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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
THE JDAILV NEBRA8KAN Gbe alls Webrashan TUB PROPERTY OP TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA: Lincoln. Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY, BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PublicillQfl Olflce, 126 Ho. 14th St. EdItor-ln-Chlef M. A. Mills, '03 Mangplng Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '00 Business Manager. ..H.. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance 8lngle Copies. 6 Cents Each ' Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be-charged for at tho rato-of 10-conts per Insertion for every llf teen words or f raetlqn thereof. Faculty notlcos nnd Unlvorslty bulletins will gladly be published freo. Entorod at tho postofneo at Lincoln, NobraHka, as. spcontl-class mall matter under tho Act Of Conpross of March 3. 1870. CHAPEL PERIOD. II Imb boon decided that thoro will bo no footbnll rally for tho Denver game, but all npiiit and ontlniBiaflm will ho reserved for ono grand final rally for tho St. Louis game, Thanks giving. Tho reason for this attitude is that It was feared that too many rallys would by becoming a burden on tho studonts generally, on account of their frequency tond to defeat tho .ob ject sought. "Without 'doubt under tho.' present arrangements of tho con vocation period and locturo period it 1b hot possible to secure any tlmo dur ing tho nlay for theso rallys which will not conflict with lectures and other required attendance 'So far in tho year it has been necessary for the studonts to choose between "at tending tho rally or their classes and no mattor which courso thoy pursue thoro' 1b n wrong dono. Many foel that tho students arc put in . tho wrong position inasmuch as a spirit of loyalty demands attendanco upon MAY YET WITHDRAW. Wolverines 8tlll Talking About Leav ing Big Nine. Mihclgan is still extensively dis cussing its perplexing athletic prob lorn. Tho attitudo toward tho Big Nine Is still tho essential feature of tho controversy, and tho recent ac tion of tho Board of Regents reor ganizing t)o Board of -Athlotic Con trol has added fuel to tho fire. Tho Michigan Daily comments as follows on ttio subject: "By d procesB of deduction it is quite possible to see how tho action will tond toward tho estrangement of Michigan from tho Conforenco alli ance. Tho Regents havo always bc6n opposed to tho hlthorto effective pol icy of allowing eight'other schools to dictate Michigan's athletic affairs, and as it is thp Rogonts who aro re sponsible for Michigan's latest move, It does not seem unnatural to con nect tho two conditions. "According to the plan outlined by the Board of Regents for tho new Board of Control, buU ono of the fu ture members is definitely chosen at this tlmo, and that is Keono Fitz Patrick. As usual, Mr. Fltzpatriclc is pursuing a policy .of conservatism and is expressing no opinions concern ing tho probablo atitltudo tlio now board will havo toward tho Big Nino. Howover, it is known that Director Fitzpatrick was passively In favor of tho movement started last spring, which had for its ultimato Sbject tho completo soveranco iy Michigan of all athletic relations with other Insti tutlons of tho Big Nino, as members of the Nine. Relations with those schools individually, of course, would havo been acceptable had those schools wlshod to maintain such athlotic in torcouVso. As tho matter now stands that is, under tho regimo of tho present Board qC, Control Michigan is still a member of tho Big Nine. Despite tho OVERCOATS WITH MORE THAN ORDINARY MERIT We are now squarely face to face with real winter. The first Impulse will be to rush Into the most convenient place for an Overcoat. Don't do It take time to get the coat you want -one that you are sure you can depend upon for service. Our Coats at $15 and up are not simply here to soil, but to make customers for our store, for the fabrics and the style of every coat is thoroughly "dependable. Our contention is, that Coats should not only look good while new, but continue to look well with hard, usage. Both knee and ankle length Coats at $10 and up to $40 and every one fully guaranteed to glv6 satisfactory service for the price paid. . MAGEE DEEMER KENSINGTON OVERCOATS FIT UNIVER8ITY BULLETINS. Student 50c Neckwear ! i M I fl,. I - .