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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1903)
F6 T'mml!mSSSfi ' 4 " i K r ' va a t u iv fc a p flebraeftan TBI " V -t r i a? f,,? 4 T. Cc SocaA Otor THE NEW SOHOITY: UNrVERSITY CALENDAR: Uni Girls Install Chapter of Chi Sigma Today. Feb. 14-10. Midwinter Commence ment. Snt., Feb. 14. Sigma XI banquet and lecture. Mon., Feb. 10. Regular Charter Day exerclaea, Memorial hall. 8 p. m. Ad dress by Dr. Gunsaulus: "Promising Phases of Education." February 20. Alpha Thota Chi par ty, Walsh hall. Saturday, Feb. 21. Glee Club con- For some tlmo rumors have circu lated around the University, regarding a new Eororlty soon to maKe its ap- Cert. Memorial hall. poarance. Nothing haB been March 13. Company B hop, Frater- known until lateiy.When It was learned nty .Aau, that Chi Omega, seeing the; opening for a now sorority In the University of Nebraska, had granted a charter to petitioners. The young ladles who wnl be charter members of Chi Omega are Misses Mary Meeker, Helen Street cr, Martha Woods, Lucy Jones, Grace The University club held Its rogular monthly dance at Fraternity hall last night. This club was organized three years ago and has ever since been a regular feature of University society. Roberta, Margaret Haughowat, Alice II has the distinction of being the only Brookings, Anna Maxwell, Edith dancc ," school In which "frats" and Craig, and Florence and Erma Shearer. bar,,s mingle in equal numbers. The The application for a charter of Chi m"sU' waB furnlBhcd by Quick's orcheB- Omega was made last December, and tra- About for couples attended, was granted last week. No local or- ' ganlzatlon has heretofore existed, and Company F, otherwise known as the the young ladles will be united first Lincoln Light Infantry, held Its semt- ,.,.,. , rnioo of thn nntlnnnl or- monthly open drill and dance at Fra ternity hall Monday night. The Bpell down was easily won by Private Wm. McGeachln, captain of artillery In the University. A dance concluded the ganlzatlon. Chi Omega was founded in 1892 at Fayette, Ark., and at present has thir- tnnn nhnnfpra Althnilllh it WaB Orlm- arlly a southern sorority, it has spread Program of the evening nIJI iirtnir ta loot fow VPnm Jltljl In addition to the southern chapters has now extended Its organization to California, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indi ana, Northwestern, Kansas, and Ne braska. The sorority colors are car dinal and straw, and their flower the Commencement Program. Haturriay, Fo!rtmry 14: 6 pm. Annual banquet Sigma XI Society. 8 p. m. Annual address before the Slgnth XI Society. Prof. L. T. Dyche: The Arctic Highlander." Memorial hall. Admission free. Guy Peters and Frank Brown left Thursday for Lawrence, Kan. They go as delegates from the Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsllon to the installation of tho local fraternity Zeta Tau, as the Alpha chapter of Clm AU1. T l..l.ltl -..-. ...111 tnl, n white carnation. Their publication is ob...u ,v..,. x..u '""" " " k Ti..aiD TTninro thn uRiml sororltv Plco t"'8 evening. emblem, the pin is a monogram in form, and decorated with fourteen jewels. Th lnntjillatlon officer will arrive Tho monthly meeting of the Woman's Faculty Club of tho Univer sity was held at the home of Mrs. Bes- A number of t , Won fnrlnv find thfi wtiuueBuuy uvumiij. initiation will take place tonight at pleasant social features helped to en L , m of Phi Dmeira. 1436 "ven the meeting and make the occa G street, where five of the young ladies slon a pleasant one for all reside. The Nebraskan bespeaks a bright fu ture for the new chapter of Chi Omega The young ladles who will enter as charter members are all well and fa vorably known in University circles, and are worthy of all encouragement. A school that supports eleven fraternl no nnn vorv wpll accommodate six Will Jenne, Phi Delta Theta. has been obliged to leave school on ac count of poor health. If possible Mr. Jenne will return to school next Sep tember. & The local chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsllon will celebrate Founders' Day Monday, Feliruury lOi 2 p. m. Annual meeting of tho board of regents. At this hour all depart ments of the University will be oponed to tho public. Students will bo found In tho various laboratories who will direct the visitors and Impart informa tion rogardlng the work. A small elec trical exhibit will be given In the laboratory of the electrical engineers 2 p. m. Music by tho cadet band, followed by drill by the Pershing Rifles apd presentation of tho Porshing cannon. Grant memorial hall. 3 p. m. Annual Indoor athletic con test, followed by a class basket-ball gamo or an lnter-fraternlty relay po tato race. 8 p. m. Annual commencement ex ercises In Memorial hall: Music by tho University cadet band. Invocation Dr. J. E. Tuttle. Music University Glee Club. Charter Dnv Orntlnn "Prnmldlnir Phases of Education." by Dr. Frank W. GunsauhiB. of Chicago. Music Barlton solo, by Wilbur Starr. Music University Glee Club. H"J"HW,H,W,WWHJ,'I 13 w I J If h? i r Jmm cV X -r x f m jtL Jm I The Hanan Shoe Is unexcelled for style, wear, X and workmanship... . y Sold only by npniiiic r. ciin nnn X TLKIVIIIO OIILLUUI1 j 1020 O Stroot 4..K'K"H,K"!