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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1906)
M ' JV .,iW.l" , . -n ,. - t'' .rr.rwr9 r ? . ' ' . r i , ' . t " -i j '-., . 'i C ' . ..I!"!. "" I . - " ' '".. , C . &. .1 il 1 ' :i . i P. "5 k, V Tf V W-ST? v. ' ' t . ' . .. - . . ' - - " V , ' ' "' P ' ' ' N ..' ? - - . . , , - ' : . . . , , ."' .; 1 . 1 . - ., . v ' ( - """"; ' fey " "i. .,.'. ' , . ' , 3$ Bail? TFlebraefcan Vy UNIVERSITY' OI NEBRASKA, UNCOLN. THURSDAY, jtyAY 0, 1906. ' Price 5 Cents LV . R ? ; 73Kffiiv . .. 1 ' r : , lip II V JOVOQQ0Q0 k c iu i-xi 11 rj B-n r 1 b- a 1 v r .v & B H v H v k m -m B sii r k - O . - mm ' M A - 4 n I A I T l& m. A V w ' - j" , -r H W ' MEMORIAL HALL '- -- ' 8 PRDAY.MAV EitartrieieN ! 8 NINE Mt " f! n V 8 .' . - c L ' IO ... .i . " O Piece Orcheatrnt , Ticket SOc f i " u-Z . .- , , , T ;, HIGH SCHOi HIGH SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS f EACH Eh AND STUDENTS TO ASSEMBLE. Intersohblastlc Athifttlc Meet ind De bate to Take Place Tomorrow-" Fete Day it Be Well Attended. 'The High. School Feto1 day,, tomor row will bring a largo number of '.high school teachers to the University. An Interesting program has been arranged and extensive plans are being Jmado to make their visit hero pleasant. Those whd arrive In Lincoln before 10:30 will bo conducted through the- Univer sity buildings. At ill 30 o'clock the exercises begin lh Momorlal Hall. The program, Is as fdlldwsV 10:30 a. m.- Qenoral survey of tfni veralty groiltide, bulldlligs And.labdra- torles by high sbhdol students Uhder ihe direction' of University guides. 11:00 a. m. Exercises of welcome, -Mempflal Hall, ifuslc by University "iDddet Band. Welcomd fromCbancpl- lor-Andrewsv Music, UnlVeraityleffi Club. .. t 12:00 mJ-v-Basltet- dinner onjlnlver- jBity campus. J.1: ' ".'-j-, 1:00 pf m. Nobraaka'lntorscholastlc , donate; Memorial HalSuperlntondent VJ. L. McBrlon, presiding. v,. . 'esolved, Tjiat'tbe supervision and control over life insurance transactions of an interstate character should ceuse to be exercised . by the state in "which such, business is written, and should be ussuthod by congress, i Con- stitutlonallty to bo waived.1 - The first speaker on the affirmative -will have eight minutes In which to. 'open the debate and flvo minutes tot rebuttal, The othor speakers, will haye ten and three 'minutes. Affirmative Nebraska City, York, Beatrice, Omaha. Negative North Platte," Blair, Llnr coin, Ord. " 2:p0 p. m. Annual moot of Nebras ka lnlerscholasticL..Athletlc- Associa tion, University Athletic Field. 5 : bp p.m. Dress parade arid review of t cadet battalion by Cancellor An drews, Commandant Workizer, Adju tant Genefircuiver..and attending su" perintendents. 6; 30 p. m. Meeting of thd Nebraska SchooTmdators, Club, Xlndflll Hotel. ' All railroads Ih Nebraska tiffocjan. pen rate bt 'a fare and-one-third for the Tourid trip from points In Nebraska 1 not over one hundred, miles from Lin coln, tickets to bo sold May 10 and 11, limited for return leaving Lincoln un til and including May 12. Trains from nearly all points within one hundred miles of Lincoln reach the city before 10:30 in the morning. For those who cannot remain- over night outgoing trains depart about 6 o'clock in tho 'yinlng. University students weaving TiSdges with the legend ''University of Nebraska" will meet all trains and es cort parties to the University. 1 The Board pf Control of the Nebras- lir&a 'Interscholastlc Athletic Association is; ; arranging;; vtq ,ake, the 1906 meet thbet;vr k4d by the association tyJSjmj$ iy -4k ,Rlac i Hik School Fete day at the University c 1 -t - f. campus at Lincoln. The University Is arranging to make tho Fete day pro gram one Of spebial Interest. The a&soclatlbh Is. ofTerlng special inducements to contestants this year. Winners of first places will be given silver medals, winners of second places bronze medals, whlld third place mdtt will receive the usual badge. The winning relay tea mwlll "be given a handsome pennant. Besides. these id the -HorpolBhelrripr silk: banner, which goes to thp wiriningeam and becoradi the property of the school -winning three times in succession - The expenses-of contesting teams will -be prorated accordlngr to distance traveled and men -entered, and paid from the proceeds of thee meet Bach school Is allowed to enter tienmeh. Two'mdh ffdm oadh school may con test in any ono"event. bfollowlug oventswlil be content, dd in order given belowrN. Track events, 100 yard dash, half- muo .run, xz yara nuraie, w yara run, one; mile run, 220 yard dash, 220 yard hurdhf, . half mile relay ..race (teams to consist, of four 'men, each man to run 220 yards). If necessary, preliminaries will be run In 100 and 220 yard dash, also In 120 and 220 yard hlirdles. Field Events: iW vault, I2-poutid shot iJUt," running highijump, 12-pbUhd hammer throw,, running broad jump and 'discus throw, " .4. Field and track events wllL go on td gether, So far. as poslblo, allowance will bo made for contestants whdre events conflict. Contestants are ad vised not to enter more than three events. - Edtfli tidhbbl is