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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1906)
vggm '- "V-i - N. V '"'ffLV w ' 1 M- n -. ...-. .'., ,j-,,V-' . V v- - xi r '' . THDAVLY NEBRASKAN. r "- 5 - v 9f .. M' t ' 4 V f Hi. & I X " i fa :My S? X I, F? I- "" ?. MWttiM BUSINESS DIRECTOBY vary Layal Ualvanltr Starfaat to ara;a4 ta patroataa Mieaa Maaraa- kaa advarftltara, aa hmUm taa papar walla aalaa; aa. t i i at ilXail BARBER SHOPS Aristo, Green's Palace, Mogul, Richard. - BAKERY Mrs. Petryr BOOKS-STATIONBRTf Co-op, Lin coln Book4 Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Glllosple. BANKS Columbia National, First Na tional. - BOWLING ALLiflY Crescent CAFE Bam Westorflqld. Do Gasa erdn. - f t OARPQNTER-rOep. A. wikwa. CATERER "ToKmsy," at Miller ft Palne'a Fountain. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Geo. M. Conway, Erwln & "Perkins. CLOANERS AND DTBR8 J. 0. Wood &Co. CLOTHING Armstrong, Unland, Ma gee TJeemer, Ludwig. GOAL-Gregory, Whltebreaat CONPKCTIONERSrrMaxweU, The Pol sou. . - ' DISEASES, OT XTB, BAR AND TriROAT Dr. Brie B. Woodward. DRY GOODS Millet False, Hern sheimer, DRUGGISTS Rigga, Brown, Rector. -EXPRESS Lincoln Local: ' FLORISTS Chapln Bros. GROCERS O. J. King ft Son. HABBRDAflHERY$2.$P .Hat Store. HGTBLSLindell. ' ICE CREAM AND IOES-Franklln Ice Cream Co. JEWBLER-VTuckor,. Halle tt. . r - LATJNDRDJ6--Yule Bros ( NOVELTY MACHINIST Tkorp. OOUUSTS7)r, Davla. PHOTOGRAPHH TewasasU. PRINTING-New Caatary, Kins ft "Jewup,' Greer Cooper Ce., Gkovfje Bros. , .RESTAURANTS Doa's Gate. SHOESandexson, Roger' ft Per kins. SHINING PARLOR Union Shining Parlor. . SPORTING GOODS-rLsVrflotf Cycle Co. jpsr, v TAILORS Unland, ; jUnlepi - Cellege Tailors, Ludwig. ""sV?'- TYPEWRITERS Underwoei Type writer Co. TYPEWRtTINQ-J. W. Brewnter. SPECIALISTS Dr. Brie B. Wcti' " WAITBRSURBAU Grant. tttt)M,i OLIVER THEATRE $WGHJ,JiM. ITT" -i; fAna! All SwMmer imtr ', , . NMit at t:M rnm Mf .ft Sat; !' f-. k.' AS Tonight, Frl., Sat-ft Mat.. -- a "$umytL uar" .Mondav aUTuesday- - r, - .V:' -"'- .!--.' . "THELMA" Eve'25c16c.ft 10cV . Mat, '8iC A 10c Nat C:fJQolodwin - . In.' . jS;, THE GENIUS." EORQE A. WILSON IceNTHACtO AND' BUILDER iatlma'taa faralsbed ppon application. Job work promptly attended to. 131 'lutkTliW BBBVrBM4. '4lHaCi?aF fulton Stock Co CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Rate one cent por word each Insertion ; minimum, ten cents. T BATHS. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-salino, shower, plain. 11th and P St. CLUB RATES Three suits and O'foat cleaned and pressed, $1 par month. El liotts, 1136 O St. BAGGAGE TRANSFER. FAOER BROS!, Basement Windsor hotel, No. 11th St. Baggage and parcels. DENTISTS BOSTON Dentists, 131? Q St DR. H. A. SHANNON. 1188 O. Auto, 2823; Bell. 2126. TAILORING. R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. . LOST. LOST Phi Rho Sigma pin. R. Christie, '09, Inquire at Registrar's office if found. WANTED Sovoral men for school positions paying from $70 to J90 a month. June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 12. Senior Play. Oliver Theatre. June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Chicago in Arms Against faculty. Stagg may resign and three hun dred undergraduates may not return to Chicago next fall. The action of the university senate in refusing the University of Chicago permission to play any institution of its class In the west on the football field has stirred up bitter feeling. Some of Mr. Stagg'B close friends say he will resign from the physical directorship, and it is given out that a petition is circulat ing with three hundred undergradu ates' names attached who will. not re turn next fall unless there Is some thing doing in the Way of .real foot ball. Summer School. June 1Q-14, Sunday-Thursday Com mencement week, University of Ne braska. . Juno 11-12, Monday-Tuesday Regis tration. Juno 13, Wednesday Session be gins. , June 14, Thursday Thlrty-flfth an nual Commencement day, University of, Nebraska 2Pno 16J k? p. m.