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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
' .. v? ,tx A, ' : . .". - r 1 ' I - 4if v J gr it M. - J Jt " ft ' . . k r W Vol. VII. No. 83. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THUR3DAY, FEBRUARY 13, J905. Price 5 Cents. FRIDAY PROGRAM CHKCHK05K3fcOCKCHC Ift&i HSW IRebraefcan CIRCULAR LETTER PRE8IDENT OF LA PLATA UNIVER SITY 8END8 BULLETIN. X LINCOLN HOTEL FEBRUARY 21 , MID-WINTER COMMENCEMENT ON THE FOURTEENTH. Indoor Athletic Contest In the Morn- I Ing-rDr. 8herniahiko GlvVCharter I ' f. V'Pay Address, in 'the Evening. f ' ' '' " ' , .... Tho University of Nebraska will jiold the annual exercises of the Mid winter Commencement on Charter Pay, Friday, February 14th. The pro gram Is as follows: Friday, February 1dth. 1.1:00 a. m. Meotlng of the Board of Regents. 2;. 00 p. m. Al! departments of tho .University open. to the public. . . MubIc by the University Hand, Grant Memorial Hall. Pershing Rifle drill. 2:00 p. m. Annual athletic contest, Grant Memorial Hall. 8:0,0 p. m. Mid-winter Connnence vmenl. . e " Wednesday, February 19. 8:00, p. m. The Temple. Annual address before tho Sigma Xi Society by Dr. Russel II. Chittenden, ' director "of the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University, on "Some New Viewpoints In Nutrition." Friday, February 14. "Mid-winter Commencement. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. "On the Sea" Dudley Buck f The University Glee Club. Invocation Rev. S. MIHb Hayes, Chaplain of the Evening. Soprano Solo "Spring Song". .Becher Miss Vera Upton. Charter Day Address "Commer cialism and Higher Education," Dr. Lucius A. Shernmnr Dean of the Graduate School of the University. Conferring of Degrees. Benediction. Delow is the order of the athletic contests:' 25-yard Dash Campbell. Hummel. " Minor. Burrus. ' EMiett. . Kroger. Reed, f Perry,. .4 -' . Fence-vault- ! 4 v Hummel. A rVtlllna Cherrlngtou. Davhi. S Shot Put ,.. 3t at VL.f r r Collins, S. M. - Kroger; Collins, C. C . -, Cherrington. HlgU.KIck Fleming. Bathbqne. Long. " Young. High Jump Burrus. ' Jtfarael. ' , flutqmel. i Pole Vault d, g-ftfcMasfewG, S. ! Mcuavltt. - .Russel. ' ' ts- ' '; ,, IftcMafiters, W. M. -" (CohtInued"on.wpage 4.) ta- JUNIOR PROM FORMAL "TICKETS 3 DOLLARS MK)WK))tKJlK50KiK5K000 O O 00KKOKKKOJKK) INTER-FRAT. RELAY. Preliminaries Held for Charter Day Races. The preliminaries for the lnter-fra-ttrnity relay race,. which is one of the events on the Charter Day athletic program, were held in the Gym lant Tuesday afternoon. Seven teams had entered the preliminaries, but owing to the fact that Burrus of Sigma Alpha' Epsilon and Flower of Alpha Tuu Omega failed to appear, those fraternities withdrew their teams. First Heat Alpha Theta Chi, first; I'elta Upsllon, second; Delta Tau Delta, third; Phi Kappa Psl, fourth. Time, 1 minute 17:1 seconds. Second Heat Phi Kappa Psl, first; Kappa Sigma, second. Time, 1 min ute 1G.1 seconds. The Alpha Theta Chi team would doubtless have made even better time than they did had they not been un fortunate in upsetting boxes, thereby losing considerable time. The race this year bids fair to bo a hotly con tested one, with the chances of win ning perhaps slightly in favor of the Alpha Theta Chis or the Delta Up silons. The. teams which qualified are: Alpha Theta Chi. Craig. Wallace. Davis. Fleming. Delta Upsllon. Minor. Collins. Rathbone. Russell. Delta Tau Delta. DenBlow. Drake. Sinith. Jennings. Phi Kappa Psi. , Bentley. McDonald. ' Burnett - PHI ALPHA TAU. Slaughter. After the show or party just drop Into the Boston Lunch for a sandwich and a cup of, coffee or an oyster stew. Organized to Cultivate Speech Arts Meets. Tho Phi Alpha Tnu hold Its first meeting for the second semester last evening In the Temple. A roundtablo discussion on the president's message was led by J O. Wontworth In a pro pared talk on the message setting forth its principal -features and tho points upon which there wns room