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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1903)
TO't wljpw f 'v''iaymif'"giy'itrt- . " i - ?: rri t -:, - jiT'Ti,. 'V s XCti&2)ail flebraefean vol. ra. NO. J? UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDA, OCTOBER J6 J903. PRICE 3 CENTS J4W5n3g Vs B h i GRAND RECEPTION Team Prepares to Receive In dians. Benedict at End. " The prospecta for the game Saturday are very bright, The blue sky Bmlled down on us again today bringing out tho enthusiasm In the hearts of the rottora and making them feel that the gods of battle are still on our side. The practice last night was held on the campus in front of the main hall as it was the night before owing to the softness of the football field. Tho practice- was snappy and full -of vim. The early part of the evening was sflcnt in- practicing punts. Benedict Is still the pride and joy of ' ajl lovers of good kicking. The way in which ho gets his punts off is exceed ingly pleasing. He is sure and speedy and tho strength he puts behind them leaves nothing to be desired. Long years after ho has gone from the life of the University this feature of his work will still remain as a most pleas ant memory, and an excellent exam ple for all others trying for honors in that line. A good many changes will be mado in the line-up for the coming game. In all probability Jim Bell will play one half. Eager tho other and J. W. Mason VTfullbaclc. Benedict will be transferred 5 to end, Wilson playing his opposite. In. tho lino there will bo Borne im- portant changes owing to the fact that several of the men will be out of the game with Injuries. Just what these changes will be we are at present un- -able- to BayiUiev-ntlMx llneupwill.ertlflcflt,6,atr the-Unlvflrslty-poitofflcev probably appear in tomorrows issue. Robertson, who is suffering from a. severely strained ankle. sustained in the Denver game, wiU noT be In Sat- urday's line-up, just who takes his place is not yet known. By the way, corao out to the game and see for your- sclf. I portant duty may find the postofflce Bender was back at quarter last crowded wjth other people, possibly , night for a shot time. His anklo Is memUcrs of other classes, and wlll be rapidly improving and he hopes to go disappointed in getting their certifl Into the gajne without being- troubled rates ln tlme to attend the Monday with it. Certain it is that he mGoting. M there long enough for tho Indians to The Nebraskau has obtained the fol find out that he is the same Bender iowng nst 0f candidates for temporary that bucked against them last year chairman, who have announced them only a ltttlerrtoi'e so " Selves up to the present time: After the kicking last night the 'Var- D , Do Young, Adams, Neb. for slty lined up against the scrubs for a m(Mjy 0f peru Normal short while and tried their metal c , Meyer Omaha, member of Phi against the strong second team. . Dota Theta. formerly of Omaha high It was a goou practice ami wu v- coedingly encouraging. The Varsity went Into the game with an energy which portends serious things tor the dusky men from the south. This Is to be one of the heaviest games on the schedule and will bo one of the best. Tho Indians Know me kamah high school, game from A to Etc. principally the Mr Meyer has announced that he - Etc. and will demonstrate their pos- wllI Wthdraw in favor of Mr. Sundor sesslon ot that knowledge to the beet ,in John w Voorhees, formerly of of their ability. ' Chicago, member of Beta Theta Pi, has - The air of mystery which hnngs .ftnnounced that ho is a candidate for -about them adds a little splco to the president of the class. vprospect. Beyond the merest Becond- s " tjhuand details nothing Is known of thorn 1 grand their work, so that they will come The following standing committee? on tho field Saturday practically as have, been appointed In tho Dellan so strangers. clety for tho ensuing term: There" Is some talk wo say talk be-' Executive Miss W1rth, Mr. Towne, cause we ha,vo not been able to verify Mr. Bickford, Miss Horning, the rumor- that tho Iowa game wilt. Program Miss Wlrth Mr. Townc, bo played In Omaha Instead of Iowa Miss