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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
-J-l ;CJtfiilWBlWJUUJLJIMJgMIWIIilWJJ "M ''" n T W- y- H'II" Plf 1 llj Wlfc niliMM HW'MM I tlbe Batto flebraekan f ; voi.vr. jno.86. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 907. Price 5 Cents. "r f -, R.M.WILIHSIIUINS 80PH0M0RE PRESIDENCY GOES TO AUROFfABOY, Anti-Ring Element of the SecondYear Class Gains'Vlctory Ehd of Warm Fight Dobbs Withdraws. - Thd so-called Anti-Ring faction of the second, year-students won a great Victory yesterday and succeeded in electing" R, 'MftWIIdlsh of Aurora, to UuP highest office In the Sophomore class.Mr. Wlldlsh was chosen on tho third' ballot", after S. P. Dobbs had withdrawn from the race. Tho last vote stood 102 to 8G. Over two hundred Sophomores and many spectators wore present at the ' election which was heldMn Memorial hail at-llY30 o'clock. There we're three i6'oooow)iixtbob6o o ;i--& 9, .. . . ' ';, V . 1' - . ' J.- s - 6Mfr candidates in the race Roy Nelson, of J Oakland; R, M. Wlldlsh of Aurora"; and S: P, Dpbbe of Beatrice.' Three bal-J lots were cost. The first gave. Nelson, '81; Wlldlsh, 72; Dobbs, 62, and the sec ond stood, Nelgon, 80; Wlldlsh, 80;, Dobbs, 40, :Mr. Dapbg withdrew after the second ballot had been' cast and the, third ' resulted is. a' majority of sixteen "votes tor WHdiah. The election of Mr. Wildlsh closed .one of the most exciting campaigns of I the year. The fight for the office of- president began about three weeks ago when' It. Nelson obviously supported by the Iron Sphinx went; into the field to secure the position. Mr. Nelson and his loyal workers pursued a systematic campaign, atfd In a few days had the name Nelson going around the campus like a Chicago mayoralty boom on lake Michigan. Nelson had not been In the field Jong when ,S.,P, Dobbs of Beatrice backed. by am Anti-Sphinx element, got Into Ihe running. Dobbs also did (Continued on page 3.) ; CAST COMPLETED. Other Members of 8enlor Class Play Chosen. A Wodnosday evening' werov held ths tryouts for completing tho cast of tho Senior play. Sufficient men wore lack-! ing nt the first trials, to fill all the places, but now these have been sup plied and regular practice can pro ceed. Somb of the men have been given two of the less important parts. The full cast as now selected follows: Petruchio. E. M. Sunderland Baptlsta. .'. .'. Or P. Williamson. . . . Grumio Del Gibson Sly A. G. Schreibor Lucentio L. A. Higgins Gremio V. E. Stnnde'ven Tailor '. . . . M. Pitchford Katherlna Helen Huse (Understudy, Zola Deloker.) Blanca Flossy Erford ' (Understudy, Alice Ageo.J Hostess Miss Hanlon MP'ryrfiwjftjyffi j V .. r rv I w J The Nebraska Basket Ball Team Which Plays Minnesota at Minneapolis Tonight and Saturday : - Page I..... MInnle.Sweezy Curtlss , . . .Kntherine Linderman Hortensio .' M E. Cornelius Pedant , . ; B. R. Frazler VIncentIo and First Lord.. A. E". Wolf Blondello .'... t.Lt C. Syford Tranlo....,, :,"W. A. Posey First Huntsman and Philip .- .Frank Rush Second Huntsman' and Nathaniel . . ' "..R. Pepperburg Second Servant and Nicholas....'" P. R. Jones KELLOGG TO 8PEAK. To Deliver Two Addresses Oh Fores , r try Next Monday, ; : Mr. Royal S. Kellogg forest Inspec tor In" the United States forest service,! is. announced for two. lectures. oh for estry, at the University, Monday, Feb. . 18; Mr. Kelogg is one of the pronil-, nent wpneers in tno government serv' Ice, hns had wide experience in deni zing with forest questions, and his lectures promise to be of unusual in terest. He will sneak in N 105 at 8 a. m., and again atj.1. p. m. in N 110 J All interested are cordially invited, EXCURSION TO EUROPE, Eighty-Day Tour Being Planned for University and Nebraska People. Plans havo been made already for the sixth personally conducted excur sion to Europe from tho University and the State of Nebraska. Tho party will leave Lincoln about Juno 18th and proceod to Montreal via Niagara Falls and Thousand Islands, sailing from Montreal Juno 22nd on Royal Mail Steamer of tho Atlantic S. 8. Co., owned by the Canadian Pacific Railroad Co., passing Quobcc and out the St. Lawrence river; arrive at Liv erpool Juno 8th, and spend GO days in England, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Holland. Only a part of ltlnorary is given. June 30 (Sun.) An "English Sab both" in quaint old Chester. July 3 Stratford, Shakespoar's House, Ann Hathaway's cottage. July 8-13 Six busy dnys In London, visiting, historic places. July 15-20 Paris six days sightsee ing; A visit to Versailles. .July 21 (Sun.) Genoa the birth place of Columbus. July 22 To Pisa, its leading toward, and on to Rome. July 23-29 Seven days in Rome; ex cursions to places of-rlnteneat. . - " July 30 to Aug. 5 Six days in Flor ence, the art galleries and churches. Aug 6-8 Three days In Venice. Aug. 15-16 Excursions to Lauter brunnen, Murren, Jungfrau, GrindeN wald. ' ' ' Aug. 20 The Rhine by boat. Bln gen, "Lurle!' C&b'lence, BonnCplogne. Aug. 21 In Cologne. ,A study of the great cathedral. Aug. 26-28 Rotterdam to Liverpool and prepare for sailing. Sept. 4 Land In Montreal. Information concerning this trip can be secured from Professor Lees. - Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. TODAY'Sj VENTS INDICATIONS POINT TO A 8TR0NQ PROGRAM. Contestants In Good TrimCommence merit Exercises G. P. Irish to Speak Regents' Meeting. All indications point to tho carrying out oi a strong Charter Day program today. Full preparations for every event are completed. Tho Gymnasium Is in readiness and tho Memorial Halt is being decorated Oils foronoon for the commencement exorcises, All of the thirty-three men who will enter tho various athletic contests aro. In fine trim, and in many events tho contestants will bo cloBoly matchod, Sixteen mop, four from oach fraternity, will compote for tho honors in tho in- - terfraternlty relay race. Altho It Is not likely that many of last year's big records will be smashed, yet taken all In all, the athletic features of to day's program' promise to furnish abundant excitement for the most en thusiastic; lover of sport. ht the regular Mid-winter Com mencement exercises this evening, de grees will be conferred upon thirty five graduates. Two of these, James A. McGeachin and Archie Palen, will also receive from the government the commissions of captain and first lieu tenant, respectively. The Charter Day address is to be given this evening, by the Ho'n. J. P; Irish of San Francisco on the subject "Is Government a Failure?" Mr. Irish Is an Influential banker of San Fran cisco, and, a man of National reputa tion. He has been especially identi fied with the gold-standard move ments, and in the campaign of '96 he was the prime mover In. the gold cor (Continued on Page 3) v t t r i.' 2 4A ttZ . . s,jtit A V JjCal.e,. ,. -.j.-- A Lfi j ,.