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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1907)
t b c 2) a i t s ffl c D r a 0 It a n w '''A$tV. I. ttbeBalfElRebrasftan THE PROPERTY OP TIII3 UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NicnnABKA. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SU4I0AY AND MONDAY BY TUB STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Pabllcitlflfl Offtca, 126 H. 14th St. K.iwn, .T. Carroll Knodo. '08 AbhocIiUo Editor,,.... Clyde E. Elliott, OU MnnnKlns Edltor ...A. E. Lorn?, 00 Athletics HurIi W. Cralff, 07 aoncrnl Nowb .Paul O Burt, 09 Uovlnwn Gertrude Moore, 0i on vocation TJaura Rhoados, '08 AKtAthlotlcfl.Mlllor S. Benedict, 09 Asnt. acn. News Sldnoy O. Evans, 09 Dcpnrtmor Ml. . . .Earl R. Hunt, 08 II, L. WIlBon, 09 , . Guy Montgomery. '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. ,C. Hickman. '07 BtiHlncHB Mnnngcr.... Byron B. Yodcr, 08 ARfllBtant ManaRor. ..... ..Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. Robertson, '09 TELEPHONE8: . DAY Auto 1528. NIQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Builneta Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postoffle, 8tatlon A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lnglo Copies, 5 Centt Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charROd for at the rato of 10 cents per Insertion for ovory flfteon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as second-class mall mattor under tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. FINIS. At any rate, It is nnnlly settled. People who have boon kept in breath less HiiRpunHO for tho last few weekB over the possible outcome of the strife between the editor of tho Cornhusker and tho Law School may now take a full inhalation once more and with either sadder or lighter hearts como back to the, world of certainties. Tho matter is settled; there will be no rep resentation of the Law School" In the first CornhiiBker issued by the Uni versity, but a separate Law Book. The Nebraskan has advocated com promise and has not been alone in brought about. In a compromise Is involved the surr.ender of some Ac rtiand or part of a demand by both sides. But the Law leaders are frank enough to say that they do not want a compromise at all. That kind of acjmlssion 1b admirably In Its way, but what it conveys is not. It is ot tho intention to make nny wholesale condemnation hero, but simply to point out one significant fact. Thoro are those in the Law Schoo) who maintain that the position of those calling for a -compromise 1b riglit, but if there is a faction among the Academics sustaining the action of the Law leaders who will allow no stop toward arbitration, if there Is such a faction, It has- never spoken In an audible voice. Does this Indicate anything of the general unprejudiced Judgment on tho mattor? Hbwevor, the affair is settled; pre sumably it Ib buried. May it be bo deeply entombed that oven Ub ghost can not escape to prowl -about next year and work further disruption! I Madam Yates9 i reparations . v W. B. Snow Will Speak. Monday, April 15th, at 11 o'clock, Mr. Walter B. Snow will give an il lustrated lecture to tho engineering students In Memorial Hall. His sub ject will be "Tho Development of a Manufacturing Plant" and should in terest every engineer in the University. Mr. Snow, who la chief engineer or tho B. I Sturdevant Company, of Boston, Ib a pleasing speaker and an author of note on engineering subjects. Ar rangements will be made to have all onglneera excused from their 11 oclock classes to attend tho lecture. The pub lic is cordially Invited. We have just lately put in stock' it line 6f' , u i i i in ii i i in i r these goods, and we are exclusive agents for Lincoln. Almost every woman -has heard of "Madam Yale'' and her famous preparations. They are oirsale in our toilet goods department. All who" visit this de purtment will receive a copy of her book. "The Science of Health and Beauty. " ... Ask For It MILLER & PAINE StudontB wanting profitable employ ment during summer vacation call at 240 Windsor this week. The Juniors defeated tho Seniors yoHtorday by a score of 18 to 7 in a slrw, rough game of basket-ball. Profebsor Grummann Is In receipt of a pamphlet giving tho address made here March 22, by Ralph W. Brecken ridge, on "The Spirit of American History." ooocoooooooooooooooooooooo DR. HAS. YUNGBLUT, DENTIST Rooiuh 18 nnd ID Burr Block. Auto Phono SH10. Boll tftl. vJ L.INC LN, - NKDDAUKA. ' OOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOOO Orchestra Concert. Mr. Sarnest R. Holmes, botany 'flfi, ) is now traveling with a party of tour i Ists In Covlon. Hp rnrfintlv snnt Dr. The orchestra or the East Lincoln! Bessey a number of photographs Christian church, which was organized i showing the vegetation of that iskind. the first of the year under the direc tion of Lewis M Horn, will give their first concert In Palludian Hall, Friday evening, April 12. 000OffiO000000000 o o cqoqqoooooqob 3 Medical Society, Sat., Apr. 13,8 p.m., M-301 8 g . Pasteur and Modern Medicine ByXi. H. Bicknell. Demonstration by Dr. Schalelc of Spirichete Callidn Syphilii. 1 1 S The department of Geology is un packing and placing in tho new cases the Charles Newton Gould colloction of Miocene shells nnd corals. There are in the neighborhood of a thou sand specimens in the collection. Some of the shells are very delicately lined and colored. Dr. Gould will bo remembered as having received his Ph. D. bore In 1905. He is now a pro fessor in the Oklahoma University. C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler, 3 DR. S. S. SHEAH, Optician 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED, J The best .place to eat in town Is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street. ADMISSION FREE. E, V EJS. I DUU I W.CJIAJ1V1C. (S tt00000000000 O O CO000000000000 so doing. Academics and u certain number of the Laws themselves have urged the same action, but no com promise is to be effected because the majority of tho legal men are againBt it. The leaders of thlB nvajoiity de clare thero are no grounds upon which to arbitrate; they demand ono thing, nothing Icbs will be considered. When propositions which seemed to be fair enough coraprlmiscB to some people w.ero offered, these leaders declared . they were not to bo considered be cause not roally vital, not really giving tho Laws any concessions. In other words, these proposed comprlmlsos did not give them what they wanted, one certain thing, c It looks to most people us If this - werp an attitude not conductive to tho settlement of the controversy, as if, in deed, thlB were the very reason why it can not bo settled. When either one or tho other side of the two fac tions refuses to stir one point from Its position, It Is not likely peace will be The program will consist of a num ber of orchestra selections and solos by members of the orchestra. Election of officers for the new term will take place after the program. All are cordially invited. Series of Lectures. Most students are not awaro of the fact that a special series of lectures" has been arranged for Friday after noon Convocations. The series run ning now Is on American statesmen, and the lecture this afternoon Is -on "Daniel "Webster" by Professor Danlol Ford. Juniors! All Juniors will ploase pay promptly the assessment of twenty-five cents each to one of tho following commit tee for the Junior-Senior Reception: Laura Rhodes, Jessie Cook, Abble Stewart, Esther Wood, Nellie Ludden, Harpld Bergquist, Harry Hlnman, Ar thur Jorgenson", C. C McElroy, David Slmms. Suits Ready for Service as Good as You Want These days men are not content with care lessly fitted clothes they want the hest in style and n't there is to he had. No mattcV what make you have been wearing, don't rest satisfied until you have tried on a "Ken sington." There is more style and service in a "'Kensington" Suit than you ever, dreamed could he. Try one and you'll say so, too. The vNtfvv Gray Cheeks, . ' $15 to $40 MAGEE & DEEMER Kensington' Suits Fit AILEGREIII CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS r "I $