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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1908)
.rtotpui Q. '.&. -i- THE.DAIL :1NEBRASKAN the Bails mebraefoan TflE property OF Tins UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nobraskn. PUBLISHED EVERY DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE 8TU1DBNT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 141b St, EDITORIAL STAFF. Edltor-ln-Chlef '....,.. .ort King Managing Editor G. L. Fenlon Associate Editor P. B. Harris BUSINESS 8TAFF.- Manager George M. Wallace Circulator W. A. Jonei, 10 ,AMt. Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRIOE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable .In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the 1'ato of 10 conts per Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Fnculty notlcoe nnd University bulletins will Kindly bo published free. Entered fit tho postofflco nt Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of ConitrenH of March 3. Mr. Blxby of the State Journal asks what we would think of a Lincoln statue to he placed on the UnlverlBty campus. It would be an unwlBe plan. Precedent Is opposed to placing ony thlng so artistic or evon ofrespecta ble design on the campus. The Idea la to Improve but never to beautify. Perhaps someday when all the homely plans are exhausted as well as the money of the state tho campus will be removed to some- distant spot un manned by the' proximity to tho present cheap and varied crowd of buildings. appeal from them ought to haV'e sonfc weight with the voters of the city, Of course there are few students who can legally vote In Lincoln al tho In. past elections a goodly number have been Induced by party managers to give their residence wrongly. A .student registering in tho University from out In the state ought not to vote In Lincoln but his influence and work might count for something In a prohibition -contest. A pleasant little game of tagwad Indulged In by about HlozeTTmen in the hall of the LlbiWy the other day. The part that Is to be played by the college-bred man In the future Is already being evidenced In many lines of business. The field superintendent of a large life insurance company that has an oillce In this city recently re marked that In the last three years the position of hIscompany towardB college men had entirely changed. "They have adopted tho policy of sub stituting a few men with good train ing for the old list of "experienced" agents. Accordingly Yale, Pennsyl vania, Michigan, and Wisconsin have Introduced courses in life insurance In cluding courses in business law and contracts. A number of correspon dence schools have also undertaken to Instruct young men In tho theory or the business. Tho result la that a largo per cent of the employes of the Insurance companies are now men who have gained a valuable foundation for the practical .side of tho work l'i" some degree-granting college or University. Maybe the "practical" man will quit sneering after while at his successor, tho "expert." Seniors Attention. Positively the last order of pins will be taken this week and next. Those who still desire pins should get a hustle on themselves and see me at once. Will be In the physio logical botany laboratory, Nebraska j- Saturday the Last Day of 11 BUDDST0S BANKRUPTCY 9 1 Mm EL . You've saved my neck during this "winter of heaviest price cutting Lincoln has ever known. Saturday the utter abandon of reckless pric ing dollar's worth $2.00 at Budd's. Saturday, February 22 Dollar NCckwear 50c $1.50 Mufflers -, . . 69c $2.00 Mufflers 89c $3.00 Mufflers $1.49 Cluett $1.50 Bosom Shirts 75c $1.25 Bosom Coat Shirts 59c $1.50 Wool Shirts and Drawers 69c $1.25 (Suit) Fleeced Drawers per euit . . , , . . , . 65c $1.00 Union Suit :...'.. 69c 75c Caps 35c $1.00 Capr. 49c $3.00 Wool Union Suits $1.50 $1.50 Caps 69c BUDD, $2.50 HATTER WHY PAY MORE? UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Friday, February' 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kaivsas. Saturday, February 22. 7::t0 p. m. University Hall 102. Students' Debating Club meets. Basket-ball, Nebroska vs Kansas. 8:00 p. m. Temple. Richard L. Metcalfe. Tuesday, February 25. li::;o a. m. U. 106. Dramatic Club meets. Wednesday, February 26. 8:00 p. m. M. 208. Engineering Society meets. Friday, February 28. German Club play. Friday, March 13. Lincoln Hotel. Freshman Hop. Lost A ladies' gold watch, between Fourteenth and R and Twelfth and S streets. Finder leave at Nebraskan (.'fllce and receive reward. HERE'S A "SNAP!" An Al founda tion pen new, sol Mil ling, 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraskan office. )' ForOlNE WEEK AW will selly()U anything in our stuck at 10 to 50 per cent Discount except contract goods such as Waterman pens, (Jillottc razors, ltt-17 knives and forks, Howard Watches. Everything else at a discount. It's your chance HURRY HALLETT, Jeweler, 1143 0 Street WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can give you the best prices, best goods and best service CAPITAL GROCERY e5966l435 M Street Every fellow that came up the Inside stairway from tho basement was promptly pushed from one side of the hall to the other and back until ha reached tho Inner door. As soon as a man wjih.- tagged ho considered him self "It" and, added hiB efforts to make Iho journey down the line pleasant for the next Visitor. Tho sport was in terrupted by Dr. Jowett. Hall, Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. A. H. MILLER, Chairman. The men who were delegates to tho Y. M. C. A. convention at Norfolk last week havo returned and the lat est reports state that soveral of them havo been sick -over since. Tho soda fountains of that city must have been open. You cant tell what boys will do when they get away from home. They say that tho copventlon was tho most successful yot held In this Btnte. Junior Informal, Following Im the llnancial report of the Junior Informal held February 1, 1908 as submitted by E. F. Guidinger, chairman of the committee; RECEIPTS. Tickets sold, 43 'at $1.00 $43.00 EXPENDITURES. Printing tickets (voucher) $ 1.50 Printing programs (voucher).. G.25 Hall (voucher) 7.00 Orchestra fvoucher) 19.00 A Sale of Copyright Books Our Regular $1.08 Stock at 50c ' It Is prophesied by many that the next election will put the city of Lin coln on tho dry list. That would be a great thlng for thrt. University and the Prohibition forced ought to find ' some good assistance- among the stu dents. There- is a largo class of these willing and eager to do what they can to lielp tho good cause along and an Total '....-' $22.75 BALANCE paid to I. F. Bakor, Class Treasurer (Voucher) .. .$10.25 I huve examined tho above account and vouchers and. find them correct. GROVE D. BARBER, Chairman Student Organizations. Freshman Hop tickets may be, had of any member of tho committee now. See RuBsel, Mnllory, Moreliouse, IJoel or .Bell. James G. McGeachln of Orleans 1b visiting nt the Phi Gam house this week. He Is on aMuralness trip to Chicago. We have selected over 300 regular $1.50 hooks that we usually, sell at .$1.08 and have. v piit them on sale nt 50 cents each. They are not 50 cent editions, hut are from our regular 1. OH line. There are too many titles to list, hut a few are mentioned helow. Of some titles there are only one or. two copies, of others eight or ten : The Port of Missing Men Nicholsoli The Man in the Case. . . . Elizabeth S. Phelps Claims and Counterclaims Maud W. Gordon The Challenge Warren Cheney Prisoners . . . Mary Cholmondeley The Traveling Thirds . , Gertrude Atherton Etc., Etc Miller & Paine '