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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
in '5TO fSt vi "L- A .1 tf r i Hbe 2ailv iRebrasfcan j4 Vol. IV, No. 152 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, JUNE i, J905. Price 5 Cents J" t". h ! i . sV 'f 'ST-. w- 1 m r r f? Lti ALUMNI REGISTER A REGISTER OF THE ALUMNI OF THE UNIVER8ITY TO BE PRINTED. The Register Is Gotten Out By the Alumni Association and Will Ap v pear Some Time This Month. For some tlmo Mr. Clnrk, of tho Pksccitlvo office has been working hard to complete the Alumni Mat for printing. Until a short tlmo ngo, It wns thought thnt this could he print ( ed and ready for distribution by Com mencement season. But, It has not been found possible to secure a largo . enough percentage of addresses of the Alumni to nmke It worth while to put It out fdr somo weofcs. Alumni have uecomo very wldoly scattered and since thero are but a fow closo and ac tive class organizations, tho addresses of Alumni havo not been proservod. Tho Alumni Association, Itself, has not horetoforo boon ablo to command cJerlcal hir'to do thlB. Thus, the Hat has nc been kept Intact. This ycul however, tho Alumni Association will endeavor to completo vory short ly addresses of Alumni, and will then co-oporato with tho oxecutlvo ofneo In preparing an up-to-dato and hand some Alumni register. At least, this is tho plan. For tho first time, tho secrotary-troauuror of tho Alumni As sociation is endeavoring to reach ov ory AlumuuB boforo Commoncomont lime, and it is expected that in' tho future, tho Association will bo ablo to keen the Hutu of Alumni Intact and .to hclA In putting out the Alumni reg ister, jt is hoped that this register will alulw tho Alumni both by classes nnd nllhatotlcally, nndrwlll In addition to this, jhow whut tho Alumni aro do ing und'wow also tho groups of Alum ni by lvTvlltlen ACCREDITED SCHOOLS. Work W Inspection for the Year Has i- Boon Completed, ctor Hodgman hua completed .,. , ir'& work of inspection. Only about JtenJfioola jhavo JWilrod nnv QJajtf xjf Uiu University to Icceplhora up to iho standard required. Their hesitation in complying with tho demunda waa duo in a fow casos .fo, apathy, In several oases to lack of funds" and In Vevbral of tho othor cases: tp"a feeling that tho school was In as, good condition as it had boon In the past and4 therefore- no oxtra ex ertion was ,ne(ied. Tho University authorities aro pleased to announco that alVot-.Ui&s, with ono exception, have grafted the requests of tho In apector la every particular. Approx imate) 3,000 has bee .expended bT high school hoards of oducatlon on suggestion' oi the Inspector for scion- s g .v tiftp aad Ubrary equipment and about f AK" v " ' ti... t j itu w.hto ewu bwhiwj, ) j A 'Circular Jeter willlMB out an sepiaraoer to scaoout to pe;ttthecatcr4iU4 , ortooKrtcttaaLi;i& 'un iliitti.' i-m n ,V 7 ,'" ' i X thnt Quite a large mber of Fm u-41l t AfKt.A 4rf 4kn 1Im( In tlf). 1 iba following la a lis of W:fjHir yesc (2S-3credlkpolnt'j schqplsV. f Vf unwsu iu VUQ UBV 1U Uil3I Albion, Alliance, Araphoe, Ashland, Auburn. Aurora, Beatrice, Blair, Bloomlngton, Blue Hill, Cedar Rapids, Central CH3, Chadron, Chadron Acad emy. Cheypnne, Columbus, Crawford, Crolgbton, Crete, Dnvld City, Edgar Fnlrbury, Fairmont. Falls City, Frank lin Acod-ni, Fremont, Friend, Fuller ton, Genova, Grand Island, Hartlng ton, Harvard, Hastings, Hebron, Hoi drog Humboldt, Kearney, LojJ (S. D ), l.endvllle (Col.), Iexington, Lin coln Academy, Lincoln, St. Theresa (Lincoln), St. Francis Academy (la.), McCook, Madison, Mlnden, Nebraska City. Gates Academy (Ncllgh). Ne Ugh. Nelson, Norfolk. North Platte, Oakland. Omaha, Brownell Hall (Oma ha), O'Neill, Ord, Pawneo