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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1907)
a j VoI.VUl No. 37. Football Number Out Nov. 26 -Order fOOTBALL NOTES THE VAR8ITY WILL HAVE "LIGHT .sWORKTHI8'WEEK. . . ,) , t No Practice Held Monday Night But Men Were 'Out for 8hort While Yesterda 'Cole on the Game.. The varaky took their first vaca tion since the. beginning of the foot' hall season, Monday ovening, not bo ing jrcqulred .to. report for practice at all -by '!Klng"-eole. This announce ment was heartily welcomed by tho players who have experienced one of thp hardest achQdules .In the -history .of Nebraska football. Tho men have worked hard during tho last. foir twnnlro n nrnnnrnllnn tnv Mo fnilt lllc games including Minnesota, Colrado, Amos" and Kansas and have Btuck faithfully to their task. It has only been through the untiring efforts and hard, consistent work on the part of "King" Cole and Tils men that a win ning aggregation has been develop ed which represents Nebraska this Year.. The men, should all be. compli mented on their work In the games yhlch have been playpd, and although Bonie pf the players In the back-field have received more honorable men tion than those who light In tho line none are -more deserving of credit than tho line men, upon whom tho burden of the gamo really rests; , Collins, at confer, has" done TO-. markably good work and has clearly outclassed all opponents In his posi tion In ' ther games played this year. Frum .and ,Ewlpg at guards have been steady, reHabhj players and with Col lins have formed a center, trio which iSfhard to beat in western football, fchalqupka and Matters, at the . tackle positions have played a strong gamo throughout tho season, both charging the' opposing line with ef fectiveness and playing a strong de fensive game aswel), Harvey and Johnson, at ends, have been playing good ball since rounding Into shape,- and with more experience In their positions they, will develop In to a strong and fast set of ends. " Matters,- tyho was' taken 111 on tho trip home' from Kansas City has near ly recovered fromshIs ailment .and will he ready to take, part In tho Den ver game Saturday. The Corntiusliers came out of the battle with the Jayhawkors In good 'shape, no serious Injuries being io colvedl and are ready for stiff prac c tlco In. propagation for tho coming games and tho Thanksgiving gftme at Bt. Louis. Denver University Ib the 'next team to meet the CornhuskW. "Deacon!' Kolher, coach of .the Denver team ,1s a favorite, among the Cornhuskera, having played "his flrs,t, college foot ball, at Nebraska, holding down the center position for three years ending (Continued on page i.) , UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY,' NOVEMBER i ; r 0G01pO0 g jr x v vj i jp y-v 1- Li 6 TWO GAMES FOII ONE PRICE Denver vs. Champions Mo. Valley ' GAME CALLED AT 2145 Lincoln High vs. York CALLED AT 1116 GENERAL ADMISSION 75c. RESERVED SEATS $1.00 0CHKK00000000 AT CHAPEL. Rev. Fletcher L. Wharton of Pitts- burg Speaks. At chapel yesterday morning tho Rev. Flotcher L. 'Wharton of Pittsburg spoke. He declarod that ho was not much of n student, for It hnd been a long timo slnco he attended college, but he had been a student of life at first hand for many years, and It was of life that ho wished to talk. He declared that, while perhaps we do not realize it, the opportunities for making tho very most of ourselvos are far greater than have ever beforo confronted young people. There Is not a need of any kind or any desiro that sohio institution does not stand ready to supply. 'Any now thought which anybody In tho world has, can be found at our very doors. No matter whore wo may wlBh to go, or what we may wish to do tho means are all ready. Those opportunities, so much greater than have over boon enjoyed In tho past, make great demands up on utf. Great powers Ho dormant with in us, and tho ability liejjrtwjthln us to call Into action forces before unseen. If wo have a deep desiro for the truth and strong moral cdurage these un- soen powers will develop In us and make us able to contribute some thing more to the advancement of tho world. The Reverend Wharton declared that one of tho greatest untruths that has been declared In modern times Is the Btatemont that all men are free and equal and that thero are such things as