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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1907)
Sbe S)ail IFleB traekan I 1 . i l ' '.'V A 'i ,4 , Vol. VII. No50. UNIVERSITY OF. NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, J907. Price 5 Cents. to. 'NJfflVTl I 1 f - X BASKET BALL NEWS LARGE SQUAD PRACTICING IN r ARMORY DAILY. A -Trip by Cornhusker Five Next Se mester Will Include Games With Chicago and Minnesota. ' A largo squad of Cornhusker basket ball tossers are practicing daily at ;the Armory. Practise has been held jail fall, but slnco the close of the .football season more Interest has been ,centeed In the winter Bports and sev eral men have been added to the .basket-ball squad. The Cornhusker quintet is expected Tto make a good record this "season. -.Nebraska In the front row of the ' basket-ball tossers nre Paul Boll, cap tain of 1907-08 Ave; Bell, Watah, Per-' guson, Chorrington. Tho Bell brothers and Walsh were on last yesjfteam and did some bril liant work. Tho now mon aro Bhowlng up well. There will be no match games until after tho Christmas vacation. Kansas will probably come here for a game .or two arly In January. Following the visit of the Jayhawkers, Manager Eager Is planning to take tho Corn- huskers on a southorn trip that will include games with Baker, Kansas, Missouri and tho Kansas City Athletic Club. Tho last of Pobruary tho Ne braska Ave will go oast on a short trip,. Tho, schedule for this trip wilt 'be as follows: February 28-29, Mlnnosotaat MIn " neapolis. March 2, open. . v March aVlsconsln at Madison. ' . March open. March 5, Chicago at Chicago. ' ' March C, Iowa, at Iowa City. Several men who woro oh tho foot ; ball squad aro considered good ma ! ferial for tho basket-ball team and C0CHK)K3WDCK3'0 SENIOR MASQUERADE . TONIGHT DECEMBER 6- National Association of State Unlver- sltles Advances Reason for Estab t llshment of the College. i Memorial Hall. All must be masqued. Admission 35c JKCrtKCfKiK000 AT THE FAIR. What Will Be Seen Along the Pike Saturday Night. v t)h no! P. T. Bamum did not live in vain. If hiB namo does not go down on tho pages of Immortal his- Among tho players who will help keepU0 It certainly ought to bo placed UIU1U JL 1UI' UU UlUUI iUUOUU wuu lot" tho University of. Nooraska, now to manago tho finer dotalls of a circus. When his mentality was striving with tho problems of how to mako tho world spilt Its sides with laughter, It )s said that ho did so for tho solo purpose of creating a fortune with which to buy Jumbo. But wo, who aro ablo to survey mstory from a broader scope now realize that ho was only experimenting. Ho had in mind tho COUNTY FAIR that is to bo hold tho evening of Saturday, Do comber 7th, 1907. His great, oxporlmont was THE Ah, Yds! They have all done very woll, Rlngllng, Fourpaughs, Bailey, and tho rost, but THE PIKE has reached tho highest cohsumatlon of artistic perfection in tho Y. "V C. A. County Fair. , Chief among tho freaks Composing tho melodramatic group of pikers Is Jorgonson, who Is knowir throughout .tho country as tho "champion hot air merchant1 and now sorvlng as auc tioneer along tho Plko. Don't for got to see thlB wonder, gontlomon; but shut your oars and .'hands on your pockotbooks" for ho has a porsua- LECTURE TONIGHT. Professor Barbour Will Talk on the Bermuda Islands. All persons who aro interested" In popular science will find It both on tortalhing and Instructive to attond tho Illustrated lecture to bo glvon by Prof. Tl H. Hnrltnttr fh!n nvnnlntr n JJ that ho has shown tho Y. W. C. A,i ..,. , ,. .... , . .. TT , . .. TT . ,. ... . 1o clock In tho audltorlunrtrf ,tho Unl- J tho baskot-ball manager aro urging ( them to report for practise immediately- ' Mathematical 8emlnar. K Tho third meeting of tho Mathemat ical Seminar of tho University ,of Ne braska will bo held Saturday, De6om 'bor 7, 1907, at 7:30 p. m. in roo'm"3024 - Mechanic Arts Hall. Some recent 'developments in tho ' '.theory of partial differential equations will bo discussed by Mr. H. T. John son. All Interested aro cordially in-fylted. Poor St. Louis. -, From 'St.,LouIs came a nolpo Hko 34 Uo 0 for tho Catholics in their gamo - wlth tho Cornhuskera. From tho point of view of a college sport, the gamo was unsatisfactory, and it Is probable that both Nebraska and Kansas have played itJielr last game wlthMhe St. ' Loulsans', who do not enforce rules of eligibility. students' Herald, Man hattan, Kansas. . W. A. Yodor, '03, has been reelected superintendent of public' Instruction for Douglas county. slvo volco that, draws like a magnet Then to tho right Ah! Shakes peare