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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1905)
XTbe Batl TFlebraeftan ul Vot IVi No. 77 UNIVERSH Y OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, FEB. 7, J905. Price 5 Cents . i t tt til. f i 1, I I I DR. HILL TO SPEAK Will Deliver Annual Oration of Sigma Xi. FeUmnrj 14tltl tho l)ito Hrt for the AililrnRs. Ir. A. Roes (1111, dean of the Teach ers Col lego of tho University of Mis souri, has written to Dr. R, H. Wolcott hia acceptance of tho Invitation to de liver tho oration glvon under tho au Hplcea of tho Sigma XI society, In con nection wUh the mld-wlntor com mencement. Tho oration is an annual affair glvon tho night beforo tho mid winter common cement, alternating with tho Phi Beta Kappa oration given annually In connection with tho Juno commoncoment exorcises. Dr. Hill has announcod his subject to be "TIhj Psychology of tho Scientist." Under this head he intends to discuss tho point of vlow, the methods, and tho motives of tho scientific man or what might bo called bis mental life or psychology. Tho oration Is public und will bo given In University Hall at 8 p. m. on tho evening of February 14, 1905. Dn Hill was formorly -professor of psychology In this University. Ho loft hero and bocamo a momber of tho fac ulty of tho University of -Missouri in 1903. Ho 1& one of the strongost mom tors of tho faculty at tho Columbia Institution. , ' .... Dr. Hill, accompanied by Mrs. Hlu, will arrive In Lincoln Tuesday, Febru ary 14, over the B. & M. and will re turn on tho following-Wednesday even ing. Up to tho nresont.tlmo. no formal nrrangemonts havo beiin mado for tho entortulnmont of Dr. and Mm HUT. M. H. Swonk, assltantMn tho depart ment of Entomology'; left yesterday morning tor Edgart Nebraska, whoro he will glvo a talk bofoftf tho farmora Institute ou tho Hessian fly. Ho will also discuss tho Hesslon fly and "Bird Protection" at tho farmora' institutes held in Sutton and Clay Ccntor this week and return Friday. Profesor Bessoy has received notice of an examination for tho position of Scientific Aid in the division of plant pathology of tho United Statos Dopar niont of Agriculture Applicants must bo graduates of colleges and must have takon special work In Botany bo as to fit them for tho work of tho position. OMAHA Y. M..C. A. Christians to Play 'Varsity To morrow. Tomorrow ovenlng the 'varsity bna kctball team will lino up against Oma ha Y. M. C. A. team for the return game. This will prove to be one of the fastest games played on the Arm ory floor this soason. Tho Omaha team has boon putting In hard practice slnco our game with them on tho northern trip. The 'varsity has been putting in some vory hard practice since their re turn home from tho trip. On last Sat urday afternoon they played a practice gamo with Wesloynn, resulting lu a score of 50 to 20 in tho 'varsity favor. This shows the relativo strength of tho 'varsity. Their team work is very .good ..and sjjows much Improvement over tho work before they loft on tho northern trip. Omaha held Nebraska down to a scoro of 23 to 21 on the last game played with tho Omaha team. Of course Nerbaska will have an advantage over Omaha in being ablo to play on tholr homo floor. Rcsorvcd seats are on sale at tho co op. These can oo secured without ex- Yah -l ifTKi HKHUAHKA ULKK C.I.L'll TO Al'I'K tra charge. Tho price of admission is 2r cents. The lineup is ns follows: Omaha. Nebra<a. FORWARDS. Clark liageubick Wilrard C, BurrusF CENTER. Hansen Moser GUARDS. Wlllard Boll Anderson .-......-,. Honr Subs. Omanar Harris; Nebraska, Krako, Boers, Durkoy and Meyer. This will be the llrst chance for the supporters to Bee tho 'varsity play sine tholr successful trip north. Tho Sophomores defeated Wcsloyan on Bnturday, afternoon by a score, of 28 to '15 While 'this vias a vory short gamo tho Sophomores had tho best of tho gamo during tho entire time of playing. Smith did lino work for tho Sophomores, while Chorrlngton did the best work for Wesleyan. Professor. Smith gave an Illustrated sterdOptlcon lecture yesterday after noon In U 107 to tho clnss In Education 10. Tho lecture was on tho subject of "Cathedrals and Their Schools." Ten hours for study, eight hours for sleep, four house for meals and social duties, aud two hours for exercise, Is tho Bchodulo recommended by Presi dent Eliot of Harvard. NINTH MID-WINTER Sixteen Candidates for Degrees in Different Colleges. 