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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1905)
r i .- .4. - ' j - ,"'.. '. ' sf . .- ', " .. J -- t " t " -rt "r " Vol. V, No. 9 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6t 1905 Price 5 Cents "v v ATHLETIC BOARD 1 1 vL J ii lf sit 1 i l 1 i i l l 1 T . fl fr"!" J GIRLS' GLEE CLUB p p j f -v ... . , 1be Bail$ IRebraeftan . - : . ' ' .',i fe ,'ftt fr !i o r.-. Bii- p.- i. MT f w "w MEET8 AND FILLS VACANCIE8. HI .Meyer, Hoar and Van Burg to Serve Sanction for Handicap1 Track Meet. Tho Athletlo Board had a special meeting in Dr. Clapp's office at' chapel time yesterday morning, and selected three studonts to .All tho vacancies caused by the resignation of Hunter, Graves and. Hewitt, who were elected at tho last annual election, but who are not In school this year. Those who were selected are Mart Meyer, J. W. Hoar.and J. L. Van Burgh. Mr. Meyer and Mr. Van Burgh are mom- linra nt thn Honlnr Inw P.lnHR. Tho former Is a member of Beta Thota p ana t?m ueua rni iraiormuea, uuu mu lattor of'sigma Chi' and Phi Delta Phi. Mr. Hoar graduated last year, and is now a junior law. Ho has been cap tain of tho basket-ball team and a member of thq track team. Last year ho served an unexpired term on tho Board; Ho belongs to tho , Alpha Theta Chi and Phi Delta Phi fraterni ties. Mr. Van Burgh was placed on tho Building and Grounds committee in placo of Hunter; Moyer and Hoar took tho places of Graves and Hewitt on tho Finance committee. x Votes for track captain wore opened, but no one man had a majority, and consequently t another vole must bo taken. Tho Board also sanctioned tho proposed handicap field meet to take placo In tho near future, and provided for silver and bronze jmedals to bo given to tho winners of first and sec- ond nlaces In each event. Tho, meet will consist of flold events only, the track ovonts and weights being omit ted on account' of tho lato time of year and tho fact that many of tho strong men aro playlijg on the football team and could not compete. Tho ovonts . will bo; Running high Jump, running broad jump, arid tho polo vault. Gymnasium Notes. Soventy-flvo now steel lockers, with expanded metal fronts, have been re ceived, and aro being put In place in tho locker room. There Is a now lock on tiieso lockers, which locks In three directions, un, dowp, and sideways. With this- addition, -tho whole number ,ofmen "who register for work In tho ijyinnaslum can ,bo taken caro of. , The tllsttlbutlon of these lockers Is going 'on this week. j A largo amount of now apparatus, annroxlrriatirig flvo hundred dollars in value, has been ordered by tho depart ment, and will soon bo Installed. This will aid greatly lit tho development of a gymnastic team to send to Chi cago next spring. .6, 'Thero will bo a very important meet 'ing of all metijwho aro Interested lit cross country work In Dr. Clapps office at 11 6'clock this morning. Tho purpose of tlio meeting Is to begin work on tho development of a cham plon team to run at Chicago Thanksgiving- morning. ... All football men who have not been 'examined as yet miist report to -Dr. . Clafcp as poon as possible. '.. Armstrong's Practical hatters., ' it it 'it it Music - Chapel - Friday Miss Charlotte Hullhorst it it it it it it it ' it it it it it X l ! J l i Or i U U ! Mrs. Decker Addresses Students. Mrs. Sarah Piatt Docker, president of tho National Federation of Womdn's Clubs, addressed a gathering of stu donts in Momorial Hall yesterday mornlVic. Arriving lato at tho hall, k Irs. Decker was compelled to limit inf tnllr in flftnnn mlnutnfl. SllO BnokO on tho benefits of a business training forVwomen and on tho debt of a stu dento tho .public. Thollttlo knowledgo of business af fairs that tho average woman has was made cloar by several good Illustra tions of the inability of somo women of her acnialntanco to tako care of money sudddnly loft to them. In way of emphasizing tho necessity of u business training for women, sbo told of tho many womon who now aro liv ing In the business world. She Bald In Boston womon pay $160,000,000 In taxes and In Kansas', they pay enough to support tho publl6. Institutions of that state. Sho wantsx womon to got a business education lntho universi ties. . A student, Mrs. Decker thlnk3, should use his education as much as possible prdoho publico- She alsoi would like to seoestabllshed In every university a chair fdrtho "Plain Old Mother' 2x Convocation. There 'wlllbp, a song recltalthls morning by MissCharlotto Hullhorst Tho program Is as follows: Fruhllngsglaubq ." Schubert Dor Asra. . ; Rubinstein Ich Grollo NIcht Schumann Thou'rt Like Unto a Flower. Chadwlck Contrasts A Story That Is Told. .. .Somorvlllo I A Ballad of Kisses Somorvlllo Song .of a Heart Tunlsbn 6 Comd With. Mo. . . .Vander Stuchen May-Day. .:....;..' Walthow Miss Hullhorst graduated from thq University In 1900 and has recently roturnod from an extended course of volpo work In Clilcago. Ernest Johnson, '08,. has been ap pointed assistant manager of tho Gleo and Mandolin Clubs. ococxxxdc3cocococxxxc F O O T Nebraska vs. Sovth Dakota Saturday, October 7, 05 . . 