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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
L'' , . - a, S ', .' THE DAkLY NEBRASKAN. ( CLASSIFIED COLUMN What's a dance without Tommy7 BUSINESS DIRECTORY I IX1 3fe' ,.'- J? r V V. It IF It It It It It It It tmjt Loyal University Stmasa Is arced to patroaiae theie-Meferas- kaa advertisers, aad to aaaatlaa the paper wjrflo doing So. i t It & BARBER ' SHOPS-Arlato; Green's alace, Mogul. JUcbards. IAKERY Mrs! Petryi BOOKS-STATIONERY Co-op, Lin cola. Book Store, Unl. Book Store, Brown Drug Co., Harry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAL Gillespie. . BANKS Columbia National, Fire Na tional. BOWLING ALLEY Crescent CAFEr-Sam Westorfleld. Dob Cam eron. CARPBNTDR Geor.A. Wlleon. CATERER "Tommy," at Miller ft Paine's Fountain. CIGAJIS AND TOBACCO qeo. rf M. Conway, Erwln & Perkins. CLEANERS AND DYERS J 0. Wood ft Co. CLOTHING Armstrong-, Unland, Ma gee ft Deemer, Ludwlg. GOAI-Gregory. Whltebroast CONPHCnONBRSMaxweU,Tke Pel- ' som. ' - .. DISEASES OF BYB, EAR AND THROAT br. Brie B. Woodward. JRY GOODS Miller ft Paine. Herpol- ahelmer, DRUGGISTS Rigg8,HBrown, Rector. EXPRESS Lincoln-Local. FLORISTS Ghapl Bros. GROCERS O. J. Klngft Boa. HABERDASHERY 12.60 Hat Store. HOTELS Llndell. ICE CREAM AND ICES Franklin Ice Cream Co. JEWELER Tucker, Hallett LAUNDRIES Yule Bros NOVELTYMACHINIST Thorp; . OCULISTS Dr. Davfc. '' ' ' ' ' : " PRINTING New Century, King fti v Jcssup, GreerCooper Ce., Qeerge, v Bros.51 , RESTAURANTSrDqa'a Cafet SHOES-HSaridersoa,. Rogers ft Per kins. v . SHINING PARLOR Union "Shining Parlor. SPORTING GOODS Lawlor Cycle. Po- TAILORS Unland, UnioB College Tailors, Xudwlg. ' TYPEWRITERS Underwood Type- writer Co. TYPEWRITING J. W. Brewatec SPECIALISTS Dr. Brie . Way ward. WAITERS BUREAU Grant Tom Watson's Maaazlne. "tho magazine with a purpose back of it," was established to teach the best way of, abolishing these special privi leges, and, hence, of rendering the trusts powerless to fob the public. It is a big- monthly magazine of 12& pages, with 'illustrations, cartoons, Mr. Watson's brilliant editorials, spe" "clal articles, a serial story, novelettes, short stories and . poems, by. tho world's best -writers. Regular price. $1.00 peyoar; 10 cents the copy, at all newstands. Everyone is interested in knowlpg the best way to cure the trust evil and, how to bring It about. Now in its second volume, Tom Wat son's Magazine Is firmly established, and its circulation is growing rapidly; but wo want to add a hundred thou; sand subscribers to our list In tho next month or two. "Mktrt Hrw'tlieLeillitlOcClgi tm down town suet year trleada at , GEO. M, CONWAY'S IMS O BTtMMT TssOsw All advertisements In this column must be paid for In advance. Kate one cent per word each Insertion; minimum, ten cents. BATH8. CHRIS' BATH HOUSE Turkish, salt glow, sulpho-saline, showor, plain, llth'and P Sta. CLUB RATES Throe suits and O'coat cleaned and pressed, $1 per month, El liott's, 1136 O t. .BAGGAGE TRANSFER. PAGER BROS.. Basement Windsor hotel. No. 11th St Baggage and parcels. DENTISTS. BOSTON. Dentists, 1319 O St DR. H. A. SHANNON, 1138 O. Auto, 2823; Bell, 212G. TAILORING R. C. HUBERT, ladles' and gents' tail oring and pressing. 