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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1905)
i V "j M l J HbeSJat . v 'I . Vol. V, No. 8 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1905. Price 5 Cents ul.fA. -Z-' PROM COMMITTEE MEN WORK HARD r i id 1 tly 1 1 b ly i 1 vfr U H A 'P ' n fiin.-'K. sj, ft; z 'Tv SPECIAL CONVOCATION lv IFtebrasftan m- b n X y V " NAMED BY PRE8IDENT DE YOUNG. Edgerton to' Be Chairman and Cor nelius and Kendall Masters of Ceremonies. President Do Young, of the Junior claBS has made the committee -ap- rtnln'I'TnAntf fnr tho nrnAnnt RPnmstnr. chlof amoncr them being that of the committee which Is to havo the Junior Promenade In charce. Following aro the .appointments : Junior Proni Committee Chairman, James Edgortpii Masters of Ceremonies; M nollus and Vo-Kendall Charles A SundoElln, Eleanor An drews, Minnie Sweeny, L. A. Hlgglns, G. W. Cheney, HHondre, Cleo How ard, Earl Wlltse', Mablo Williams, P. . E a a H )t n it it it it it a it it it it H - it- Mrs Sarah Piatt Decker President National Federation of Women's Clubs Cor- THURSDAY, ELEVEN O'CLOCK r p 7 sj f j y sf j T ' ! it it it it it it it it. it it 4t GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUB. Men Who Made Good First Time Given Another Chance. The second atep In the weeding out process for the new Glee Club began last night when about a quarter of W. Parr, RavFlndloy, Vlrida Hudspn, tho fifty-six men who qualified at tho Louis Meyor, Clara Holmrod, M. W- first try-out wore summoned to appear Downes, luichaol Nicholson, H. M. for practice In U. 106. Here Director Crawford, Glenn Mason, Paul Jones, LoulsaGroveB, R. L. Mass, A. M. Levy, Wilber Racely, Dale Drain. JFootball Committee: H. G. Meyers. Manacer. Walter Standeven, Assistant Mana ger. C. E. Cotton, Coach. Basket-ball Committee: Anlone Lott, Manager. C. C. McWllllams, Assistant Mana ger. Adolph Meyer, Coach.. Hat Committee: Chairman, L. A. White. . Socretary, MyrtlorKnuffman. Alice Davis, Etta Boose, Alice Agee, W. H. Arends, H. C. Coiirrlor, R. C. Grarallc,k, K. A. Morgan, F. J. Plpal, Imogeno Brewster, Edna Cole, P. R. Butler, Roy Sunderland. AthlQtlc Board Representatives: Q. W. Dunne, C. H..Bohrer, D. L. Cramer. Finance Committee: Chairman, Beach Jones. Secretary, C. "W Brownv H. W. White, Clara Marshall, Theo. Schneider, Helen Anderson, L. 'A. Hub-. song, Hugh Craig, J. C. McNickle, C. S' Phelps, Leila Jones. Special Convocation. There will bo a special convocation at 11 o'clock this morning In order to give tho students an opportunity to listen to Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker of Denver. Mrs. Decker Js at. present me presiueut ol wi. ut.uui eu.u- A A stag Cmch of ,th(J Unlver. uon pi women Hiuua, uuu ou 01 " Bily 'of Chicago football team, and.rec- BOOTH GIVES MEN TICE. 8TIFF PRAC- 80PHOMORE8 ELECT OFFICERS. Swenson Elected by Plurality In Exclt Ing Contest. Tho class of 1908 met for tho first time In the Chemistry Lecture Room last Tuesday at chapel time and sue-J has boon shifted' to Burns' position nt Weller Shifted to Tapkle arid Schmidt and Little Trledbr Half-back.' Punting, 'tackling,- omMuinnlnK and lino bucking aro somo of tho stunts- Booth Is putting his babies through overy ovonlng on tho University cam pus. Somo sixty men havo scon tho hardest work this weok that thoy havo as yet had to undorgo. Tho coaches aro determined to put out tho best team possiblo, consequently overy mnn is being worked to his full limit to see what ho can do. Tho line-up of last Saturday's team has been changed materially. Wqlldr Gillesplo had quartets representing tho four parts sing simple songs so that he could got a better lino on their merits. He expressed himself aa. quite satisfied 'with the material on hand, and is confident of turning out a, glee club which would bo a credit to anj Institution in tho country. Those who had qualified for tho Mandolin Club were also called out, and wore given exercises In Union Hall by tho director, Mr. Nlles. These men. also made as good a showing-as tholr brothers whose musical ability runs along vocal .lines. Much Interest In the proposed trip has been aroused throughout tho West Tho Omaha and Chicago papers havo had representatives in Lincoln- to write J up tho trip and tho club, so that tho advertising 'process " has 'already be gun. The authorities here aro also back of tho affair and have granted one hour credit per semester to each man on tho club. The club has been very fortunate In procuring one of tho best first tenors in the West in the person of Ireland, the tenor of tho famous Wes-, loyan quartet, which has traveled over the entire West for several years. Mr. Ireland has registered in the Univer sity this year, and Is showing great Ihterest In Glee Club Work. " His pres ence will Insure a