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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1903)
""i v r"- t!1 iH3Wft'1 IF""-' --'Tr'"'-,''' L$ 'v' TV N ?' "ft s -vOL:' 'i$$t Xbe Bailp IRebrasfean p VOL IH NO. 23 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, J903. PRICE 3 CENTS KW rZT " " w i- i w4m5r5iay & ! wmw; " m mm ' ' r -TBrrTpiB w: r K h w WA. '- h Sf I , - b FOOTBALL RALLY Mass Meeting This Morning Team Prepares for Colorado. Thoro 1b to bo something doing this morning at chapel In the way of a foot ball rally. Only two days until the Colorado game, so come out and get your vocal cords tuned up for the oc casion. ...e football spirit Is getting well under way and if every one will only do his share in keeping it up and push ing a good thing along, Nebraska will soon be in a position to hold up her head among the beat of colleges as to spirit as well as everything else. Be sure and come out thiB morning vand bring your friends with you. Last night's practice consisted of squad practico and' a line-up against the scrubs. Bender was In at quarter for a short time. He Is potting his ankle and does not crfro to do any work which will endanger a new strain. Lantz took his place and sent the team through their work with vim and snap which was good to see. Tho work against the scrubs was good. Punts were exchanged during tho entire practico and no plays wore used. Tho ends and tackles get down un der Benedict's punts in a highly sat factory manne'r, very seldom does' the man advance tho ' ball any distance, usually be Is thrown back. Robertson was out and went in for signal practico for a short time. His ankle is still very tender and has to be used1 with care. He will probably bo in, condition by Saturday. Standoven, a most promising man, on the scrubs, who has beon doing some good work in the nightly line-up against the 'Varsity, was given tho signals last night and went In at end on tho "Varsity during part of tho practico against thoM scrubs. Cotton may be given a chance to kick goals In tho Colorado games. He has been doing some good work in that line for tho past two or throe nights. Tho one feature of the team's work at present which stands out above all else, Is tholr speed. No time is lost In lining up, tho signals being given during the operation. They Beem to grow faster and faster every moment and their surety In handling the ball when going -their fastest is Just as great aa when the pace is slower, Tho Colorado game on Saturday will be an oyo-opener to tho men from the west. If they como down here ex pecting to run up agairiat a game sim ilar to tho one Nebraska played at Denver, they will bo mightily mis taken. Thoro Is almOBt no-comparlson betweon tho playing of tho team now and when they woro' at Dcnvorso great Is tho Improvement. Tho oxpression of the students Ib still desired regarding tho Kansas ex cursion as to which route would bo proforabld. Tho game after tho Colorado one will be ono of tho best oil tho sched ule. Knox always puts up a strong game and will Hvo up to hor reputa tion, this year. IJtet year in the snow and mud she hold Nebraska down to seven points, and put up about tho prettiest game seen on the homo grounds. It Is hoped that at this game and also tho Colorado ono tho attendance will bo far ahead of that of any other game this year. Make this a record breaking season as to attendance and glvo qur winning team all tho support you possibly can, tho team deserves more than It ca,n over get, Shave, 10c; neck shave, free. Eldora Barber shop, 111 South 10th St Scrubs will play at Peru. Noxt Saturday the second teams will play Peru Normal at Peru. The line up of tho team, which will depart Friday at 3 p. m will be practically tho same as last Friday's. Clark, who formerly played fullback, has left school and will return Bhortly to his home in Kansas. Craig takes his place at fullback. States will probably play right end. York High School has been trying to schedulo a game, but aa yet it is not knqwn whether at satisfactory date ca"n be arranged Grand Islana College has reorganized and is trying to schedulo a game for the 14th. Thib dato is unsatisfactory to the manage ment of the scrubs. A number of the econd team will probably take ad vantage of the excursion