Inalienable rights. It Is a principle that Is subversive of the best things Jn modern life. It tends to make men self supporting, a thing which can never ho while man re mains A human being. In practical (Continued on pago three.) O00OOCK Ify ou want a copy of the Illustrated " Football Number of the DAILY NEBRASKAN ORDER IT Price 10 Cents. - 0003jKC05 JUNIOR MEETING., Third Year 8tudents Decide to Get . s Hats. The Juniors mot at 11:50 yester day morning. Chairman Guldlngor of tho party commltteo roported that ar rangements hnd been made for hold ing the party In Memorial Hall on No vember 23. By a closo voto a motion to appoint a commltteo to solect class hats was passed. . Those pres ent wore Urgod by H. Boll to have their pictures for tho Cornhusker ta ken Immediately at Townsond's stu dio . Cross Country Team Chosen. Sixteen long distance runners en tered tho preliminaries Monday af ternoon for places pn tho cross conn 'try team which will ropresent Ne braska the last of this month In Chi cago. Captain Alden tho vetornn long dis tance man cpvored tho five mile course In 27.57, a remarkably good record undor tho existing conditions. Tho first seven mon In ,by ordor of finish wore Aldon, Beauman.Davls, Talloon, Trump, Smith and White. Talloon and Trump being freshmen are unellglblo to ifhrtlclpnto in tho raco and Smith and White qualified to fill tho vacancy. Tho five men chosen nro strong run nors and are fully capable of up .holding. former.Nobraska records In the coming race. Pies like mother tried to make. Baked fresh twice a day by an expert woman pie baker, at Tho . Boston Lunch. , ,"DIabolo" is becoming popular -with tho girls at the University of Mlchl- gan. V i AT ONCE ? Edition Limited., 13, i?07.t Ptick 5 Cents. Copies Now FEARED BY HIM DR. 8CHURMAN 8EE RIVALS WESTERN UNIVERSITIES. 'N Believes That Rapidly Growing State Schools Destined to Endanger Po sition of Endowed Colleges. President Schurman dlffors wldoly from Presldont Arthur T. Hadloy of Yalo as to tho growing Importanco of tho stato unlvorsltlcs of tho Wost. Dr. Hadloy Is roported to have said that , tho older Eastorn Institutions hnve nothing to foar from pio rapid dovelopmont of tholr Wostern slstors; that bcauso or their ropiUatlon, stand ing, traditions, and prostlgo tho co-' leges of tho East will always attract tho largor numbors of batter class of embryonic college mon no mattor what tho dovelopmont of tho West. Dr. Schurman sounds an entlroly . dlfforont nolo. Ho says, "These stato unlvorsltles aro rapidly dovoloplng - and In tho number of Btudonts and tho efficiency of Instructors tho best of thorn aro destined at no distant date, to lujcomo honorable rivals of tho largor and more colobrated uni versities of tho East." Ho might al most have said that somo of thorn no tably Wisconsin, Illinois, California, Missouri, and tho University of .Ne braska ,havo already Docomo danger ous rivals to Harvard, Yale, Cornell Princeton, Pennsylvania and Colunv bla. j A superficial glanco at tho statisti cal growth of unlvorsltles, wlI show in a momont the romnrkablo Increase In sttidont population in all of these unlvorsltles. The fact that eminent professors from tho best of tho East ern unlvorsltles aro frequently found drifting westward Is brought closer home every year. As the Instructing staff grows stronger, the tone of the university becomes higher, and the t)me may Indeed come when the big stato universities will bo supported by faculties Just as efficient, Just as capable and just as renowned ob most of those' in tho East. In order to uphold the traditional superiority of the East it seems nec essary that something must be done. Yale's president' is inclined to bolittlo tho problem and to, advocate a "lalssez ' falro" policy. Dr.VSchurman, as a, characteristic Cornelllan, goes to the root of the problem and offers a solu- tlon. Tho state Universities are, support ed by taxation, Thoy derive their In-; como fronj tho stato treasurer. . Their, equipment and their funds for tho pay ment of professors is' all provided for by tho stato which glyes them tholr name. Consequently tuition Is nomin al. Their doors are open to -all. The children of tho poor as well as those oftl)e, well to do and tho rich may. enter w,ith almost equal facility. Contlaued oh Page 3.) y- r A ,r ' hi j i 0 ( i..ti. 1 fc.1V. -nmftwTuff yrnT'ifrTr