Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1906)
g. jr.iuiiTiiiH,iiii,iii IC-jJB T - THE DAILY INEBRASKAN. oocooooooooooooooooooooooo ' 7 p- j p 1 T T jr i sj 1 F t 1 1 1 f . 1' "T T Sam Wester field STUDENTS OLIVER THEATRE 5L5i50 H Proprietor ol Sam's Cafe 117-121 N. I3lh WK ... PB Little Gem Hot Waffles "Sam's Cozy Corners" rTxxzzxxxzxzzzx: muiniu BICYCLE SALE at slaughter prices to make room for a new stock of RACYCLES $50 Eagle Bicycles $25.00 R Shapley Specials 17.50 HURRY! LAWLOR CYCLE COMPANY, Succmor la A. L Clrard Cjcli Co. 1324 '0" STREET TTITTTTTTTTTTTITITITTTTTJ JJwEnsiQnjOmj!biJS and Transfer Co. will coll anil' got vour trunks am! take thm to any depot, or will movo them to any part of the city will call and get your checks without extra chaipe and dclivor your baggage. We furnish hack any time day or night. Our olllc" Is never closed Fine carriages for funerals a specialty. Both phones. QUALITY OUR 80DA TA8TE3 .LIKE MORE -- i ' - - ' Biggs, The Drug Gutter ye U 1321 O St. DON'S CAFE 114 S3. 11 J. Wrtikt. Ir Ladles' Dining Room in CpnnectloH .OJPKN 6 A. M. TO 1 A. fll. FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Candles and Baked Qoods rio Always Fresh and Good Catering our spcciulty. THE MAXWELL CO. fJoth Phones. 13Ut nnd N 8ts. C. A. Tucker, Jeweler Dr. Sam'i. S. Shean 8 ...OPTICIAN... fi 8 1123 O STREET 8 O Your patronage Solicited Q Eat at the Unl. Music Cafo. PrlatlHS Oeorce Brs., 13tk & N. Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. The Lincoln Local Express, 1313 0 St Dr. Haggard, 2J 2-213 RlnktxntB Bik Wirlek Trunks and Daps. 103G O. Finn ton and coffee at University Dining Hall. Fin. stationery for lire people at the Unl. Hook Store. Typewriting, J. W. Brewster, Rich ardB Elk. Fine tea and coffee at University Dining Hall. Best 10 and 15 cent meals in the cit. The Phoenix. Fine stationery for lino peoplo a the I'nl. Book Store. Come In and have lunch at J:hc Unl Dining Hull. Don Cameron's new lunch counter; quick Kervico. Ill) So. 12th St. ' Nothing moi c dainty than those ice cream cones. On sale at the Co-op. Have you seen our new spoons? The University Book Store. Nothing more da'nty than thoso ice cream cones. On B;ile at the Co-op. Have you seen the new effects pro ilucetl in photography by Townsend- Nothing moie dainty than those ice cream cones. On sale sit the Co-op. Union Shining Parlor Shlae, fire cents; chairs for ladles. 1018 O St. Nothing more dainty than those ic cream coins. On sale at the Co-op. Forbes Stables, livery, cab and bag gage, 1125 P St. Bell 550, Auto 1550. Nothing more dainty than thoso ice cream cones. On snle at the Co-op. Time to bo thinking about pennants You will be pleased with ours at the Uni. Book Store, Carbon etchings by Townsend' are portraits thaf speak for thoniselves StudTo, 22C South Eleventh street. Time to be thinking about pennants. You -will be pleased wltlfours at tho Uiu. Book Store. Townseiufii reputation for artistic photograph) is known throughout the stnte. Studio, 220 South Eleventh St. A picture ol a group Is one tiling and a group portrait another. Town send makes tho latter.. Studio, 226 South Eleventh street. Tills Is the season everybody sits for portraits. See whatTownsend is producing and nnke appointment for your sitting. Studio, 22G South lltli street. " Notice. Esperanto class will meet this after noon In U. 20IJ at 5 