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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1906)
kKJUJ vkJl ,lr2lijfcB jpr '7f' " i M" 7 fWflin" -Bn-ai '" ",iPsnt"wi v V . -' -'?. '-i. . : - a . V? n6 ' If t. ' ifr sit.' m fl.vrw..; ' tJNERSITY OF IRASj.lCOLN, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, J?06 ! i, Frkc5Ccnf '((;i:i. r. 53 h i . . i .. - . t ... . . . . . T ri SIti,,'., !? ,rfJ . W '- . ' r .; f- " .1. - .. .' . ' fc . .. v,vr,.- c- - - -. . -ij . ' ' : . t !,;: .: - - ---- . " v ;. -. -i. L ..WVk.iMMM teu . L J ' .'J .Tf , .,, . ' S ,- mhwum wlebraeftEit ' J t, ,'.. I' ,. f -, ... u mr ' ! r- " l--i- ZDii ' t K .. f 1 r --. H' IV Fk R'i M A. t'A t if" fiYM EXHIBITION SKCbND ANNUAL INTERCLA83 t' GYMNASIUM CONTE8T. T Be Held in. Gymnasium-' dn Satur- s' day Evchlnfl, March 31st An 'i t '. Interesting Program. . "ADMINI8TRATION.M n( acconcL annual intrcbaa syiri. 1W m ik- b I lnrvfi'fi ! kr vVtill Vj lnnn ictjv d uuoivin duuuiu uuuiuui iiuk man Artrcle on Education by Chancellor 1 Andrewa. The March number of the "Educa tional Review" contains an article .by E. Benjamin And rows entitled "Unl vcrslty Administration," In which tho Chancellor takes up and discusses tho various .problems confronting univer sity ofucials. ''To be In tfre highest dogrcc cf- BA8KET-BALL TRIP. ArraQry on Saturday evening, March Hist, at 8 o'clock. The purpose of this meeting is to raise money to help de fray .the expenses of sending the gym nasium team to Chicago for the West ern intercolleglato Gymnastic Meet to bo hjjld thero tho first of April. iDfi Clapp has arrangod a varjr In teresting and novel program for-? the eyeot. One of tho main attractions of the evening will bo two or threo num bers by the co-eds. Ono will bo the '--?-if (. advanced -work in Swedish gymnastics arid"'anolroy 'tho -weaving dance. "Those- who saw the gymnastic exhibition last year will testify that tho -girls' part was 6ne of the imost interesting. A fcatifre added to the program this year'wllj be the part tho boxing class wlUtako; u specWr-bbut under tho direction 'of I.-PHwltt and Jack Best will be,giyep. . ThQ, tegular, program .wUL consist of a Hamburg drill T)y 'the second-year team this is given by request from several who saw It last year. Besides this, the University gymnastic team will do work on the long horse, side horse, horizontal, and parallel bars,' ft - Jz ... . and rjngs. T)r. Clapp will give an ex hibition of fancy club-swinging, the end of. the clubB holding torches. The attempt of thoso in charge of tho pro gram .Iras boen to put tho very best tertalnment possible beforo tho pub- Uc The-fallowing Ib the program:, l.'rnmihMarch. 2.Mass dumb-boll drill by first-yonr olass. 3. Exhibition of class noxlng undor I, P.7?lwItt an(1 Jack Be6t- A. Uvanced Swedish, gymnastics by ' vrom.en class. ',v x 6. Apparatus worlfby 'about seoynty ,memKers of first-year class. GrrHirtnburg drill -BJ ' "Vecond-yoarl tewnt (Repeated, by request),;, 7. Advanced apparatus wotk by spe cial men from second-year class. 8.6ono.contost flgures on horizon tal Iffiv parpIlePba'rs and flying rings by members of tho' gym team., 9Weavlng dance by young women. 10. Interciass relay races. " , 11.- Exhibition of fancy torch 'lbwlrig1 Jno. hv Tr, fllinn f " " X tT than seven or more than eleven. In a corporation of seven, nine, or oleven some sense of responsibility reaches eyery member. Tho executlvo moots tho.. full bgard often. Members nro tinder little temptation to separate in to cliques. Everything tendB to sin cerity, directness and dispatch." Jotng;lrito detail, Dr. Andrews ad vises the strengthening of state uni versity government by increasing tho number of alugml faculty officers. He also lays great emphasis upon student igoVernmeiit as ft emphasizes "tho, de mand for rljght conduct in -students, not fussy rules, but, social and public spirit, rcgoict foF tho w common weal. Since this change collego pranks are less popular and bid (air to. disappear." n ', Vaalty Will Leave Tuesday, Playing Five Games on 'Northern Trip. Tho varsity basket-ball team will leavo on Tuesday- aftornoon for a trip of- five days, playing at Omaha, and ondlng a game with tho University of Minnesota at Minneapolis, This trip will bo practically the samo as the ono takon by the varsity last year, with tho exception that but ono game wjll be played with Minnesota Instead of two. In Omaha the game will bo played with Bellevuo College. Of course, tho main object of tho trip Is to meet Minnesota. Tho varsity should be in tho best of form by the last of next week when they meet tho Gophers In Mlnneapo lis. It is quite likely Hagonsick will bo saved as much as possiblo during tho first part of tho week in order that ho will be In tho best of condition for tho last game. This will bo true in' tho case of all tho varsity men, as it is pianneu to give every man a rest some time during tho week. Cap tain Hoar should be in the best of condition by that tlmo, as his "game" knee Is fast rounding into condition again. Last night tho Western Intercollo- BLACK MASftffi ELECT THIRTEEN GIRL8 AS, AC TIVE MEMBERS FOR 1f)0fr07. Jv'.f" The Sdlection8 Represent the -Mot - ' Influential Girls in the , Class of '07. However, tho.hancejlor does not 'elate Basket