City, Platta mouth, Ponca, Randolph, Red Cloud, Rod Oak (Iowa), Sacred Heart Acad emy (Omaha), Mt. St. Mary's Semin ary (Omaha), St. Paul, Schuyler, Se ward, Shelton, South Omaha, Stanton, Stromsburg, Suporlor, Sulton, Tocum soh, Wahoo, Wayne, Wcoplng Water, Weeping Wutor Academy, West Point, WlBnor, Wood Rlvor, Wymore, York. Tho following Is tho list of tho three-yoar high schools of tho State, being accredited with from 20 to 24 points. Alnja, Bancroft, Bluo Springs, Brok en Bow, Clarks, Cozad, Do Witt, Elm wood, Exeter, Fairfield, Genoa, Goth enburg, Grafton, Havelock, Holy Child Jesus (Lincoln), North Bond, Ohlowa, Orleans, OBceoln. Pondor, Plorco, Rovanna, ScriDner, Syracuse, Table Rock, Tokamah, Valontlno, Val loy. Wakefield, Wilbur. Tho following Bchools havo boon ac credited this year on recommendation of tho inspector: Ioulsvillo, Hoopor, Luther Acad emy, Bloomflold, Plalnviow, Oxford, Tlldon Tho following schools will probably bo uccrodlted noxt year: Atkinson, Cambrldgo, Campbell, Franklin, Gibbon, Spalding Academy, Ulysses, Emerson, Laurel, Wausa, Ly ons. 8ldnoy. Tho authorities havo tho acredlt monl of tho following under advise ment: Tobias, Strong, Sterling, Republi can City. Palmyra, Palmer, Herman, Craig. Tho schools outaitLojifihjLSlatO ac credited by tho University aro Chey enne, Leadvlllo, Lead, Rod Oak. It has boon docldod to each year no tify tlio schools of their accroditmont for tho coming yoar. It has boon plan ned to issue a sort of a diploma, which can be. trained, each year aftor 1905-06 to notify the school of tho renewal of thoir accroditmont for tho following year. This year tho following notice will bo sent out in tho form of a let ter: Superintendent (or Secretary) .... "Dear Sir:" "Tho University of Nebraska places upon Its list of accredited high schools those schools' In which tho course of study, scientific equipment and library facilities are standard and In which tHo teaching force Is ade quate in number and professional training. To the graduates of these schools the University .(and nearly all universities and colleges in the United States) give entrance, free of examinations In those subjects duly '(Continued to page 1.) DEBATE JOUVENIR HISTORY OF THE LAST FOUR YEARS DEBATING IN UNI- VER8ITY. To Contain Several Very Interesting Articles on the Work of Nebras ka's Teams. An Intercollegiate debafo souvenir will be published this woek by tho University Debating Board as a flnalo of Nebraska's four-year debate record from 1902-1905 nlno debates and nine victories. The souvenir Is an eighteen page pamphlet entitled "Intercollogi ato Debate at the University of Ne braska, 1902-1905." Tho editorial board, appointed by the Debating Board last March Is composed of Dean Pound, Professor French, Proi fessor Fogg, and President R. J. An derson and Secretary C. L. Waldron of tho Debating Board for 1904-1905. Tho Bouvenlr a Intended to record history for tho persons who have taken part in or have been otherwise Interested in tho University's intor colleglato debato work, and for schools which Inquire In regard to the Nebras ka system of teaching argumentation and debato and conducting debates. The Bouvenlr gives something of tho history of debating at the University Just preceding tho Institution of tho system; Impressions of tho system andj the victories; an explanation of tho alms and method of tho system; and brlof sketches of tho academic and lator careers of oach member of tho team and other members of the University Debating Squad. Doan Pound, who, by reason of his resignation from his position as head of tho College of Law Is about to withdraw from tho Unlvorslty Debat ing Board, writes on "Boforo tho Sys tem" how Intercollegiate debating