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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1902)
tBB$tttjtj&tVupmmn& THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. Hawam ni.uujin i '1 The Daily Nebraskan A newnpapel dovoted to tho tatereata of tho Uhlvortlty of Nebraska. hPnbllebed f tho Univorstty of Nobraska. A consolidation of THE HESPERIAN, Vol. XXXI. THE NEBRASKAN, Vol. XII. THE BOARLET & CREAM, Vol IV. Entered at tho postofllco nt Llnc&rn, fteb., aa second class mall matter . Subscription Price $2.00 per year. MatmKliiK Kelitor Roliort T Hill. Npws Kdltrti John V Tobin AdvnrtlHinR Manawr P. P. Duffy. Cltrulntor Froil NIoIhoii. ASSISTANT EDITORS. R. A. McNown. Wm. A Shock. Carlton C. Wllburn. Wm. Case. OfTlce IlnacMiu'iit UnlvorHity Hall PoHtofrWo AddMSH, Station A, Box 13 Songs of Victory. Tun" "Tho Talo of tho KaiiRnroo " Minnesota, hIio mt nutty, MlniH'Hota. bIu- not gay, But when t)u Kiitm whh over Sho felt the other .way. Sho Raw tho rmistellntloni. Tho moon, the Htius, tho huh Their football t'-uin felt Hkkly When tho football puno wan dono Tuno ' Conn- f(iv good follow and fill up our kIiihs ' Coiih' cM Kood mil man, toll It along' Sing to the football touin We've walloped tho (Jouhorn, they've not dod it long' Sing to tho football team' 1' of N V of N Oh) was tall l'. of N U. of N ou made him nquall. Olo v.a.s tall, You mado him squall. 1 It- i ouldn t si ore at all The husky Coi nlnibkeis put in theii best' Sing to tho football team' And poor Minnesota got nothing to M' Sing to the football team! I' of N 1' of N Do it homo more 1'. of N V of N. hold down tho si ore. Do it some more' Hold dovv n the si oi e' Champions o ormore. And next at the Tiger we're going to , try! Sing to tho football team! We'll moot him and beat him and black his eye! Sing to the football team! HIh hair will oomo out till hiB stripes are all spots, His legs will be lame and his tail full of knots, Stripes will be Bpots, Tail full of knots, Twisted and full of knots. There is an unusual Interest mani fested by the students of Wisconsin in tho state campaign this fall. The re publican and the democratic clubs aro each engaged in a lively canvas. A clock tower 90 feet in height is to be erected at Brown University at a cost of 30,000. The clock will be four faced and will be placed about two thirds of the distance from the bottom of the tower. Rootora' Celebration, from Pago I. Tho rnnnon was brought down from tho capital grounds and placed on tho campus Just north of tho bonfire, nnd during the remainder of the oenlng this was mado to speak foi the Ne braska ktory Ho Intensely excited did the uovvil hoc omo that the blea hois v i e i It ai e d and all but went into the flames This was prevented by fool headed miir slty students who understood the t,itua Hon and who saw what the i oimo quent es would be Aft r tho ciowd had Bonn what dis persed upon the rnmpus a mimlii i of students fell upon tho small solitai mule tor which was standing at 11th nnd P streets The mules wire un hitched and the tar pushed down on () street It was switched over on the eat going tracks and pulled nnd pushed down to about the middle of tho block between 11th and I'Jth streets Tho owner then called for police aid, nnd four ' ops" sue c oiled In delning the progress of tho i ai Alter some peisunsion the car was lifted upon tile otln i tiaK and the tled-up tais behind were allowed to go ahead The crowd had bet nine eiy tough by this tune and by inves tigation it si ems that the students weie in the minority Tho i ar was nm back to tho starting point Hero some little dlflkiilty was em ouutt n d with the police again, but the uowd was lomposed almost wholly of the tough er city i lenient who take an i ham e to have .some rough sport at the ex pense of the unheisity slueh nts However no one was hint timing the evening and in the- ast of the tar the owner was the otiK one who be arne angry SCOHK BY TOW KB UOH'IV Foi the first time in the- college his tory the lURtomni led light was not only dlsplajod upon the main tower, Tint also a largo bulletin in led and white lights gave the seme Thih tould be seen looming up against the bhu k sky fiom the1 southern part of the i it v as fai as the tower ould bo see n It was the Jesuit of rapid vvoik on the part ir Messrs Cinno, Oliver and Snn gei of the elec.trital tlepaitmont An immense boattl was lltteel up with the lights and pulled to the top ot the ll.lgstilff The' night se hoed of the Y M (' A is starting in with a good attendant e mid promises (o lie a sin t e ss V M Ihintti of the univiisitv is managing the se hool and conduits a numbt i of the s Double Breasted Coats are Good Style for Winter. Glance at the Patterns in my window. BUMSTEAD HE MAKES CLOTHES THAT FIT 1141 0 Street. Electric Shoe Repairing FACTORY 1220 O Street Get those shoes soled for 75c, Ladies' shoes soled for 50c. First class sewed work. We sell good shoes also. Cincinnati Shoe Store For the Best Work in the City Patronize The " Evans " Settlers' One -Way RATES Every day dining tin months of Sept mber and Octobi r, njo2. FROM LINCOLN, NKP,., Via tin UNION PACIflC. $20.00 to ()e,chn and Salt Laki City, $20.00 to Uutte, Anconda, and Helena. $22.50 to Spokane and Wcnati bee, Wash. $25.00 to Ewntt, Faitluwen, and New Whatcom, 1a Hunt ington and Spokane. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $25.00 to Ashland, Rose lung, Eu gene, Albany and Salt m, ia Portland. $25.00 to San Eiani isi o, Los Ange les and many otln r Call forma points. Full information dutifully fut nibheil, on applii ation to E. H. SLOSSON, Agent. Nebraska vs. Minnesota! Remember, 6 to OI The shoes worn by the Nebraska Eootball players were bought of PERKINS & SHELDON 1129 O STREET. Fountain Pe v- All $1.50 Pens Reduced to $1.00. ( all and see them. Lincoln Book Store 1126 0 STREET. " Till Hli i ls Si NSA 1 lo K I KV Will K y . " LILIPUT Colapsable Pocket Stereoscope Apparatus 'I hi smallest Ste nose ope with the stjongest optical effect. Highly finishi d in difb it nt colors with rich Hold and sil 1 1 ch c orations mount ings 1. Int Unlink 20 V. F. Photo gtaphs. rews of art (genre). PRICE ONLY Skoo. Sent ( vrry wln re 1 . paid in Utter form. AGliN IS WAN I LI). LILIPLT STEREOSCOPE CO. Jl OKR1.S1 EUILDING Mill DI I I'll I A. (JKOSSMAN'S Patent Writing Ring '1 he most important lmprove 1111 nt of the age in the art of pen manship makes the poorest writer a sph nchd pe nman in a few weeks l the use of this ring. Endorsed bv piomiin nt College Presidents and Hoards of Education in Eur ope and Ann iua. Sample doen as-,ortid sios st nt post paid for Si. 00. single sample 25c. When orde ring a sing It mg, state whether for man, woman, or c hild PENN MEG SUPPLY CO. 1 iejS I ourth Street, Plnlatl. Iplua y