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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1908)
THE DAILY NBBRASKAN t Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8.f5 MME. SEMBRICH FRI.? SAT. & MAT., APL. 10-11 OLE OLSON Eve., &0; 35 & -25b. Mat., 25 &. 10c ( TUESDAY NIGHT, APRIL 14 Lincoln. Symphony Orchestra OrtC. 50c. BAL. 25c. LYlftC tHE AIRE MATINKK 3 P. M. BVB."7445 Sc :00 PRICES TBN.AND TWENTY CENTS .' ' LINDSAY Dog. and Monkey Circus ILCUSTRATED 80NG John J. Wilde ... jr -i THE JBRGERE SISTERS Refjned Vocalists ; The famous Minstrel';' ARTHUR DEMINGV' "A WhiteBlack Bird" W. H. M0&& co- ComeJy!aylet "The NeJIrtister" By Chas2$lb"rwltz a. '"-- i ltU. LVROS( -V , "".. t - M tS'T. 'ZX- .-ii&Vvi rgoif rjgj 1 ) Wtrt CtKlg Meniay, Mch.23 FULTOH STOCK CO. - . -IN- The first production in this city dfBartloy uampDou.s V j Masterpiece 1 ' As Told on the Sands A Comedy Drama in Four Acts, Evening 'prices-........ 15c and 25c MalfRMS, Wed. and Sat. 15c beatssTdt BoxpfflfiSLQponslla. m. j r-.t-i.' - - .-or. lUfialaUaMMlWl UMSTROi pOiPW TAILORS a i 1320 N.St., Llneeln, Net). THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students .and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try .Us. "UNI", SMOKE HOUSE. I 1132. b, STREET '' ' ' . i t CENTRAL NOTIONAL BANK I f TWELFTH AND. 0 STREETS V P. L. HALL, President , . J P. B. JOHNSON, Vice-President W. HACKNEY Jr., Asst. Cashier MAIESTIC at - BUSINESS DIRECTORY Jlvaiy Ioy Uatvaftlty Sa'dent Is argd to patroaijte theta Netarai- MB advak'titars, and to mention J t&a paper wbll doing- so. I t I 2 . ifr a. 'y. j m. u u. oj fl lM S frSf A A Ml a? fr at ai ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emrtfert. P.ATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Colo & McKenna; Matt's Paaa BUSINESS COLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness College. t CLOTHING Farquhar,; . Magoo & Davis, Hill. Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whiteb roast ICONFECTIONBRY Dalrymple; Lin- coin Candy Kitchen; Ojympla Candy Co., Rood, Hirschner-Morse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J. R. DRY GOODS Herpolshelmer; Miller - & Paine. DRUGGISTS RIggs. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffleyr. Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELER8 B. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hold. . KEYS Thorp. LAUNDRIES EvanB; Merchants; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myera; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazekk Hayden, Tonsond, Clements. PRTNTERS-'George Bros.; Simmpns. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; ' Buds;- Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons: Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elara's. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford Jfc, Peftyf Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAILORS Backstrom; DreBher; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; .Ludwig; 4 Sqptch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. TELEGRAPH S C H O O L Western Telegraph School. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, Sun. Petry Bakery Co. , BigMmjnufappttr ratE RICE MEAD OUR SPECIALTY - t PHONS U0AXD YOUR OBDt WILL. BEOBIVB PROMPT JlTTKNTION , -;' t 'i r f WIYERSm JEWELER MPIIOIAN . "' i i ) if ; C. A. Tucker I .-.' ' r--" 't-t - r Dr. S.S. Shean OPTICIAN Ml I STREET. YEUIW FRONT ... 'r r"7T""7 rT!" IT V I I I ' c v L. J.HBRZOQ ?. r jj TIE WiraHTY UW TAHH ft lantf irtlcIosaarJ tiMt riglit Oall kw trwr liv ajarana. , j i- fWBBaa avBj -vvaaji aaaw aw sar'as'f'a) aa 4 j. .. . 