Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1906)
I J ? I t THE DAlLV NEBRA6RAN I J . IV , t STEVENS w WHEN YOU SHOOT You want to HIT what you are aiming ot be it bird, btait or target. Make your eboM count by shooting l!io STL V ENS. For it years STEVEN'S ARMS have carried off I'UEM I Ett HONORS lor AC CURACY. Our line: Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols AV )v ix-alcr In iluoniioS.Tiri.n. Ifyou cannot oliUln, uo ililp tllr!, tr' rut frrn I, upon cIptfcstalorrl a fitnd 4 cti. kr fjitiju fir I4P20 CaUlog ofcoinpltio exit ml. A raluklileltooU of refer, en'o for protnt ami pfi"tlo Hooter4. ' Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded lor to cents in stamp. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., P. O. Box 4096 OmCOPKB FALLS, MASS., U. S. A- Whether Speech Sermon or Essay 1 f rnu'vn a raorl to point, If ton would enforce yo'irferjrmnoiitur euliren yemr aljrle oy prompt or I'ji'cmin.'Ki-t ami fci'C-p at tour elbow Vnrnmn'i "ilfimioicr." OrorlftOpairvturUlltnsr win, "poind" f irevcry tort if wrtut'D ir oral "effort." Alpha ImIIo.iI tsiikx to crfiy tiiioor liuuilrcdt of tericly pUIM cbtiactvr trahs, texU, topic, procrpu, ci- fi IIH. 20 JUcaunt la Uachtrs Vnrtnim' himeicr: A Moral Tr-ittwok Ct.M How to Attract anil Hold an Audlcnco Ko'iim't tk'l.uii-onnil Art of I'.lojutloii vo (Ufa How to l'? tliQ Volco 1 a ( t' How To (loturo l.OI )'ra and Coo (r.(.mpljtMloiKtOi) 1. 00 Ciiiiininco'iioiii I'art (nil ottinr oeculoru)... I. SO littcntancont Parliamentary Uuldo SO HINDS t NODLU, Publliliero .11-33-39 W. tath St. New York City JSchootoookt of all publisher at on tcr ' WEB'STER'aS INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY RECENTLY CNLARuED WITH 25,000 New Words and Phrases ALSO ADDED Now Gazetteer of the World Now Bloflraphlcal Dictionary Editor la ChUf, W. T. nrrU, rh.D., 1.LD., L'ultud Slate Comialwloncr of IXlucatioa. 2380 Quarto Pacoj. S000 Illustrations, rr n A pcsd CToncHouss cr acou.iatx ihtohvatioii Cr.MO Pr.izrCIIeoat .war )Womoo TAin St.Louio Alao Webster's Collegiate Dictionary lllOIVt HNIUiulratUmi. Regular Edltion7xl0x8)ilac!ie, SbloJUff. Ce Luxe Edition 6f( x f S x I , In. rrlnted from laino plAti t, oa bllo ;cr. SUuuUful blndluf. FREn,")tolonja YrlciU,V lUu.tnOoJ poopbieU C. O C. ME.IVIXIAM CO. PubVisera, Oprlnnfleld, Meas., U. S. A. OCT THE BEST unyi C0TRELL& LEONARD ALBANY, N.Y. igpiakors of CAPS GOWNS and HOODS To tho American Colleges and Univer sities. Claaa contracts a specialty. Reliable materials. Reasonable price. -tOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGf i R.H.GILLESPIE J Bookbinder 1-1624 0 Street Lincoln. Ne'br. aj fll fcateatalMlaMafta6artB j3l W UP TO DATE, I SSII RELIABLE. I L 1 J J V) tbcccccocooooceececoceeoc E???y!s3 Eat at the Uni. Music Cafe. Roller skating at the Auditorium. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk Roller skating at the Auditorium. II 0 Maxwell, 13th and N. Fresh candy. Printing Ooorge Bros., 13th & N. Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. TypewHting, nrda Blk. J. W. Browatcr, Rich- Walkover shoes for college men. Rogers & Perkins Co., 1129 O St. TSatat Don Cameron's now restau rant, 119 80. 12th pt, Dr. Woodward, diseases of the eye, oar, noso and throat Richards block. Union Shining Parlor Shlno, five cents; chairs for ladles. 1018 O St. A young woman'.a shoe, Sorosls. Rogers & Perkins Co.. 1129 O Streot. Professor Howell has ed as a member of a thrco that is planning been appoint commltteo of a ten weeks' courso In reading for Nebraska high schools that qualify in r giving norma! training. Tonight Wisconsin and Minnesota meet lni Minneapolis to settlo the championship of tho Western Basket Ball League. Wisconsin defeated Min nesota at Madison tho fore part of tin present season. Dr. I'"tcnch has an article in tho cur rent Issue of tho "Philosophical Re view" on tho philosophical work of Geo. B. Qalloway, entitled "Studies in tho Philosophy of Rollglon." Tho arrJ clo Is one of considerable length and merit, being a critical analysis of thct book. "Hurry Up" Yost wa3 married at Nashville Tcnn., on tho 12th to Miss Eunlco Fito. This was tho result of a pretty romanco which had Its begin ning last football season whon Yost was In Nashville helping Dan McGugin lino up the Vandorbllt football