for discussion. Each member then dis cussed the message extemporaneously for five minutes and at the closeof his discussion selected the one to follow him. It was almost the unanimous senti ment among men of all different pollti1 cal affiliations that the action of President RooBevelt is honest and brave and that he has no political reasons for such a message. The em ployers' liability clause and. the omis sion of any recommendation on the fi nancial situation were also taken up in particular. At the conclusion of the program Dr. French told of his trip to Kansas and the enthusiasm shown In that Institu tion over oratorical contests. He at tributed tho exceptional Interest partly to- the fact that tho institution takes part in few intercollegiate contests, and hence centers its attention on' inter society affairs. It is the purpose o'f the Phi Alpha Tau to hold similar informal discus sions every two weeks during the se mester in order to give the members practice In talking on their feet with the additional benefits coming from an exchange of Ideas on live questions. Y.-MMJtrcIl All men desiring to try ouc for the Y. M. minstrel show, to be given the latter part of April, will please regis ter wltlTtue general secretary at once, .ThlB will be an excellent opportunity for any one who has a liking' for this kind of work. . Applications must come in at once. OMXHOIKWOHO .AM 'i- Sophomores meet at ii-tmrty toaa in Memorial hall V-'- r . K)00OOKl tjX. JK 8teps Taken to Establish a 8ystem of Co-operation Between Home and Foreign Universities. Chancellor Andrews recently re ceived n circular letter to foreign uni versities from Joaquin V. Gonzalez, President of tho National University of La Plata, Argentine Republic, S. A., enclosing a copy of certain suggestions recommended by their Educational Commission. The suggestions offered are as follows: Art. 1. To form n system of university co operation on, the following baslB: I. For tho exchange of publications among the different universities of tho world. II. The creation of nclontlflc bureaus for the following purposes: A. To servo us a center of Informa tion for the members of the different faculties or for persons Interested In works of Investigation; to furnish them the data thnt they might need from other countries. B. To bring the members of the different universities who are interest ed in the same lido of work into con tact with ono another. C. To have tho Bpeclalhns of the different countries pursue ' the" samo researches or studies at the same time so that their articles might appear In print at tho same time. D. To answer questions as to courses and methods of teaching. III. The formation of bureaus of in formation for foreign students,' whose duty It will be to gjyj) information In regard to university life and receive foreign strangers and give ten every posBiblo aid on tholr arrival IV. To explain in classes of. consti tutional and administrative law, polit ical economy, sociology, and compara tive legislation a to the situation and legislation of both countries that are exchanging Ideas and to give Informa tion t to- students In regard to the pecu liar conditions existing in other coun tries which will arouse their Interest in. further study. ' The circular explains the necessity of. the formation of some such system ar, this in order to Increase the amount of scientific work and establish closer relations between the different uni versities. . It was signed, sealed and flourished In the Spanish. style, - To each candidate of Mid-winter Commencement: Air candidates "for degrees at the Mid-winter Commence ment are requested to meet promptly at 11:30 a. m. in the Temple audi- JLorlura, Friday, February 14, to learn the assignment of Beats and he order and manner of conferring degrees. '! f Professor Barbour goes to Peru this afternoon to deliver a lecture before 'the students of the State Normal1 on Pompeii." The lecture la advertised In Peru as "Pompeii With the I?id Off' o u i