flnq first tenor pari, which Is usually, the weak placo In all glee" clubs. ' most promlnont club women of the country.. For a number of years she was at the head of the Colorado .Fed- r oration, and has always boon tho lead er of tho western clubs. Her subject has not been announced, but she will jspeak about tho yralous phases of . club work. While of especial Interest to the co-eds, this topic holds much that Ts of Interest to th'menof tho University also.' V ' . -l ''"' ' ' ' . " ' ' Chicago University has called for drawings of seals from which tq select ' ono. A largo nunibpr of designs were pres.ente'd, but all, bearing the st!ud,ent lamp were rejected, as it was thought that It would suggest Standard oil. ognlzod as one of . tho best football coaches in the country, has been com pelled, because of ill health, to leave the gridiron. ceedlng In electing nil their officers for tho present semester with tho ex ception of treasurer. Much Interest was displayed in tho election, about 200 members of tho class being pres ent: Tho meeting was called to order by he vice-president, Miss "Tlllotson, tho president, Harry Swan, not being In school this Bemester. When nomi nations for president' wore called for, Hughes nominated Joseph Swenson lij a very neat speech, Long named Mc Laughlin, and Wallace proposed Mat ters. The ballot resulted: Swensbu 81, McLaughlin 44, Matters 47. As the class constitution provides that a plu rality shall elect, Swenson was de clared, the choiqe of the class. The other officers were elected by unani mous votes, and aro as follows: VJce-presldent Miss Estorwood. . Secretary Miss Schwab. Candidates for tho position, of treas urer woro nominatod but no votocould bo taken on account of the" close of tho hour. Tho new 'president,' Mr. Swenson, is a graduate of the Omaha High School and has been Interested In dobatlng since o'nterlng tho University, having beon one. of .thoteam against Washing ton University last year. Juniors Complete Election. A handful of Juniors responded to tlo call, of their president and. mot In U. 10G yesterday morning to complete the election of class ' officers. Miss Howard was. appointed temporary sec retary. 'The official list complete Is: J . 'President D. p. DoYoung. Vice-president C. W. Campbell. Secretary and treasurer Elta Juno- Boose. , t Class attorney Jas. E. Bodnaf. Sorgeant-at-arms Ex-Pres. D. L. Cramer. Nebraska vs. South Dakota Saturday, October 7 '05 ' ' - 3:00 p; m. ,-',.- .- g left tackle. Weller' has boon playing a grout gamo at lialf this year, but ho will fill a place In the lino which ac cording to all the loyal supportors has been weak. Burns Is a nervy player, but he lias not tho weight nnd muscle to put behind his Attempts. Schmidt and Little are fighting It out for loft half. Both aro good men, and whllo neither may get tho position, thoy will .bo good men to sub. Booth Is glvln Rico a try at guard and ho has proven himself to bo n very willing worker. Tho only objection to Rice Is that ho lacks In weight, nlthough he Is very muscular. The gamo next Saturday will bo tho first real test of our strongth. South Dakota has a strong aggregation of players, and In last Saturday's game ran up a largo-Bcoro against thqlr op-1 ponents. Tho South Dakota toam Is strong on, heavy men, but thoy lack1 In speed. With a heavy field again thoscoro would btf kept down very close N " Glen Mnson will likely bo In, his old position. atfulNback on Saturday. Tho. football enthusiasts remember woll how Mnson lilt tho line for gains last year." Managor Morrison returned biLTues day from Mlnneapqlis, whtirQ ho prac-. tically concluded arrangement for the" Minnesota-Nebraska game. Tho sanio financial agreement as last year exists this year between tho two teams. Tho one point of difficulty is tho failure; to agree on tho "freshman ruld,r"whTcb was passed by tho conference lasc spring. -Morrison watched tho Min nesota squad practice on Monday even ing and was confronted by tho fact that tho "Gophers" had a husky bunch of pigskin chasers. Hunter, .the old' time. Minnesota star, is in tho hospital with' pneumonia. This is due from a cold ho received tho early part of tho season. ' Morrison believes Nebraska's chance against the northerners' Is better than over this year. There seems to bo no doubt but 'that Nebraska will score. Aboujt, 250 Freshmen tqt Syracuse University (urned out at tho floor,.rugh &, onq evening last week. The resultSvafT k a -victory .for the Freshmtm, but the Juniors and Seniors have since paid them back by passing some regular tions compelling them to take off $heh :- natg whenever meetinr any upper upper- rf. CJ. x , $ ,fa J t. V- M f. "A - V I i .". M'. 'A a . : && .'ZL'M '; .... i 'i-id 7 ;' ciasm I & ?, :.. -. w .,. y.iJktoJii j,-. ; ArmBtrbng'sPractlcal . hatters. : :