-r-Openirig jtt. - .. :.' Wzwxq 22. Friday, -p. m.- Lecturo: Prof; Wm. P. Dan,n, .' June 23 Saturday morning Lec turo: Prof. 'Charges E. Bessey. .June 29, Friday, 8 p. m. Lecture: Mr. H. R. Fairchild. Juno 30, Saturday morning Lec ture: Rrof. Harry K. Wolfe. July 4, Wednesday Holiday. July C, Friday, 8 p. m. Lecture: Prof. 'William B. Jilison. July 7, Saturday morning Lecture: President G, W. Wadsworth. - July 13, Friday, 8 p. m. Reception", Wesleyan University; July 14, Saturday morning Lec ture: Prof. Howard W. Caldwell. July 17, Tuesday, 8 p. m.Exhlbl tlon by Gymnasium classes. "" July 19, Thursday, 8 p. m. Closing I reception. . I " July 20, Friday Seealoa clofl. I bullj DffiUBXJ6XJBjraOfi NEW BOORS that are all possessed of the necessary merit to hurry their Balos' among careful buyers. They are dressod in oxcellent bindings, print: and paper and aro mixed with many othors of oqual 'popularity. Fenwlck's Career, by Mrs. Humphroy Ward. . Lady Baltimore, by Owon Wlstor. The Woman In the Alcove, by Anna K. Green! Pam Decides, by1 Bettlna Von Hutten. - a ...... The Mayor of Warwick, by Herbert MHopkins." " The Evasion, by Eugenia B. Frothlngham, ''' , Silas 8trong, by Irving Bnchello'r. ' A Diplomatic Adventure, by Weir Mitchell. Double Trouble, by Herbert Quick. The Challenge, by Warren' Cheney. .... My Quaker Maid, by Marah Ellis Ryan.., . The Throwback, by Alfred Henry Lewis. A Maker of History, by Frederick Opponheim. The Quickening, by Francis The Clammer, by William Barbara Wlnslow, Rebel, by The Conquest of Canaan, by The House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton. . All for the Love of a Lady, by Elinor Lane. Miller & Paine 0000OffiO0000 O O ( Former Student Suicides. News from Denver says: William Wilson, formerly of Lincoln, commit ted suicide, at Grand Junction, Colo., by shooting. Mr. Wilson was the son of William Wilson, a pioneer of Lan caster county. He leaves a wife and child. No cause is known for his deed. He had appeared despondent on ac count of having failed to pass nn ex amination for promotion from the po sition of fireman to that of engineer on the Rio Grande railroad. He was formerly a student at the University of Nebraska and served in the Sev enth regiment, United States volun teers, ddrlng tho Spanish-American -war and was at the battle of El Caney. His brother, Hugh Wilson, is division superintendent on the Missouri PaJ clflc railroad. The latter has gone to Grand Junction to bring the body to Lincoln for burial. Mr. Wilson visited tho University about two months agojind seemed en thusiastic about the west and his proB pects there. Games. W. Phi Kappa Psl.. .3 .3 Delta Tau 2 2 Kappa Sigma ... 5 4 Phi Gamma Delta 4 3 Alpha Theta Chi. 3 2 Delta Upsilon ... 4,2 Alpha Tau 4 2 Sigma Chi 4 1 Beta Theta PI... 4 1 Phi Delta Theta. 2 0 Sigma Alpha ... 4 0 L. P.O. 0 1000 0 1000 1 .800 1 .750 1 .660 2 .t'OO 2 .500 3 .250 3 .250 2 .000 4 .000 Consider pictures for appropriate graduation gifts. G. A. Crahoerr-1132 O street r TAKE THE KHGHTROAD 0 FROM (JVM - AV CHICAGO ychio;.e GREAT LEAF ROUTE Unequalled equipment on all t Wins 11 it makes traveling a pleasure on theOmlWESTffl F. H. VVHLOt, DISTRICT PASSKNGSMAGtHT, tMit Farium St. - Omah.. . r - )Q0CCC-00OfflO000 Lynde. J. Hopkins. Elizabeth Bills. Booth Tarkington. Don't Delay rMT"'"' '""""in ',' ' " ' i i your graduation shopping till all the deslrablo things havo been bought by earlier comers. Remember, It's NOW that tho pick of tho Bilvorwaro, cut glass and Jewelry is offered. ' Hallett, - (143 0 JEWELER-OPTICIAN "Rilinjims'tliLtasliciOeCiii ,tew- iaaa yawfrlaaaa . at QEO..M. CONWAY' '1MSOITMMT The ealr axelaaiTa aigar aaa tosasee latkaaitr ' vIV -4 ' A "". WESTERN RAH I- w - - mHS . K5552Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal nV V099!iRa9l aaa"2BiijEBluBBBJl JJ; f Gortsll 7"N M "Go on tad cone off Q 1 I $1.50 i.lw I BBH " ' Baksrs " - II OMAHA - -.. '. For tvH MrmM9n, ttrti to 4 - i y v. A s r 4 V - V4 J hi 01 J ,' r s - '. x V,