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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1904)
o"J It be atlv fUbrnofcan !00imiHAM9'tl Campus Qleanings. The University of Chicago Professional Schools SCHMQLLER & MUELLER ? Professor Shedd has lecovered from hip told The Misses Mathleson, ol Blair.nrc pledged to Chi Omega. i i' r V. $ THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS I Stcinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons I Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo, Steck I And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments MWMMtMWlMMMUrlMIMMailMfW -" . OMAHA PRINTING CO. PRINTERS Blank Book Makers, Lithographers and Em bossers, Jones Loose Leaf Ledgers, Densmore Type Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery, 918 to 924 FARNUM OMAHA, NEB. 1 "KATONAH" I I CLUETT BRAND I ' QUARTER SIZES, 2S CENTS EACH CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., H MAKIAB OF Q1UITT AND MONARCH HIT H The first shipment of geological e nll)ltH was shipped to St. Louis yesterday. Miss Margaret Plllsbury, was elect ed c-nptnln of the Sophomore basket ball tram Mr. Will. Lkifflngton. an old I'ni. man. of Alliance, Neb., lias been in Lincoln the past few days. The next book Professor Stuff's das8 in Knglish fi will take up will be Kip ling's "The light That Failed " Miss Anna C. Hoofer, of the Uni en.lty. entertained a few friends Sat urday evening at a "Fritz Washington Part j." Professor Swetzy announces that the observatory will be open to the pub lic next Friday evening from 1 till 1 o'clock H. 0. Shedd. of St. Louis, secretary of the Nebraska state commission to the world's fair, islted the various de partments yesterday In iew of seem ing exhibits. The first collection of geological sp -Unions to be placed on exhibit at the woild's fair will be sent next Thurs day. It will consist of soils pertaining to mining and metallurgy Ileta Tlut Pi will initiate Mosms. Stong. Welton. Stein. Kerr. C'harleton and Code at the chapter house Thuis day evening. The initiation will extend oer to Friday evening, when the usual post initiation banquet will cxtur Ji.dge K. Wakcly. of Omaha, was 11 visitor on the campus Monday He v ms the flit United Stales judge of N -braska, his district embracing all Ne braska, Wyoming, and Dakota, whhii was the laigest district in the world. Miss Ituth Paxson, national secretary of the Y. W. C. A. will be In Lincoln from Wednesday. February 2 It h. until the following Monday, and will be the guest of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, of which she is a member. Miss Paxson was entertained at the Kappa house during her official visit last year, and all students who met her at that time are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing her again. Mr. W. A. Green, who is prominent in Lincoln dub and social and religious circles, speaks today at convocation on "Edmond Rostand." Mr. Green is a former student at the University. GERMAN 11. Modern Novel and Drama lecture thib week on Thursday at 1 p. m. instead of Friday. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. The Morton history people represent ed by Mr. Bain, have discovered and photographed an oil painting of Man-uel-dellsa, the first permanent white settler in Nebraska territory, who set tled Just north of the city of Omaha in 1807, where he established a trading post with the Indians and remained util 1820. He also established a post at the mouth of the Big Horn river, and tradition goes that his first land ing was at Bellevue. However this is not confirmed. The picture of his wife has also been found and will be placed with his In the Nebraska Historical so eicty The couple weie the first pion eers and were ceitalnly the most pro grefcs've and successful of the settleis. We arrj a full line of artist's ma terial, oil. water-color, and china paint, oila and fixatives, brushes, crayons, water-color and crayon paper, etc Tin I Inccln Book Store Just received, the swellcst lot ol spring samples you ever. saw. Now on sale at onehalf price. Sanderson's. Call for a souvenir brush at Rlgg' Pharmacy. They are free. Speclal rate to students at Hendry's. Medicine I Law and I ' Each has a special Circular cf Information which will be sent on application. Kach will be in session dutirg the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). j-T"nie courses .n Medicir.c aie g;vcn in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. The ' University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois &&$&$GGQ-Q&$ 5xSx3 CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 130 North 13th Lincoln, Nob. &4&&&&&Q&$& 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade: Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone aoncllnjf n sWotr-h nnil dcicrlptlon mny quickly iiioprinln our opinion froo whether nn Invention It probnbly pntentnfola. ('oninitnilm 1 IniMM rid ly continent Inl. HANDBOOK on PntcnU eotit lii'o. Oldest agency for ncctirinff patents. I'lilonin taken throukh Muim & Co. rci-elr: tptcUil notice, without ctmrgo, lutbo Scientific American. A handsomely tllmirntod wccklr. J.anrcst cir culation of liny aclonllllo journal. Terms. $3 a yew: tjold by all notradcalcr. MUNN & Co.36,Broadwa'' New York branch Onico. (25 K Ht.. Vahlntoc . C. Hotel Walton J5J5 0 Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms best low-price:! house inolty RATES -$ i Per Day and Up Ring up the Tea Store, 'Plicrie F 103S, at the other end of the wire the GRAND UNION TEA CO. Is waiting to serve you at once with the choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices and Extracts. Special rates given to board ing houses. Give us a trial. 1300 O St., Cjr. 13th and O OOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXOCXXXXXX) New Time Card I -VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December Oth, train No. 208 will leave Lincoln at 8:35.a. m, and run through with out change to Auburn vln Dun bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p. m. and carry through coach and Pullman sleeper tq Kansas City. City Office, S. W. Cor. 12tla & O. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T:. A. k - c XXXXXXXXXXXXX) Theology Education COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - $100,000.00 OFFICER8 John Wrtjdit, I'rr. J H Wi'Mrott. Vlct-Prvrt. Joe Smiiuels. 2nd Vice-Pro. P. h. Hull, Cn-htcr. W. B. llyons, A-s't. .'ush. P"Jhe Improved I L JBOSTON fGARTER Jg Lr The Standard J K y for Gentlemen ( il'V j ALWAYS EASY) wfetim vl The Name "BOSTON I ljMJMJfGAKTERM it stamped 1 HBHon every loop. M UiA' BUTTON I Lles flat to the leg never) tallps, Tears nor Unfastens. B HBbk SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1 (tHn?. Snipl 811k 50c. I BLB1 Cotton tie. I 2" on rtoflptof prlc. 1 Hli QE0- raOST CO., UiUn I P Boitoa, U.,TJ.8.A. wt-Every Pair Warranted- SHIRT B H CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. Q MAKtdl OF J U CLUC7T AND ARROW COLLARS ( X r w -. . f ' ," l V , ,- ,