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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1908)
THEt DAILY NBBRA8KAN Last Call! ilOrm Easter Orders LUDWIG i can bosk a few more orders for Easter 1036 0 Srreet HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS I 1337 O STREET We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT PRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Undid Caddy Kitchen f 4th and O So. west Corner DIFFERENT VIEW, (Continued on page three.) Inrge number of the licenses. By the compensating provision of the net of 1004, about Ave million dollars are unnually devoted to retiring licenses by purchnBe. "To save themselves the brewers entered politics. They have a highly organized force and are very influen tial. In spite of their efforts, a bill Is now pending which provides "for more rapid retirement of licenses. The'bill provided that the licenses, Instead of being regarded as permanent, shall revert to the government in fourteen yoars. This materially, lessens their valuo and thereby increases the pur housing power of the compensating fund. "The reason for the different atti tudes adopted toward the question by Americans and Englishmen lies in the fact that the vested interests nre much more carefully considered there than here. Tri America things change more rapidly. The outlook of the present bill Is not bright. Yet It la posslblo that It will pass with an amendment increasing the retiring limit to twenty-one years. Local op tion has little chance. Nevertheless, I expect the temperance agitation to grow in strength and to be ultimately successful." m SAM'S CAFE UNDER NEW-RfrANAGEtoENTn w " THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON I HENRY CLARKE, Prop HAVE THE EVANS 1 t Do Your Washing Northwestern Is making arrange ments for a mock national Republican convention. . Members of the Women's Suffrage League will make a contest for the delegations from some of the western states. C. W. Edgerton, '03, recently passed his examination for Ph.D. degree at Cornell University. He has been ap pointed botanist in the Louisiana Ex periment Station at Baton Rouge.' The 'Equnl Suffrage Club meeting, which was to have been held Tuesday evening at the Alpha Omlcron Pi house, Is postponed until after Easter vacation. Notice. Meeting of auditing committee ol the Senior class, Nebraskan office, to day at 5 p. m. Dr. R. P. Hlbard, of the United Stutes Department of Agriculture, called on Dean Bessey last week. Dr. Hibacd-lfi a specialist in soils. Girls at Iowa are to hold a 'big rally In the Interest of a new build ing for the use of the university women. Cadets should see Sanderson be fore April 14 to Insure a fit In -tan shoes. . Josephine Frazler, '07, of Omaha is visiting at the Alpha Phi house this week. "Your next" Aristo Barber Shop, 1206 O St. The cornerstone for a new gym nasium was laid at Syracuse recently. Clements' photos are the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. See Sanderson this week about ca det tan shoeB while stock Is large. Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Msnday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. .PHyate class every afiernWn. ' Meat beautiful hall In Llnoeln. Newi;ieatIon, 1124 N street Auto-M41.? ; Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, .for chiropody. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P ' ' Subscribe for the Daily Nebraskan. C. H. Frey, florist, 113S O St Dairy lunches Dalrymple's. Eat at Slam's. I Base Ball Goods have the endorsement of the big play ers in the American, National and Minor leagues. Reach Mitts and Gloves are used by such famous men as Kling, Lajoie, (Jhance, Davis, Ten ney and- many others : sufficient evi dence of Reach superiority. They say no other rnake holds the ball so surely. Prices of Catchers' Mitts, 25 cents to $8.00 each. First Basemen's MittS, $1.00 tp $4.00 each. Fielders' Mitts, 50 cents to $3.00 each. Fielders' Gloves, 25 cents to $3.50 each. The RgaK Ball is the official ball of the great Amer ican League. Its use is compulsory In every game played by an American League i earn, as the Reach Ball has been adopted exclusively for a period of ten years by that Organization. The Reach GuaraHtee Applies to all Reach Base Ball Goods (except bails and bats under 51.00). The Reach trade matk on any article Is a guarantee ol quality It means satisfaction, a new article or your money back (with exception above). The REACH Oiiicial Base Ball Gsiae for 1903 Now readr. The recoznlzed authorltron all base ball matten. The exclusive hand book of the American League. Contains play Inr rules, schedule, records and complete review ol the 1907 season. Also contains over 300 photos of leadlnc teams and ptarers. Illus trated and detailed account of the 1907 World's Series. ! Cents at all dealers or by mall If you cannot procure our toods of your dealer, write to us, and on receipt of price we will deliver what you desire. OFFICIAL Apcrican LeagoeBall fa LftuUlU HMMMMMMMMMBSSMIJMMMMirHrHHHMBJJplM tfmr A' KgapK 1 'bW IllM dMF M aWWWWi'' BSB aM mw M tkw' VLsssssssssssssssssssBr Br KB jkr ' ifcXV v 'vX aV sssssssssssssssssssssssssV Ww ssssssssssssssV AT jS Vs , m Base Balk M 'ins M , Catchers Mtts mk .Btasks,. ) zM B4y rVsisKtecs' Vf ; - - iaSSjBBjBw .ssjsSBBBBBBM'Skt- mmaammimaMm0mm$MmSmmu Write lor our FREE 1909 Bate Ball Catalogue ana Baie Bill Story by Elbert ' Hubbard. A. J. REACH CO., 1799 Tulip Street. ' Philadelphia. Pa. Gregory's Semi - An tti racks FOR FURNACES $7-50 SUKEMRSUl GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINGS IANK BLOB. 132 N. Ifta STBSET mm COLLEGE Till flDe Main CtMtp lnlHlng Ftf First Ctitt TaNf rtaf AT LOW PRICES AUTO 4bLLEQE VIEW Fit ats and Sororities When in Need of Coal call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. ...... We will treat you right Phones, Bell"234 . v Office M06 O Street Auto 3228 1 3 m --a ' , ,' '".' I . u. J WWnMlt II I ryr ....'!- " ir,TmriiiiiM'itrinTYOT"iiT'"T"e?tyr