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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1907)
be 2ail Iftebraskan : . Vol. VI. No. 127. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 3, J907. Price 5 Cents. ON THE BOARDS JHOSKOOOJpOJpOOJrOOOJrOJKO ffc O w O rOO'fOirOrO'KOTtOOJfOiKOOirO NEAR ' COMPLETION m- v S- 1 ' .... .J 'ty ' !" SENIORS TO OCCUPY CONVOCA TION PERIOD TODAY. Members of Fourth Year Class to Ap pear in Solos and Readings In Annual Program. In accordance with the usual cus tom dating back several years, the University Seniors will take charge of the Convocation exercises this af ternoon at 5 o'clock. The rule govern ing these exercises is that only class talent or something improvised solely by the claBB may be presented. Ordi narily the plan has been to give a program in which members of the class bake part Individually, each ap pearing in a solo, reading, or some thing of a similar nature. A peculiar satisfaction attaches to this plan in that it Is most nearly representative of the class, and the program rendered this afternoon will conform to this idea. Following are the numbers to be given as announced by Miss Howard, chairman of the committee: Song "Scarlet and Cream" (Tune, "Eton Boating Song") Audience. Vocal Solo "Plantation Song" . . . N. Clarke Smith Lucile Long. Reading "Lasco" Del Gibson. Piano Solo Etude, P minor. .. .Liszt Louise Zlmwinkel. Monolog. ."As Told by Mrs. Williams" Katherlne Lindermann. Vocal Solo 'In May Time" Oley Speaks Louise Brace. Reading "Ldah".. Elijah P. Nicholson Harry Keyser. May 10, a week from today, the Juniors will occupy the Convocation hour. From what is known at pres ent, it is probable the program put on by the third year people will resem ble very much that of this afternoon. GIRLS' CLUB. Elects Officers and Changes the Con stitution. At a meeting of .the University Girls' Club yesterday morning, officers for the ensuing term were elected and a change in the constitution of the or ganization was made. Nelle Bratt was elected president; Lois Fossler vice-president, and Alice Comstock, secretary. Further, four members from each of the lower classes were appointed to compose the executive, committee. The constitution was so changed as to make the payment of a twenty-five cent fee requisite to membership in the club. The fund accumulating from this money will be used to help worthy girls who are working their way thru school. By way of condition to this assistance, however, the resi dence at the University for at least one semester will be required of the one helped. Wisconsin is to be given a "Carl Schurz memorial professorship'' by a number of .prominent Milwaukee men. May Morning Breakfast May ST. PAUL'S H.MaMBHIMHHHMa BA8EBALL AND TRACK TEAM8. Will Invade Ames College Together Tomorrow. The 'varsity baseball team will learn today on Its long eastern trip. , Sev eral players are rather badly hurt. "Buck Beltzer will be unable to play for Beveral days, having a sprained ankle. Carroll's finger is not yet well and gives him con'siderabfe trouble, and Hruebesky, who suffered a frac tured rib early in the season, has not recovered entirely from it yet. Nev ertheless, Captain 'Rlne expressed the belief that the team would "tear-'em-up, anyway." The men will leave at 2:55 p. m. on the Rock Island, and wil! play the first game at Ames tomorrow. The following will go: Carroll (c.) ; Ward, Hruebesky, Blake (p.); Watson (lb); Dudgeon (2b); . Rlne (3b); Beltzer (ss); Schleuter (If); Bellamy (cf); Free land (rf). Manager Eager will accom pany the men on the trip. Ames will experience a genuine Cornhusker invasion, for both the baseball and the track teams will be present at the same time. The track team will leave Lincoln today at 1:38 p. m. over the Northwestern and will arrive at Ames at 10:35 tonight. The following men will make the trip, Dr. Clapp accompanying them: Burruss, Morgan, Coe, Hughes, Al dpa, Bauman, Dunlap, Craig, Davis, Weller, Chaloupka, Patten, G. B. Mc Donald, Benedict, Knode. A Correction. An error was made in yesterday's paper with regard to the Innocents' banquet This was not, as was an nouncel, the organization's annual function, but was a banquet given in honor of th3 Black 1 aequo. The Sigma Chi. baseball team de feated the Sigma- Alpha nine by the score of 6 to 3 yesterday afternoon. Each of these teams has now played off lis schedule of four