Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1906)
' 'O it ws . r- . i ' tMJ jti - 3 SS' vV x .- ' , itfr ' - ' . i f 14 u., s ,. it? ,-t vwy - j ' - - - r , t ,- , '1-1 s u ,.:. ,j ' .'-' 4 $ r IS- 4-: ii ,,,' K ---V VWhit'. a dance without Tommy - r rf . ' . ' t tf 'N ' 1 7 . JOMMV, THE CATERER. . ,v 5a YtAITtV ,SrrrJy r a If X tt WT B UC Bu i EC . &. m. ' I EfilEP TnACtlMAie x COPVIIMWY AC. J AnroMf)(rt a rUMbb knd drpttony irAiiTTmMtftain niir onln 011 frM wbather. ah Bwcik notfcx, without obarxe, m tM entitle 'jnner Ran. A'lmndirtmBlr Jiltnirt woeVlr. Iartt clr MUNN ft IjO.11!"! NewY ork WEBSTER'S INtERNATIONAL MCTIO) ITXS AND RELIABLE, REOCNTLYOtUMEOVmi 2&.000 Now Words and Phrasei, ii. -. . - .. r. . . AtSO ADMD Nw uuttetr 1 tbo weria Nw BlrnWleafDlcHeiry ' 2380 Qmrta P.4f? SMO IlhMhratltM. ft n A PMKC afMMMWMV fm WUT'iWfOWMATWW OAANq rM(ntbc4 AwW-) a r AMI STXMH. Also Wktr'f OHrUU DicttoMry lnaUrKdMlMxMsiKUAM. ?1UWm;. ,yitgE,'HtttMrwrfkuoiHiitiiiiiwiiti: . - . ' G.dCMEJPJKIAMCO. fpMMMr, IpffctalMI. M.t U . A. OJtTTHKT ( . .... uY".!., xv', J.. --- IELEEEeV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeV BBBBBBBEEflnBEEEEEEEEfl r EENBflHHR NeeH BEmmmmmjEEFKf JLjijEEmmE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI ELLLLLLLLLLLBLLLLBLLLBLEEa ' EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEmf w r s oooooooooooooooooooodoS . O . FOR UH-r . g j- - .8 i IWILI .-8 R " 8 Q I I in i Nvyvwvwf I f r. - 'a 8 $J00PScmcttif, '8 i- '.' : ,. $2.00 Per i5fiWf.,c! I: ' i i f Sm trJVSkJf , '- 1 , 'V "'' if1 '.Two of Jðr fpphpnwreshe! itftcYetf, Werttbrlalj HrU bft Way .of v ;plpe organ, In- order to obtain admis sion-to the first meHmg or w freeh- man claw this yir( were' compelled ";by .the auorlties.ntortappfear.yeter- tday and pay the cost'ojf repairing, the; 'drgau. Notices' were sent out to the u tnreo menimu'tMy,inuBir appear yea-, . . -...... t 'ii .t.. terdaibefdr4'.flVo'6lok Vnd 'pay 'for 'tho ' damagbs '01 be "disvmlB8ed.S TTrl fortunately for the other two' inoii; 'one1 of the.'mfeou left -for homo some time ago and therefore 'did nbt re spond to' the notice, leaving -the full amount, to bo paid by -the two now in tschool, Tho,vJtulil ambWnt'Ks $3g, eachiman,payirig'thalfiV.l Kiy''l ffho nation of'thd-anth6rltidfl cam6h ns t omewnat oi-ta surprise-totno ,ra 'ri-. lc n1rilHinil41Ut 'rtatVUi o-atl-Af -Vfl sort have notrigendrallyr beeniiald',b'oy foro and it Is thought -that these men 'hoped to escape, in mm same manner. Jt is with oonfcldorabld interest that Btudents await the action bMh'o clas.s in the mutter. A large number Ail the stud&nts thhile that 'the class should reimburec thd men and it may possibly bo taken ,upat thd next meeting. Poster Safe. The Palladian Literary, "Sodiety gave au officers program last Friday night,, after .which "they proceeded to sell tholr posters. James-Anderspn ,wa& iho auctioneer.' Thd-sUTn realized froni the sale was about ton dollars, ,which Will bo Used in lfublishing a Palladian yenr book. Spmp of tlib posters w5ro the results of a good, deal of time and ctort on tho part ofthQ artist ana make fitting souvenirs pf Tjygonp days. A family of Russians wandered up. to the main building of tho University yesterday and asked, one of the pro lessors if it was thd Northwestern , Jepot. Upon Doing told that this was the State University; they apologized , md started off- in search of the lost railway ofllco. Professor Bessoy is to speak before tho "Women's Club" of Wymoro next Friday night., His topic ,is. "Russia." President wenson announces a meeting of the class -next Tuesday. Reports are oxpected from thoi comralttofis pn'flnancor:football class caps and claBB hbp.' It iS-prpb-able that some mean will be devised for making up tho rcmalndor of tho cost bf'the sweaters 'bought for the. ohampion football tpam. Athletic Board Meeting. The University" Athletic Board will hojd its regular monthly mce'tirig next Monday evening and will, 'take up the question of football" , manager :nnd coach- There are a number- pfap pllcants for 'both positions, but it is probable that no cjeflnltp selection will be madQ at this time. - Eugene Brookings, a former student in the University, was a campus Visi tor this week; He has