECORDED Accommodations Provided by Local Committee on Arrangements Are Taxes) to the Limit to Provide for All Who Come. Approximately 4.000 teachers over wholmod tho local arrangomonts com mittee of tho Nobraskn State Tonnh ors' asBoclatlon yostorday and prac tically Bwampod tho mombors of that body with requests for accommoda tions In tho city during tho forty third annual session of tho oducators of tho state. Tho onrollmont waB un precedented nnd Burpassod tho ox-I-octntlons of all but tho moBt sanguine of tho association leadors who had vonturod prophocjos as to tho num bers who would gather In Lincoln to gather now ideas of odilcatlonal methods and cultivate a fraternal spirit in their profession. ' Probably ovor fifty por cent of tho tcachors who woro in tho city yostor day visited tho cnmpuB of tho uni versity during tho dnv. In thn morn ing thoro woro sovoral hundred who Inspected tho work of tho state Insti tution during ono or moro rocltntlon porlods. Tho big crush, howovor, camo in tho nftornoon when tho campus and tho vnrlous buildings woro fairly thronged with visitors. Every budding received Its quota of tonchors who wjshod to Inspect tho work of those claBseB In which thoy woro especially Interested and numbors visited tho administration bulMIngB, tho library, and othor points of gonoral Inter est. Many of the visitors uro old atu donts of tho university who took tho opportunity offorod to visit old class rooms and to pay tholr respects to formor instructors. All Were Interested. One of tho reasons which determ ined tho teachore in holding tho meeting of tho association at this time Instead of during tho Christmas va cntlon as has boon tho custom in formor years waB that thoso In at tendance might, undor tho now ar rangement, seo tho state schobl In practical operation and might moot tho Instructors nnd professors who aro In fact tho educational leadors of tho state In spirit and in Influence. That the teachers appreciated this motive was readily evidenced by tho manner In which thoy took ovory spare mo ment that offered Itself to Inspect the work of tho school an'd talk with the various profeBsora. Tho Tomple was tho scone of sever al sectional meetings and this build ing was crowded with teachers throughout the afternoon. All thu looms In tho building save thoso of tno y. M. C. A. woro turned over for ubo by tho association and oven then tho space "waB over-crowdod. To day tho samo condition will probably obtain since other meetings aro sched uled for morning and afternoon. The rural teachers and tho county super intendents will hold a Joint sesBlon in tho theater tills afternoon. The college section will meet from 2 to fi p. m. in Science nail 'in tho To'mplo building, and tho teachers of liter ature will hold a sosslon nt tho samo time In tho banquet hall of tho build ing. Tho high sctiool section will meet at 2 oclock In th'o Tomplo music room. General Sessions. The general sessions of tho asscn elation are hold in St. Paul's1 .church at Thirteenth and M. Overflow moot- (Continued on ,Pago 2) TOMORROW S-f ,r -i w - I ii4VAkf4c!icj ii.',vxii-st)4 .-ii k- -r-A.r-,Y, uu x-f--. v -v i -- ,7;t 1 ' .'f ,A A I