Ball League champion- think student rule sufficient to ward off "crlbblngv" "It does not appear that student rulo Is anywhero a suf ficient antidote against "cribbing," says he, although "the authorities of one university seem to think it so there, but, pressed for evidence, give only what Is vague." f Tho article condemns soyoroly tho practice, existing in some departments, of board members giving prlvato'coun sel to tho dissatisfied. "Most insuf ferable, and nfonco .cruel and per- Lniclou8, Is tho hnbit Into Which board .mcmbtM'u sometimes fall of taking inivato' counsel with tho disaffected, hoarlng complalnto and contracting fear by listening to ex parte stories. The best exocutlyo on earth Is doomod if this becomes common." In conclusion, Chancellor Andrews Bays that it is not tho size of the fac ulty which brings good results, but the freedom with which thoy nrp per mitted to work. '.'A faculty, of fifty inen, says no, "unencttmDerou win exact a greater amount of real edu cational Influence, publish morogood fesearches, do pioro to lift civilization than ono of sixty weighted .with for eign ' cares and chores as "lrot'a fow American-faculties aro now." t. . ship was settled at Minnesota. If the Gophers defeatod Wisconsin they will bo the chnmpion conference team.. Ne braska will have ono of tho hardest games In its basket-ball career at Min neapolis on tho 24th,' anil-tho men roallzo what thoy ar6 up against. Ne braska won both games against Min nesota last year, consequently ,tho northerners aro longing for roVenge. Deerlng, the old Minnesota forward, will referee the game. Tho teams played on tho trip aro as follows: March 20 Bellovue, ht Omaha. March 21 Fort Dodge Y. M. C. A. at Port Dodge, Iowa. March" 22 Shatfuck School at Fair bault, Minn, March 23 Red Men""Team at Red Wing, Minn. .'March 24-r-Minnosotn at Minnenpd- t' ' ' .. Phi Kappa Psl 'will glvo a formal party at the Lincoln HotGl on Friday night, March 23rd. On the 24tK thoy will have their anniversary ban quet at tho samo hotel. .Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13th. Tho active mombcrs of tho Society of Black Manque yesterday announcer ' the namo of the glrlB who will consti tute tho active mombcrs for tho school' '" year of 190C-7. .In selecting thothlrv!'. teen names tho very best of choice"" has' been manifest, as thoso elected, are no doubt tho most reprcsontativo girls in tho class of 1007. This Is tho second annual election of the society; but last year when it was foundod momUSrs wjjre oloctod as, far b.qck, as '89. ' ,M.J ' Tho powor of tho Black Masquo"-" has been felt In t school affairs vbry , much during tho past yoar, and their work, whllo done quietly and-secret- . ly, has meant much towafd tho In creasing of spirit along all co-educational lines. If the mombers of tho 1907 squad carry on tho work as faithfully as ft has been startod, thoro will be jio doubt about tho futuro of this socloty, and Its part In tho tradi tions of- tho University. The following aro tho mom bora Ageo, Alice, Everett, Inoz, Andrews, Eleanor, Frazlor, Josle, Boose, Elta, Graves, Fannlo, Casey, Eva, Oborn'o, Rena " Davis, Alice, Parkinson, Beth, v JJelleckor, Zola, Parmalee, Florence Raymond,-Ruth. . The Initiation and. banquet will bo held at' tho Lindell Hotol during" tha h- early part of April. i ' N. WMWr y. ,'. AMake-Up Examination. ..For'j&'e benefit of tho l'need and overworked" tljo Department of,Rhet Jr!c has Jestablishi)LdiLafe;up;.pxa(ml naUon to bo held Just the mid dle of jeach semester Tho object qf the exDJhinat'lon''is'Jt6onabo thoso students who wero' either-conditioned In or absent," from -thbfaomestorl ex amination to mako up tho deficiency., Tho flr$t one will be .held rom. 9 to 11 this morning. - Those examined will be Principally. Rbetorii,Xib4shts.rt V n t Vf ,'S i s -J i 7 mMwm0mw0mi jimmm i ,I?EPORT' OF DELEGATES H 1 '"a5? tm I : SHVILLE CONVENT'N C , SUNDAY, MARCH 18 1 MEMORIAL. HALL y, m: c. a. -- Y-WiCA v V I. . .-" i" " m r "i"rrv''iYnvYvvLfiiiiifinAtfur No Game With-Minnesota. It has been generally expected that the.. Minnesota girls' baskot-ball team , woud como to Lincoln for a gamo this season, but such a gamo could not 'bo arranged. The Nebraska management felt ' that If any' gamo whatovor wao arranged between tho Iwo' ' schools, Minnesota Bhould take tho initiative. But Minnesota played two games away from Minneapolis during tho forepart of the season, consequently when' tho .time came for a gamo with Nebraska It could not bo arranged. Thjs was not because Minnesota-did -not want to play Nebraska, but becauso only two games away from tho city aro nl lowed them each season.' Nebraska, in turn, did not think sho was justified n making tho trip to Minnesota this year with two of her" old players out of, . , , Convocation. 'Miss Allyeno Archibald, assisted f Mr. Henry P. Eames, gave- sorios'of selections in D minor concerto: opus Rubensteln at convocation yesterday,' ThO' program "conBisto'd of Mo'dorato Assai, Andante, and Allegro, all '.of ' which Werb very' skilfully Vondorod". Tho, audience, as is usual -on -a mug' idal morning, was largo and .-appro- y, f Walkover shoes for collegsneft. -' Rogcrg & Perkipf .Cp. 1133.0 06. . ' -i V l "j' S V " - K ht , ? N. 4 31 A ; 1 ' i ii -. . i i LiK