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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1903)
r e x .- c -4 gfbe Da-Ms fUftrasftan - . - --. . ? .' IS . ' ' ' ' ' T" . IH more or Cess Cecal gj ) ' ' !' ' ' - .. ...... L .l , . - The Dramatic cjub will meet Mon day at chapel time. The Glee club will hold Its flrsjj pracuce-iTuaKlay; night. The English club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock with Miss Pound. iC32 L street. Professor Luckey Is at "home to stu dents of his department every F.cjaj evctiltfc. ' - Mre. II. R. Belvllle, of Kparnoy. is visiting- with, her sister Alias Wlla Adamp, '07. The observatory will -be open to the public Tuesday evening for views of Saturn The Literary ami Social club had Its first meeting1 at the College Settlement Thursday. Percy Adams departed this morn ing, for Wahoo,' where he- will visit over Sunday.' Miss Edith Hess, "03, principal of lho Bloomldgton schools. Is doing very successful, work. J. D. Rico left early this morning for a visit over Sunday with his par ents at Central City. V. M. Richard,. '03, has gone to Graf ton, Neb., whero he starts- work as principal of the schools Monday. - - Miss Grace Trigg, '05, Is teaching this year near Weeping Water. She expects to attend school again next year. Secretary Ringer still lias t several good positions' ftfr men. Any" one in terested should call on him at once. Mr. Tf. Lolgh Colvln, of Chicago, spoke at the. ton-minute noon service in the Y. M. C. A. rooms yesterday Mr Charles Melick went to Syracuse, Neb., Wednesday to attend the Anderson-Stewart wedding at that place. T. C. Baldwin 'was visiting old oc (fJuiintances on the campus two days this week. Mr. Baldwin is at pres ent canvassing in the western pait of tho state. Miss Ester Clark a former student of tho University now Instructor In Latin at the Peru Normal ( Is visiting Ijitln at the Peru Normal. Is visiting ivinnUi In Lincoln, A special service will be held at the city Y. W. C. A. tomorrow at iz o ciock. All University girls are urged to be present, as; this meeting will be of un usual Importance. Electric Shoe Repairing Factory We demonstrate the fact that we save you money on your Shoe Repairing Mens Sewed Soles 75c Ladies Sewed Soles 50c Mens Rubber Heels 40c Ladies Rubber Heels ,35c We can also save you money in our Shoe Line. You are invited. Wolf anger Warthon & Co. 1220 O St Phone A 902 Peter "Peterson, of Emerson, who was a. student at the summer school, has returned; and will take up "lam. Ho has kW' 111 during, the summer. Mrs. Hoy W. Rhone, 'of Kearney, "Neb., has taken up her residence at No. 1332 J street She has bocn engaged by Prof. Kimball to again give In struction on tho mandolin and guitar at the "University Conservatory of Music. A portion of the mission study boolis hne arrived - and may be purchased .aV the Y. JSL C. A. rooms. All who have not yet registered In this courso are urged to dd so at once In order that more books nrjry be ordered Im mediately. Bruce Benedict, M. E. '01, is spend ing: a few days in Lincoln while cn Touto to Johnstown, Pa,, where he goes as Inspector of steel care for the Bur Hngtbn. He has beom promoted from the position of assistant master me chanic at Alliance. Departmental. A new clock was put up In tho library Monday. The class In German 17 i-, ?t inlying phonetics. Beginning classes in astronomy are unusually large. The botanical department classes are usually large this year. Tho course in dentistry has been In creased from three to four years. Edward Olson has left for his home at Orleans, Nob., on account of Illness. Moro men are needed In the I'niier slty chorus. Students who enn nine are urged to join. The chemistry class In second year domestic science Is making qualitative analysis of water. Some special work Is being done by theadvanced plant pathology class. A study of plant diseases Is being made. The botanical department reports a very large class In Freshman botany. The class Is composed of ninety-two Students. Members of the leaders class In men's gymnasium will take charge of the first year squads for the first time next Wt'diu'Bduy, The class In music 1 Is short of books. Those used last year would fill the want. Leave name with Mrs. Ray mond If yon have ono to sell. The law library has received a uum bcr of new additions. The students are waiting for Paige's work, which has been delayed In delivery. Owing to Insects