was conducted before tho Debating Association organized tho Dobatlng Board In 1901 and boforo tho changes In methods of Instruction. Professor E. A. Ross, who has boen Intimately connected with tho nlno debates, writes on "Four Years of Victory," giving his Impressions of tho system's working and of tho contests in -which Nobraska teams havo sot , Incandescent forth their cases in lamps." Professor Fogg writes on "Tho Sys tom" lta aims, tho debating board, how teams aro appointed, the prizes for debate, the courses In public speaking, argumentation, and debate; the other opportunities for debate af forded by the dobatlng clubs; the Debato Trophy Room, and tho library facilities that Nebraska affords for in tercollegiate debato. Secretary Waldron under tho cap tion, "Biographical," draws compact sketches 'of tho college records, so far as scholarship and debato honors are concerned, and tho subsequent career of each member of tho teams and of the othor members of tho four squads. This section of the souvenir is preceded by engravings of the vic torious teams. Seniors get your duplicate ordorsH for photographs at once. Rate the same until July 1. Townsend's Studio. Tho basoball game scheduled with' tho Spalding Instltuto of Peorln, Illi nois, for this afternoon was cancelled by tho Instltuto managor. Tho last game of tho soason will be played Fri day when tho 'Varsity moots tho Croghton nine. Tho men from tho Omaha collego play tho Wcsloyan nlno on tho Wesleyan field today. They have a strong aggregation and will mnko tho 'Varsity earn ovory run that It secures. Team Loaves Today. The Nebraska representatives who will enter tho conference moot at Chi cago leave this afternoon. -The first of the preliminaries will be hold to morrow and tho moot comes off Sat urday. The men will probably return Sunday. Tho following men will make tho trip: Hagonslck. BurresB. Moyer. Manning. Hauser. Penrod. Theta Kappa Nu Election. The names of thoso mombors of tho Senior Law Class who havo boon olect ed to tho honorary fraternity of Theta Kappa Nu were announced yesterday aftornoon. Election to this fraternity is based entiroly upon tho class standing throughout- tho course, and tho soci ety Is tho exact counterpart In the Law Collego of tho Academic Phi Bota Kappa. This, is tho second election hold at Nobraska, tho chapter horo having boon installed only last year. Those receiving tho honor ure: F. W. JohnBon. C. D. Ritchie. R. H. Smith. A fourth senior Is to bo oloctod, but owing to tho closeness of tho stand ing of several mombors tho selection of tho last man will not bo made until aftor tho final examinations. 8enlor Play Caste. Tickets for tho Senior Play, which is to bo glvon at tho Oliver on Mou day evening, June 12, will bo placed on sale early noxt week. Tho tlckots for tho class will bo distributed at tho Unlvorslty, and immediately all I tho remainder will bo returned to tho 1 rtll. m .v uiiver uox ouicu wnero uioy can 00 obtained by lower classmen and oth ers. Tho prices will bo GO conts and 35 cents. The Seniors who aro to tako part in tho play have boon practicing oVery night under tho able instruction of Miss Howell, and the porformanco promises to be tho best over given by a Senior class. Following is the caste: Mr. Rogers Harry JCeyser. Mrs. Rogers Anna NIelson. Esmeralda Rogers Ruth Wilson. Davb Hardjr (her lover) Will Hoar. Nora Desmond Margaret Stirling. Kat'e Desmonds-Margaret Grlmmln son. Jack Desmond Frank Beers. Mr. Esterbrook Mr. Mower. Mr. Drew Robert White. Marquisde Mon pessln Fred Hun ter. A lasting remembrance of your col lege days; a picture at Townsend's. L I - V 'i f fcic? ' j-.a " .( . . TT.-v . i .- i .P t - a sv- S b- -VJJ "JE - &ii&jmmmm : iiLUWfei &