Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1902)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA!!. Con?rr)ei?ceflQef?t Stilts. Preparations of All Kinds are Being Hade for Com mencement. V p '1 1 I li . 1 ; m I am prepared to make you a Suit on short notice and at a short price. Fvery pattern in my spring stock must go. Many students have told me they would like to buy Clothes of me if they could af ford it. Well, here is your chance. Notice th'-sc prices and remember that every Suit is made no honor. 67 Suit Patterns, Cheviots, Worsted Cheviots, Flannels, etc., worth $35.00, your choice, 76 Suit Patterns, Worsteds, Homespuns, Cheviots, extra quality Flannels, etc., worth $40.00 your choice ----------- 44 Suit Patterns- of finest Imported Woolens of all kinds, including the famous -'Cooper" goods, worth every cent of $45.00, your choice for - Kemembei that you not only have the best cloth in the city to select from, but your suit will be made by the best of Unicn Journeymen Tailors, right here at home. Trimmed and finished the same as if you paid regulai prices. 1 have always endeavored to make the best Clothes in the city and I expect this sale to be the best advertised I ever had. Fvery Suit will make friends foi $28.50 3350 38.OO . -huuo dtecL -" '- 0-Jt- N B Sile began Mondaij. Miij 'A(3, lQO Gomo oarhj ELEOTRIO LIGHTED TRAINS The ('uii)ii 1'iwific mis the first line to introduce Dining Cars. Vestihul ed Cars. Steam I lent, I'intscli l.ilit 1 In fTt-L Smolcinjr and Lilirury Cars, Tourist Cars, on Ti ans-Conl inental Trains, west of he Missouri Itiver. IT AGAIN LEADS by introdueiiiK' an Kleetrie Lighted Train tlirouhout. "The Overland Limited," with Compartinei.t Cars, having H'eetrte Lamps. Mleetrie Willis, Kloetrie ( urlin Iron Heat, erh, Telephone Serviee, ete.; Dining Rooms with Kleetrie Candeiahra ltiith Koiiins, Itarher Shops, Cireu lating Libraries, ete. The ears comprising this train constitute the highest anl best de velopment of ear construction and of comfortable and luxurious travel. This famous train reaches Salt L'lUe City 1'.' hours and San l'Yun ciseo 1(5 hours ahead of ifll competi tors. Full information cheerfully fur nished 011 application to E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. The Thomas Bowling Alley, 1210 O St. Is the popular resort of Lin coln. If you are not a bowler, get in line. HAYWAIll) HICPUHLICAN CLUB All republican students are requested to meet in university hall at 1:30 Wed nesday afternoon for the election of officers for the Hay ward Republican club H. W HARHOR. President NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned have formed a corporation under the statutes of the state of Ne braska The name of the corporation shall be The University Publishing Company The principal place of busi ness of siu h corporation shall be at the city of Lincoln, Luncaster county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted shall be the printing, publishing and selling of books and periodicals, and the manu facture and sale of school furniture and supplies of all kinds. The amount of capital stock authorized shall be $20,000, fully paid and divided into 20 shares of $100 each. The time of ex istence of such corporation shall be fifty years from the 1st day of May, 1902. The highest amounUof indebted ness or liability to which such corpor ation shall at any time subject itself Bhall be 25 per cent of the capital stock. The affairs of the corporation are to be conducted by a board of di rectors, elected annually by the stoek nolders. Signed, J. W. CRABTRELO, GEO. L. TOWNS. IK DOING ABROAD, WRITE WARD BROTHERS, (Jenerml Steamship AkoiiU. Long persujiul tcturlun uxperitmce, AW South Clnrk St. Chicago, III. BEFORE LEA AG EOR HOME Clothe ourstlf with new style Clothing and up-to-date Furnishings. Hear in mind that F wings, 1 1 15-1 1 1 7 () St. hae the late creations in Clothes, Shirts, Shirt Waists, .Belts, Fancy Hose. No new novelty art but what ou'll find here. Etoimj Qlothimj (Jo., FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS 1 1 15-1 1 17 O St, LINCOLN, NKH. I i Ml " I I J Ai "AH work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Tho college band of 44 pieces and the various classes alternate in gi vine monthly entertainments including musi cal, literary and social features. Chicago College of Dental Surgery (Deatal Department of Like Forest University.) Tivcnty-first Annual Course of instruction will begin Oct. 1st, 1902. In order to complete the course of instruction in three years it is necessary to enter the coming session 1902-1903 ns a four year course will bo required thereafter. For illustrated catalogue address DR. TRUMAN W. BROPHY, Dean. Wood &. Harrison Sts., Chicago. fe J