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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
, y ., , - r v.- :ya , . v "J. - - ' .i rik.''t'Kvir1i "' v M' ' VJ lV ff . . !. A N fj Y H" VoL V. No, 123. uisavERsrrY of Nebraska, Lincoln, Friday, may is, im. S PriccSCenti ",.', ' " , " .-. '- - - " . ftf ""JjV ' V " ; f- 'Jf r ijw .nsva-, ZIbe Iaifo mebrasftan: . , t , . JJ , -, is, lw IT & 7, to - WcJ ir !, up T '. .- so, t V tf-. iv BACK TO NATURE . . . CLASS OF '06 TAKES A PAY OF REST AT MILFORD. Senior Sneak Day a Grand Success Attendance . Large Cordial Wel come Extended, by Citizens. )00000000000C& t Following custom, tho Senior class yesterday betook itself to Milford and there spent the day in youthful sports. From start to finish there was not a .slow momont for'any one of the one hundred and ten. loyal Seniors, lnclud "lng all the officers, who attended. Never before has the attendance at this ceremony -been so largo or the ., .observance of its peculiar rights en- . tered into in finer spirit .At precisely 8:30 a. m. the special tralmv bearing tho- crowd pulled into Milford; all fell in behind' the band, marching, in. fours, under the leader- . . ship, of dimmer,, to tho picnic grounds, the beautiful park surrounding the Soldiers Hblhe. , Immediately upon arrival twotbaae- . .ball. gaiaeworovstarled, one between' -teams, captained by Misses' Deweese v i and Bunt, the other by Miss O'Connell " ' . and Miss Pope. Curiously enough, . both games resulted in tie scores; The ( feature, of thp first was the heavy "batn ; ting of Jane Blanchard; of the sec ond, the pitching 'Captain O'Conaeli? i which, was p)tra professional. -When vi these games enV finished. ,a , track ," meet, taken part In' by the girls only; 3 ; was pulled onO The r&ulta of all the numerous events jrereiH part-lost but , fortunately those 'most w"ortljy'ot. a : record for' posterity -were jtfesefcved. vIn the hammer throw , Miss Archibald first: distance, 84 feei- Miss Heacock r MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL ; THEODORE THOMAS ORCHESTRA, SOLOIST? AND CHORUS THREE GRAND CONCERTS, MAY 2 AND 22, 1906 Seats on sale at G. A. CranceFCo. Season tickets $3.00 ' Single admission $U50 and $.00 ooa KANSASTODAY DIAMOMD WARRIORS WILL MEET THIS AFTERNOON AT 2:30. ft. oth Teams In Good Shape Varsity Rested After -Eastern Trip and Expecting to Do Things. Sl -.'X one girl who had made less than three except Miss Allen, who had "misgiv ings' and did not take the slide. The Seniors got back to Lincoln at' six o'clock and were reviewed by late', students at the University. All wore' as a badge a tin spoon. Witte, on, behalf of tho librarian,- absent, ex tended a wolcomo to the class; .which they graciously Haccepted and made at home for a brief "time 4n the library. The committed in charge consisted! of Wellehslck, Misses Thompson and. Archibald, Ackorlund, Purcell, Ziinmer aad Colo t LINCOLN DEFEATS DENVER. Elocution Recital. A good sized crowd attended ' tho, elocution recital' given under direction-bt Miss Howell last night in the chapel. '.'' ' v ' The " jfbllowing program was ren dered: r ' "x ' Hungarian; Rhapsody No. ..,... Lktj ' t -' Miss Floss Denny. The Church at Keho Bar. . . .,..; Mr: Edward Rutledge. Rebecca's Ride Wlggin' . Miss JSlta Boose. , .Her First Appearance ., Davis' Miss Edith Butler. wa unanimousir awarded .last WaceRBud's Fairy Tale .Riley , , ., --., u her throw was 80 feet Miss Blanch ard won the EO-yard dash, in the "fat" girls' race, Miss O'Connell as first In the "loans'" raco, Miss, pillsbury led.- In tho 'free-for-all, Miss Bell was .victor, , k - iess' call, sounded by VIqo Presi dent x Ackerlundi, interrupted h these , yents.Pimier, .which, was furnished "bysth,e .coraniittoe,. waX eaten, on the south, piazza of tne Soldiers' Home, and there, was so much' of it that enough! left to furnish Miss Cole and Miss Fisher with interesting material for. the whole afternoon's, occupation. ' Dishes were domo by Mary Wads- . wojtb; a Freshle, brought along for tbipurpbse,,who, having finished that; duty, uytM ,esc6te4 jto the organ .in the" soldier's' assembly, room. The musle she put up ias so fliw-it in spfrsifi Sol -Goldman to the length of dancing! but the eight or ten'' girls-lie innwunliul n fha ailhlA.f WAN! flA C.CiVi ; ' " he had to give up the effort and go, ;, fiaaiiy, to the bail ground with, the : ; .otMrs. There the Senior team put It over the Milford league to the. tune of 10 to.;6. Rowing and fishing took lip the. time till 4 o'clock, when a spiral fire cP F discovered. Here, were pWibilltiesf The Freshle was seized, dumped in at the third-story level, and her exit at, the ground carefully noted; . , v.jsM oarne et unimjured,: and in tea fe- rA'!jrailWtrtoif h' . .i-. V 14 I (tn wtarTA nna trln nrtt tv I V Witdam Uf k Ai.M JVXIBB DUU1UO .AUIUUBi Swords of Ferrara. .....; Bullard Mr1. Frank Hudson. The' Conflict . . .7 .London Miss-Alice, Agee.