and other condi tions tho border plants in the green house are not doing woll. As a result next year's supply will be Insufficient,. Tho charts on prices made by the debaters against Missouri last year, have been transferred to the political economy department for uso In class work. The class in German V, the teachers' course, will uso threo grammars for comparative work this year. The Ed- gren-Fossler, Joynes-MPissner and mo Spauhoofd. Professor Sweezey's class In geodetic astronomy has been determining time latitude by means of planet lines onjl other simple methods. More complex and Scientific methods will bo later. used The laboratory division In .oology, which has been meeting'from 8 to 10 on Tuesday and Thursday, has "bocn divided and asslgrcd otho- hours In order to maker oom for tho mcdhal students. Tho Monday. Wednesday Friday and Saturday divisions lb forgo work arc very large. Tho class fn experimental eccology la doing laboratory work In tho green house. Professor Morse' has an elcCt,rle door opener for hia office. ' It Is operated by means o'f a pushT-button. A supply of Iron for use in tho forgo shop was received recently. Enough Is sooured at ono (imc to last a year. The class fn begfnnlng sbopwbrk, finds It extromely difficult to do satis factory work because of ls crowded conditio .. ' Several large tables., which: aic to be used In tjio" law library 'are ou the road. They" will be placed In at once, as sooh as they arrive. Professor- Caldwell's clasB In "Cur ron Events" will discuss at this week's' Thursday afternoon meeting the pro tection movemehT In Great Brltafn un der the leadership of Chamberlain and Balfour. A new "seminar class In American his tory has been Introduced. It Is very popular with graduate students as only fifteen of the membors are undorgrndU-1 atcs. It consists of a closo study of the period between 1850 and 1860. Fifty-two yoiing men and women are in tho mission study course. Ono of tho most popular studies Is "Princely Men In the Heavenly Kingdom." The class meets with Mr. E. L. Witte in, the Y. W. room Sunday at 9 a. m. The attendants at the greenhouse arc busily engaged in "slipping" and trans planting. Nearly all tho bulbs arc In the ground yet and will not be taken up until a heavy frost comes to kill the tops. The weather deparement puts out regularly three bulletins as follows: First, the dally weather map. Second, a weekly crop bulletin. Third, a monthly report of the wea ther inthe state. There are one hundred and forty weather stations In tho state, each ono keeping records from day to day, which are submitted for publication every month. The current number of the American Mathematical Monthly contains a con tribution by Professor R. E. Moritz. entitled, "On Certain Proofs of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra." The paper points out certain fallacies In the demonstration of this theorem by such well known mathematical as Cauchy, Todhunter, Chrystal and others. While admitting the difficulty of presenting a vigorous demonstration of tho theorem "thut every oiiuatlon-has- a root. Prof. Moritz points out that ob stacles In tho way of proof which can not be avoided should be frankly recognized as such. Chris' Path Parlors, 11th and P Sts. Enjoy yourself, save $1.25 and board at Good Health Cafe. The Whltebreast Co.. at HOG 0 St., la tho place to buy coal. Lincoln Local Express. Tel. 787, Subscribe for The Nebraskan now and receive all the copies. Seo the cir culator and raako yourself solid. LUDWIQSj Make the Bes1 Full Dress Sutt in I fye City f oi I $35. oo io3a O Street. 90Pi9i0i9&hh ltaAfl.tqftft0,tQ.tO.tAtQtf tAfl SEE THE 1 REVIEW PRESS ABOUT YOUR Punting Phono 384 llttl'KRtroDt, Ivittcofti rdrVoTToooToToTonro-5rb tg& siAM&A&jbii o X o A o o o X o X o X o X o X o X o r $25.00 To the Pacific Coast o o Tickets on Sale Daily to November o 30, 1903. Call and (d Ml ' Information. ' ! I pfp C. W DftNNFH o l o M V urailu iq 6.P.ST.A. LINCOLN rd-ToTo?rTyyb?snf7r'6Tro- NIGHT SCHOOL Monday, Wednesday, Friday Modern Commercial School Telephone yjy. i3og O Street anything yon invent or improve i alio ret OAVEAT.THADE.M ARK. COPYRIGHT or ntsRjN PROTECTION.-Qcndmodol, akoteb, or photo, for free examination and advice. BOOK ON PATENTS BfStAAK TC.A.SHOW& CO. ratcnt Lawyer. Washington, D.c. i lWWWWVVWVWWVVVVtW Talk with us about Your Clothes Lincoln, Nebraska $ lililil Mil VI - ' V kitiaj '"l iffihllkiftVrtMWft'f .