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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1906)
I . Vol. VI. No. 25. ' ' l UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA; LINCOLN; FRIDAY, OCTOBER 269Q6. z -. . ' 'PHci5CSaaW?.M POM TOMORROW IN MUSICAL VEIN s i- h . h rs r I - .-vi L' ' 1? ' I (T t. B r iV r ASSURANCE OF GOOD GAME WITH MEN FROM.CRETP c i Basketball Practice Promising Many Old Men Out Daily Good Trips Being Planned. --"Tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, Nebraska moots Doane Collogo on No bYdska Fields Often Ifr-tho past this" .game has been rated as simply a prac tiso gamo with the assurance of a largo score in Nebraska's favor, but tomorrow things will be a bit different. After tlio decisive defeat nt the hands of Ames last Saturday the team appeared to bo in a bad way. A large list of cripples threatened to reduce its ."effectiveness and Jt was evident that a shift vfould bo necessary if play wor4 to be materially improved. The cripples are rapfdltf. improving but the result' of the shlft-of men to new pq s'lllons is still a "matter ot conjecture. Tomorrow's cbntest will, therefore, bo much morethan a mere ,pracjtlso game. It will be a test, a gauge, by whichwe can measure how Nebraska willjlno up against Minnesota on No vember 3, just, one week from tomor row; It mayJbova difficult proposition for the 'Varsity to win by a decisive score 4f the result of the contest last spring Js, any criterion. When Doane came s 1 -v v V ' V , Mrs.Carr!e B. Raymond. x GIRL.8' glee club to be re- ORGANIZED 800N. Chorus the Best ! In-Years j Messiah' Under Rehearsal Vesper . Services Planned. Mrs. Raymond introduction in University circles. For thirteen yours she has been the instructor in all chorus work conducted within the University, and for three years has had the direction of air Convocation music Last year Mrs. "Raymond organized and directed the University girls' glee club and will continue the8amo duties this year. She is wqll known, thruout tho musical circles of Lincoln and has had a large influence in securing for tho University the best music the city affords. REGENT8' ACTION. to,Llnvoln than herJeanu outweighed- .... It uucu Hui mean wiictiiyc in uiuvaraii; SOPHOMORE MEETING. Nebraska decidedly and in Iho use of 4honow rules rpro,ved .equally as yer satlle Tho score of 5 toxO"ia Indl Native of the progress of the game. , Doane's team, isan unknowHquan vtlty. It has "played! tmt one-gamdvthIss Reason, winning froniP.eru Normal ilOto 5vFewt oldvmen arebackfrom ttha'team oilast year and but two men ' who played hereSaBt spring will bo in the. gamo tomorrdwv At Doano, as here, .the new rules have boon a sot back in the whipping a green team Into shape. Basketball is showing promising progress. AU.of last .year's team with tho exception of Hagenslck, are out overy night-and two members" of the team ot tho previous year are doing their, best to regain their positions.. Tho game ployed now Is tho fastest ever exhibited at this time xf the-year and Captain Moser is, enthusiastic over the. prospects. The new. material also gives assurance .of va strong second team and it Is expected tomako a number of outside dates for this team alone. Two trips are in contemplation.JThe" first to thec south and early In the season, will probably take in Kansas City, where two games with the Kan- 1 sas City Athletic Club will be played. Kansas University at Lawrence and other Kansas points will also bo on 'the scheduler The second -trip will be to Ihe north, and will take in the 'Universities' of Minnesota and, it is hoped, Wisconsin. a Practise is scheduled for tho present! for. three, tinges a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays roT4 p m and on F.ri days at 5 p'. ni. 