ratcB to Lawrence on that date, and do not care to play. Hockey Practiced Again. Tho first hockey line-up was formed Monday. But little more than at tempting to learn the game has been undertaken, owing to tne tact that it Is entirely new to most of tho players. Rapid progress is being made, now ever, and yesterday'B game was played with a great deal of spirit Tho hockey Buits aro expected soon and with cooler weather some fast playing 1b looked for. Ho far tho game haa been limited to tlfteen minute halves, but they will be extended and a whole hour devoted to the game. Dramatic Club Elects. The Dramatic club held its first meeting Wednesday morning and elected officers as follows: President, Miss Howell. Vice president, Mr. Hoy Hanlon. Secretary and treasurer, MIbs Urace Roper. All committees' are to bo appointed by Mibb Howell and some plays will be arranged for Boon. Colonel Edward Daniels, who donat ed a large quantity of documents bear ing upon tho Kansas-Nebraska slavery snuggle, and upon the cirly anti monopoly movement, to the Historical society, writes from his present homo, in Gunston, Virginia, twenty miles from Washington, stating that a move ment is on foot there to restore Guns ton Hall, tho ancestral homo of Col onel George Mason. Mr. Mason was a member of the constitutional con vention and persistently refused to sign the constitution. Dr. M. H. Evans, of Emerson, has discovered what seems to be part of the tusks of some fossil animal and Is going to present it to tho museum of tho University. It Is about three feet long and from three to four Inches In dlametor and seems to havo been broken off at both ends. The Senior laws will play the Fresh man laws on Saturday, Oct 31. Tho Freshmen aro oxporlenolng consider able difficulty In securing material, but as they havo several good men a close game may bo expected. The copies of Rlqhter's Quellonbuch, whjch will bo used by the class in Gorman history, havo arrived, and may bo obtained at the University Book Store. Tho Senior laws are mourning the loss, of their new football, which dis appeared Wednesday. Tho hour for the sketch class is changed, from Wednesday to Monday at 7:30 p. m. Tho H. and C. barbor Bhop, Palmer's Place, 1144 O St Academy Notes. Eat at the Eagle, 240 No. 10th. An Interesting experiment is being tried In the Academy. Mr. Will Stein, a graduate of tho University, brought, during opening week, Mr. Kim Akagl, a young Japanese. Mr. Akagl has been a laborer in this country for seven years and by his industry and keenness of mind has risen to tho position of foreman of a B. & M. section gang. It Is affirmed by Mr. Stein that Akagl's section and monthly reports aro tho best on the road. Urged by his father in Japan, and awaro of his needs in English and mathematics, Mr. Akagl registered for beginning algebra, Eng lish and chemistry in tho Academy. What his difficulties aro can hardly be imagined. In algobra he does very well, for the language of mathematics is a universal ono, but In tho English and chemistry classes tho problem is a perplexing ono to Miss Dean and MIbs Hdrtzell. Wero not Mr. Akagl's patience, cheerfulness and ambition contagious, theso teachers would de spair. -Tho results so far however, are encouraging and' tho principal Is con templating plans for a Toklo branch of the Academy. The athletic side of Acadomy life is making steady galnB. Fourteen girls have enrolled for basket ball and two good teamB aro assured. Last week the Dally Nebraskan recorded a defeat for the football team admin istered by tho Cotner Preachers, The Academy fellows determined to kill off theso preachers despite tho world's crying need of good ministers. Ac cordingly they met them again last Friday and the score was 0 to 0. It was the old conflict of science against religion. Miss Adelo Lathrop, a graduate stu dent of Dr. Sherman's department, and teacher of second year English in tho Academy, is making a decidedly fav orable impression. Her natural teach ing ability In combination with un usual preparation and experience, is securing her enthusiastic support from her pupils. Miss Corwl,n. the general secretary of the Y. W. C. A. for tho states of North and South Dakota 'and Nebras ka, conducted tue religious exorcises at Monday's chapel and gavo tho