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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1903)
I " I-' sJrwaAt-Jikt: lfr i"l'PT .'lilW H'&TffKKn ' vr '. r f , 'i '" &; ' l V, - ;-j - j - --1 tt Saturfcap tflebraeftan JUJb ivUiU. mimmi Iffmm 1gi ? vrr ' - '. - ' '' " "v. -vf ' V ' " ' - -. fa v rMs.?:. Gbe Datl$ Webrasftan A rmuiollrlntlnn of Tlio HwporJnn.', The NMiriwknii. Vol. 12, Scnrlot nnd Urcnm, Vol. 4. MnunKina Editor DiXHlnoHfl Manncr C K Pkiwinokji P. P. Dtrrrr AHHOCIATK KDITOIW Nowh Win C'iiho Hocioty Win A HIhmjIc Athloflo .... A I. MynrH Literary .... John D Hlco Ofllcfi: 200 UnlvurHlty Hull Phono A 1230 Pout Ofllco: Station A. Hox 1H, Lincoln Entered nt tho poHtoffloo itt Lincoln, Nebrimkn, iui second cIiush intvll matter. Staff editorials. Charter Day. Peoples and Institutions have days tlfcy especially honor for their his torical association and relation to their Individual interests. For the Univer sity of Nebraska It is reserved In her splendid youth to enjoy honors such as rarely crown othor than tho efforts of age. This is the thirty-fourth an niversary of her founding. The gen eration that witnessed her birth is still in its prime. It can Bit within the temple It built and worship the light that with even ray flows out over its broad portals and pierces the realm of every scientific truth and philosoph ical verity. Her character Is In her foundation and development, and upon them we would delight to dwell, but spneo forbids. From Infancy she has breathed the air of western enterprise, nnd fostered by tho state she has been tho best exponent of Us hopes, its era bltlons and Its high standards Her huccobb in athletics, in debates and In tho departments of scientific investiga tion and learning are all evidences of her patriotic devotion and loyalty to her trust. In no pait of tho Union Is there nn Institution of learning that lies more closely to the heart of the commonwealth than does the Univer sity of Nebraska, hence the exercises of this day partake of the nature of a holiday observance and will be read and treasured by the thousands who, absent in person, are with us in spirit. Looking back from the threshold of this day, our grasp is swift and firm. Looking to the future, we see tower ing great possibilities which, Bure of their foundation, are the bulwarks and safeguards of free institutions. J. u. u Students have been termed the most unruly class of people, perhaps justly. The order must be secured by a de It Is a noticeable fact, at least, that posit of one dollar. Sample pin may young men and women who come to J be seen at the Co-Op. mmsmgmMmm The University Book Store We haoe in stock all Books and Materials used af the Unioersity. jt Also Instruments used in Mechanical Dratoing, Zoology, Botany and An atomy. & Tablets, Papeteries, Unioersity Pin Hat Pins, Fobs and Spoons. & Waterman Foun tain Pens in large quantity, j- The Unioersity Pen, the best dollar pen made.jGet our special prices on Cioil Engineering Books. The Scarlet and Cream Store mmmsmm tho University from small towns and mingle with the two thousand students In tho institution soon learn to look out for themselves. This fact Is no ticed especially In the library. It Is no uncommon occurrence to boo some one spread his books on a desk, tip up the chair and then dlsapear for a short time a matter of two or three hours. Not Infrequently, too, such students, who seem to disregard tho rights of others, accldcntly (?) carry away with thorn library books that arc In con stant demand. For this they are not to blame, but they neglect to return the books and leave them lying about In their rooms for a week or more. University life ought not to promote carelessness, selfishness or indifference to the laws of courtesy and good breeding. The Institution Ib public property and no Btudcnt ought to ex pect to monopolize rights that are common. While the P. B. K. election Thurs day night did not turn out just as It was expected that It would. It ought to be remembered that certain condi tions must be met before the name of any student can be even considered. A student specializing In one or two departments is not eligible to election, no matter how proficient he may be in his line of work. Only the names of students who have completed four of the following list of six branches of work are voted on In election: Ten hours of history, ten of ancient lan guage, ten of modern language, ten of mathematics, ten of science and six hours of philosophy. It 1b evident from this that all good students cannot be elected to the fraternity In fact, a huge number of the very best stu donts are barred by this provision. So wo who were not fortunate enough to receive the honors of P B K. may console ourselves that it was not the chamctor of our work that caused the disappointment, but the lange of our studies and their proper distribution In the different departments of the University. At any rate, we can most heartily congrntulate our fellow stu dents who by hard incessant toil gained one of the highest honors that school life affords. Such honors fall only to the deserving. Orders for Senior Pins Oivo orders for senior class nins to , MT ,P , T, 1.7 ,,. miusuri vyuuuiuiu, uiijvvn ui vvuuiii, or to Messrs. Brunor, Strayer or Swan. mmsms&mm