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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1906)
r jVoI. VI. No. 2J. " W UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, ilNCOLNt SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1906. ' PrictSCcnti ? --t.."-1 ...r , ."a. . m- - C k il'. r jFARMERS TODAY . . THREE HUNDRED AME8 ROOTERS WILL ARRIVE THI8 MORtyr4G. IProbabje Line Up Nebraska's Condi- tldn Encouraging Hard Fight ' 'It' Assured.' Amos ls'feeVihg' good over the pros. FDoct of today's game. The Amoa root iOrgf wilUnvade. Lincoln over-two ,hun-. ,dred strong and our bleachers- wlllbe kept busy answering the enthusiastic farmnrn. Ah for ItSOlf . .llttld 'canbe said.wfth authority; u,noJtne. np can .be. obtained directly jfrom. the" Ames management During the past week"' Ames has practiced diligently .in breaking' -tip Nebraska's" defense. Right Tackle Bruggor Right End . . . . McBlhlnney Quarterback Jaensoji Loft Halfback Sioux Jonos Right 'Halfback Blllor :EuUback Ropport Besides this llno-up, they will havp numerous substitutes, as about twonty four men aro coming. Our own llno-up will bo changod considerably. McDfcnald being still out of the game, Little will probably be shifted td end and Woller will fill out the back Held. With Bill Johnson on the othor end, there is no reason why tho Cornhuskor8 should not make things Interesting for the CyclonoB. The team as a whole Is In good condi tion, as the crlpploB have almost re cuperated and expect to gve a good account of themselves this afternoon. UNIVER8ITY F'ORUM ELECT8. f Eight Men Elected to Membership in the New Debating Club. YeBterday morning the University Forum met and oloctod new mombors. Eight men, whose work In the line of dobate and public Bpoaklng haB boon of a high order, woro voted Into tho Club: A. "E. Burr, Arthur Jorgonson, Byron E. Yodor, H. L. Swan, A. L. Corey, William C. Ramsey, R. 0. Hunt or, and D. P. DeYoung. Tho charter mombors who are still In the Univer sity aro C. 0. McWhlnnoy, 0. A. Sun- dorlln. J. M. Swonson, S. M. RInakor, G. M. Tunlson, A. 0. Hough, J.. O. Wentworth and Hugh W. Craig. Tho Forum waB organlzod by tho members of last year's dobatlng squad to do serious work In tho lino of do- 08 APPOINTMENTS PRESIDENT HUQHE8 ANNOUNCES JUNIOR PROM .COMMITTEE. Basket Ball and Football Managers Two Coaohes 8elected The n Outlook Bright. ProBldont Hughos ol tho Junior class has announced the following ap pointments. . A full list of appoint mdnts will bo announced at tho class meeting next Thursday morning; Junior Prqm. P.hnlrmnn O. N. Mtinn. . ..- I jit. Master of Coromonlos--M F. W,as- son. ' , "- Commlttoo T. H. Matters, M. A. Mills, F, A. Critos, C: A. Clark, Charles -. . I . y . M . , 'T 'J.' - -A "1 (1 Kzh: vB. ., y-1 J- -" W- vr .t h . v - JV -M . ii' iv.' ' r ' r 'nt , ytk',:' (,'' .',..! """- ' "" '"w (" - - 4 - .- . ,-' -tf ' . y s .VN? v ' -Jft,l 0& . .' "W-i t . -v . ;t.. ' i-T t V WJ 1 'V vl-t, , 1,4 twri'ai HiU .v - yinfmmtfC "Hf ,- w .. vi - - 1 SV ; IIZJ- 1 Xmh mmm wmmmmm-m mmmmmtmmmmmimmtmmmtmmmmmimmtmmmmmm- -L.- 'T7 JOT ' 1 -. ?v.' I iU vl 5 - v :V - ', -ii 'tflkl f! Ufn' ' r.! il I .- .- . - H i " H ' ..w,, - bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV h - ta-" P""""""""" ' , f 4 - 1 1 l Uni.llTTlMTffl" ' - - ., . MjBIlil''h lj iiidwiilll nlig.iiyimDl i "fHE CHEMICAL LABORATORY 5t,V f i Ir '. iW. . ... ,.iP4 H -"V.-- ' ,,l-,H -A KRO$Jv i , Krw t 14' Vj friftjuj . fjm0tfrn " i beC'jocl VVl'K (! 4 ' i ' i 1 '; j' ij J'he, rooters .RreJublIanti-at'!the ,man- not in which their squad rips open 'the scrubs 'line, who play ''a fa Ne- r$dfr,t asjsowi by,thefr coach in tke ' jiDrake game. Perhaps ( Foster will nave a iew new ihsh w uuun uw -tors today, .however jt H With the exception of Honninger, the end, who Is laid up with an in jiired hand, Ames will play br strong- esTteam against uswitli the, follow ing Hne-up: r . Left End '.:.;. '. A . vjBkrber ' ilittt" Tackle . .r.'..-?. . .J .V-i . .'Mllls fLeft Guard .. .-NJion The Cheml9al Laboratory. Ther Chemical Laboratory, which Is- situated near the southeast corner -of the campus, wasbullt n 1884. In 10.04 it was thoroly remodeled, so that now i If. Ir nnnof the best eaulWed build jnfes of Its character to- be found at any cuiiugu. ino uuuuuib wummu. the llbrarles;vlecture rooms, and labor atories of tho department of Chemistry. Distinguished Visitors. Mrs. W. J. Bryan visited the Uni versity yesterday forenoon with S. Haseba, M. P.; and Y. B. Yamachlta of TokyaJ Japan. Mr. Yamachlta attended ttip Uni versity of -Nebraska, taking Special .work, from 1000; to, 180,4.- Lator ne en tered WasedaCollege,' Tokyo, Japan. 'Center-.-.... ..". .VPlager Mr. Haseba will remain 'in the city llght Guard . . a -"?? 1 UUU1- """ r bate and effectlY? public spooking, special attention being given to the latter, ., Teachers Adopt New Spelling. The teachers of Lancaster county passed a resolution at their last asso ciation favoring the adoption of the simple spelling' as represented by .the list of 300 words, recommended by the Simplified Spelling Board. McLaughln, E. A. Froyd..rPul B$J, W. R. King, G, hi Sullivan, E.,F. Jfuse, 0. C. McWhlnney, Agnes. Langevjfn, Pearl Fitzgeraldllen Tre. ( ,, ,t Football MahagerF. W. Turner, r football Coachos--T, HMatters, J. B. Harvey. ' ' Basket-ball ManagerF. A. Crltek ' Football practise will begin at once and the prospects for a strong team are very bright The outlook for a winning .basket-ball team is aleo very encouraging. Three of last year's team are still in school and will do thelrbegt to develop a champion. team. At the meeting next Thursday the class hat question will be considered and the matter of holding a class party will also be discusser. ' . i . HELP T0 P E F EAT A t 11 jJv M ES !i- .' it t'i Al. --.-Ji6 W- -fea&AJ --a I h i-'-yfr -fj -j-j-. Jtf 0-$ V- - Jt.M jK?Mjf y&jt -i, -Mr t'--y wf- i- " -- ffi-rAsSguttUHLiltfjo -i. ... --( ii-- -- -