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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1906)
-f .PIlWrT,Vfl ,Si, -,. y L .- Ube2)aili5 IFlebraekan & Vol. V. No. J04. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL 2J, 1906. Price 5 Cents t4 r 1 - i v ,-A rj DEBATERS BEATEN BADGERS TOO MUCH FOR CORN-HUSKERS. One of the Hardest Debating Battles Yet Fought by the Univer sity of Nebraska. For the first time in six years Ne braska met defeat in debating last night at tho hands of Wisconsin. The judges awarded tho Badgers a unani mous lecIslonclalmlng that In deliv ery, mastery of tho subject, and gen eral form they outclassed tho Nebras ka team. The question was: "Resolved, That In some industries, especially in mining and railroading, It would bo good policy to require employers to pay compensalon to employes In case of Industrial accidents. The Nebraska team, while one of the most efficient trio In tho history of the Univorsity, was considerably handicapped from the very start. It received tho question one month after the Badgers had set their team to work upon It, the question having been chosen by the Wisconsin team In December and submitted to us In Janu ary. Another handicap was tho dif ference In the sizes of the two Institu tions, the Badgers having over a thou sand more men to draw from than Ne braska. But the greatest disadvantage of all was the superior library facili ties of Wisconsin. Her's is ono of tho most complete, and In the field of eco nomics perhaps tho richest, of any library In America. These circum stances must all bo taken Into consid eration in comparing the true standard of the respective teams. The team which went against the Badgers consisted of A. C. Hough, '06, E. M. Marvin, '0G, and C. A. Sunderlln, 07. Mr. Hough, who halls from Ottawa, Kansas, where ho defended tho honor of Ottawa College In Intercollegiate debate last year, Is one-of the most C. A. Sunderlln E. M. Marvin , INDIANS TOO MICH DEFEAT. 'VARSITY TO THE TUNE OF 14 TO 13. Indians Play Fast Ball, But Have to Hustle to Keep Cornhuskers from Tielng Score. A. C. Hough .: ."alert debaters In the University. As a scholar he ranks very high. Ho Is studying law and is a theme reader in tho rhetoric department. His homo is in Lincoln. E. M. Marvin, '0G, is a Beatrice man. He made his first appearance in the University debating world last year when ho .won high honors for his bril r llant rebuttal work against Iowa. As an off-hand rebuttal speaker ho has had few if any equals In Nebraska de bating circles. Ho will enter Journal ism after graduating from tho Univer sity this spring. C. A. Sunderlln, '07, Tekamah, was on tho team that defeated Iowa last year. He made tho squad in his Freshman year, is an unusually strong speaker and equally forceful in re buttal. Tho team will bo the guests of tho University of Wisconsin debating so cieties today. Tho local debating fra ternity will banquet the warriors of the platform at Madison- this noon. Tomorrow tho boys will arrive In Chicago, where they will remain until Sunday evening or Monday, returning to Lincoln either Monday morning or late Monday afternoon. The judges 'who awarded tho deci sion were" Professor J. A. Woodburn of tho University of Indiana, Profes sor James Macy of Iowa College, and Professor J. A. Loos of tho University of Iowa. The selection of Judges was made ator tho team arrived at Madi son. Of tho threo men selected, Pro fessor Macy Is perhaps tho most wide ly known as a writer and educator. The Wisconsin team was more ma ture than Nobraska's,-two being gradu ates of tho University. J. Earl Baker, the leader of tho Badger team, is wldo ly trained In economics and statistics, and a brilliant debater, who has been Through tho Joliil-socioty debate, as have both his colleagues tho main de bate of tho year on which tho teams put most of a year's ' work. Baker opened for Wisconsin, attacking Sun dorlln. Howard L. Grlsso, Wisconsin's second speaker, has won a number of debate honors.TEmll Olbrlck, who graduated last year, Is doing graduate work. Ho has been prominent in de bate throughout his course, winning .several honors beside a place on tho Jolnt-dobato team. For tho contest tho Badgers made strenuous preparations. That they might run