stu dents a helpful auuress. Meeting of Journal Club. There will bo a meeting of tho Chemical Journal club Saturday at 10:30 a. m., in room 4, chemical lab oratory. Tho program will be as fol lows: Dr. Avery Report on Borlchte Jour nal. Mr. Crouch Report on Analyst Journal. Mr. -Emerson Report" on American Chemical Journal. All interested aro invited to come. Contrary to tho frequent reports that football is not conducive to good scholarship we have just been official ly Informed 'that one of our stars on tho 'Varsity tnls year Is also making a record In Jils studies. In Eronch ho Is leading the class. Tho mission class studying the Chinese situation, mot in the Y. W. C. A. rooms Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. It was led by Mr. Harrison. Those present considered tholr tlmo well spent. All mombyrs are urgod to be present next Tuesday evening. The observatory was open Tuesday evening and a large number of per sons enjoyed an excellent view of Sat urn. Next Tuesday it will bo open for a view of Jupiter. Miss Howell gave a short talk to tho first year class in elocution yesterday morning on "The Dramatic Club," CONDEMNS SOPHS Chancellor Andrews Says Soph omores Should Desist. Chancollbr Andrews has officially ex pressed his disapproval of tho action of tho Sophomores Monday In Intrud ing upon tho Freshmen and attempt ing to intorfero with their meeting. While his views on ovontB of this na ture aro gonerally known, ho haa made no official Btatoment In regard to this matter until yesterday, when ho said In reply to a quory of .a Nobraskan reporter: "I deprecate and abominate tho ac tion of tho invaders, and I wish to say right hero that thoy had better mind their own business." In referring to tho Sophomores as tho Invaders It is plain to see tho light In which tho chancollor regards them. In their assault upon tho Freshmen guards it Is evident that they acted against his wishes, and their conduqt was all tho moro displeasing on ac count of the resistance offered to University authorities. Prominent members of tho Fresh man class feel tho lack of organiza tion and tho strenuous difficulties that havo beset them in their attempts to carry on tho business of tho class. Twlco has tho class been called to gether without any of tho permanent officers being elected. Thoy feel that if they had had some Unlvorslty of ficial to preside over tholr first meet ing and a number of responsible up per classmen to assist them in keeping out the invaders, that thoy could havo accomplished much toward class or ganization, instead of being at sea with no signs of succor ahead until tho present tlmo. Their chairman has beon left to call a meeting and hero ihe matter stands. For them tho fu turo is uncertain, though not as dark and forbldlng as It was a week ago. It is tho desire of all to havo the mat tor brought to a point Whether the chancellor's condemnation of tho ac tion of tho Sophomores will expedite matters Is uncertain, though his opin ion should bo respected and doubtless will bo by tho greater part of tho class. Some of the Sophomores still fond ly cherish hopes of demoralizing tho FreBhmon, although it is doubtful If they will work on quite as large a scale as before. Vague rumors aro fly ing about as to kidnapping seances. It is said that several of the Fresh men are already marked out for at tack and if it is impossiblo to get them substitutes will bo taken. This Is get ting back to the old' Btyle of class war faro, and serves as a reminder of old times. Wo have beon acquainted with the names of several of the men against whom designs aro said to be aimed, but withhold theso from publi cation, as we would not give undue publicity to anyone unless wo were sure of the facts of the case. There will no doubt be trouble of some kind when tho Freshmen meet to elect again, but It will hardly be of such a serious nature as that of last Monday. The chorus did not appear at chapej yesterday, but will sing Friday morn ing. An extra number will bo rend ered. , The class In geology 1 met In the chapel for tho first .tlmo Tuesday. Chris' Bath Parlors, lith and P 8ts. Don Cameron's lunch counter tor good service. w r Lincoln Transfer Cq Baggage. 'Phone, 176. A A I t . X w j. l -0h'Mi ' WikA4&Mg Vtffc UUMah-CJSAMdS !..,t'8.