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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1903)
7- Cis', T V ttbe Balls Web r aeftan ftjsCv' ; W ) K . t T, 7 ' ' e Daily ftebraskan. A Ronidllrintlon of Tho Bcaporinn, Nnbi-nftknn, Vol. lo, Bcarlot und C rutin, Vol. 4. EAJtor-lnClilcf dmtineAS Manager Circulator Now Atlilotto Utorary .John D. Rice A. Q. Bohreibor O. A. Sawyer AMOOIATf! XDITORfl: A. Ft Booker Oitylortl O. Honnott Dorothy Ureon Omooij Editorial, D 20QH: Iliwlnom, U 211& Foot OlHco, Box 10, Station A, Lincoln. Bnbnorlptlon Prion, $$ pot year. In advance. Bntered at the postoflloo at Llnooln, Nobraik aa ooond-olriRi mail matter. Editorial Remarks Colorado plays tomorrow. This Is the team ovor which so much discus sion has boon aroufied ami In tomor row'n game an unuBiinl degrco of in terest Is centered. Last year Colora do put up a hard fight against our team nldcd as they were by the advantages of 'playing at home and in being accli mated to an altitude that mitigated greatly against Nebraska in Its play. It Is Bald that those coming from a high altitude to a lower one are not affected like those going from a low. one to a higher. This seems strange, but there is no need of stopping to ponder over the fact. We do not wish to see tho Colorado team hindered by exigencies of ar.y kind, but prefer to meet them In their full strength 'and best condition. There Is no doubting the fact that Colorado has a strong team. Although thev are considered as an unknown quantity, reliable assurances are con ntantly forthcoming that Nebraska In meeting them will have worthy oppo nents to face. The team Is heavy and well coached, and It will be a pleasure to see them matched against Nebras ka's speed, agresslveness and science. For, Judging from . the Improvement that Is being constantly shown by our team, Saturday's game will be a revela tion even to those who have watched their development closely. Football Is every year gaining a stronger hold In western colleges, and each season witnesses some vast Im provements In many of the teams in this section. The Colorado teams have been making vast strides and may In the near future be strong rivals of our own. Even here it is felt that our present team actually excels last year's great team In certain respects, and every movement looking to Its further progress should bo pushed enthulasti cally by our students. There is no reason why we should not grow even grchtor, as Nebraska brawn, sinew and Intellect are as good as the best. Hence, any opportunity to help along tho progress of the team should not be neglected. And tomorrow an opportunity will be given the students to do work that can not help but have a wholesome ef fect. They can turn out and do all In their power to make the victory over Colorado all the more complete. Their mere presence will count for much, but tho exercise of their vocal powers will count for more. The Hnnkell Indians are taking their defeat in fairly good grace, although they probably do not care to say that they are glad that they were defeated. They claim that Nebraska held In the line, but In comparison to allegations often made by defeated teams this complaint does not count for much. .In fact Nebraska beat them bo com pletely that they can hardly Invent a reason for their defeat. o Our attention has again been drawn to a pamphlet entitled "The Ujiiver 3 1 1 y Lecture Bureau," which has been compiled recently and which can be obtained at the executive office. Tho pamphlet contains subjects of lectures offered by professors of this Univer sity in their special departments. This bureau Is under the direction of the committee on University extension work, of which Mrs. 13. M. Clark Ib secretary. Hammond-McMish Wedding. Jesse McNIsh and Miss Clara Ham mond, both formerly popular Univer sity students, were married at the home of the bride's parents in Lincoln, last evening. Quite a number of guests were present. Miss Stuart played the wedding march and George Bartlett was master of ceremonies. Charles Schwartz acted as best man, and Anna Hammond, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. A sister of the groom was flower bearer. The wedding party left for Kansas City at 1 o'clock this morn ing, from which point they go to Chl- ago and will visit at various places in the east. They will make their home at Wlsner, where Mr. McNIsh Is en gaged In the practice of law. ! V 1 - I vx 1 k 1 ?8?" j 3e- 3 I 1 JJ "Kensington" Characteristics. The collar, shoulders and coat fronts, shaped and