- - Sunday" "Fishing .. Robertson Mr., Ellsworth Davis. Fourteen to One...... .. ..-. Phelps Miss. Fay Hartley. Tho Tailor Made Gown ...... .Fiske. Miss Helen Day. - The Sixth Air de Beriot. . . , . .-r Miss Genevieve Fodlcar Mammy's Lil' Boy .....Edwards Miss Luclle. Cull. vsaj . c In the Toils of the Enemy. .... .Wood Miss Bashie Tully. The numbers by Miss Butler, Miss Adams and 'Miss Day were especially worthy of mention and Miss Denny's musical number was enthusiastically received. - Cook Bats Out Single That Brings In ' Winning Run., in the most exciting game of the season down at Antelope Park, the Bryanltes dofeated Denver yesterday in an eleven inning game, the score standing: Lincoln 7, Denver 6. The first two innings ended without; a score, but in the 'third Denver suc ceeded in getting in two men. In the fourth Ducky's men' retaliated by scoring four. In the fifth Denver got one and in the sixth throe more. In the seventh Lincoln addedone'more, leaving the score Lincoln 6, Denver 6 . It was anybody's game all the time, with Umpire ' Fuller guessing all the time. Tho interest was intense as the' batters were retired and then In 'the. ninth Lincoln gulled out another run, evening ,tho score. A double play from Barton to Flllman to Thomas erased Denver's chances, leaving two men on bases.-In-the- tenth yler refused to allow his old team mates to hit the ball andC no one scored In the: eleventh, after rUrJngDenVer, Lincoln got the bases full and Hugh Cook" came to bat. With two strikes" called he landed on the ball for a neat single, thus scoring the winning run. This was tho first game of the sea son where moro than the regularnum ber of Innings were.played. Cook ac cepted his chances in the field without a miscue and wielded the bat well. The "glad hand" accorded him by the popu lace shows him. to be! a favorite and that filling Holmes' place In left to the satisfaction of the multitude.; ,' ""Palladlan- Program. Solo, ............ .Miss Ethyl-Haynes A Glimpse of Wendell Phillips?. ".,.... ...F. A. Peterson Reading, ..., ...'.... Migs Strickland The American Frontier......... .-. . . . ..Stanley Krajicek ' FOR SALE-x-A aew $30 dres-sH for $20. Inquire at Nebraskaa osloe Thursday at chapel time. At 2:30 this afternoon the. Jayhawk- ers are scheduled to meet the Corn huskers in the first of the tiyo home games which end the baseball season at Nebraska, : . Dort will do the slab work for the "-' , varsity, and from his record on the ' eastern trip the dopesters have it. slated that he is going to let the south erners down with a bump; With Bobby. -Hyde behind, the bat, the battery for ' the. varsity seems well 'fixed. - 'Captain Morse will hold down, the short infield and It is hoped that here) he Vlll loosen up the kinks 1m his arm for Saturday's contest . Fenlon will be seen Jn his old plac . In tho left pasture, while the other out fields will be handled by Carrolhand Denslow. . ' The line-up is given out as. follows: Nebraska. Kansas. Hyde. , c. ...... .Brookings Dort ?..... . p. .........Hoffman Barta .t- lb ........ ...Young ...... i ' Rhine .... 2b ....... Hllllrirton Morse .-ss. ....,,.. ..Talley Caddis , 3b .: Johnson Feslon.) If. ........ tWIIsoa Carroll.......... cf. . ...f .,.,.. Bks, D'enslow-Sprague rf , ....,..., .Brown For the1 fans who, intend to watch the Jayhawkers ahcL-varsity slub Jo day and tomorrow, it might be intr eating to note the following batting and fielding averages of the Kansas' team: Batting Averages, t, Player. A.B. B.H. Ay Johnson ..........86 36 384 Blbss . .?,....". 53 17 v821 Brookens .......... 90 29 ' .122 Young ..... ,,.,,.. .; v.M . 26 -.2SS HoffmaV . .."....;;. f.. 78 20 '.2M Wilson ...!. .....ft.8 2p .232 Brown .Vm. ..69 If .232 0$ BAND' INPORVIAL MEMORIAL HALL , v , iK , ' jW , mi v Vu 'jr k. sOrchWtr. ," . , X?oIcet BOo Bailey. ...;..,...'... 87 Jones. ........ ', .".'. , . .29 Hetherington ........71 Kirmeyer 34. aeaue, .,. . y ..... .17 4 9 1 i .208 .198 ' FleMinf Averfes. Player. P.O. .A. Young ., ......237 Brookeas' .?.:i40-f 18 8 18 24 43 48: it Kirmeyer ,. 7 Wilson ...,..... 38 Hoffman .;.; .20 Hetheririgtoa ..,... 87 Bailey .21 Meade, ...1.;, '..V.. i 1 At. .848 .988 .92L .917 M.918 .901 jm ;S42 Joaasoa Brown , Bloss .' fw .,ii,, .t . . . .24 .47 12 11 .8' 8 v8 21 4-:1 2 4 12 12 3 IS J6fc. I V.82I ..Ualversijy : glrtidtflriaft 'mfcM the summer 'or; darlBg" the ooeatec with Mrs: BarkUv or Mi VlbhAL I Several poWttos . art avaUaMa. -' ' ' ' .. K.V "W ,ft- & ? i k Vi iS i T?i X- .K ' I n 'i . .. :.