Hotoilng, Mr. Davis. City, This would be a good thing for Music Miss Wheeler, Mls Mathews. Nebraska. If wo may borrow an ar-. Soclal-r-Mr. Bickford, Mr. Theobald, gumoqt from our Kansas neighbors, it Mies De'Arnold, Mr. Farnsworrth, Miss wlll.cnable the students here to see the Wheeler. game which otherwise they will prob-' Membership Mr. Turner, Mr. Beers, ably miss and as this also will be a Miss Horning, Mr. RugBby. good game a good many of the stu- Finance Messrs. Bickford Miller dents will beyond a doubt take advan- and Stone. tago of tho opportunity and go to Omaha to see the game. Remember. wo salt! this is only "Talk." Chris' Bath Parlors, Uth and P Sts. ! Nebraska vs. SATURDAY, OCTOBER J 7, 3 P. M. GET YOUR RESERVED TICKETS EARLY AT THE MISSOURI PACIFIC TICKET OFFICE i(iK,H"X'M"HM4mHmHXi PRECLUDE INTERFERENCE Admission Slips WiU be Mailed to Each Freshman. The KifEhmon will meet Monday at 10 a. m. in the chapel. None but Freshmen will be admitted to the meeting. Certificates of membership in (he class of 1907 have been prepared from the reglbtrar'a records, signed by the registrar and sent to every person whom the records show is entitled to membership In this class, academic or industrial courses. These certificates havo been mailed by U. S. mail to each Freshman, care of the University postofOce, Station A, city, and can be obtained there any time after 10 o'clock Friday, October 16th. No certificate will be delivered by tho postmaster except to the per son to whom it Ik addressed. Anv ' nGrsotl obtaining someone's else certifl- cntp by faIse presentations to the postmaster will of course be guilty of an Qffense against tho United States poBlai laws. j Freshmen showing these certificates at thc door wlll lM) admitted to the meeting Monday jnorning. Notices have ,eon posted about "the University ,kninsr the Freshmen to call for their eaBt basement of Univorsity hall There "Is little doubt that every j.hman who desires to take pait In tho 07 class "meeting Monday will go to the p08t0fnce and get his certificate of merabership at once. Those who ,valt tlll Monday to nerform this Im- Bcnotl Joe Scott, Lincoln, formerly of Lin coln high school. Walter Standeven, Omaha, formerly of Omaha high Bchool. C. A. Sunderlln, Lincoln, member of Phj Gamma Delta, formerly of Te- It only costs $3.50 to get Into a pair of Sanderson's Warranted Patent Colt Shoes. Thoy are beauties. Haskell Indians Junior Laws to Play Football The past week has brought out some Important developments ln class ath letics, especially among tho law stu dents. Tho Senior laws have organ ized a football team and have chal lenged their Junior brothers, the Lin coln Medics and all other strong teams with which there Is a possibility of ar ranging a game. Already they'have In dulged somewhat ln signal practice, and their manager, L. O. Pfelller, as serts that no faster team ever wore the pads. Fred Nellson, who was on tho fa mous 'Varsity eleven of '00, and who received his first training In the Oma ha Jiigh school. Is the captain, and will play halfback; Kanop, Hnzen, Pfelller, Waltman and Wolf, all old players, have places already cinched. Tho re maining places arc being contested for with vim and violence. Hewitt is also expected to play and a complete line up wlll soon bo arranged. All of these men, while soft at pres ent, understand the game and will got into playing shape soon. The fiercest game on their schedule will probably be that with the Freshman laws, who have among their number several of the University second team. There Is a strong feeling of rivalry between the two teams and they are anxious to meet on tho gridiron and settle their -differenc-es. The Ereshmon are, silent regarding their prospects, but are bus ily engaged in getting their line-up ar ranged In good shape. Five Will Go to Fort Riley The University wlll have five repre sentatives at the maneuvers at Fort Riley, Kas., all of whom are members of the Lincoln Light Infantry. Tho student who have signified their in tention of going are A. Beckman, B. J. 