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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1907)
I ?.- b P , H . m ALL WOOL j CAM SWEATERS rLoBanMn HUSNOJEJ5 i - f ji Tho Junior Pronv wtnTUo hold at the I Lincoln Hotel February 2, 1008. Football players who wIbIi to try ii out for baukot-ball should got out Tor f. . f pnvcuoo ni unuu. . ivmtssA lffilVfl'irolfl watch. Wodneri I day bqtwee'n Unlvorsfty campus and Jjlflth and S streets. Return to G24 In. 10th jjtreot. riiu Engineering Socloty .hold Us -regular mooiing mat nigui. in m, n. " ' 1 1 t i iiii r h 4 Mr. vL. Holllfltor, instructor in Eloc- trlcal Engineering, gaVo an interesting tujk on tho naturoof lightning;. cw. ' : Tho mooting of tho tlormau club at tho homo of Dr. and Mrs, Wallaco, fiehodulod to'toko placo tills ovonlng, 4irh been tnuounitoiy potnponcu on nc ooudVbf .tho doa'th or Instructor Hrbulc. Tho botany dopartmont has rocontly rccolvod a number of forns and otlior wntor planta from Dr. Clomcnta, who vont to tho University of Minnesota lhat year. It Is reported that Dr. Cioruonts will bo in tho city visiting his friends horo In ijbout two wcoks. If you feel that tho 'Varsity football 'team has dono wolf thin yoar, como to 'tho Cornhirakor banquet, Saturday ovonlng. Docombor 14. TIiIh invltutlon la oxtondo'.i o ovory man In tho Uni versity, nml lu a command on ovory man Unit possibly can como. One dol lar n plate Tho Y. M. C. A. will moot tonight Iiom 7 until 7:30 Tor tho first tlmo lu tholr now rooms In tho Tomplo. Arthur Jorgonson who bus Just ro turnod from tho International Con vehtl6n at Washington, D. C, will ttavo charge or tho mooting. "Jorgy," will havo something to suy that ovory man. ought to hoar. Every Univer sity man Is cordially Invited. Saturday n,lght at tho County Fair All of tho people will lo the to To soo tho Bights anl bohold tho flhow, Hut tho bost of tho things that's gay Will bo tho ftimouy dramatic p'ay. Not a sound will bo heard, not a word. Oh, como and let your souls bo stirred IJy what may with your eyes bo seen, i Docombor .sixth, noxt 'Saturday e'en. $6 Wine, Fas- At Hereford & Pettys 143 So. 13th St WW EJ "? U" DAILY NBBRA8KAN MEN'S $2.50 YOUR CHOICE SATURDAY J Prolf. E. H. Barbour will give an II luBlratod tecturo In tho auditorium ot thovnaw University Tomplo tomorrow ovtnlngDoc; 0, at eight o'clock. HIb iujbjoot. will bo "A Trip to tho Ber muda' Islands." .This lecturo Is given under tho auspices of Iho Sigma XI Society, but nil morabers of tho faculty and' all Htudonts are cordially Invited. PleaBo keep tho dato In mind. The si :th annual recoptlon to tho Latin club was given Tuesday night from oight to ton by Prof, and Mrs. Harbor In Hie University Tomplo. Prof, and Mrs. Sanford, Miss Huntor and Miss Strohorn assisted in tho on tortatnmg . Studonts In Suotonius, an advanced courso in Latin, served the refresh m en ts. First Concert b8chool of Music. Tho first rocltal by students of ad vanced grade will bo glvon this ovon lng ut tho Tomplo. Tho program will commonco ut 8:15 and all studonts who lovo good music .should not mis It. There will" be no admission fee. Evorybody Is welcome A FEW LEFT. On account of the great demand for the Football Number of the Dally Ne braskan, another edition was printed. A few of these souvenirs are left and may be bought at the Dally Nebraekan office. (Moments' photoB aro tho tyost. Ratos to students. 129 So. Elovonth. Havo your clothes pressed at Wob or's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and Q. Marshall, students' barbor. Cornor Thlrtoonth and O under Famous. Haydon, photographer, spoclal ratos to studonts. 1127 O streot. Green's barbor shops aro tho best in tho West. . Go tqMrs. J. C. Boil, halrdrossQr, for cblFopody. Palaco counter. Dining, Hall. No lunch Juat a quiet ovpnlng meal at Dalrym- pio a. -1 r Try FranplB Bros.1 restaurant, 1020 P Boclcman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st j T Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. . .-C; O. H. Fray, florist, 1133 O St. Tan and Black College Oxfords NOW umiifiMta ' --r . . j S 12!) 4 Frats and Sororities- VvTien in Need of COAL call and aee the' T i We will treat you right ' Phones: Bell 234; Auto. 16 10.- Office 1106 O. Delicious . Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee &?- i-iry s tM 1307 O JERRY THE DRUGGIST. THE P08T OFFICE DIRECTLY ' OPPOSITE OUR ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. 'v- HOT and GOLD' SODA G. K, AKAGI & BROS. EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE STORE Evorybody la cordially In vitod to call and inspect onr store 204 South Twelfth St. We're now located in the most beautiful store in the West CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATER Lincoln Candy Kitchtn 14th aad O 8trU I $4.50 ttWM p rr i. WHITEBREAST CO. u. i , ' t mi Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon; hour lunches a specialty. z &L Street. Henderson & Hald jewelers; And opticians REPAIRING A SPECIALTY - . V- CINCINNATI CUT PRIG! SHOE STORE -AN! Eleotrlo Shot Itipalr Fatttry SAVES YOO - TIME - and - MONEY V 1220 O St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER - k).i Dr.S.S-Shean OPTICIAN ' 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yewr Palrenags Solicited .v A --.',- J 1 V 3?N ! ? V 1l i 'M i 3 l 1 m y s" 5KW S "t " J-1! m M