The Week in Lincoln. Fob. 7. Mr. Bryan refuses to at tend a banquet to bo given by the Iro quois club of Chicago, to which Orover Cleveland and members of his cabinet are to be Invited. President E B. Bennett, of the Municipal League, says of that organization: "The league will not attack any satisfactory man In office or one seeking office, but it will carefully watch the actions of a man who has been Inducted into office and will fearlessly publish his rec ord." Lincoln citizens make con tributions to the relief fund for the starving people of Norway, Sweden and Finland. Saloon men seem willing to pay high feo If liberal reg ulations aro pormitted. Feb. 9. Legislature re-convenes. Mass meeting held for Adams, as candidate for mayor. He pledges hlm selm to appoint a union labor street commissioner and sidewalk inspector, and Is Indorsed by union labor men. Restaurant men say they will not comply with demands of waiters' union. Feb. 10. At a meeting of business men sentiment is disclosed in favor of electing seven councllmen at large. The Lancaster delegation to the legis lature does not favor the taxing of terminal railroad property. Adams refused to state where he stands on municipal questions. Feb. 11. Adams makes the following statement: "Tho Slocum law of this state has been in force for many years, and the people generally are favorable to It. Until the voters In some way indicate a desire for a change I shall favor the present standard of license for the sale of intoxicating liquors." Feb 12. The Lincoln Young Men's Republican Club holds Its fourteenth annual banquet at the Lindell hotel. Theie weie lf0 republicans in atten dance The speakers were Governor Mickey, W. B Robc, P J Cosgravo. Aaron Wall and E P Holmes License fee question continues to be the main issue in city campaign The organization of the Farmeis' Co operathe Grain and Live Stock Ship ping Association Is completed. The Seniors Elect. The class of '03 of the University elected its last corps of officers last Tuesday, February 10. Since the last semester holds for the senior class something more than ihe ordinary pleasures and benefits of school life, the officers are considered an enviablo honor For this reason,' it was ex pected that the election would be a tierce contest Almost tho entire class assembled In the old chapel to boo the fun and to participate In the election. It had been noised about the Univer sity, and especially among the seniors, that several aspirants for the ofllce of president would appear at the election with good backing. When the meet ing was called to order, however, and time for nominations arrived, only one candidate was placed before the class, C. C. Tellesen. After a long pause, which satisfied tho enuro class that other aspirants would not appear, some one arose and, as a joke, nominated W. J, Falrchlld. Mr. Falrchild asked that his name might bo withdrawn, but was refused by the chair. Nomi nations were declared closed and a ballot taken, which resulted In tho choice of Mr. TelleBon. Three candi dates wore nominated for the office of vice-president, Miss Woodford, Mlaa Gould and Miss Cady. Miss Woodford was elected. Miss Maud Smith, the temporary secretary, was given the of fice permanently, and Miss Sly was re elected s.reasurer by a unanimous vote. Saturday "2" o'clock. Eat at Hendry's, 129 North Eleventh. TTiill HnA fnnnfnptiiroro' Somnln Shoes at half price. Webster & Rogers. ! California ! nm PERSONALLYICONDUCTED Excursions !i 2?ra The Turlington jj EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY !: J Only $5 for a double berth and j! $40 for a R. R. ticket i Call and get full Information. De- i pot 9th and P street. City Office ' 10 to and O streets 9-9--JHH'0&00 INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME CoUrcll & Leonard, Albany, N. Y. Makers of the Caps, Gowns and Hoods to University of 'Ne braska, University of Minnesota, Univer sity of Chicago, Uni versity of Omaha, Cornell, Yale, Har vard, Princeton, Ice land Stanford, U. of P. Welesley, Bryn Maw, and the others. DIostrated bulletin, samples, etc., upon request. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DE8IQN8 Copyrights &c Anyono sending n sketch nnd description may alckly ascertain onr opinion fro whether an iTontlon Is probnbly patcntAblq,Communlcn. flu inTontlon Is probnbly paten tabic. Cor tions tnctnr coniidonttai. HANDBOOK on Pfttenta pnt t roe. Oldest naonar for BOonrina rjntnntn. i'atonu taken tbrouKb Munn A Co. rocelTe tpteial notice, without chargo, lathe Scientific American. A hondfornoljr Illustrated wooklr. Janrest elr. eulatlon of nnj solentltlo louron!. Terms. S3 a ISS-aias rJPonUl' L BoWDyjU! newsdealers. MUNN & Co.30lBro. New York Branch OOlco. m V BU Washington. D. C. xrannt nn tt Jhc Improved I0ST0N & GARTER! The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON CARTER" is ibmped1 syun every loop. The ai CUSHION i 'BUTTON! CLASP, Iks flat to the legnever Mips, i cars fior UnfastcnjJ old everywhere:. BiapJpilr, Usllod on rcelDt of nriea. p l&??-lWw4 -wu, WHI.I UJI. every Pair Warranted- dD m r" t ' i ft 'f .,-, .T' A ' TJ. . 'f' i-?l .tl Tt. y t ,-... 1 - .. IJl'4, 'I ...' r- x- j '- tj :?;;. . , ,. . j. . .-,... 4 . v.. , 't uj- a1Vt.-y-',4K.Lo rAV. - .si vr.. jl, .art . ,. ...- r$ sMMjl