1'rof. WIIhoii Will Conduct Coniinoncu mnnt I'rnffram. The ninth annual mid-winter com mencement will be Ucld one week from tomorrow. Contrary to tho usual cus tom followed at this time no oration will be glvon, but exerclsos of another nature will be held. Professor H. II. Wllsou, of the UnlvorBlty Collogo of Law, w 111 have those exercises In charge, but the oxact program has not yet beon'fully'dcoldod'u'pon. The followlug Is a list of candidates for degree at the mld-wlntor com rr.oncemont. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE. Carnoy, Bertha. Cullon, Poter Calvin. Blmgren, David Emnianuol. Klesselbach, Rudolph Philip. Kiosselbach, Sophia Dorothea. VK AT TUB OLIVKK PKIIllCAItY 10. Kinyon, Susie. Orton, Olive Inez. Qulnn, Clarence Ellas. . - WoodB, Wlllmer, Joseph. COLLEGE OF LAW. Chain. Frank LoRoy. INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE. CutBhall, Lowls Alexander. Fuwcott, Georgo Lorenzo. Holmes, John Campbell. Koch. Arthur William Frederick. Mellck. Charles Wesley. Venters, Alice. This list will probably Btand as It Is, although it Is, of course, subject to ad dition or change bofore the 15th. ProfeBBQr x!ogmau .kua, planned for several extensive trips of inspection during tho next four weeks. One will bo ovor the Union Pacific lino from Omaha to Choyonno, Wyoming. One ovor tho Northwestern llpo to Long plne, one through tho northeast coun ties of tho stato aud a fourth over the southern tier of counties. Dr. Ross addressed a good Blzed au dience at Convocation yesterday morn ing, ou tho subject of tho present-state of affairs in Russia. In subslanco Dr. Ross said that social conditions at the preBont day in Ruslsa aro not much In advanco of tho conditions which- provallcd in Eurono during the fourteenth century. BATTERY MEN OUT Old and New Material Report for First Practice. Captain Bonder "aridv tho candidates for tho battery, met In tho 'gymnasium yesterday aftornoon from two till three. A good numbar of men were out to try for places and tho prospect for tho team was novor. better. The practlco yesterday consisted of tha dlf teront men limbering up tholr arms a llttlo by light practlco. Thd statdmont mado by Captain Bonder, or rather quoted as from him, In Sunday's Jour nal, was made up from tho wtoolo cloth, for no such Btatoment wan mado by tho captain. The men out for places behind tho bat yesterday wero B&rta, Carroll, Grant and-Gaddl$s. 'Burla In", wbll kuown to tho student body from his record on tho football team. Barta played first base and catcher on the socoud baseball team last year. Noth ing needs to bo said about Captain Bonder, as his work on tho baseball toam of tho past is well onough known to the studont body. Bender will with out a doubt occupy his usual place behind tho bat. Carroll Is a now man from Fromont and hoe 'had consldor- ablo experience In baaoballT Ho showed up very well In yootorday's practice. The pltchora out aro ' Morse, Dort Kurtz, Dirks and Nllsson. Morse la without a doubt one of tho fastest collogo pitchers in the west and with him as twlrlor tho varsity' chances for victory aro advanced one hundred per cent Dort la tho man who did such fino pitching on his class team last year and showed ho bad varsity form. Kurtz Is from Cortland, Nob., and Is a now man, but sbowod good form in yosttfrday's practice. Dlrkfi comes from Chicago, and Is" considered an oxcelleut man. Nllsson a a. new , man and. llttlo is known .of bis ability. Men out for tho infield yesterday wero Grant and GaddWs. Grant is from Ohiown, Nob., and 1b a vory good man. Ho played on tho Havclock team loBt, year In their gamo against the Upivorsity. 4 Gaddlsu is from,, Hastings and ho played on this team.- Jast year. Tho mpn out yesterday as a wholo made an pxcollont sho.wJng-; Sixty-two. students have been sus pended from Leland Btanurdon, ac count of poor work, and soyQuty-oight others warnod tho quality s of tholr work must be improved it tboy wished to sustain their relationship with the unlvorslty. . . -i H t 'irarj .l v -i, '"H '1 Vv. 'W i.-5AT '.. J .. ., " ' , . MWf..rAi 'JH lJV ?MltW? T ia trjsitis f i. r4 m s