'Arrangements will soon be taadb for dally goal throwing, find 'all candidates f or the team yiH bo excused from drill. Senate. Considerable .speculatlonhns arisen among both - faculty and students as to wjiothor tho action of the Regents regarding "head professors" will affect he, constitution of the University Sen ate A- representative of the Nebras- kancallodvpn Secretary Dales to se cure his vlewottho matter. Mr. Dales said he did not consider that the ac tion of the Regents affected In any manner tho constitution of the Sen ate. Tho Senate, as provided by the by-law of tho Board, consists of the heads of-the various departments re gardless of their official title. Whore several' men In a department hold the same or equal official rank they do not by virtue of rank become mem bers 'of tho Senate, but the one of their number who Is known as head pro fossor represents the department In the sessions of the Senate. University students -will probably bo, interested In the fact that the now postoffice -building will be open to the public Friday evening. As 1L is one of .the finest buildings of its klndTii the West, a visit will boamply worth while. . ClaBs Completed the List of Officers Vesterday. Tho Sophomore class met yesterday at 11:00 in U. 207. The attendance was not large. Tlio list of class offl- cers was completed and is as follows: Vice-president, Mario Talbot. Secretary, Helen Day. Treasurer, W. V, Kennor, .Sergeant-at-nrms, R: Q. Steele.' Football Manager HarrJspn states that all men who"hre candidates for tho Sophomore team should be out for practise every day at chapel time. Most of the men who have announced their intention of trying out are in good training already, so the tlmo"vlll be devoted mainly tp Bignal practise. The outlook for a strong team is very encouraging and tho Sophs feel rea sonably confident of winning their big game with tho Freshles. This gume will probably bo held while the Var sity isut Minnesota, if tho two class teams can bo worked into shape by that time. ... Engineering- 8moker. There, will bo a smoker given by tho Engineering Society on Friday over? ing, November 2, at 1436 S street. A full attendance is desired. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO NEBRASKA vs. DOANE COLLEGE 4 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 3:30 P. M. '.- . ;cs GEN. ADMISSION 25c ooooooooooooocooocoooooooooo 3 o o p 1 " ' ' ' - R,UNI;CAMPUS.U : . The Qlrls1 Glee Club Is to be 're organized soon. This is the odlct of Mrs. Raymond who' has directed the club through tho ono year of its-exist-onco. Tho oxporlment of last year has provod that a; girls' clnbiB a decided addition to musical circles within iho University, and there is already In view abundant matorlal for a first clBBrclub. A meeting has boon nnnouncedby Mrs. Raymond' for next Tuosday even ing ineno of the rooms of University Hall, at which plohB Jor tho year will be discussed and tho time and nature of tho tryouts determined. All moriV bors of laBt yoar'B club and nlPcanUl dates for tho club this year nro u'rgei to bo present. At present thoro Is no thought of in any way combining tlio glrls'club with that ot tho mon. Concerts andother appearances will be ontlroly soparato and there s no plan for a trip throtlgH tho Btato, There will bo sovoral ap pearances at Convocation, hbwovori and there Is a decided probability 'that ono full concert will bo given for benefit purpoBosj Tho greatest incen tive for making tho club is not the publicity to bo gained bht rather tho careful training in musical interpret taion: that tho club .will afford. :Xo i.i.o. .My miuu UUUUUUVUH,tUUV UHU 'hour credit will be given for work in tho club, and that .rehearsals will prob ab,ly bo ljold,twicea weok, beginning hbout tho middle of- tho present so? meBtor and' fasting' until thd aniddlb of the second. 7 The University chorus gives promise of becoming tho, best in tho History of the University. There has been a largo registration and a com plete and enthusiastic organisation has been pffected by its members. Parts are exceptionally well balanced, tho only weakness showing' Itself '!" In tho ranks of the tenors. Thoro are still left two days in which registration In the chorus may .bo completed and it Is hoped that -a number of tondrs may avall them- selves of tlio opportunity. Otljer singers will also lie welcomed within tho specified, time. ' ' Work on the Messiah is well under way. Tho greatest enthusiasm is showing itself and it Is expected, that tho finest rendition in the history of ftho chorus may bo given at Christmas, Besides this work, however, the chorus has other plans for the wlntor. A series of Sunday afternoon vesper services in Memorial hall is pared and the flrst one is to bq an nounced within a few weeks. ' This idea was talked over last year .but no final action was taken. This year the members of tho chorus are enthus iastic in their support of the' enter prise and success is already assured, Tho meetings will bev primarily song services and will bo held atU o'clock,,. (Continued on page 4.) . c "v. i II t ' r -A : At&iimu :