-- I -. I II Novelty 4-in-hands so many it makes your eyes hurt at this popular, prico. Narrow ties and close together fold collars are the real poruvians for now. Let mo tell you. of tho new styles as they occur. BUDD, $2.50 HATTER - 114-1 O STREET . tho tallys and the interest In their collego work ob woll as tho require " ments of the University demand at tendance upon thoso 11:30 classes. As the case now sands thoro is no time provldod for tio different class and student '.mcetihgB which does not conflict with rogulnr locturo'"pbrloujs. Thoro should bo a certain period pf time sot apart each day at which time meetings' could 'bo hold without cut ting into regular University time'. 'It would not be necessary for ono hajf hour to bo given every day if It is found that so much time is not neces sary to onablc class and other studont organizations to meet nnd transact thoir necessary business. But with out question thoro is soinothlng wrong. ; . rf Think of4 a collego professor saying anything Hko this: "I hope that tho best team will win." What an awful slam! , Doesn't ho know ho know he .should say: "I hope the bottor team will win?" V- numorous threats that were mado by that Institution last spring whon Michigan's Board of Control decided to violate to a slight extent Bovoral Conference rulings, the Big Nine- has since maintained vigorously that Michigan's action did not result In the Wolverines forfeiting their mem bership in the Big Nine. Tho stand thp directors of tho Conforenco took on tho matter was a purely solllsh one, and was doubtless adopted after considerable consideration. They were led to jtheir decision that no mattor what action Michigan mlgh take, she would still be a, member, tho knowledge that Michigan's with drawal in name as well as in deed would prove a dangerous if not fatal blow to tho prestige enjoyed by tho Big Nino Conference association. Hence tho- ruling that even 'though' not active or In good standing, MichU gan.was nevertheless, nnd would al ways bo. .in spito of anji action she might take, a member of tlio Big Nine." f Thursday, November, 14. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall." Convocation. Judgo C. S. Lobing lor of 'tlio Phllllpino Islands. "Tho Vnluo of tho Philliplnes.' 11 -MO Memorial Hall. Pool ball rally. 11:00 ,i. m. Y. W. C. A. Rooms. Noon mooting. Jean Sullivan. 7:15p. m. Armory. Pershing Rifles modal drill. 8:00 p. m. Nebraska Hall, 210. Pathological Club meets. Friday, November 15. 11:00 a. in. Y. W. C. A. Rooms. ' Noon mooting. Dr. H. B. Ward. Monday, November, 18. Mid Bomester roports duo. Tuesday, November 19. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation.. Hon. D. B. Thompson, ,U. S. Ambassador to Mexico. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. . Senior class meets. Thursday, November 21. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Girl's Mass Meeting. Saturday, December, 7.. County Fair. Friday, December, 13. 'Nobrnska-Iowa debate. No Minnesota Game. Unfavorable roports aro being re ceived from the Cornhuskers, and the likelihood of a match botweon tho girls' basketball team and Nebraska is not probable though negotiations awj still underway. Engineering society SMOKER. All engineers Invited. Saturday evening, November 16. Acacia House, 121G H street. Found Bunch of three koys. Call at Nobraskan office. Miss A. E. Soukup dressmaking. ' Special attention given to studonts. 113G O St Auto 1-737. Mntt's place Ppol and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Blovonth street. Tlio best place to oat In town is at D6us Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street." SAM'S CAFE S.F.Westerfleld Profrhtw Special Service (6 PARTIES Bell Phene . 355 Auto , . 3355 A Specialty In Oysters in Season 117.19-21 Norlh 13th St. Wo manufacture all of our Candies &Jce Cream Wo servo the most dolicious Hot and Cold Dkinkb in the city TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" and EAT "SAUER KRAUT' MADE BY OLYMPIA CANDY CO., 1131 0 St. G. K. AKAGI & BROS, EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE STORE jr- Everybody is cordially in vited, to call and Inspect onr store . ' . 204 South Twelfth St. goeo3eospaoeoQooocoeofflooooooeooaoeosoooeofflo9 Rooms - Rooms - Rooms m i.7 3; I New Windsor Hotel Wo have nW open to studonts five or six well fur riishMromtfs. Steam heat aiVoleetrio , lights. Will i-oht forJ2 per week and up. 00000000000 o o v v XI .v-4 .fj .5 . -V 9 1 ' -f