1130 O !. - UhmIh Word From Benedict. The following lotter was received from Maurice Benedict, who Ib now located at Greenville, California. When In school Maurice took part In nearly all forms of athletlCB nnM served on the Athletic Board: "Ab an alumnus I have been deeply Interested In the communications In regard to the election of the Athletic Board. I suppose conditions are about the same as ever and In my time It beemed regretable that we had such a poor system. "It was not so much Illness to de cide matters of athletic Importance that made the powers that bo look with favor on a man's candidacy, but rather his ability to poll a majority. I thought then, and am still, of the same opinion, that too many men get on the board who do not have the experience and ability to decide with any degree of fitness athletic ques tions. "I have always felt that a man on the board as on any team represented the University and In doing that he. must put aside all personal feelings, prejudice or local (meaning fraternal or society) allegiance and be simply a servant or representative m of the school us a whole. I believe until a man does that, that he can never be us useful to his Alma 'Mater as he otherwise would bo. If we could only eliminate politics from athletics the question would be solved and It would not make any difference whether the voter had to pay 25 cents to vote or not. After alL 11 comes down to one point, whether you are going to be more loyal to the University or to some organization that is not a part of the University. Real Nebraska spirit has always chosen the former course of action. I still believe Ne braska Is the best BChobl In the United States and though I am a long ways off, I get out In the hills' and give a few whoops at every victory. Keep the good work up. Very ' sin cerely, M. BENEDICT." NEW P08TAL RULING. By a recent order of the Postmaster General, no daily newspaper Is al lowed to send copies to subscribers who are three months or more in ar rears. There are a few of the- sub scribers to the Daily Nebraskan who are in arrears to that extent .and un less payment Is made in thenear fu ture the subscriptions will be stopped. We trust that this 'will not be neces sary and that the circulation of this paper may not need to be reduced by the oversight of some of our friends. If your subscription is unpaid, kindly mail a money order or draft to the manager as soon as convenient. ' . This order goes into effect April 15. 'Donald Robertson, the noted Eng lish actor, will coach the University Dramatic Club at Chicago for its pre sentation ofjhe "Night of the Burning Pestle." Spring vacation at Carleton College will be about two weeks longer than usual this year. This Is due, not to the good will of the faculty, but to a mild case of smallpox. A big mass meeting was arranged by the students of the University of Chicago io celebrate their winning of the national championship in basket ball. v " Marshalij students'' barber. Corner Thirteenth and Of, under Famous; The best place to eat In 'town Is at Doss Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. yjj!j55SS . courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand Typewriting, English, Penmanship. 6tc. .. ' r Linctln lutlntt t Oillirt n ill 1 AfAnAi. nnAA mi i J.W- I t. f i uLUMUb uhusm miners COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING STEEL DYE EMBOSSING M . . , . i - t - ( ii ft A NJCB LINIJ OF 'STATIONgRYf fll BMBBaatoBaaaaaaaWBa mtirMty , t TiTTT LJL n f Pay Y our SUBSCRIPTION 4k i.-'x tnr) LKJtto f AND KEEP THE OFFICE CAT FAT ----- CALLING- CARDS ' SIMMONS, THE PWHTEfi 917 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. T.J.THORPfcCO. ItaMfr SUun Slsnctlti ttalt,1nW Chteks, Keys LsfktMlllilHi. QmersJ, laas"JlrWJ WViRvi aal9Wv Maksrt, Ete. ' MS . lit, Llela r f 11E IPIRST .y TiltT ft UVINIS UNl '' - IKftSfeSlfiS tUekkeUUtsl -' J f . ' PAD AT SK rm. CKNT faatHatUasl Isak m; Tenth and 0 Sim UHivorsftyStHdeHts Ladies itn'd 'Gentlemen' If ln r-the"market' fora newtypewrlter J or r desiring to rent(me; we . fwcmm be gladbliaburBalV man call and demonstrate the "Visible Uiid'erwobd. Ifofira re-' BbectMHJr, 'v - 7 ; "", AlNDERWOtiD 1 i4 V Vj TYPEWRITER CO. it 714 P St. Bell 34S fit lniLfffjsCJ JMTaWTinill"-W. Am 1"" 1 mf Mb IlfKISlf SmmmMKr MmmW nnUBIII inWlaWIaaal IfTllirTTII lkmTWfmJ BBBBa iPrlsffW ttlf .11 I -' ,.--i f