must como to our aid. "Y.on dor comes a pair of very strango boaBts " They may for convenlonco bo classed, "Tho Long and tho Short" However, their reateoologlcal namo Js under consideration. Their history is a strpngo pne. Yes, very strange. But let mo only say that tney wero found by a hunting party, running wild in Bomo Nebraska cornfield, and brought to tho University to bo tamed. (Continue on page 3.) vorslty Templo. Profossor Barbour spont a part of his vacation last sum mer in tho Bermuda islands. Ho mado a special study of tho flora and fauna of tho Islands, and of tho coral forma tions surrounding them. Tho public parks and tho military fortifications also engaged his attention. Among tho pictures that ho will use will bo found views touching upon all theqp features of tho Islands. Tho Bermu das are an Interesting flold for tho scientist, and their striking character istlcs have novor boforo boon present ed to a Lincoln audienco. This lec ture will bo glvon undor tho auspices of tho Sigma XI Sociqty, and will bo freo to anyono who doslros to hoar It Tho 800101 gladly bears the slight uexponso. It will bo oxtromoly grati fied, however, to bo assured that, it Is appreciated in Its efforts to present from tlmo Jto time items of popular scientific knowledge. A goodaudi enco will bo taken as an.(oxpresslon of appreciation, no( only of tho so ciety, but alspof tho kindness o Pro fessor Barbour. NATIONAL SCHOOL CONGRE88 WILL BE ASKED TO GIVE FUND8 FOR IT. . H. R. Edwards, C. E., '04, who is act ing as transit man on a railway 'loca tion party In Mexico, writes that ho Is in tho region whoro YaquI Indiana furnish -eloquent oxoltoment and dan ger . There are soventy men in tho party, a largo part of Uiom'sorvUg as guards. . if- Pies like mother tried -to make. Baked fresh twlco a day by an export wo'man pie baker, at ''Tho Boston Lunch. ootgtoooo6 OUR ANNUAL COUNTY FAIR BENEFIT Y. W. C. A. - : , HAPPY HOOLIGAlr UNCLE TOM LEW DOCKSTADER .SATURDAY, DEC 7. ARMORY. ADMISSION JOc f mWWWtoMWOmm000OiKm W Tho National Association of Stato Unlvorsltles at a .meeting hold ro contly in Washington, adoptod a roc ommondation mado by a Joint com mlttoo of tho association and of tho National Educational Association that a national unlvorBlty bo estab lished by act of congrosd In tho District of bo support ed by tho goyornmont' and to sorvo ogos maintained by tho statos. This action will load to tho bringing be foro tho presont Congress a bill em bodying this rccommondatlon. Tho Mowing argumonts aro ad vanced In favor of tho ostabllshmont of a national unlvorslty: l.fSuch a unlvorslty Is noodod to comploto and to crown tho education al system of tho United Statos, 2. Such a university is noodod' to supplement tho rosources of oxistlng Institutions and to offer opportunities for moro advanced Investigation, and rosoarch than aro now offorod by tho unlvorsltles of tho country. 3. Such a unlvorslty was urgod by Washington, and has boon urged by many omlnont statosmon slnco tho deslrablo and necessary. 4. A national university Is neded In ordor to co-ordlnato tho scientific fwnrlr nnw hnlntr rarrlnrt on In thn sovoral govornmont dopartmdnts at Washington, and to put that work at ,tho disposal of advanced and ado foundation of tho govornmont as qualoly trained studonts. ' It is woll understood that thoso con nected with prlvato educational Insti tutions wll) do all in their power to opposo tho establishing of such a unlvorslty. In 1001' a commlttoo ap pointed by tho" National Educational association brought boforo that body at a mooting in Detroit a report which was unfavorable to a national university. Only qlevon, men of tho ,committo of fourteen signed tho 're port Of 'thoso olovpn, sovon wero 'presidents of, or connected In some way with prlvato institutions. President James B. Angoll of Michi gan, who was on this same, committee, refused to sign'thd report because it was not in accordancerwJth his views. Previous to this Detroit meeting ho had writton an article "which present ed tho probablo attltudo of. the prin cipal universities of tho country to ward tho project to establish a na tional university. Some of thoso who expressed them- .selves as being opposed to this schemo wero tho' Late William It. Harpor, president of the University of Chicago, President Nicholas Mur ray Butlor of' Columbia, President Charles EUbt of. Harvard and Presi dent Jf G.rSchurman of CornelF. ' Hon Andrew D. White, iri an ar tlclo written in 1900 offers strong fa vorable arguments. He believes that (Continued on. page 2,.) W U 1 ii ' 1 4 t h 1 j a i S ,i p f ' r ..- -. i -. - 1h?