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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1902)
THJfc DAILY SlBBRABlLAJV. ' IBaiESSSSSiSSBEBSBBSSElBEB Sidles' Sportincj floods jModse Tennis, Base Ball and Gymnasium Goods. Agency for World and National Bicycles. Send us your Repair Work i3o4 o st., Phone f 1038. SIDLES CYCLE CO. ii DDnrcQQinuii niRPnmPY GRADUATING GIFTS. I I liui uuuiunnu uiiilvivi) icnDicaiaaDataiMoaDnD3Dintai iDBDODEiaaHaciaDaBiaaciBUni ; v , m JR. HAGGARD, M. D. Offlo 11W 0 Street, Rooms 212-213-214 Rioh prdfl Block, Telephone 586. Reeidenoe, IfllO Q Bta 1 Telephone IML DR. BENJ. F. BAILEY; Dr. Mar Loulso Flanagan; Office, 141 South 12th Street Telophone G18. Order Your Ice Oream Prom J. H. Stuckey 1837 O Street. Phone 1105. Special Attention Qlven to Dealers. Also Entertainments both Public and Private. The Only Up-to-Date Billiard and Pool Parlor 1b the City POWELL'S tt.&m nth St The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Capital, $200,000; surplus and profile. t8.8$7: deposits, $2,715,000. B. H, Burn- ham, President; A. J. Bawyer, Vic Prestj H. B. Freeman, Cashier; H. B. Evans, Asst. Cashier; Frank Porks, Lsst Cashier. UNITED SU'ATJiw vu- 3ITORY. WE ARE SOCIETY AND STATIONERY PRINTERS Dance Programs, Menu Cards. THE NEW CENTURY, IU3 N STREET. Students, Your Suitorium In located at '218 No. lltli StreK. Tele Iliono LlCtm. at BLUMENTHAL'S. Tliosc hats you buy of me will be taken care of free of charge Spring style Hats in soft Panama shapes ami Stiff Hats. Xbe proper Styles, Shades and .-izes in Regret, Invitation and Correspondence Station ery can always be found in our stock. Our Engraved Invita tions and Card Work is the finest to be had. Wilson J Jtoll, Booksellers StaMoners, 1123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. Yule Bros. Laundry 1514 0 St. Phone 754 Have your thesis bound at Osborn's Bookbindery, 131 N. 12th St. Second-Hand Books Sold on Commission. PERSONAL. Eat at Hendry'B, 129 N. 11th. Fi furs, Steele, 143 So 12th. Steele stores furs. See him C. E. Brown, dentist, Burr block. Bat at Don Cameron's. 112 Se. 11th. 6ft an up-te-date university hair-cut at Westerners. For sheet music and supplies go to the Muthows Piano Co., 1120 9 street. Dr. Woodward, oculist Richards blk. Cameron's lunch counter, 118 S. 11th. ValiseB and pocketbooks; 103G O. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O street university jeweler, Nicely furnished front room for rent at Y. M. C. A., or 1417 Q street. Harry Barker is at St hospital with diphtheria Elizabeth's .lames Cleary of Grand Island is in the city visiting his brother. Phi Delta Phi will hold a banquet at the Lincoln on Tuesday, June 3. Phi Delta Phi initiated Messrs. Hewitt and Johnson last Wednesday evening. Mr. Hoffman, '04, has position with the electric puny at Wymore. accepted a light com- W. F. Meier will give an address at Crete tomorrow evening before the -high school on "High School and Uni versity Debates." The last meeting of the I.atin club was held at MIbb Ruth Bryan's home, Monday evening. The speaker of the evening, Professor Howard, talked on "Modern Roman Literature." The class of '97 wnl be entertained Tuesday evenine. June 10. from 3 to G in the afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Hyatt, 1037 H street. The member ship of this class on graduation was LOCAL AND Of course youll hare to keep your room warm thlB winter Gregory the Coal Man Has Eleventh TRY SANDERSONS S3.00 AND S3. SO SPECIAL SHOES. Every student should be present at the mass meeting this morning. The question of the chancellor going to Wisconsin is a serious one and onei in which every student is interested. Let Memorial hall he filled with the students this morning. At the meeting of the debating asso ciation the following officers were elected: President, N. M. Cronin; vice president, F. M. Hunter; secretary-treasurer, C. I. Taylor, and sena tor, O. A. Lee. These offlcerH will con stitute the student members, of the debating board for next year. The stockholders of the Hesperian Publishing company held their annual election of officers for the coming year yesterday afternoon. The board of di rectors will be coinj)08ed as follows Professor H. B. Ward and J I Wyer, from the faculty, and Messrs. Wash burn, MeCaw and Leavltt as student members. The Hayward Republican club held its annua! election of officers yester day afternoon. The following were elected: President, F. M. Richard; first vice president, E. D. Hodge; sec ond vice president, C. C. Tellson; sec retary. W. A. Shock, and treasurer, Q. M. Peters. A resolution was passed endorsing Hon. C. J. Warner for a second term in the legislature. Plans were discussed for the work to be done by the club next fall in the campaign. Considerable interest was manifested ' by those present. E. F. Bliss, '02, lias accepted a good position as electrical inspector for the Union Switch and Signal company of Pittsburg, Pa. Mr. Bliss has given some special attention to the subject of block signaling, having spent all of last summer In the east gathering raa- terial for his thesis, which is upon this 1 subject. The Electrical World and En- 1 gineer of New York has arranged to , publish this thesis in its columns. The .' terrible railroad wrecks of the last six months .especially the New York tun nel disaster, have brought the need of better signallug prominently before the public. the Stuff and O Streets There is nothing more appropriate for a pres ent to a graduating friend than a Uni. Souvenir Spoon, Hat Pin, Watch Fob or Badge. All styles at THE CO-OP (DO) Tin-: INTERNATIONAL CORRES PONDENT SCHOOLS, Scran ton, Pa. Have over 400,000 stu dents. Join this host of ambitious young men and women, who arc getting a technical education, get ting practical experience and drawing their salaries at the same time. For further information call on, or write F. T. WRIGHT, Repres entative, 1205 O St., Room 21, Lincoln, Neb. Oeo. W. MontgromerTi President. Ll P. Funkhousor, Cashier. CASH CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Farmers and Merchants 16th and O Bta., Lincoln, Neb. MEADV1LLE THEOLOG ICAL SCHOOL. The Meadville Theological School, Meadville, Pa., founded in 1H44, is now newly endowed and amply equipped. Its courses of study are modern in range and methods. It is a school of liberal thought with no doctrinal tests. Thorough training for college graduates and special provision for other exceptional cases. Siend for catalogue to Pres. G. L. Cary. For Beast I lir mi li" wMic 1 . ImiiiI nit I. In. I f inie (firm llir Ijijc.I lu (lie tiuullctl .III IlllillliC lln foinplcle We make ill li ol repeating .ill. t I torn n lo 4$ .aiiife. '" ""' iqa"B vlM.iKiin') m tlic lol talnc fur t lie iiHMicy - c.llcreil All lur 1 no miiiii uii .iivn. ejcil at Ilia vlilr. Our new aulimiailc ictoii c,raiinu ucvur iiuw niiuixtt:.. u.. an oi cir uionjun niano n mc liiailliiR u'" """ llluitialicl Lalalut; lut on Tk. Mwlla lr Arm, C. new luitii Bird j !-