'Richards and F. Culver of the cadet battalion, Aca L. . Hall of tho law school and A. A. Soverln of the art school. They will leave with the Lin coln company at 1 o'clock Saturday af ternoon. Fort Riley Is the largest military post ln America, tho government own ing a stretch of land measuring thirty one square mJles, and of such diversi fied topography that it affords almost ideal facilities for the training of sol diers for actual warfare. At present tho grounds are ln poor condition on account of the wet season; and water stands flvo and six Inches deep ln many places. Kappa Kappa Gamma will hold' Its Initiation on Saturday evening at the home of Miss Margaret Whedon, 17th and D streets. There 'will bo six pledgea-lultlatedr After-tho-lnltlation- a banquet wlll be served in the ball room. The third -of tho scries of teas given to the University young women will bo held this afternoon In the rest room from 4:30 to 6 o'clock. All, are cor dially lnvltod to attend. Get Into Sanderson's Shoes and you will bo happy. Lincoln Shining Parlor, 1018 O SL Chairs for ladles and gentlemen. Don Cameron's good service. lunch counter for Wright Drug Co., 149 N. 13th, Tel 313. SENDS IN REPORT Prof. Caldwell Reports on Condi tion of Settlemfft Fund. Following Is Prof. Caldwoll's treas urer's report of tho condition of the College Settlement fund: October 12. 100.1. To thc College Scttloment Board: Your treasurer desires to mako his report for the year Just ended, Sept. 1, 1903, as follows: At the beginning of the year the Set tlement Association was ln dobt about $300 for labor and material on the building at 20th and N streets. Today the society Is out of dobt and entors upon the work of the new year under the most favorable auspices. The sup port of tho board during the last year has been given in a very genorous man ner, and citizens, students, and faculty havo responded readily and unhesitat ingly to the calls made upon them. Es pecially have tho citizens of Lincoln come to Its jupport In a very hearty manner, and shomdhowo Its thanks for their genorous appreciation of tho work It Is trying to do. Tho total not in come of tho year was, as tho tablo below will show, $720.46. Tho state ment below also Indicates the xhief sources of Income. The amounts ap portioned to faculty and city subscrib ers respectively may vary from actual amounts slightly, as ln somo cases sums of money wore Handed mo with out names of contributors, so I have had to approximate these respective shares. The needs for tho coming year may bo met on a less lncomo, but on the other hand tho amount that can bo used wisely and effectively ln car rying on tho work will bomuchgreatr er than the sum devoted to that pur pose during the year Just ended. New enterprises should be undertaken, somo of which will require considerable sums of money to mam? them most effective. If the gcd pedple who are Interested wlll continuo-thiilr cheerful giving as in the past, goodresults may certainly be realized. Thanking the lward for Its helpful work ln raising funds, and all who have contributed, I presont UiIb sum mary for your Information and en couragement. H. W. CALDWELL, Treasurer. Sources of Income for ' year from Sept. 1. 1902, to Sept. 1, 1903: Miss Stone's Lecture, net pro ceeds $ 95.55 David Garrlck, not proceeds. .. r 95.75 Sale Memorabilia 24.85 Football, class contests . 22.10 Student Collection, Academic, 47.13 Student Collection, Law ". 13.00 Nesblt Lecture, net proceeds.. 12.50 City Subscription, cash 242.00 Faculty Subscription, cash ... 167.06 Total .$. 720.46 Sept. 1, 1902, on hand 16.40 Total 3 $ 736.66 Expenditures during year from Sept 1, 1902, to Sept. 1, 190.3: Paid on construction house, ce- jnfiniing.xe.llar; Xurjiflco, etc.,1 471.02 Paid on Porch ..v 56.80 Expenses management, coal, water, light, etc 20876 Total Balance on hand, Sept. 1, 1903. 736.58 .28 Total 736.86 Total Collections Sept. 1 to Oct. 10, 1903 7..$ 78.50 Total Expenses Sept. 1 to Oct, " 10, 1903 ., :.T " 61.85 On hand Oct. 10, 1903 $ 16.93 Eat at Don Cameron's Cafe. The next Band Informal will bo held in the Ajnory Saturday evening, Oc tober 21, 1903. - l J 9 I I M wu- i I s 1 0- i y o "V- Jki -lit', tkjto.' . , U i - t -Witfe ,&&A-JftlttfN, &. i 1. , I .. A '.-.. . aascaagttffr -t j