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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1908)
ntfaaMlarialMttMH I IV I I .1 ! !-- ! ....I I. -f Zhe E)all$ tflebraefean THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERT DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MMOAY . BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PttklicatlM Off lei, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Edltor-ln-Chlcf Rota King Managing Editor G. 8. Fenlon- BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager Georae M. Wallac Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Att. Circulator L. J. Weaver, MO Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advanoe 8lngle 'Copies. 6 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rate of 10 cents per insertion for ovory flf tcon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free. Entered at the poBtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter tinder the Act of ConrcreBB of March 3. 1870. THE DAICY NBBRASKAN PolitlcB Is ft thing of the past for the claBB of '08. The, election of President Mencfce decides the last contest for the final honors of this' claBB, a contest unequalled in interest by any previous election in Its hlB.tory. There ls one thing .about these con tests which it is hoped will bo con tinued by the participants in after years, and that is tho friendliness of the contest. Each of tho leading can didates have a hoHt of friends and many studentB are common friends of both; no money was spent in purchas ing voteB and the worst charge made against either candidate was that he "couldn't be imagined as participating in a claBB scrap. ' The resolution passed in Senior together. The evening is spent in casting steal thgiances at the fair one who, unless the couple is "mar ried," sits at some desk a convenient distance from her admlrdr.' About nine o'clock, tho work of tho evening being over, the excltemeilt begins. The man usually thinks of something Important ho aas forgotton to tell his hady love, so ho takes a short rest from his labors and goes over and tells her about it. An understanding is usually reaohed before the matter reaches the attention of tho librarian. The man then resumes his studieB. In a few minutes the girl prepares to de part and is followed shortly by tho man. Tho story is an old one, fa miliar to every frequenter of the Library. It is, to say the leaBt, a childish habit, but of far more impor tance than this, It probably con tributes to the flunk we are hearing so much about these days. Only a short time remains before the Cornhusker comes out. Some of the individuals or organizations who put off the matter of getting pictures taken will feel slighted, but the book comes out May 1 and things will have to be put into Bhape very soon. Dropped Out. Elmer Thompson, Cornell's big foot ball guard, has been dropped from the Cornell college of law on account of deficiency in study, and will be unable to play for Cornell again. He was let out after falling to pasB last week. His case was carefully cqnsldered by the faculty on his peti tion, but they refused to reopen it. Under the rules he never will bo allowed to play football for Cornell again. Yalo'B greatest social event of the year, the '"Junior Prom," wub held last BudtTs New Spring Hats Make your eyes water the little unique shapes and contrast colors both stiff and soft are a lit- tie bit the swellest we have shown. BUDD, $2.50 HATTER WHY PAY MORE? cIobb meeting yesterday morning fa voring interclaas -athletic contests at the State Farm-on the afternoon of Ivy Day is excellent. Nebraska haB very few established customs of this nature. Other schools younger than our institution have many 'such occa sions and out of. them grows a college spirit that makes strong and loyal, alumni. Mr. La Folletto .Is said to have been a poor Btudent from the standpoint of marks, but no one denies that as fsoon' as the world at large began to grade him his standing went up rap- ; Idly. The Wisconsin University 'nearly refused to graduate him-, but when the sterling honesty and worthy purposes of the young man are known his Alma Mater is proud to own him. Brilliancy in class recitation is little sign of future success. Old habits are 'hard tt break. Tho custom of meeting at the postofflce or at church when children is being conl tlnued by a number- of men and women in the University who come to the Library every evening with no otqePtobviou.s purpose than to go home Tuesday night in the armory at New Haven. Governor Woodruff of Con necticut, who is an honorary member of tho Yale corporation, with the mem bers of his staff, occupied one of tho handsomely decorated boxes. Many New York society people were present. Ralph E. Weavorllng, former presi dent of the Freshman class, who was indefinitely suspended as a result of the McDonald kidnapping case, haB gone to his homo in Beatrice. Ho has practically given up hope'pf re-entering the University In the near future It Is reported that according to a re cent decision of the faculty council tho Dartmouth College football team will not be allowed to come to Michi gan "for a game with tho Wolverine team ' next season. Harvard University has received a gift of two thousand acres of valuable timber land near Petersham, Mass., for the use of the forestry depart ment.- Fbrestry students will do large part' of their work at Petersham where they will have an opportunity for practical forestry. a I RESULTS TELUl We claim to be the beat GLEANERS and DTERS In Lincoln and are r to. prove it Our methods aro the VJ33RY LATBST and our' wdrk aen the beat that monoy can secure. W..okan'the finest dresses aad robes without danger of.fading or shrinking In any way. We 'also dean gentlemen's clothing of 'aU'ltljads. aoods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C WOOD St CO. Phene Bell 147 1320 H STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE Wo can give you the best prices, best goods and best service CAPITAL GROCERY I435 M Street UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Wednesday, February 12. G: 50 Temple. Y. W. C. A. lecture. Thursday, February 13. 1-1:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. . Convocation. Mr. John S. Forbes of Brooklyn, N. Y. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Sophomore class meets. Friday, February 14. 8:00 p. m. Tho Temple. Mid-winter Commencement. Dr. L. A. Sherman on "Commercial Ism and Higher Education." Saturday, February 15. 7:30 p. in. University Hall 106. Students' Debating Club meets. Friday, March 13. Lincoln Hotel. Freshman Hop. Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. At Syracuse University the Fresh men and Sophomores have an annual "snow rush," In which the opposlg Classes gather on opposite sides of a walk and at n given signal commence wrestling oh the walk In un effort to muke their way across. The class which succeeds and maintains Its po sition for fifteen minutes is awarded the rush. The .rush this year was held the first part of this week.' Pershing Rifles. The Pershing Rifles are to bo in the Armory at 4:30 Wednesday In order to have their pictures taken for the Corn-huBker. The KEY to SUCCESS is a BUSINESS EDUCATION Get that education at the Lincoln Business Collage 'A Practical School. I3th & P Sts, EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Sptclal Discount ft Studtnts GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. LOST Gold cuff pin, initials F. B. W. Return to Miss Waugh at Library. A good modern room for rent, 505 North Seventeenth. Ladles' pocketbook found on the campus. Inquire at Nebraskan office. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? The best place to eat In town Is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Matt's place Pool and- cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. Panoramic pobI cards, just received. 34Q North Eleventh. T.J.TH0RP&C0. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trad s Checks, Keys Lecksnllhlng. General Machine Werks, Model Makers, Etc. Sl . lltb, Llaeola Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly FINE RICE DDEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE UB AND YODB ORDER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION 20--PER CENT DISC0UNT--20 ImmmmmmmmW LLLLLLv9l9aLHMMMMMr Come in and examine our new line of Spring Goods. TWENTY per cent Dis count on all Fall and Winter Suits. DRESHER Lincoln's Fashionable 143 SOUTH TWELFTH t BELL PHONE 604 AUTO PHONE 2686. TAILOR J : x a n M -v wcniwwrafii