been' county superintendent of schools in Tekamah. for the; past fpur years, and intends to enter the law college next sesaester, also, completing his academic cpU.rse t.Juna. Mr Brookings is. a mem-. ber of. Dlta Upsllon. t . The first debate slncethe. Christmas holidays in Rhetoric' is ytti "pulled or yesterday atternpoai, in UniveTrsif Hj11, room lW. Tfce P.etie ofgiy, lnf? ft'ccHn'raUsloH ow,fr to Vegukt8 railroad ratea was,atwd byJHeinke md Weatwortk oft'U amrwaufflre an' Tiblkttsl an4 "lUaiminoM 'c tljw. tfte.4 .,y. MHI X IXXUXXXIJDUKI X XX X i tttw at a h i j v-v 1 1 f CAMPUS GLEANIMGS 1 1 1 1 8tar Delivery "Co,, Baggage, Both jPhoaee.' . ri tVMiss Jessiej.Barton, !08- is pledged IAJ JLUlCcl WILIV IVUlLClt ?-, 1 ,JEat at Jjpn Cmeron.newreetaU'. rant.iy, oo,, . i "W, p. Mijis, ,M. B.VOQtls .iftt prose'at in the 'draughting department -of ' tho Burlington. v ... ' . .- ' . . .0)ver, f31gar Co., 135-1?? No. 13th. ( isttdLi . ' - tew-vJtilL.fieji 'to prnmra loaay irom to xu p, m. ior a JJW;fof llJO moon... a t ., ,ti j j.. ' lt : rrf . i-i;::: ;y ; - . i Dr. Woodward, diseases of- the eye, ear, noso and throat, ftichards block. "H. B.'allaco led 'the Vniyors'tty men'a prayer meeting last night. ' His loplc was "Goals0fov'a906.:. Green's Barber' Shops ' (Mogul Palace Iticharda i Printing7-Ge6rgovBfos;,t 13th & N. ; Edward Affolter of the junior-Jaw class has been confined to his hbnib for over a weoli with thJai grippe. Dr. Haggard, 212-213 Richards Blk. Lfhcoln. LocaKExpress, 1343 Ql8t, Both phonos. ,, ' ... - -" ' A number of theUnlverslty instruc tors have been pleasantly surprised bytrecelvlng' Christmas presbr,s from their classes. ' Walkover shoes ior college men. Roger's fePerkinsCoviO O St During tho Christmas recess,. Pro cessor Almy delivered , an addres8Alii memorium of the late Dr. Brace at Amos College, Iowa. v'haplri Bros, Florists, 127 So. 13th. r i Miss Elsie Warnoclc, '08, was un able to Return affer tho holiday vaca tion owing to the death of 'her father during that time.. Commutation tickqts Uni. Dining Room. Tho sophQmpres. and freshmen of thd Ujiiverslty'of Kansas will hold a debate next month, This is, a new de pal tme in debating at the Jayhawker colic ,:o. . . .. . SthTor's, got pictures taken at Ken nedj'u: ' k According to "campus'' ruinors; the Y. t, i. C. A., is contemplating the in stitution of a tea. coffee and .cocoa tank in .Its rooms for the 'use of its members. ?- """ ' Don't forget the Unl. School of lUuslc Cafo. ' , , . Union Shining, ParlorShine, flvo cents ;' chairs for ladies 1018 O St. NTO VA NEW QUARTER ilZE i CUUfKCO SHKUNK " Tf IHi fpa le.eejiTe win.- raM4jr fe; Wm 4.VM r$'Vri' im in ' f - H&.V v im minv v mu u. . . I 'BEEJEwiijjgjdgllEE v 1 'L 4-uf '. ' t .il - 'i BSSSCBSSSSsCt ""I. JftlB' --; GEOf M..CONWAYr flflia only exoltMlr'elg im4 tomoo,tre. t m me city . inMU."i'r'T'jJi . !. '.". fu rBiat WfffffQQMfflfiitM . , VI'-' ' riBT'M MTIAU'll ''Utf'Xi T "J nni nn iiwnnL Bflnn1 - 'tr A ' Capital . , . . .....,..$ 300,000.00 - .J .Sitfeluf and rtrttts .W, , bjjusua ..... ... gWVVWiv . , .w ' "' .":'' 3i$$(B(i)iHift3)aiiffl(i'' JOHN L. MARSHALL '.' OLD RELIABLE BARBER. I, J" , FIKST-CLABS KAIK O'JTINQ . ' SHAVING ANr 8HAMPOOliq 1235 N- STR4BETP -V w ? " - - ' " QUALITY ye OURSODA TASTBg LIKK-MOKK- Rlli, Tk Drc Cittir' 1321 Q St. f We have' aJwayi teea twtWn as M STUDENTS-LAUNDRY Weiwt ywrMisImssv , , YUZiE BROS. .XI AMD tiAUKDlXY V5U O Street. Auto 2754, 9s7i TUDlT - TRADXB -. HOIilOlTSID STEINER-WOEMPENEBs VDRUG CO. 2 ' :..: jr." - f iWi fitw 1707. -: -1141 0 Sfrlit Sam Weterf ield Proprietor of's Cafe 1 Uttle Gem Hot Raffles andfine ' Meak and Lunches. 117WI Wotlh, l$ ..j, ,,,- .?via-. Stt . . . ' Ijj C.Mctor;lwei Dr. Sanil; "SSheanl X - ...oPTici kfi.t . ; y g: ?i 1123. 0 STREET ?L O Yur Pat'ronag Solicited .0 EEEEEEEEEEEL EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEft 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEjEEEEEEEEmm EEEEEEEEEEEEEEI'1' EmEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES ' EEEEEEm - 1 . 4 -; mVtiftfi '. : j - I - . '1 ' . LJ . ,. 1 .. ' I n TT J".- I ,-T - I' I WE WME IWIE ftlMY. FRFiH J '1 A '1 .4 A X- '! V yj - wmmmmmmi-m ,!-.- 4 -. ' " OOOOOOdOO0WbbdOOOOOC)OOC6 V. Jt -JtoL