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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1902)
THE DAILY NKBKASKAN. I ! Ganoung Pharmacy Co. 1400 () Street, Lincoln, Neb. Hot Soma in Skason. ()if. Son a in Skason. All Night. DR. J- R- HAGGARD. Physi cian and Surgeon. Special atten tion paid to diseases of females and rectal diseases. Rooms 212 to 214 Richards block. Residence 1 3 10 (7 street.' Office telephone 535. Residence telephone L 984. You SHOULD buy your Kodaks, Plates, Films, Oarda. Albums, Derelopors, Etc., of the LINCOLN PHOTO.SUPPLY 00., 115 South 1 lib Stroot, Lincoln, Nob. Pioneer Barber Shop Clean Llnon, Finest of Toilets. Firat Clasa 8ervice. A. L. KEMNERRER, Proprietor. 113 So. 11th St, Lincoln, Neb, STEVENS & NEVILLE'S New Location is at 130 O Street. Tool and Milliards in connection. Yule Bros. Laundry J5J4 O StrecJ. Tel. 754. TjJkOrigiimtorH of the Irion ofscnrilnjf homo work sat In factory Columbia National Bank Ok Li( 01 v, Nihksk. Capital, $100,000.00. Oi 1 n 1 rs: John B.Wright, Presi dent; J. II. Westcott, Vice-1'resi dent; Joe Samuels, 2d Vice-Piesi-dint, V. L. Hall, Cashier; W. 15. Ivyons, Assistant Cashier. "It's Old!" you say Will, iuir mind about that ' Bring that wheel to us and have it fixed, or trade it on a new one. That's what we're here for SHADER'S 1430 O Street. THE... NORTHWESTERN .,.LINE E., E. & M. V. R'Y. Best Link to ST. RAUL - BLACK HILLS CHICAGO OCT YOUR GYMNASIUM SHOES AT SANDERSON'S They have the GENUINE SWEDISH GYM NASIUM SHOES and a nupber or other styles. Local and Personal Oliwr Theater Pharmacy. The Iy Press prints to please. Restaurant 1228 O street. Gregory, the Coal Man. Purr Umber shop, 120 North 12th. Eat at Don Cameron's, 118 So. 11th. Uuy your Cloves at tho Famous. Pny your Corsets at the Famous. Uuy your Millinery at the Famous. Cloves Cleaned at tho Famous. Cameron's lumh counter, 118 So. 11th. "Why not rat at th Good Health Cnf. Hn the Iy Press Co print it. 125 No iL'th stn ct Tin1 budding liannna tree is attract ing 1 Diisiilcraldf attention. Patiuk Donahue of Ft Hodge, la, has 11 tin in d to take the Senior law ( out se Wanted-A man, to bell shoes on Sat urdays. One having experienie pre lened. Mayer Pros. The gardener,- Mr. Nelson. Is taking in many plants on account of the re por t of snow in the northwest. .1. Coad has' just returned to stait In school a few days ago. He is a rin mher of the Senior law school Dr A F Woods. 1 hief of the dil- Mon of vegetable pathology at Wash ington, is nsiting niilwisity fi lends. Denning hcuu-anthiac it Chan, hot and lasting The thing fen heating sto.e Only $K at Gregory, lull () St. Commandant Chase has lccommcnd ed that you leave your oicler for uni form with Mayer hos Suits. '., caps, $1 2f. "Dusty" Rhodes. "), the crack short stop of the university ball team. Is engaged In mercantile business at Mc Cook, Neb. Prof George E. Howard, dJrfHi of '76, is to prepare one volume in theNnono-; graphic history of the United States in ' twenty volumes under the direction of Prof. A. U. Hart. , UNI. WRITING PAPER. Write to Your Friends on UNI. Paper. UNI. TABLETS Seven kinds to choose from. Note, size an,d letter size, ruled and unruled, 10c, 15c and 20c. Envelopes, 5c, 10c and 15c EVERYTHING FOR THE CI C Kanr talcing special worn in ihemiHtry. Claude Carr, '02, in farming near Lexington. Elsie niondin. "02, is visiting friends in the ritv. O. E. Hiecke is pledged to Higrron Al pha Epsllon. The cactus bed in the greenhouse In blooming beautifully. Theodore Gould, '02, Is engaged in the btock business at Ogallala. H. A. McComb, '02, of athletic fnme, is in the garden buHincsH in Lincoln. The department of geology spent Wednesday in looking up Melds for students. Dr C W. M. Povntei has be.-n elA t ed lee tui it on anatomy in the m.dicnl di'paitruent of the unm-is-ity. You can Uae join oidu for a cadet unitonn with Majcr Pros. First cpial lty 1 loth. Suits, $i;!, raps. $120, iu- The Lincoln dealt is hne rained the in ue of milk. This has caused Home uneasiness in preparatory end fresh man ciicles. The coach of the Lincoln Academy football team says his men are show ing up .veil and will toon be ready to play some games. Mis. McCrosky, of South America, is a guest of the alumni Delta GammaH. Alter a short visit she will go to London, her future home. The Dramntic club has c hanged its constitution to the effect that past members of the elocution cIohh may row be members of the club. Ltle (5 Spaffoid narrowly escaped a m 1 ions accident while experimenting with a vacuum flash in the physics laboratory. The flask exploded and slightly injuied his face. A new 1 l.iL has been formed of uni eisity students. The first meeting was held "Wednesday evening at Miss Edith Locke's home. The next meeting will be held at Miss Outcalt's home. Dr. Mayhew, an enthusiastic rooter, is acting physician for the team. Dr. Everett, who looked after tho wqundH of the "boys in the past years, is talfing post work at Johns Hopkins. UNI. BOX PAPER Various sizes and grades. Pennant de sign and Uni. initial, Uni. seal and letter-heading in prepara tion. Price 35c and up. STUDENT AT SUBSCRIBE TO The Daily Nebraskan 75 CENTS FOR REST OE SEMESTER EVERY MAN AMD WOMAN READ THEIR "OWN" PAPER SUBSCRIBERS INSIST DOMESTIC HAND LAUNDRY 1312 E - Plione 274 Shirts, 4c. Collars. I l-2c. Cuffs, 3. Nothiug Cheap but price. Work Called for and delivered. Agency at The Co-Op. J. WILSON, Proprietor. JThe Improved BOSTON te GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON GARTER "Is stamped ion every loop. The CUSHION, button! .CLASP, Uo flat to the leg never Hp. Tears nor Unfastens. J U EVEIIYWHERr. 8tapljllrt Bilked.., vouonaoc. I . Muled ou receipt of price. ; 1024 O St. "1 -E. R. Butler, ; C. T. H. 1024 O St. Roy McGinnis, Gen'l Agt. THE CO-OP. i oko. raoer 00.. uuz ' MUHUM, JOM..TJJ.A, 'EVERY PAIR WARRANTED'