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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
I Ibe SDmlv IFlebraekan Vol. VI. No. 87. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY J6, 1907. Price 5 Cents. R -) DAY CELEBRATED BY THE UNIVERSITY ATHLETE8 AND GRADUATES. Charter Day Exercises Held in After noon and Evening J. P. Irish Spoke History of Day. Yesterday, Charter Day, dawned bright and clear, and by two o'clock In the afternoon the air out of doors felt like that of springtime. A big crowd gathered at Grant Memorial Hall, so big that many were unable to secure seats and probably the larg est gathering which ever assembled to witness the Charter Day exorcises. The program began promptly and everybody agreed In calling It a com plete success. At two o'clock the band began the program, playing some three or four pieces, then the drill and spell-down which Collins mado a new record, go ing beyond Wellor's old record a few Inches. Wellor was not In the meet, having gone homo for a fow days' va cation. Chaloupka got second. G. D. McDonald won first In the pole vault at 9 feet 9 Inches, McMasters second One. of the surprises at least for some of the contestants was the high jump. The result was a tlo between Anthes and Knode. The former win ning the toss. Anthes showed splen did form and should make one of he strongest athletes over put out by Ne braska. He won first place also In the high kick at 8 feet 9 Inches. Here Fleming got second place. The rope cllmp was made In 7 3-5 seconds, Pur cell getting first place. The relay race, In which considerable Interest cen tered, went to Phi Psl fraternity, the Kappa glgmas getting second. Only two records were broken, those In the shot put and high jump. Anthes won more points than any other one Indl- BOARD OF REQENT8. Disposed of Important Business Yes terday. The Doard of Regents hold a quiet meeting yesterday afternoon and dis posed of the following business: The question of detaining tho Cadot Band for Commencement week next June was referred to a committee. Tho board was In favor of being lonlent with tho boys, and money for their ex penses which will bo Incurred by the extra week of work will probably bo appropriated by tho board at Its next session. Tho resignation of Professor T. M. Hodgman from the office qf Stato High School Inspector was accepted and A. A. Reed of Superior was chosen as his successor. ' Tho resignation of Professor Paul Koerber, Instructor In Materia Medics and Therapeutics at tho Omaha Med ical School, was accepted. DEBATING NEWS CANVASS OF NAME8 FOR JUDQE8 PRELIMINARIES 800N. Debating Notes from Other Colleges . The Triangular League. Fresh men Debate Between Yale and Harvard. Plans are at prosont bolng formu lated for covering all tho doUtlls of tho coming dobatos. Tho five unlvofsltlos of tho new debating league are now canvassing lists of names submitted among thcmsolves for tho purposo of selecting those to act In tho capacity of Judges on tho fifth of April. Iowa has sent us a list of twonty-four men living In that stato and from theso Wisconsin and Nebraska aro to 0ICO)WK)IDK)K00 O O CMKK)WD0005lK03K00 0000CKK0mO0 O O 000000000000)1 o o o HHIfeSaflHt bt JJEIG9iifcr Bill VUHAJ' ri-i7'Br,rMi.ii.rrBTM5i3B 'k.'CH T O UNIVERSITY HALL. This is the oldest building on the campus. Its construction was begun In 1869, the year the University of Nebraska was chartered, and was completed in 1870. tfW&)K)W of the Pershing Rifles came. Tho men Bhowed up fairly well In this, and it went off with a snap sufficient to make it interesting to the onlookers. In the spell-down, Robert Guthrie won first place, repeating his. feat of last year. No second medal was awarded. About thre,o o'clock the indoor meet began. In the first heat for the twenty-five yard dash, in which Craig, Minor, Kroger and D. F. McDonald r&n, Craig won first place, Minor sec ond. In the second heat, in which HugheB, Dunlap, Coe and Cook ran, Coe won first place and Cook second. The final heat was very exciting. 4Both men ran in excellent form, but Coe had the advantage of the start and kept the lead. The old record made last year was duplicated. In the fence vault, 'Chaloupka had the advantage, easily winning out at 6 feet 7 inches, two inches below the record. Dunlap won second in this on a toss against Neider. One of the best events of tho afternoon was the shot put, In vldual. Following is the official re sult: (Continued on Page 3) NEBRASKA WON. First Game of the Trip Went to Corn huskers. The Nebraska basket-ball five de feated the Ft. Dodge, Iowa, Y. M. C. A. team Thursday night in a fast game by tho score of 34 to 22. Moser, cap tain of tho Cornhusker five was the star of tho contest. The line up fol lows: Nebraska. Ft. Dodge. Hoar, Burress f Hart Krake, WalBh,...f Ely Moser c Miner D. Boll g Halo P. Boll, Hoar g Cramer Referee Dr. Clapp. Umpire A. .B. Pease. P, Parker, the Freshman who is quarantined for smallpox, reports over tho telephone that he and his fellow sufferers aro improving. A committee was appointed to' con sider the advlsabillty of installing a de partment of Bohemian Language nnd Literature. The Board decided to return tuition fees to three law students who wore compelled to leave school. The Board voted to confer the de gree of C. E. upon Andrew Rosewater of Omaha. All the members of tho team to rep resent Kansas against Iowa, who were chosen in tho final preliminary contest at Lawerence Monday night, are law students. Thoy are Charles Blackmar, Tom Gowenlock, and J. Paul Jones, and are all well known In the law school as orators. Tho Minnesota co-eds recently peti tioned the Athletic Board that they should exorcise the same authority over the girls' athletics which they have over the boys'. The board, how ever refused the added responsibility. choose three Judges for tho debate to bo hold hero. For tho Nebraska-Illin ois debate at Urbanna, Iowa and Wis consin will each submit a list of a dozen men living in this stato and suitnble as Judges. All theso debates will be on tho same subject, "Muni cipal Ownership of Street Railways," and will nil bo hold on tho same date. Tho preliminaries will likely como next week, tho exact hour, not being mado known in order that tho men may speak somewhat extemporane ously. At these preliminaries six men are to bo selected from the fifteen now on the squad to represent Nebraska hero against Winsconsln and at Ur banna against Illinois. Tho squad men are being trained in their deliv ery by Professor Losoy of tho Depart ment of Elocution, and of him thoy speak very highly. The outlook for winning teams is, on the whole, very encouraging. Other colleges aro also getting busy (Continued on page 3.) hi