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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1905)
fm-frHm gbe Dnilf ftefttaeftan j '. I t the Daily Iltbmkan A contfolldatlotF of The Hesperian, Vol 81, The Nebraskan, A. 10, Scarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. Published dally, except Sunday and Monday, at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nb, by the Hesperian Publish ing Cot Board of Directors E. F. Piper C. R. Richards -H. P. LcaVltt John Westovor E. IL Walton, w BkMtOi-ln-ChlBf - - - Fred A. Swooloy Manager ----- A. O. 8chr9lber Assistant Mnnagor - - Fred Naughton Associate Editor - - - - A. M. Levy Circulator - - Walter E. fltandeven TAPP. Athletic R. A. Vun Orsdel Assistant Athletic - - - H. L. Swan News H. a. Myors Editorial Rooms and Business OfTlco U 21 Vi Post Omco 8tntlon A. Lincoln, Nob. Telephone -Night Telephone Automatic 1528 Automatic 2365' Subscription Prlco, 2 per yenr In advance Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nob., as second-class mall matter under tho act of conffrens of March 3, 1879. Individual notloes will be cnarscd for at tho rato of 10 cents for each Insertion. Faculty departmental and university bull MnB will glndiy bo published free, as heretofore. NotlcoB and subscriptions may bo left at tho t)ally Nebraskan office, or at tho Co-Op. Bffolt Sloro. Editorial Remarks The defent of the Hawkeyo men by Cassady and Schrlbner again demon strates Nebraska's ability In athle tics. Let the good work continue. Tho next severe test will como Friday when tho 'Vnrslty track team doeB Its first Btunts In the prllimlnarles at the conference meet In Chlcngo. Nobras ka will sortd' a strong delegation to Chlcngo nnd while first place sooms V M t mt mt if mV W-fc r V nfc yr A jr ih bV fr iti mt mV tjs For $25.00 it it it h it it it it a it it it it We Will Build the Best Black H t V V wV U W Of wV hardly probable wo may bo assured of tho best efforts of tho Nebraska men nild thoy will not bo found want ing.' , Stockholders f1cet. Tho stockholders of tho Dally No braskan held a meeting Monday for the annual election of tho Board of Directors and choso Professors Foss ler and Stout from tho faculty, Mr. H. P. Loavltt, of Omaha, from tho Alumni, and Messrs. Schrolber and Cramer from tho student body. Tho corporation constitution states- that two members shall be chosen from the faculty stockholderSKtwo from the stu dents holding stock abd the fifth from the Alumni of the University. Chapld Bros., Florists, 127 k. 13th. Lincoln Academy Notes. The glrlB of tho basketball team wero invited. by Miss Mitchell to her homo Saturday afternoon and had a very delightful afternoon. They had had their pictures taken previously and were rejoicing ovef tho splendid proof 8. Professor Hodgtttan completed his visit as Inspeotor last week by calling on tho high schools of Arlington, West Point, Stanton, Wjsnor and Hoopor. However, his work Is by no means over as his correspondence has piled up and tho summer school work must 'be attended to. The principal of tho Academy wishes to secure tho names of young people over tho state who have not yet flnlshod1 thotr high school work. Anyone knowing of one or moro such young people will confer a favor upon him If. they will hand him their names. There will bo several chnngcB In tho teaching forco next year caused by tho departure of two of tho mem bors from the city. Mr. George A. Leo has been elected as toachor of rhetoric In tho Bentrlco high school. Mr. John J. Posslcr comiilotes his med ical work at tho Unlvorslty and goes to Omaha or olsowhere to continue his work. Tho closing reception at tho Acad emy given by Professor and Mrs. 'Hodgman will occur Friday ovonlng at their residence, 1420 L street. The delay In tho date of tho reception has been caused by -tho long illness of Mrs. Hodgman. The principal wishes to extend a cordial Invitation to all stu dents In any way connected with tho Academy to bo present on that evon lng. He promises a royal good Boclal time for all who attend. Thursday afternoon was given up to a general picnic and a large num ber spont tho afternoon and oarly ev ening at the park. Tho boats wore In excellent condition and woro kept filled almost all tho time. It was the first tlmo that some of tho girls had over been on tho wator and thoy cer- lflttBtVlBTBVA 1 pssrs yy n n n it n it a it it it H it n it it it it Graduating Suit In the West LUDWIG'S 1036 O STREET it y y Ojf y yjff Jr fct M- tnjnly enjoyed lt Tho baseball ganic was witnessed by quite a number of spectators Who cheered every hit Iub tlly, especially In the Intter part of tho gamo when tho girls scored sev eral runs. Tho supper itself wns eaten by everyone In a way to testify their appreciation of tho good things pro vided by the girls. All joined in tho games enthusiastically and seemed to enjoy tho excitement of "cat and rat" especially. Tho avonlng closed with impromptu speaking by some of tho I orators and a mile race by tho track team. The faculty wore represented at tho picnic by three members only, the others being kept away by pres sure of work. Why don't you go down- to Sander son's and get a swell pair of shoes? X IF. IT'S "GRAY" IT'S RIGHT I Extra "gray" Magee & CYERY SUCOSS HAS ITS OWH GOAL Vs hav been very successful fa catering to weddings and parties where something EXTRA FINB fa wanted. Why can't we tombA yoo wlih your Groceries (or all thy itfnii? KEYSTONE GROCERY lai South 13th Street pp" fr"w """f p 1 1. ii GO TO SIDLES if -it The Up-to- Date Sporting Goods " 1 1 it Man, for Base Ball Supplies, and. All j Athletic Goods : : : : : Vj 1 II. E. SIDLES 1317 O 8tret, "xiNCOtN, SEB, it' ii Ma U'W A Lt L irf A iv it tA r M f V y - CXXXXXXOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXX) Favorite PHOTO Gallery 8. E. CeTr. 12th and P. Photographs at OUT pJtUCKB. If you are satisfied that's what you pay your money for. WE GUARANTEE SATISFAC TION for about half the price other ask for the same work. For Instance 100 little stamp photos air"rjuaranteed: perforat ed ready to tear apart, lick and stick, $2flc. '4P I MMMMaHtalBMtbMMMMBH to!;' "gray season" in Men's Clothes. So great is tiie demairdV riiaiiufacttirers can hardly produce them fast enough. And cotjld you rmagrne a more gen teel, cool suit for summer? We received a new ship ment Saturday and our showing of "grays" in fine worsted fabrics is very comprehensive. Suits $15, $18, $20 and $25.00. Coats and Pants $12.50 $15, $18 and $20. Trousers, $3 to $6. Deemer U 1 L L p U f L U V df y Ug c!o it it it it it it it it it it n it n it it ii J5AKUKJ5KUS MGMVMG COMPANY it i( it it it it it ' o it ' it it it it it OMAHA JL. i -mJ ,f 3L. Forbes' Stables, livery, cab and bag gago service, 1125-31 P street Bell phono, !0. Auto phono 1550. PLAY BALL We ate dole tfgenta in Lincoln: for the CELEBRATED- D.&M. Baseball, m- letic and Tennis Goods This is a mim BWWR Wl1 SbbbbbI P GIRARO CYCLE CO. 1304 0 Street LiicflR, Nek. 4 I 1l X ' i"MA"' - ,f ,iiM-. 4aUkaif j t-i