117 No. 12th. Auto, 3771. LOST On camnus. nocketbook 'containing jewelry, mileage book and $5.00. Finder return to Nobraskan of fice and receive liberal reward. WANTED. Four students, adies or gentlemen, to act as local agents, representing a large business house. Gus Soderberg, 1335 N St. 8treet Railway Time Card. B. ft M. Depot, Capitol and South 17th CarS leave B. & M. depot and South St at 5 mln. past the hourand each ten min utes. First 6:05 a. m., last 12:00 p. m. B. & M. Depot,. Capitol &na8umner via Sun., 11 p. m. x 14th Cars every 20 min. First 6:20 a. m., last 11:20 p. m. Union College and Normal via 17 th' Cars every 40 mln. First 6:60 a. m., last 10:60 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. . B. it M. Depot 26th and Sumner via 17th Leave P. O. and 25th every 20 min. First car 5:50 a. m., last 10:60 p. m. Cemetery Cars leave P. d. every 16 minutes, First 6:25 a. m.,1ast 11:25 p. m. B. & M. depot loop. Havelock and Uni. PlaceCars leave P. O. and Uni. Place ,20 and 60 min. past hour. Cars leave Haveloclc 6 and 35 mln. past the hour. First car leaves P. O. 6:60 a. m., last 10:50 p. m. First car leaves Havelock 6:35 a. m., last 11:35 p. m. Ser-, vice to Unl. Place every 16 mln., 6, 20, 35 and, 60 minutes past the hour. First ear 6:50 a. m., last car 11:05 p. m. N. W. Depot, Capitol and So. 14th. Cars to 14th and A every 10 mia. To 14th and South every 20 mln. First 6:20 a. m., last ll:40p. m. 14th and South 8t ears make N. W. depot loop. '"ePnltentiary 10th and O every 40 mln. "First car leaves 6:40 a. m., last 10:41 p. m. State Farm 10th and O even hour aad ovory -10 minutes. B. tc If. depot loop. South 10th Cars to 14th and South every' 10 min. First 6:15 a. m., last, 12:90 p. m. Sun. 11:00 p. m. Park every 40 mln. First 7:00 a. 'm., last 11: p." m. South 10th street cars moke N. W. depet loop. State University, R and No. 16th Cars every 16 mln. First 6:23 a. m., lost 11:07 p. m. SUNDAY Cars start 1 hour later and stop 1 .hour earlier. v MY MAGAZINE. "INVESTING FOR PROFIT" (which I'll send free) Is werth 110 a copy to any man who Intends to In vest any money, however small; whe has money Invested unprofltably, or whe can savo35 or more per month, but whs hasn't learned the art of .Investing fer Pl?t ""demonstrates the REAL earning power of money the knowledge financiers and bankers -hide from the masses. It shows how to Invest small sums and how to make thqm grOw into fortunes the actual possibilities of intelligent In vestments. " A .; It reveals the' enormous profits baiikers make and shows how, one can make the anmn nrnfltM CUlffilV. It explains HOW stupendous fortunes are made and WHY they are made how 31,000 grows to $22,000. . To Introduce my magazine write me NOW. mentioning this paper and I'll send It SIX MONTHS FREE. ', EDITOR GREGORY, 81 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. e A New Way to Los Angeles. You can now go direct via Salt Lake nttv r Hnnthern California by a now 'dally train, the Los Angeles Limited, equipped with all the latest innova tions for travel 'comiori: jumins uar, Meals a la Carte, Observation Cars with Buffet Lounging Rooms and Library; Electric Lighted throughout via the Union Pacific and Salt Lake Route. For sleeping -ar "reservations and full information inquire of, 4 -H. B. SLOISON, Gen. Agent.., May 11. High School Fete Day. Field moet. May. 16. Athletic Board election. Studont members. May 19. Freshman party. Walsh Hall, Sophomore party. State Farm. May 21-22. Theodore' Thomas Orchestra Audi torium. May 23. Ivy day. Seniors and Juniors dis missed from afternoon classes. May 24. College of Medicine Commencement Omaha. May 25. Annual competitive drill. Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. May 26. Kansas-Nebraska track meet. Stato Fair grounds, 2:30 p. m. May 29-June 2. Cadet Encampment June 4-9. Semester examinations. June 12. Senior Play. Oliver Theatre. x June 14. Thirty-fifth Annual Commencement. Convocation. Wednesday, May 9 Hon. Ralph W. Seckenridge, "Federal Control of fo Insurance." A "lot of botany studentaswent out botanizing with Dr. Clomcnta on Sat urday morning, reporting a prontobie forenoon's work. J f rroiesBor nugo jjo vrieu, prouuuiy the greatest figure In tho field of evo lution, Is lecturing at Princeton. Tho Mask and Wig Club of the University- ot Pennsylvania will give a performance for the benefit of the San Francisco alumni. Students In botany complain of the cold rooms in Nebraska Hall for the past few days. It is too bad that tho steam cannot be turned on for an hour or so each cold day. . South Dakota defeated Iowa last Friday on" the question of free election of studies In universities. ,jThe decls' Ion- was against the freedom of ele6- tion. IA - Ktyo Sue Inul, repreenting the Uni versity of Michigan, won the Northern Oratorical league contcstt .held here recently. "Inul's subject was "The Mission of New Japan." Chicago," Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, North western and Oborlln were the other universities represented in the con test. In the annual bowl fight, between the two lower classes at the Univers ity of Pennsylvania last week the sophomores succeeded In winning the contest. The first half was a, draw, but the second resulted In a victory for the second-year men. The sopho mores have already won a track meet, the foot ball game and a boat race against the infant class. HLf BwiN$BBananananananananananH bbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbS aV f !anaBnanBaJssVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl ssssssRSsMaWIIIIH Thos. W. Colemaa,' better known as "Tommy," at Miller ft Paine's. The Ensign Omnibus and Transfer Co. :?5COc5 wlircall and got your trunks and take them to any depot or wlll move thom to any part of the city. will call and get your checks-. without extra charge and deliver your baggage.. We furnish hack any "time day or; night Our offlc' Is never closed. Flno carriages for' I funerals a specialty. Both, phones. !UAItITY tun OUR 80DA TASTES LUCK MOKBN Rjos, Tkt Drug Cittir U 1321 O St Cfco... New Century" Printers 184V-N 8TKKET-II41 Especl&lly.solicits the trade of those who wish it well-printed. v. DON'S CAFE 114 13. 11 i. WtliM. Msr Uiks' Dlilie Rim IrCiiiKtlM OrmV IA.M.T01 JL.KT r wassfi tasjattasg.!y Tithe Your (ilotltc hhiI go to f J. C. WOOD & CO. ( unccrasora 10 oonxup v oxi l Expert Cleaners and Uycrsl Bell TelcBh beat X4T. Ante IZWi ' MO M BTRBBT SBSBBBBSBBSSSSBBSSSSHStWrTBWWlJ 130 ananaMatvaBhf " ' n SBBaM BananananaBm sIbbHHMbbbI JHBbSbIbIbIb' bbbbVbbbbBbbbbbbI BBBBBBBBW' BjiSbvvbbbbbbbibBBBBBBBBBBBJ BBBaVkv!BBBDBBBBBBBBBBBBBV I 4 ""&:. i M VSusf09BBsl BVk9UajSkSSLSiJBH J J I Coat Shirts 7 m GoMtftdcosMtff II like a cott D I $1.5011(1 Wore I I M Ckstt,rsW4yCs- I bbHsH 'MakSfff $ iC r .y 'tit 'l l"X n . i"-! "til ". it: -1. . v 'J i ' i N. a !! t-.1 &- w, '4 I ' - I 5;. 2 r ,i J ' . A.