no chance of losing they trained their team, according to tho Wisconsin Cardinal, for tho last week or so by sending against It In practice debates two members of tho faculty Professor Lyman, who Is In charge of tho work in debate, and ono of his assistants, Michael Olbrlck. UNION-PALLADIAN PARTY. Peter Thompson, a graduate of the University, and former instructor in tho Gorman department, is visiting with his Delta Upsllon brothers. Ho Is at present an Instructor at Grinnell College. State Farm, May 4th Committees Get Busy No Time to Monkey. Tho committees appointed by tho two literary societies before tho Eastor vacation to arrange for a Joint party announce that tho now auditorium at tho State Farm is to bo the sceno of activities and have sot Friday evening, May 4th, as tho date, put a short time remains to decide upon and ar range tho customary decorations, en tertainment and refreshments and tho various committees will find that there is "no time to monkey." Tho jippropriateness of tho auditor ium for an occasion of tills kind can not bo questioned Though it is a now building, it rivals many an older struc ture in thoTnumber of celebrities hold there. It was used by ono of the so cieties Hallowe'en night; tho Senior class has held a party there with such success that tho ovont is to bo repeat ed April 28, and tho Junior class is preparing to entertain tho "children" there May 5th, tho evening following the, joint party. Tho Joint party has for many years been an annual event in tho history of tho literary societies. It not only enables tho members of tho different societies to got bettor acquainted with each other, but Is open to all Univer sity students as well. In fact, one of tho objects of holding the joint meet ing on tho order of a parjy was to give thoso students not members and not in tho habit of attending tho pro grams of the sociotie3 an opportunity, to come. The athletic field was turned over to tho varsity and tho Indians yestorday. Tho football squad turned out about fifty strong in tho lot south of tho library and tho track men satlsfiod themselves with a few starts and a porch in tho grandstand. A fairly largo and very enthusiastic bunch of fans supportcdtho game, which In tho first half looked like a "load-plpo cinch" for tho aborigines. But when the gamo had reached tho olghth In ning stage the whlto men had so far recovered themselves that It was up to the Indians t,o scratch out a 12 to 12 scoro. They took advantago of tholr last time at bat In tho first half of the ninth to tack on two runs and this made the last half tho most in teresting part of tho ontlro gamo f.or fans and players alike. The red men went to the field and put two men out before Cook got to first base. He stole second and when Morse sont a "Blzzer" to shortstop, Cook mado tho plate, and by the shortstop's error, Morse also got to first. This, of course, mudo the score 14 to 13 In favor of tho visitors, but It looked like a chanco to tie again, and when Barta mado a sac rifice that brought Morso to second and himself to first ovorybody began to think about a long siege and cheer ed tho stunt royally, but too late, for there wore two down and tho next man at bat drew an "out." Tho two teams will line up again tomorrow and if tho-flrst game Is a crltorlon tho ono this afternoon will bo satisfactory to tho most fastidious "crank" that evor sat behind a wlro nottlng. . According to tho schedule there will be two more homo games with tho local professionals before tho team leaves for Its eastern trlpr Thoy will bo played at Antelopo Park on Wed nesday and Thursday of next week, tho 24th and 25th. Then on tho 28th tho bunch leaves and will play .olght games. Two will bo played with Amos at Ames, Iowa, ono with Illinois at Champagne, ono with Indiana Stato at Bloomlngton, Indiana, ono with Pur duo at-Lafayotto, one with Notro Damo at South Bond, ono with Knox at Gales burg, and ono with Iowa State at Iowa City, Iowa.. Thoy lined up as follows: Varsity. Indians. Gaddis If Moltonomah Belamy rf Wausoka Cooko cf Soboke Barta 1st Nokomas Rlne 2nd Waubooso Morse, Jones. . . . 3rd Grant Denslow ss Jucucaneo Carroll ". c Keboskeshlck NUlson p Justice p Rapp p Thorgy p . Micas ' p Johnson Wirlck Trunks and Bags. 1036 O. m