moulded after the exact lines of the figure, and TAILORED ABSOLUTELY THE BEST POSSIBLE shape retaining to the last. Snug about the neck prominent shoulders and no sagging. Has the LOOK of the BEST CUSTOM-MADE j and the price is so much less $J5 to $30 It you buy your suit or overcoat here IT WILL BE RIGHT. Magee & Deemer. Will Entertain Coloradana. There Is no watch, clock or article of jewelry we cannot fix G A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVIQE. J 123 O Street It is planned to entertain the Colo rado football team and the rooters accompanying them at the Hand Infor mal Saturday evening. When Nebras ka was at Colorado last year our boys were royally entertained and the best of treatment was accorded us at Den er two weeks ago. Here is an opportunity to recipro cate. There should be a large crowd en hand Saturday evening at the ar mory to show Colorado that, though we of necessity must bent them Saturday afternoon, our henrts are in the right place. Electtic Shoe Repairing Factory We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Date Soda and Magazines. Fountain IIS North 11th Street. A. G. SPALDING & BROS OFFICIAL Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c Ladies Rubber Heels 35c Glee Club Meets. The C.Ice club held its first rehearsal last Tuesday evening in Memorial hall. The. newly elei ted members were pres ent and manifested a great deal of In terest and enthusiasm and showed up well, causing the rehearnal to go off with a swing and spirit which augurs well for the success of the club this year. The membership Is as follows: First tenors. Frederick K. Clements, Paul L. P.rockway, A. H. Hutton, Fred Wright, F. H. Sochi; second tenors, J. W. Dorwnrt, F. H. Geer. H. V. Mc CuHough, R. J. Mansfield, James An derson; First basses, John L. Clark, N. J. Elliott. T. V. Goodirch, Fred Bweeley, W. Bonekemper; second basses. J. R. Caley, J. D. Chesslngton, J. L.'DeBey, J. R. Hart, I. J. Clark. We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. FOOT BALL SUPPLE ARE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH OFFICIAL RULES Spalding's handsomely Il lustrated catalogue of Fall and Winter sports contain ing all the new things in football will tc sent free to any address. Spalding's official footbal Ku'-de, containing the new rules. Per copy JO cents. Woifange Wafthon & Co. Phono t&L How to Play Foot Ball. Bp Walter Camp. edition. Per Copy 10 cents. I220 O St 02 A. Q. Spalding & Bros. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco oston, Louis Boston, Baltimore, Buffalo, Kansas City, St. Minneapolis, Denver, Montreal, Can. London, England Kol?oKotoKotctor.o?OKO?onotoitQstotoiiotoKotoitoi(ioinoioi;olio Union Program. Students should .not lose sight of the fact that the literary (societies ex tend to them a standing invitation to visit and make themselves at home. The societies are all hospitable and cordial In their treatment of guests and students who are not especially occu pied when these meetings are being The Union Society will give the fol lowing program Friday night: "Ye Gold Old English." "Original Writing." "Etude in F," Chopin; Louisa Walker. "An Omaha," Gertrude Foxwell. "Sketches," Brlttania Daughters. (a) "Irish Love Song" Mary Lane; (b) "Long Ago," Olney Speaks; Olive Dopson. "A Sketch." Margaret Hanna. "A Rltfng in Rime,' Chas. Sargeant. "Plpillons Op 2," Schumann, Phil lip Hudson. . All nre Invited to attend. o o X o X o X o X o 3 o . X -o X o COLLEGE FOOTBALL Is more thoroughly described and pictured in The Illustrated Sporting News Than in any other American weekly t Marshall and Richards, hair-cutting a specialty; massage, shaving, etc. held will profit by attending thexn. l-SU St. NOTABLE ARTICLES September 19 Captain RaiTerty nnd his Yulo Football Squad, o September 26 Dowitt, Princeton's Versatile. Football Horo. UCtODer 3 wnnt is tno matter with Pennsylvania. October 10 Onptain Marshall's Vicissitudes at Harvard, October 17 -football at tho Universities of Chicago and Michigan. October 24 The I'niversity of Wisconsin on the Gridiron. Illustrated btho boat Football Photographers In tho World RALPH D. PAINE and FRANK BUTTERWORTH, both noted Foot ball authorities, write on tho game exclusively for The Illustrated Sporting News An onergotic and roliublo subscription representative is wanted at tho University of Nebraska. Address for particulars, The Illustrated Sporting News, '7 w 22nd stNY f S5 o U VJ New o If o K o X o V o K o r o at o K o K o fil o K o o K o 5 If o K o K o V o o . r , vt i k. "" . -