team. McGugin was ono of the ribbon ors. bear- Dr. Hill, formerly professor of tho Department of Philosophy, but at present professor In tho University of Missouri, was seriously Injured some tlmo Blncc In a railroad wreck, sus taining a broken leg and numerous internal injuries. Tho wreck occurred outsldo oC Columbia' M-the doctor's homo city. Tom Watson's Magazine, "tho magazlno with a purposo back of it," was established to teach tho best way of abolishing thoso special privi leges, and, henco, of rendering the trusts powerless to rob the public. It is a big monthly magazine of 128 pages, with illustrations, cartoons, Mr. Watson's brilliant editorials, spe cial articles, a serial story, novelettes, short stories and poems, by tho world's best writers. Regular price. $1.00 per year; 10 cents tho copy, at all nowstands. Everyone is interested In knowing tho best way to euro tho trust ovll and how to bring it about. Now in its second volume, Tom Wat son's Magazlno Is firmly established, and its circulation Is growing rapidly; but wo, want to add a hundred thou sand subscribers to our list in tho next mppth, or two. PomlSO Debating Notes. Tho Debating Board is busy Ju3t at present looking over tho list of prospective judges for tho Wisconsin- Nebraska debate. Tho list, from which Nebraska is to chose two names, wa submitted to the board laBt Saturday and Nebraska's list to Wisconsin tho samo day. The system by which tho judges xtro chosen is unique. Tho challenging team submits a list of nino names to Its opponent from which one judgo la selected; tho challenged team submit a list of twelve names from which tho challengers choose, two judges. In case no selection Is made, another list is submitted, tho namestp bo stricken off in tho order in which they appear on the list Tho squad, consisting of fourteen men, had- its- plcturo taken at Town si nd's yesterday. It will appear In u local paper Sunday, together with an extensive account of the team and de bating in general. Bvory member of tho dobating squad Ik a busy man. theso days. Tho "peri odical rubdown" will take place this evening in University Hall. Burdct O. Lewis, '04, at presont political economy fellow at Cornell, In writing to University friends, de scribes tho Cornoll-Columblallebato, which he witnessed at Ithaca last week, as being of "high school calibre.'' Cornell la a member of tile triangu lar dobating leaguo consisting of tho Universities of Pennsylvania, Columbia and Cornell, of which leaguo tho lat ter school Is the champion. Postal Sale. Tho souvenir postal sale held at the Y. W. C. A. rooms yesterday. Under the auspices of tho association, was a complete success, overy card being sold early In tho day. Tills method o. raising money Is as creditablo as it is novel and should bo supported by every student. Another sale will bo held in thui near f uturo when tho stock and variety of designs will "Uc Increased to meet tho wants of all patrons. LUNCHEON SPECIALTIES-' 0. J. KING & SON llSO ZK STIIEKT LINCOLN CXXXXXDCOCXXXWCOCOOOCOOOOO Take l'onr Clothe and go to J. C. WOOD & CO. Sucorasora to Sonkup & Wood jgxpert Cleaners and Dyers Uell Telcpbone 117. Auto 10 1320 N STUXBRT i. Artistic. ' - ' -Photography 1" r--V '- Arvtftf LanouH rvejuci ruict uaiu I luu&cj Turkish, Vapor, Sulpho-Saline, Salt Glow. Hot and Cold "Baths New and Modern. Open all Night. Good Beds. Auto Phone 3627. v Jas. T. Dawson, Prop. Corner 11th and N Lincoln GREGORY THE COAL MAi CHARLES B. GREGORY, U. of N. '91 BOTH PHONES. 8 cvnS&SSsSSvi 8 MGROTW J J COMEMtfY I 8 HarkerBiscig i 8 8 J OMAHA. ' I DON'S CAFE 114 So. 11 . fiftl. tv Ladles' Dining Rooi li CqbmcHob OPHK A. II. TO 1 A. AI. te WE KNOW HOW TO PRINT ANYTHING. LET US CON VINCE YOU . . . . QREER-COOPER CO. 1134 O STREET. FRESH EVERY DAY! Our Candlea and Baked Goods are Always Fresh and Good CaterliHf our specialty. THE MAXWELL CO. Xi Both 1'boBM. 13tU aiaOJN Hll. cooocoocococococooocoooooo COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - $100,000.00 DR. JOHN J. DAVIS eradiate Refractlonlst' AND OPTICIAN iaaa o St., uncqln 8 Ins 21. AaW. Pkiu, Ifflci 8021; les. 2lli - ii Tho Kind that Flotsoi ...Kennedy STUDIO 130 BO. TWELFTH ' rri4a Iv-4-1' 1-1 .s-ks-rs-w 1044 O STREET J i i !3P vk, i smi -At1 t 1 N'l . r v . ri A , T f -. tttm Tr&Egrg&Jl ifsi-d- q-. n t