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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1902)
THE DAILY HKBRABKAS. V" The Dally Nebraskap A Newipaper devoted to the IntereiU of tb Unlvemlty of Nebraska, A tONHOMUATIONOF 'llio Hesperian. Vol. XXX Tlie Nebrwkan Vol. XI Tlio Bcarlot & Cream. Vol. Ill Htrrllnr II. McCaw. ' . Hiirhnr, (Tins I. Taylor, i CJiiih. R. Weill, f H V. 1J 111. Managing Kdltor Kdltor-Tn-Clnrf Builnosi Manapem Al8tR!)t KOI to I A8N001ATK KDITOHB V. C. Batle. H. A. MoNown. H. . NeUon Win. Cue. Dan Qutleben. Rntared at the poit ofllco at Lincoln. Neb a Becoud data Mall Matter. TELEPHONE 4T. Captain Wostover wishes to call to the attention of the football men that they will be expected to report for practice Saturday afternoon. Special attention will be given to kicking. Hudge & Quenzel. an enterprising firm of the city, has offered a silver cup to the man making the best record In punting. The courses In botany have been re numbered and some have been extend ed from one semester to two. Several courses have been dropped because of being combined with others, and one entirely new course biometry has been added. The courses now rank from I to. , with a few blank num bers for future additions. NEBRASKA BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND 6OLLE6E BOYD BUILDING, .7th AND Bccilonal View el Actual Business and Banking Department. Endorsed by high school principals, leading business men and official court reporters. Absolutely thorough. The finest and most thoroughly equipped Institution in the West; $4,000 invested in standard typewriters; $3,600 banking and Onier 'fixtures placed In actual business department. Elegant roll-top desks ordered for Commercial Department. Another floor has been leased that all may be accommodated. Situations procured for over 90 PER CENT of' last year's enrollment Students may enter any time. Address A C. OAG, A M. LLB. RRES. " Write for Kltyant CiltnloKtie, Free. Last Thursday evening Misses May nnd Etta Agee were Initiated into the Eleventh Hour club at 1525 R street. After the Initiation ceremonies were over and the new members had under gone the usual ordeals, the club ad journed to 500 North Sixteenth street, where a light luncheon was served The rooms were decorated In pink and black and pink carnations, the dub flowers, were everywhere In evidence. Miss Grace Evans was toastmistress, and responses were made to the fol lowing toaBts: "The Club; Its Past. Present and Future." Lila Spurlock; "The Usual Toast," Winifred Wolga mot; "The New Members," Hess Brown. DO NOT FORGET that you will soon be going away. You can't carry your trunks. Call us up and we will take you to any depot and send a hack to take you. Tel. 303. Ensign Omnibus & Transfer Co. LINDSEY'S For Cigars, Tobaccos, and Up-to-date Reading Matter. Richards Block. Also 1131 O St. Capitol City Bowl- ing Alley, 1218 N St We cater to the student trade. O. E KIMBERLY, Prop. Secure a Practical Education OWE THAT WILL FIT YOU FOR REAL LIFE. We make a specialty of preparing young men and young women for Business. Ours is an old estab lished Institution. Expenses low. Send for Cata logue. Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Nebrasha. HARNEY STS., OMAHA, NEBR Established Nine Years. A School Without a Superior. Employs the Ablest Teachers. BOOK-KEEPING Actual Business from the Start BANKING As It Is Practiced. TYPEWRITING The Touch Method, SHORTHAND Graham and bregg Systems. ENGINEERING Practical and Thorough. OMAHA. NEB HP HOT'AIR ' ymzc JlfiflliliiflMMfiliMH SlSBinSniaSBIIII IT'S WARMING UP Spring is at hand. We havi- a stronger lint- of Racycles than ever. The 1902 Models are beauties. Several new features. Come in and see them. GIRARD CYCLE CO., Phone 908 FOR THE TENNIS COURT AND BASEBALL FIELD For the gymnasium, those new Tennis and Baseball Shoes we have just received are the pro per thing. Call and see them. Perkins & 1129 O Bicycle Tires Don't that old Bicycle of yours need New Tires? Remember, we arc selling them at CUT PRICES On account of Bicycles and all reduction. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY 140( O Street Sheldon's, STREET. our Removal Sale Sundries at same 202 S. lltji St. "Saiaab - ft