allowed to ehter tdii men. Only two itioh fromdach,sch6ol to start in any dvonG-; No individual 9htrahbd fee required. The gate receipts will'bo used to de -fray lhe expenses of the meet Includ ing the transportation expenses qtho teams. In case, the gate fecofptsdo not cover the full-expenses of tho meet and transportation of teams, tho ex penses of the teams will be prorated according' to distance traveled and number of irieh oh team Silver and bronze medals Will be awarded to winndr df first arid secdhd blades in each event arid a silk badge to thd winner of tho third placed A gold modal will Mb glvdtt ttt the Wlhhdr of the greatest nllnibor df points blades scoring fc, i arid 1 for fll'st, secdrid krid third blades, resiiedtiVely No bolhW will bd scored fdr. this medal in the i-dlay ifacd.- . x A haridsonie banner vlll bo awarded to the wlhttlngrelay teairi. No indi vidual tnddals will bo granted toelay teams; . . STUDENTS IN DEMAND. Sought by Education Boards threugh- out the States University students, particularly the girls, sootato be in greht demfthd amongdducatlori -Ddards throughout the VstritoE Very dayittds 6ne or more graduateBvand not infrequently an underclasBnlandleotedas: instrUc tdrsdf the coming generation Tuesday night the Wahoovbirard of educatibnunanimously elected Louise Allen as science, teacher for the coin ing year and HeldnsAllon and Lota Adams instructors in the grammar schools. ' , ' At Pawnee City the following- Unl- fvorsity people carried off honors: Rose B., Clark, , assistant, superin tendent, - "'"v - Eda " Marquardl, Instructor in Gor man. . .. Elsie Hammond,, M. L.' Slater and Lfidy Vdri Horn, grade "teachers. ' V. M, C. A. Quartette. By an unintentional oversight ho iriontldn has before been made of tho assistance given tho Dramatic Club last Saturday evening by ttieTX M. Cr A. q uartdtte, wfabtfe members are Messrs. Hutton, Wallace, Higgins and Agee. These gentlemen sang several times' arid ..were enthusiastically re called each time. INSURANCE TALK R. BRECKENRIDQE GIVES TtRESTlNQ LECtURE, National Authority on Insurance Legfs latlon Speaks for National ftupervlilon. The Lincoln Local Bxprwa, 1343 O 8t oacBODOBoaEssbasad umimnm HOLDERS OF STOCK in the Htepekaift PuHiihing Cdftipafy ae requested to turn in, their crtiiEicatcs, to Jf S. Dales, room 10 "U. Hall or to Fred Naughton,. rsfebriskan officer M .r ., - v t - , " . - t; ,., ,'. ' Befdre ah audlennn rAnnnlniinno Fsi its' UriUsually-largo atteridktice bt . fac ulty membdrs, Ralph W. Bfedkerirjdge of Omaha, drip of the leading yp"ungr , lawyers of this cPuntry;v delivered a tfairty-minuto addross on the federal supervision of life Insurance companies ., at convocation yestorday. sMr. Breok enridgo is an authority of national Ve pute upon the subject of insurance and Insurance, legislation and his state ments were" made 'with the emphasis and clearness of one who knows where of he speaks. In beginning his address Mr. Breck enridge gave a brief account relative-to ' the 'position insurance companies hold in the United Stated "VViUj their Wi ltons of dollars whlch represent tha policies of twenty "millions of people theyare second in impbrtaace only; ip. the railroads, -rr. The nextpolnt taken up was that of the constitutionality of such a change. That national, supervision of , insurance companies Is constitutional Mn Breckenridge thought there could not- le the least question, since the transactions of such corporations are . treated' in every respect as commerce. Mr. Breckenridge then entered upon a discussion of the condition of insur ance companies under the present sys tem of regulation. The average' state insurance commissioners, said he, are either dishonest or Incompetent Of " cbUrso thero are such exceptions as the commissioner of Minnesota, Ten nessee, Illinois and Nebraska, but these are greatly overshadowed by tho .flagrant corruption existing In the in surance commissions of Now York and Pennsylvania. It is known tor a fact that over 125,000,000 have 1 boon spent by the insurance companies to bribe state commissioners and that the average commissioner is as ready to sell out today as he ever was. For . this reason, thon, -to give the pollcy- .holder better protection against the thieving of insurance officials arid jtate commissioners, the control and super vision of life insurance ""companies should be placed in stronger bands those of the nation. ?' JThere Is also a .legal fault in the present system of control Understate supervision insurance companies are taxed to such .an extent that the In come from such sources exceeds by a large margin the expenditure riecessar to regulate them. In -other Jwofds, the states are making 'money off of cor porationsa iax.on a tax:, as It werV w'hlch is illegal, . Tikroughout his nHr addrefs, Mr.; Breekearldfe , was atUn4d with the'' )fl M . adr altkpf m was dlkrelmly sniall wuWr erlngi tha repuUtiOft of Uw. aMiUcW, waa oe of Um lt- eBVctkw Me? i tf i' 'it n I- in jt , t nortrta. itrsiaiB. ' ; ,-f .H . t. j t 3 - V VH T. -vaa M -J i-jn 'M j xw-- 1 -tl , r n ."a jii ' .-liM s J VI s-i'4 . t ... .- -. A J -'.