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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1907)
Qhe Bail? IFlebraefean .", 3!1 VoLVI. No.W. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL Ut i907. Price 5 Cents. NEBRASKA TEAM WILL TAKE PART IN WESTERN GYMNASTIC CONTEST. )COCKiK)KC00 WHOLESALE BOOKS TEXT-B00K8 WILL BE FURNI8HED AT C08T NEXT YEAR - 3 BASEBALL TODAY Vv A Leave for Chicago Tonight Strong .Men Compose the Team Events Entered. UNI vs. LINCOLN LADIES FREE This evening at six o'clock Ne braska's gymnastic team will start to Chicago to take part In the western Intercollegiate gymnastic champion ship. The men composing the team are B. C. Johnson and R. P. Klessel bach both of last year's team and D. C. Mitchell a new man. It Is probable that Dr. .Clapp will accompany the team. The meet will be held Friday night in the Bartlett gymnasium of the Uni versity of Chicago. Every thing in dicates that it will be the largest and most successful championship meet yet pulled off. The members of the as sociation, Chicago, Illinois, Minnesota, "Wisconsin and Nebraska will all send teams, Grlnnell also expects to enter and Washington University of Saint Louis Ik also a possibility. The events will bo the horizontal ANTELOPE PARK - 3:30 P. M. K000CHKK000 O 0OHGW2mG1HXymX0. DOCTOR CARROLL. DE YOUNG LECTURE8. Will Be Honored by the University of Nebraska. At the Medical School commence ment next month the University of Ne braska will confer the honorary de gree of Doctor of Laws upon Major James Carroll of the United ' States Army Medical Department. This is a distinction not lightly bestowed by this University and the rarity with which it is confered shows that It Is given only when the recepient of the honor has done some high work that niakes him deserving of the degree. . Dr. Carroll Is the only surviving member of a commision of army medi cal olllcors who undertook the inves- Regents Plan on Entering Business E. H. Clark, Purchasing Agent Future of Book Stores. bar, the long horse, the rings, tumbling j ililon of the cuuse of ycllow fevtir and club swimrinK. ' There .will be a'ln Cuba ln 1900' Tho commission us originally appointed by tiie secretary, of. War included Drs. Reed, Carroll, Lazcar, and Agromonate. In Cuba Dr. Agromonate was stationed at Havana and the rest of the commission took up quarters at Columbia Barracks near Quernodas where they began their In vestigation. The theory that yellow fever was spread thru the agency of mosqultos was conceived and announced by Dr. Carlos Finley of Havana in 1881. in order to test the validity of this theory Dr. Carroll submitted himself as a sub ject of cxperlniont and on August 27, 1900 allowed himself to be bitten by the "yellow fever mosqultos." A sevore attack of the disease followed and compelled him to go to bed Au gust 31. This experiment by Dr. Car roll, and others later by different men established the truth of the theory ad vanced by Dr. Finley. . It Is for Dr. Carroll's heroic work in Cuba that the University of Nebraska will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws upon him. team championship and an individual nil-round championship. In the team championship the place each man wins wljl count towards the total score of his team, first place counting five, sec ond place three, and third, one. As an Individual, each man will be scored by the judges according to his perfor mance in eaoh event on a basis of a possible ten for perfect work. Only one man from each team will be al lowed to .enter for the individual all round championship. Last year as many as wished might enter and Johnson and Copeland won first nnd third respectively, our team taking second to Wisconsin In spite of the fact that the other teams had a larger number of man entered. John son will be entered for the individual championship and will compete in the following events; horizontal bar, long and side horses, parallel bars and fly ing rings; D. C. Mitchql will enter the .parallel bars, tumbling and tho horl-. ?ontal bar. The Western Amature Athletic Union's gymnastic' championship will take place Saturday night nnd it was hopod that it wouhl ' be possible to enter at least Johnson in this, but ow ing to the fact thnt this Is a sectional meet arid that Nebraska is in another sectional division of theA. A.' U. the authorities in charge refused to allow Nobraskals, men to enter. Dr. Clapp will act as one of the judges in this meet. Tho gymnastic team and Dr. Clapp deserve much credit for' the hard and faithful work they have,jwt in in 'pre paring for this contest. The team has shown up splendidly ln its exhibition work here and should stand a splen did chance to win. Talks to Farm 8tudents on Harvester Expert Work. Dirk P. Do Young, '07, lectured to the Firn, students Tuesday afternoon