o'clock. Palladian Society. Officers' Program. Instrumental Duet Corresponding Secretary and Historian, Misses Van Andel and Watt. Inaugural Address President, Ethel O'Connell. Reading Vice-President, R. E. Tur nor. Mandolin Solo Music Secretary. Walter Hadlock. "Esperanto" Recording Secretary. Carrie Strong. Reading Program Secretary, Ethol Howie. A Critical Criticism .of a Critical Critic, Frank Peterson. For first-class Tailoring at low prices, soe Union College Student Tailors. Automatic Phone 3255. Union College Tailors POST OFFICK IIT.nO. CXXXXX)OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO buy - school-books And w tend fret to any applicant eraT , "IJookt Wanted" CsUlojru.otowMOO cfcool.booki, wttn in. pnei wnicn we accept tccowt-hand WtU M rxw booki. We pay cash For all marketable ten For all marketable aehoolbooVa, or if dtsired, wa credit CunilgnmtnU on ac count, to ba paid r ui in other school I book from Urn to lima at nttdtd. nmDS & hoble 3l-a3.3r, W. 15th St., New York Oitj. Uaxtion this ad. Wo have always boon known as the STUDENTS LAUNDRY We want your business. YULE DUOS. HAND LAUNDIIY 151.rO Street. Auto 37M. Bell 374 COOCOOCOOCOOCOCOC)CXDCOOOCO COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. Makers of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To tho American Colleges and Univer sities. Class contracts aflpecialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable prices. WE-KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . GREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. SSKCHETSpf Tntfe Your ClctlicH mill go to j. c.-woop & CO. Sueci mors to Sotikup & Woml Expert Cleaners and Dyers rll I'elriilioiie 117. Ante l'i'J'J VA-iO N 8KKKT HGSSS3EE29E2E! ..t' wum' Mi. PTwptTsQcmty3'C8rt:.??ttey FIRST NATIONAL- BANK ti ii ti &:;ot),(ioi).tn SiirpliiH nml Profits S'!0(l,O')i.llll K in mill Profits S'!0(i i)ftoiiH s.i,c.'io,i(i().(i;) 3j,u:wiju-.v 5VX)OOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOCX3GOfV 1 R.H.GILLESPIE Bookbinder 1624 0 Street : : Lincoln, Kebr. (bOOCCCOCCOCOCCCCCCCOOOOU iti mm & PP 1 m J m T PT7fv VPrJvrp7V7y tt T 1 r T T 'I 'T TONIGHT, 8:15 JAMES L. HACKETT Presents "THE LITTLE GRAY LADY" Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. SAT. MAT. AND EVE., APRIL 21. THE HOMESPUN HEART Prices: Matinee, Adults, 25c; Chil dren, Bal., 10c; Ore, 25c. Evening, 50c, 35c, 25c. MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 23. Henrietta Grossman No. OG.'IG. Highest Grade En amel Colt. Welt solo, Stylo 0G3G. Sizes 2 to 8 F-50 No. 0637. All Patent Colt. Square edge, turned sole, Style 0630. Sizes 2 to 8, A to E 3.50 No. 0638. Patent Colt. Welt solo, dull quarter, Style 0G36. Sizes 2 to 8jAA to E 3.00 -No. 0639. Patent Colt. Medium weigrt sole, Stylo 0636. Sizes 'J to 7, B to E 2.50 ylDER$0NS see Our JSSS Windows Lincoln, Neb. NE KNOWl jewelry as a grocer knows flour. Trie knowledge enables us to buy right and guarantees right prices to you. We invite com parison of our stock and prices with others. Hallett, -JI43 D JEWELER-OPTICIAN fie DR. JOHN J, DAVIS '-Graduate Refractionist AND OPTICIAN 1322 O St., LINCOLN Roam 20. Hulo. Phom, Office 3021; Ra. 2818 ( -. 2 ARGYILE AN HARROW Clupcco Shrunk Quirtcr SIrci 16 tents each two for '.'" tents. CLUETT, PEABODY &. CO. mum of ciuitt ano moha.n mit iSkkh. P A j -""".'"?"" wfwMWniiu'imiiiiiiiiiiy' niwift wiwiimw ii