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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
' 4 'V. V-v-v- i ' stZLtinZJA" TTi5" 1- W ,: &&.- " ijJT THE 'DfiLlUtf n? jE '"t- c 0 t jzas'.'- h R?-t ,H-' ALLCQRETTI AfiO LOWNKY'8 CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 12th AND O 4UALIT Y . m TASTM LIK MOM Mm, Til Irvc Cittw 1321 p t. , Wt.ivt always acta ' as Jtfia STiJDEtJTS'iAliNDRY Wa w"t'yjjr fciiilnMt. . YUZilC fefttHf. VIAND LABMDKY tSM O Strtot, " Aut Mf 4. JMI tf4 . lK. -4t- - i .i v r ' . V. FIRST MATIOHAL BANK capital . taee jaee.oo wrplM-aa Prattta . : 'T''' ;:. 7x ' V," v j " rJ GOTRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. ', iMakenl f G A P S GOWNS and HOODS t To 'the Amerloiui Collflgea ani USivais jittea, Claaa contract saoiaky. nauauii.matarJaia. Haaaoa4Ui pnoaa.- r -- TT'1 """B M .j - i i li ;;,A,TiicKer, Jewelers !Ji;.;aip1. S. Stieanf ;': 1123 O STREET 'jjjj ! YurPtrn0 8llblterf " ! i ' ' p i VrB L. I, i. v ,;, i. B t - i h J i , .r.v jM UM' 0Wl Rh ll ,0HIilH L UpM A. . A. M. -M- k OUMwi and go ,te , J. C. WOOD At CO Rpct OfWs w4 pyrs ill ! V DttlUV ""W. 11 T4 TRIBT .,.. u'y - " - - --J' WMfesIA fefRV ttVf Our Oaadl sd Bked Qoofli mjra'-Alww. Frwh taA Good OUrlua oar 'eWtJr. i 77! . . i. i. THE MAXWELt CO. ' ' J ' I ' BJ H Bth PhtHi. lS(kvMLriHto. Crelghton Saturday. Tho game with Crelghton Collego to bo played on tho campus 'next Sat urdauno 2, will wind up the season Bchedulo of twenty-seven games. Of the twenty-six, throe 'wero postponed on account of rain and ono; tho James i MllUkln University game at Decatur, , rhlnod on In tho dlghth. The sea son shows four shutouts, two in favor of Nebraska and two in iavor ui w ponents. The 'varsity shut out Man hattan, Kas., and tho Indiana State University, and received their goose eggs from the Lincoln League In the second game with the Bfyanltes and from Wabash C611ego at South Bend, Indiana. Only one game during the ohtlro season was called on account of darknoss was tho second vnnoni. University same; whicn was twelve innings long with a score of 5 to 5. This game should have been A wnhrnnim victory, for Kansas' run 'in the two scores necessary- to tio Ne braska In the ninth on account or Jthree errors. . ' Of the games played, Dort pitched the moBt, leading with nine games. Nlllson pitched six, Morse Ave, Bow man one and Carroll one. Three of the old wheolhorses will be out of Saturday's game for various -onarnifl. Cooke makes gOOU WUn Ducky, Fenlon Is playing with Omaha and6addls Is down and out with a game leg. Morse Is on tho road and Dort will pitch the game. It has been said that tho game with Grolghton- College will not-bo worthy of notice because tho college Is out of our class, buLJKhen we remember that they lead the Originals and Western League teams In Omaha such a merry chase every year and turn out 'men like young Crelghton, who made good oh the Princeton teamthiB year, wo must change our minds. And remember, tbo, that the varsity only made two runs to fouf .by the Omaha lads In the game played at Omaha on May 12. In that same tho I Catholics made twelve hits to tne varsity's six and didn't err as oftenv Noxt Saturday tho team will lino up as follows; Carroll . .J.". .Catcher Dort ,......- - -Etcher Barta First Base Rlne , Second Base Humpus Third Base DenBlow ' Shortstop Sprague Right Field ChaBe . , . . K Center Field NlllBon Left Field Nebraska Guard Will Go. Adjutant General Culvor lias an- . noiinced" that Nebraska Tias- accepted an, Invitation to send troops the army maneuvers at ;Fort Riley, Kas. General Culverasked that tho- entire "Nebraska Guard bepermltted to go, t.. J.-TT.Lu.. i0 m. a . . n ltt 9n .. Dili iiiu SQcruiury ui win tiuu uiuo mi. Indicated that only one regiment will beJwoicomcwJEhe Second regiment at tended" last year and .the -First will" probablyho selected this year, A state, encampment Swill probably bo I held in -August for the Socotfdtregl- mont ana tne oinor iruupa ra.jng' at norae. " v ,s: l l Aaail. Qihnnl Fvhlhlf frhh'nYhlhlh nf thn 4rork'of 'ho liunlla nt Thn Miv RpVinnln In tho" donkrtmontfl of drawing, manual trlTlnin anp do mestic science. wiH.remaln on view in the large club 'room of the city library, ..