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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
torn m 1 11 n, in i IMM H f Tin i. ,,!, i tlbc 2atl Bebrcfin I 1 T 1 ZEbeBatligflebragftan THE PROPERTY OF TUB UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkmuska. ' PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AID MONDAY DY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Offici, 126 N. 14th St. Edltor-ln-chlof J. Carroll Knode, 08 Aoaoclato Editor Clydo B. Elliott, 09 Managing Editor A. B. Long, 09 Athlotlca Hugh W. Craig, 07 Qonornl News Paul Q. Burt, 09 RovIowh Qortrudo Mooro, '07 Convocation Laura RhoadOB, '08 Assistant Athletics Miller 8. Bonodlot, '09 ABBt. Gen. Nowb Sidney Q. Evans, '09 Dopartmral....Earl R. Hunt, '08 H. L. Wilson, '09 Guy Montgomery, '09 A. Q. Schrolbor, '07 k Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman, '07 BuBlncBS Manager.... Byron B. Yodor, '08 AsBlstant Manager Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. Robertson, '09 TELEPHONED DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Butlnon Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Eaoh. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chargod for at the rato of 10 cents per Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thorcof. Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bullotlns will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bccond-clasB mall matter .under tho Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. THE ELECTIVE 8Y8TEM. Tho question of the elective system in collogo as tho basis of the students' course Is one over which school men have had a good many rounds of heated argument. It has its warm ad vocates and its decided opponents, each stdo maintaining its position for or against tho systom completely. What is a better solution than that found hero at Nebraska? In tho University, the plan has been adoptod, whereby tho student must got moro than a certain amount of re quired work, then' he has a remainder to eject himself. This plan includes diploma. Tho proscribed course un doubtedly does them good. Thero are some credits more easily obtained than others. But to havo a university curriculum entirely prescribed does an injustice to the ono with real ambitions and donito plans for realizing them. He lias little opportunity to follow his fa vorite subjects. Not that tho student's oye ought to be fixed solely upon his after-graduation career, but ho ought to have something definite In mind re garding that career. This does not happen to bo a world simply of the abstract. Consequently, that plan which in cludes tho greater share of the advan tages of both systems is to be most highly commended. Hero is something at last which can bo boosted, not "knocked at" Arrangements are now being made so that the agricultural students will be able to take considerable more work at tho State Farm than at pres ent. This will be a great convenience to those who now make several trips a week and who drill at tho University. The article in the January issue of the University Studies on "The Influ once of Crodlt upon thb Level of Prices" by Mrs. England, has been highly praiBed by Dr. Arthur Hadley of Yalo. Ho snys ho cannot accept the theory as yet, but will study It with pleasure. Vesper Service. This evening tho Senior girls' veBper service will be given in U. 106 at 6 p. m. Thero will be special music. High School seniors are in vited. Tho program follows: "Past Opportunities". Myrtle Kaufman "Present Opportunities". .Mary Young "Future Opportunities" Florence Parmalee A. L. Cavlness of Fnlrbury was n Unlvorslty caller Wednesday. O0OOOOOOOOOOO O O 0Q00Q00Q0QQ6? Don't Drop Your Eye Glasses I and don't worry for fear they will drop. The Automatic Eye-Glass Holder consists of a spring-controlled chain winding Into a case which Is fastoned to your coat or waist. The chain Is easily drawn 8ut to full length and by a slight "twitch" Is returned t6 Its place. 50c to $3.50. HALLETT, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, 1134 0 ST. Established 1871. 00000000 O O 0000000000000 the advantages of both tho elective system and that which rigidly pre scribes all work undertaken, tho; it is to bo admitted, it does not obviate nec essarily all tho disadvantages attach ing to both, Unfortunately, there are some peo ple of suillcient years and credits to ob tain admittance Into the University, who, nevertheless, havo not attained judgment or roal maturity enough to bo able to tell what they want or do ftvo Intelligently their own Intentions. Somebody elso has always told them vhat to do; maybe if thero Is some body, to take their little hand and gently guide their footsteps into a good road, they will grow up some day. In that case tho University has a great achievement open to It There are others, too, with an eye simply on the A theater building fund haB been started at the University, of Minnesota, and the students hope to have a the ater before long. Tho Dramatic Club has been giving numerous plays with a view of raising money for this building. They Look Good Kensington Clothes Very likely you have heard the expression, and per haps used It yourself: "Oh, he looks good in any thing," applied In referring to the fellow who always appears well groomed. Did you ever stop to consider that the reason for his stylish, correct appearance Is due, In part, at least, to the care he exercises In the selection of his clothes? Do you exercise the proper care In the selection of your clothes? Its our business to assist you In selec ting a suit that will look good on you that will be stylish, first of all, and continue looking stylish until their days of usefulness are over. KENSINGTON 8UIT8, $15.00 to $40.00. Magee & Deemer Kensington Clothes Fit. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk, Chapln Bros.,' Florists, 127 So. 12th. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book Store. The best place to eat in town Is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street Wbv not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.7 Green's Barber Shops: The Rich ards, The Mogul. All modern. Best workmanship. BASE BALL GOODS -muWmmWw9 Why did tho Glee Club decorate with our pennants from the Univer sity Book Store? Have you made your spring decora tions use ono of our pannants. The University Book Store. If you have dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mc Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. Mrs. M. Allan Camp,, formerly Caro line Wood, has been visiting Univer sity friends the past few days. Tho innoconts held their annual banquet at tho Lincoln hotel last evening. Mr. Samuel Hill of , Seattle .wllfl speak in Memorial Hall on May 9. His subject Is "Transportation." Mr. Hill Is a son-in-law of J. J. Hill of the Great Northern. Wm. W. Thelsen, '07, has been elec ted principal of tho high school at West Point, which is hlB Tiome. Students wanting profltabld employ ment during summer vacation call at 245 Windsor this week. Miss A. E. Soukup. Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St. Auto 4603. There Is no time like Harris' time If your watch Isn't up to date, you bet ter see Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can get a swell spring sampler at one-half price. Sanderson's. Students make big money soiling the Scarborough late maps of Nebraska. Exclusive territory and free Instruc tions given. Call for particulars on J. R. Carrothers, 1815 South St I L. JHEROQ I I TM University Mill's Till I I TIE FINEST WQM OONE AID PWCEI MNT I I 123Q Q8TREET Solo Agents for D. & M. Baseball and Athletic Goods. We also carry the Spalding line. Special prices to clubs on bats, balls, mitts and uniforms. LAWLOR CYCLE CO. 1324 O 8t. Only bicycle and sporting goods house on O street WHEN "WALKOVERS GO ON . i wm M MMW 1 I M ttto Troubles Go Off. Rogers & Parkins 1129 O Strt. SIMMONS The Printer 317 South Twelfth St. UlNflTi CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS ) ""("TV ii.CM . m J . . lkVii. '&. i , , &.. ' &- 1 . u -.Jfif ItfLV..