games. The Sigma Chi lost one and the Sigma Alpha lost two games of the series. Freshman Hop Saturday May Fourth FRATERNITY HALL r )OQO( 4 CHURCH PRIZE CONTE8T. Seniors Lead In the Race for Extra Cornhuskers. The Sonlor and Junior members of tho Cornhusker aro running a close race in the contest for tho extra 1907 Annuals which are offered as prizes for the upper class securing the larger numbor of subscriptions to tho Corn husker. Up to last night the Seniors had turned in fifty more subscriptions than the Juniors. Both classes, how ever, are working hard and it is im possible at the present time to tell which one will win. Tho contest will close next week. GET HIM. Master of Ceremonies of Freshman Hop Captured. Lawrence Holland, master of cere monies of the Freshman .Hop which is to be held at Fraternity Hall tomor row evening, Was captured by several Sophomores on E street late yester day afternoon and carried off to the back woods. He will be kept there until late tomorrow evening, when it is said he will be rescued by several gallant Freshmen in a big red automo bile and taken to the dance, where he will see that the hop of the flrst year men passes off without a hitch. The Nebraskan does not publish "cuts" of the Sophomores and their victim today, but will do so In 1908 when the Cornhusker for that year is published. 8ororlty Reception. A reception will be held at the home of Miss C. F. Craig on South 28th street, in honor of the Grand Presi dent of the Chi Omego sorority .this afternoon. Members of all the soror ities will be present. Mrs. M. A. Camp. Mrs. M. A. Camp, formerly MIbb Caroline Wood, gave an interesting talk before the Y. W. 0. A. noon meet ing yesterday. , She spoke of the strong influence of the Y. W. C. A. and said tht it had helped her in many ways. )00( WORK ON NEW UNIVER8ITY TEM PLE BEING PU8HED. Outside Decoration In Progress Plas tering 8oon Finished Provision for Escape In Case of Fire. Those Interested In tho completion of tho now Temple are much pleased by the rapid progroHH now bolng made. Tho outsldo structure has ben prac tically dono for sovoral weoks with the excoptlon of tho decorative work upon tho capitals, and this Is now in progross, tho contractor having im ported a workman from Milwaukee for it. Tho carving upon tho third of the capitals Is now noarly com pleted. Tho finishing of tho Interior of tho building is alBo bolng pushed forward rapidly. Tho ceilings of tho third story have for tho most part boon given tho flrst coat of plastor and here a large amount of heavy steel netting has been substituted for lath, thus shortening tho time necessary for work of this kind. All wator, steam and plumbing connections are In the building, tho wiring is dono and tho telephone and campus light wires are being brought over In a conduit from tho Administration building. Only one Are escape is placed in the building, and this runs down the In ner side of the north wing. Tho audi torium will have a Are exit into the alley from the ground floor. The gal lory lias several largo exits in tho roar, and these, together with tho broad stairway, make ample provision for safe escape in the case of Are. Tho plastering will bo pushed for ward and with good weather should bo completed boforo tho end of the se mester. It Is not probable tho perma nent floors will be put In before tho flrst of August, but these will bo prac tically tho only big piece of work loft after the completion of the plastering. All floors will be of maple finished in the natural color, while the fittings, wainscoting and similar trimmings will be of oak. The contrast of the woods with the white wall will pro duce a thoroly artistic effect. The building will bo completed and ready for occupancy shortly before the beginning of the next school term. INFORMAL DINNER. Phi Delta Phi Entertains Professors of the Law School. Phi Delta Phi, the fraternity of the Law' School, gave an Informal dinner to the professors of the school last night at the Windsor. Professor Hastings acted as toastmaster and toasts were responded to as follows: "Welcome, Profs" W. E. Ramsey Response . . . . Professor Maxey "Phi Delta Phi".... Professor Ledwlth "Nebraska Law School" .,,.,.... Professor Ayerg "Property III., of Course",...,.. ..- Professor Costlgan "Advice to Embryo Lawyers" , Dean "Pound The fraternity will give Its annual banquet some time about the 23d of this month. ' ., ,