on the matter of Held work for tho In ternatlontl Harvester company, for Yhich company Mr. De Young has been working as field expert during eight successive seasons. A large number of Farm students heard the lecture and pronounced It the best of several lec tures they have, had In tho past fow years on tho same subject. Mr. De Young has set up machines In practically all the grain-raising states.' Last summer ho went to Rus sia Immediately on the close of school and spent the entire summer setting up machines in Rusia and Germany, re turning to Nebraska in time for the opening of school ln fall. After his graduation from the University this spring he will depart for South Ameri ca where he will work during: a part of the year, after which he will again be sent to Europe . FRAT BASEBALL. 8eason Opened wlth'a Slow Game Yes terday. The Beta Theta PI and Kappa Sigma fraterniey. baseball teams crossed bats ln the opening game of the "frat" series yesterday afternoon. The Kap pa Sigma nine won the contest by the score of 9 to 0. Saturday two more inter-fraternity games will be played. At 10 o'clock In the morning tho PI Kappa Psl and the Phi Gamma Delta teams will play, and in the afternoon at 1 o'clock the nines representing tho Alpha Theta .Chi and Sigma Alpha Epllsou frater nities will clash. Dr. Condra spent, the fore part of vacation with the toys in their trip along tho lower Platte. The latter part pf vacation was spent by Dr. Con-, dra geologizing in the vicinity of Tex lngton, collecting various photographs and samples of the sand and soil there. ... , Battalion, Attention! All men will appear in white ducks tonight at dress parade. Orel's have been issued thut all old guns must, be turned in to the quarter master before 5 o'clock tonight, Jack Best, athletic trainer, has been sick for I ho past, few days. Catholic Students. The Catholic Students Club will meet. Friday evening at Thirteenth and; ai sireexs. a iuu . nuenaance. isrre- quested. J-' 000000OffiOeO00q000 APRIL TWELVE SENIOR PROM j X ' LINCOLN HOTEL NINE O'CLOCK. TICKETS $2.50. , oob6oboooffioooo Arrangements havo been definitely made for the establishment of a wholesale text-book business to bo car ried on by the University, for tho pur pose of Turnishing students with text books nt the cost prlco. Tho five thou sand dollars sot apart for tho purpose by tho Legislature will bo invested in books for the boglnnlng of tho school year next fall, tho some of the Sum mer School material may also bo pur chased. The Rogonts woro somowhat loath to enter the business at first, because it" was folt that studonts would not, perhaps, save as much as they had anticipated, but having oncq taken up the mnttor, they propose to pimh It thru, making It a success. A room for the purpose will bo fur nished on the second floor of Admin istration building and light, heat and probably clcrk-hiro will be furnished by tho University so thnt thoso itoms will not udd to the cost prices charged of studontB. The freight charges, how ever, will likely 'increaso tho cost of books. Whethor or not this may bo added to the wholesale prico depends on the decision soon to bo rendered by tho nttorney-genernl of tho state as to the meaning of tho word "costB" In the stntuto. As the plan dovelops, not' only text-books, but also paper and all other supplloB will bo handled by the' University. Registrar E, H. Clark has boon ap pointed purchasing agent and will hnvt direct control ovor this business. Al tho full authority to act on toxt-book questions from ths time on is vested in him, ho will retain his prosont posi tion as Registrar for the romainder of the semostor nt least. Ultimately, an other person will bo uppolnted'to' suc ceed Mr. CInrk, but this appointment will not bo announced until tho next meeting of tho RogentB in June. The future of the present book stores cannot bo determined at pres ent. Neither proprietor has anything definite in mind, nnd whether there will be a consolidation of tho two into one, whether thoy will continue as sepai-ale establishments, or whether they will bpth discontinue business is as yet unknown. One of the proprie tors declared that as he understood the matter, the University would handle no supplies except text-books. The announcement was made at tho uegiBirars omce, nowover, that u stock of other supplies would be pur chased, tho probably not at tho begin ning of the school year. This question will bo an important factor in deter-, mining the future of tho book stores. Important! Persons wishing the use of tho atli Jetib field for baseball, games or other sports should see T, L. Bolton before hand and have the time arranged ln, advance, Games can not bo played between two and four o'clock on any days of the week except -Saturday! ' , 1 ' .' (' .1 t.f ."M It A il ( i m :'' '