-.- ,c. :., - . lVALJ lj tor iiUO ruuiuiuuur -ui luowocu, wa room being open during 'tne Visual library hours. . ' - The 'ObsorVatory will be open 'to ... .i-: m,.....u.. n.. i 'o tV l pSTJ PROF, M. M. FOGG " Ohapin Bros., Florist. 127.8. 18th. Printing -Georg Br.. 13tk Jc N. r. Xastari, S12-2U Klaamnta Mk ' ' ' ' John J. Foasler was a campus visi tor Tuesday. The,.Llncoln Local Express,. 1343 0 St - Picture framing. G. A. Crancer, 1132 O street. ( C. J. Campbell, '06, Is In tho city for a few days. TypermciWhg, J. W'Browfcter, Rich ards Blk. l ReglstracEf. H. Clark' spent WednoB day in Omaha. ,-..' Fsrbes Stables, llvory, cab and bag gage, 1125 1 St, Boll 550, Auto 1SG0. MIbs Bertha Marshall, '05, visited the University Tuesday. Union Shining parlor Sbiae, ftra ceAte; chairs for ladiw. 1011 O St. Don Cameron's new lunch counter; quick service. 119 So. 12th St. i Miss Katha"rin Sterllhgj 'OV; whb teaches at North Platte, is visiting hei Alpha O sisters., I Attend the. after-inventory sale o'f pictures at G. A. Crancer Co,, 1132 O street Seniors have received notices from Treasurer Bales that the 'fee for" diplo mas is how due. MIhh Tlrthfi Mrirflhnll. 05. who has been teaching at Dakota City, is visit ing Unl: friends. V W in A rrfrltt wlin hnvn nnf llftl mombershin dues 'or nle'djSes of sys tematic giving do so at once. Tnvltatlnna nrn nilt frr tVlft Phfttir.fil. lofks Reception, which will be ' held Jufie th from 8 to. 10 o'clock.. -. Anv Iowa BtudGnt 'deirlner to KO'to tho Hawkeye picnic Saturday; Juno .2, see Mr. 'Aaron, ir. Humpnrey, mibb Hddldy or Miss JE vans. :vi' ' :u ' i - . w - Chancellor Andrdws dolivored the commencementaddress at Fairbury Tuesday eevnlng, and at Vaverly on Wednesday evening. Miss Alice E. Flnan of Wood -River is In Lincoln . and will attend the Summer School'. Miss Finan has Judt finished her school work -at Rising Mil juy. Fifty-three applicants for certificates rn -nrjimicA monioino aro now 'taKinir an examination before the State oard nt Wfiftlth In Renresentative Hall at the State House." The examination. adjourned for Decoration day opa re sumed' today. - '"' . -;-J7-V' k . i . KANSAS GITY Sf. LOUIS Excursion to the South ou June 5 and 19) ' i .,. Trains lfiavn TJncoln at 9;1H n -m ntiri Ift'-IK n m with thVniifirh PnllmAti sleenereyery night 'to Kansas City. .m .v . v . . . wm vB'rBoB " .; 12th and P fltrflfttJi ..Donnfc'flth anrfS.- ' JJBF - kVBM eo years' rj BEST LINE TO - ' j BlV'l'i'l'll'V1!! V- '-! Saiii McstcrlieM rnfttotMit .fj v 2 117-121 H.'U ' M- v- LUtlc 6cm Hot Waffles fr "Sm'i Cozy Ckfri . Ji ' V " M a i - tW '. (- t SPRING OXfORDS lhV-r t'frS .- ' ., . ROGERS & '. -. 'v.'. r im "v PERKINS CO. H29 0 Stf1Sf 1 ," r ' mLmJLiJimim . rr'VrfvTsf Z ta m'm jll ll'l f ' 9aHk 'SBBBBBflW' rAl Z i 1 V avail' ' mV.flakBB&AU t ' SBaVBBiv' ' . . t i i . -s. .iM 1 l-BBBBBBBBV &UM'A., n u.vh v.'.:i(-.u- . .WlWir ffiim.n,iamm -; . CAMTAl $ft,00f.H :. JOHHJ. bi 1rtttti RifncttffW AKD OTimAJEf e u I 21. . im;plMM, Wlkr till; BW.H1I I'1-t i " ,t i " fiilin..Y.A'ii if .ill W AlfTJBRS B U RfiA U i r a w . -r 1 FlntolaM mttIo aorntMd'ak u n isyvwpwi.w--rt"-v-'"T : XfSSjlV'L 1 -- -- ---.--.--, 1 TflADC'lfAM nmwA ' llnmvmuum Mm. AayoM-MiMkM a tkatch wj v w w vwa ituwifiv, -JKSITimfei. 1 "ffff "'J J ill" nKuauuka tEJo tptw notutivmaom smm !0oeJRalSJBra ,- ,. - . -. i - - ,. iBr ' .; . --- . i IIIU fill W.TTHini 1 3.iiBfaaMay HQif r ;iai II Alii PMMII' " I Bs'-aaaW vrli wlaaJ VI 4IBHI ' BBBLSLmKjBwfl "aBBBBBT ly VaMMMMlf. OWMMBMft' WWl'W '- jU v V i Mm .4 U ,r ' :$ .&$ ' ..'. 2 )l : iJ ' i - -l! , r-Al -J-4T I -it- i ' I y- . X s 3 i - u v v f . -" sram wo, 1 rtf " y 1 ;8Ltf....At?yl.rfi)t'r Wig5;;: .'''" . tow .:-::. v.,vf.iptf v: n IF - 10" p. ra. for ji view of the moon.