-M"W''Hr Tickets are not needed for admission to the various exercises. '"r.T.L n.i Phi nmR will be wol- with a banquet at the Lindell, March corned as a worthy addition to the list 1"- so of fraternities in tho University of Ne braska. The annual Sigma XI lecture will be delivered by ProfeBsor Dyche, of Kan sas, In Memorial hall this evening. Previous to the lecture a dinner will bo given Professor Dyche at the Lin coln. Short talks will bo given by President Jiruner, Professor Dyche, and others. The present organization of tho society Is as follows: President, Lawrence Bruner; vice-president, S. Avery; treasurer, C. R. Richards; re cording secretary. A. L. Candy; corre sponding secretary, Dr. A. Ross Hill. Paul Butler is among those who are not In school this semester. George Burllngamc has left the Uni versity, having secured a favorable opening elsewhere. N. A. Huse, who Is the editor of the Norfolk Daily News, visited with his son Norris at tho University Thursday. MIbs Edith Hlggins, assistant regis trar, left Friday morning for Omaha, where she will visit her parents over Sunday. jffigi&MmMMi Miss Ellen Smith, who was so long connected Vlth tho University, first aB teacher and later as registrar, Is very 111 at hor home In the city. That Fifth Company. Since a company "E" was created In the battalion, many havo been at a loss and anxious to know Just what this means. This new company Is practically an awkward squad, and Is composed of new men and those who have been eliminated from the other companies because they havo not yet Bhown sufficient aptitude for drill. The company will likely be permanent for tho semester, at least, and will be con tinued If the Blze of the battalion war rants. A corps of officers will prob ably bo appointed beforo long. LIPPINCOTT'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library The Best In Current Literature 12 Completi Novels Yearly M.'.NY SHOrnr STORIES AND P '.PERS O J TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 PER YEAR J 26 CT8. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIE8 every number complete in itself Tho cadet band is now composed of twenty pieces and will play Monday for Charter Day exercises. Progress In tho band-room Is reported. Tho greatest year In tho history of cadet uniform sales. As UBual, other houses made a cheaper bid, and as usual we have made tho uniforms, ears of our way of doing business will win every time. Paine. Quloklr Mcnrtd. OBTAIHXD. ous ran Dim whir patiht AaJ tHjul.l akat.1t A tfl.tiA IlK VS....'. auw.i. .ah.ava. v. yv.-v. d.Krlrtlon farfrt.erportMloiU&UbUltr. 4I-FA0I HAND-BOOK nil Contain rtfrnef knd fall Information. WKITK 70ft 00FT Of 0UH BMOIAL 0F7EK. Itli lh moit liberal propoiltloa Trma4 br naUnt attorn.y, and KVKftT IHVXXTOE SHOULD BEAD XT Utor appllnf for paUnt. AddrtMl H.B.WILLS0NKO. PATENT LAWYERS, LaDroltBUf., WASHINGTON. D. C. Valentines i party of twenty-four students from the Sterling high school, under the charge of their principal, Professor Clark, visited the museum of the Uni versity yesterday. The newest creations, from the best designers in the world. We Ijave them in all prices from one cent to $7.00. Just the things for parties, fine for friendship, in fallible for love. Miss Bouton, of tho domestic science department, is attending a number of Farmers' Institute moetlngs being hold at different points In tho state this week. At each of these meetings she is scheduled to deliver a lecture de scriptive of the work done in the do mestic Bcience department hero, and tho advantages of cooking by electricity. The Merchants' Cafo wants two stu dent waiters of experience to servo two meals per dayf for board. Come at onco. SAMUEL HALL Tho best Fountain Pen made is the S. E. Waterman's Ideal. E. Hallett, tho Jeweler, 1143 O St., has a fine selection. .- r :..,i : I 88 . Your Stationer as SB j23.b-5t. J $3.00 commutation ticket fpr $2.70 at the Merchants' Cafe, -117 No, 13tn St, Students are cordially Invited. , v The R. & C. barber shop, 1144 0 St, SQven jchalre. The finest In tne city, jWllMWWVrt..)'MMW I New Styles, New Ideas Not a department but shows something: new and attractive. Of all times of the year this is the most interesting; for shopping. NEW SUITS. NEW SILKS. NEW WASH GOODS. NEW VEILS. NEW BUTTONS. NEW NECKWEAR. NEW EMBROIDERIES. NEW CORSETS. ( I f NEW MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS. NEW RIBBONS. NEW MILLINERY. THE NEW BUTTONS aro beauties, showing equaro and oval' shapes as well as round. Heavy white pearl with plain, beveled or carved surfaces. THE NEW MILLINERY Dozens of black hats of raaline, taffeta, or chiffon tucked or corded and often combined with lacy straws'tur ban shapes and "picture" hats. THE NEW NECKWEAR Top-collars of Venlco lace, sheer em broidery, or fine Swiss in dainty tints embroidered with . grapes. Pique Btocks, tailored and buttoned. - ,i THE NEW VEILS All sorts of nots, close and filmy or loose and open. A white chiffon veiling 1b embroidered with tiny bunches of black grapes, f .. . f .. & Paine 9 1 . -a.'1fli, T .i.b '-. .-. r ' Jt - t . . -u I VirrTMrrryinrirTTn i.T , -. VI ;:l mV i t I it '.' . 'M " i t si h J j! M ;l 6 T "I 4 i ! .if t, , i ' J X, , 1 i -t a. - ,v , , vzl 41 . V . i . , . j ' ti'ri -r j T-imt " -j ..-i . . r j j . . j ' - k - - : ,k tofCy-Stt ,c. ;i5g aSV r71SM mm mmkmamiMh'm rri r'-rriirrTTiMiiifYiiirrr jura t Tmme&im,. v smmfusasjsJBmu;. i (' i tj;, W. lJfMMMMMMHtMMmMmmMmSSfALLJ&iMXMWr,XmR LJ