3:00 p. m: ''.' 1 COCO0COCXXXXDCOCOCOCOCX)006c it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it 4t t Y. Wi C. A. Notes. Last Sunday was Bible Study Rally and tho Biblo Study classes aro well undor way this week. Next Sunday will bo Mission Study Rally. This will bo a union meeting with tho Y. M. C. A. Vlnflold Rflthborg, tho R. M. C. A. General Secretary at Omaha will spoak. Thero will bo special music by Miss Margaret Pilling. Sunday, October 8, at 3 p. m., in tho chapel. Thero will bo a meeting of tho Big Cabinet Friday ovenlng, October G, at G o'clock, In tho Y. W. C. A. rooms. This Is tho first Big. Cabinet meeting of tho year and Is Important. Evory chairman and sub-chairman turn out. Preparations aro being .made to hold tho Y. sW. C. A. annual County Fair October 28. Look out for further bul letins. . New Lecture Rooms. Tho authorities have Just received a carload of chairs equipped with arm rests, which have been placed In tho two society haljs on tho thjrd floor of the main hall', thus converting them into largo lecture, rooms. Tho old Union Hall Is being used as a lecturo room for tho third-year law class, and somo of tho Rhetoric classes will also meet thoro. Tho now room enables all law classes to moot In the morning, Instead of having about , half tho classes in tho afternoon, ,as tho ladk of available rooms caused last year. Tho sdcond series of tests for tho Gleo .and Mandolin Clubs was con tinued last night, but not so many men turned up,-a largo number having gono to Omaha to see the electrical parade. Tho 'high quality shown tho night be fore by tho men was again apparent, arid, tho certainty of an unusually good club 1b growing stropgor right along. ' " -y ! Wednesday tho ,flrst team squad wont through a stiff signal practice on a meadow -east of tho penitentiary. While out thoro eleven of tho flrst team wore wplghqd, on a set of big scales anu puueu tnopeam up 10 i,uiu pounds. B A L L TO BE ORGANIZED HERE. Miss Howell and Manager Dirks Are Making Plans for Its Formation. '. In response ttf Invitations Issuod by Miss Howell, a representative from each of tlio girls' Vorganlzatlbns mot In. U. Ill last -Tuesday morning during tho chapel hour and discussed tho fea sibility of a girls' gleo. club. Every body seemed qui to enthusiastic over tho proposition, and it was docldod that immediate seps bo taken to or- ganlzo tho club. In order that thoro might be somo organized body behind tho movemont, It was decided to'havo the Black Masque push tho project. It is tho purpose of tho club to as sist tho main Glee Club In Its annual homo concert to bo given this winter. If this turns out as successfully as It should, Manager Dirks has promised tho girls that ho will give them a trip through tho state, If proper arrange ments can bo made. Chancellor .An drews Is hoartlly In favor of tho plan and has made arrangements so that tho members of tho club may redelvo oho hour credit each somestor for their trouble. This, togethor with tho pros pect of a trip next sprlngBhould prove most attractive to tho co-eds, and doubtless a largo number will respond to tho call for candidates when It is Issuod. ' f Senior Election. .. Tho .first meeting of tho Senior class was to have been, hold yesterday morn ing', but on account of the special con vocation hadto bo postponed until somo umo next weeic prooauiy 'jues day morning. At this meeting tho. . . M president for tho present Bemestorns to bo olected, and as this is a ydry responsible position on account of the number of appointments which Iho president will have to'mako, soyoral candidates have announced their will ingness to servo, and tho supporters of two of them have been very actlvo In lining up tholr friends. ' Rumor has It that tho chief contest is, to ho be tweon tho Sphinx and Innocent- 'So cieties, but this Is hardly true, as sev eral of tho mos.t actlvo partisans '.bo long to both societies. Tho candidate ,whoso chances seem to bo tho bettor at this time isDon; Skeen, Mr. Skeen is a raetfical stu dent and will hayp tho support of,tho solid medico delegation. Ho is also an Innocent ajnd a Sphinx but, is said to bo tho candldato of tho lattor so? cloty. Mr. Skeen 'is captain of Com, pany B and Is very popular among hi classmates, and would undoubtedly make a' very able president. ' 1 Another candidate whoso name Is frequently mentioned Is L. H. Wouon sick. Mr. Wcllenslck is an Innocent, and presumably .has tho 'support of that organization. ". Tho new president will have a num ber ;of Important committees .to name, chief among them being the Senior Book Committee- As tho Sbnior Book' Is tho only publication which will ap pear this year, ltIs, of course, Impera tive that it bo of -extraordinarily good 1 quality. . hi I ' '3k9 v . s & ' 4 .;!M ..: :. -v 11 A f- Jfi f ( ' ! ?" v 4.. A. ' ,j-H ' .. . J iF? a: "S XI J k 4 i ja f:'r,'x 'if t ' - "'M ', H ,4 n V h '- -f t i.-; . 'I ;, -e -l . "'i ' VYJ' ' .. U,